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The Agony

Some things have a better hold on us than others. Some have a tighter grasp that it's suffocating
and weighing you down. It's almost as if you're in excruciating pain, like getting a shot, and you
can't think about anything else. You are in a moment of anguish and unable to move forward.

A terrible agony that I would not wish on anyone in the world: The despair of failing to do
enough. The anguish of suffering, the pain of regret, the sorrow of wanting to let go but not
being able to, the melancholy of discovering that one's actions have repercussions and that there
is no undo button, the grief of failing to speak what you should have said. The misery of letting
someone go for them to be happy, even if it meant happiness without you. It is a pain that does
not physically disable, but rather a pain of the heart that can never relieve, a persistent stab
wound that can never heal, and a pain that I couldn't expect anyone to understand.

We frequently hold to people, places, and experiences because we believe our grip and
connection demonstrate deep affection. And that letting go means giving up on them, ourselves,
and our love. However, this is rarely the case. Losing everything we are accustomed to is
terrifying! This process, however, is not a loss because it frees up more space in our life for the
things we desire and enjoy.

You'll only suffer more if you hold on. "LET GO EVERYTHING, WHAT IS TO BE YOURS
WILL BE YOURS" is a straightforward principle of nature. Everyone will die: It is a universal
truth. Live in your moment so that you will be satisfied. There is no need to hold anything. And
you will not be clutching anything after you die. At whatever level you are, be the hero of the
moment. Whether you're playing basketball or cleaning toilets, do it perfectly. The highest gem
you have is the satisfaction of the present. Leave the rest behind and live your life to the fullest.

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