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Asking for clarification Did You Remember? PROMPTS FOR INTERRUPTING 1. Pardon me? 2. beg your pardon? 3. Excuse me. Could you repeat that, please? 4, Could you say that again? 5. Imsorry, I didn't hear you properly. 6. I'msorry, I missed that. 7. Vmsorry, I didn't catch that. 8. Idon’t understand what you mean. / What does. mean? 9. Could you give an example? / Could you explain more about __? 10. Did you say 2 (repeat what you think a person said) ‘Good morning, everybody! Next Saturday we are planning a field trip to Fort Whyte. 1t% a chance to see all kings of animals that are typicat here in Canada. t's a great place to take the kids. We are getting together in Parking Lot D at 6:30 in the morning. Be ‘on time!_We want to be ready to leave by seven. ‘Your frends and families are welcome to come along but please let us know how many people are coming. We don’t have a bus this year so If you don't have a car, let us know so that we can carpeal. It's Important you let us know by Tuesday if you are planning to come. ‘The social committee is providing soft drinks and ice cream but bring ‘your own lunch. Well be there all morning and be back here at about {three in the afternoon,

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