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Charmaine Curaza

About Life
Before starting my speech , I would like to greet all of my classmates
and to you Sir.
Good Evening
It is a pleasure to me to deliver a speech about life. I hope you will
like the words I formulated in my speech.
The word contains only 4 alphabets ,but no one can assess its
vastness in reality.Every human has a different life story. Some of us
experience a lot of good happenings in life where other ones
experience the exact opposite.
In our life, there are periods of challenges that we must face, but the real
challenge is how we grow and learn from overcoming them. Being naive
children, we believed that life was simplistic and effortless. Well, we were
wrong, we can only yearn for life to be easy. Growing up, we continue to face
countless hurdles that only get bigger and bigger. My life, in particular, has been
filled with numerous up and downs. It felt like I was in an endless roller coaster
going up and down. Some believe that life is filled with obstacles and
experiences that will help us pave the path to our own successes. But is that
really accurate? There are some points in life when I’ve felt that I would never
conquer a problem. From trying to learn to walk, to making big decisions that
would affect the outcome of life. There are always complications and doubts
that block our path. What job am I to choose? What university do I apply for?
These thoughts will soon turn into a bitter reality. A reality that we will have to
face. I would do anything to go back in time when I thought learning division
was complicated as untying a series of knots. Sadly, this is the harsh reality, but
even in this reality, we see even ourselves getting through a barrier. Life isn’t a
game where you only have one try. Even when we stumble a thousand times,
we can still manage to get back up, and it’s that thing about life that leaves me
in awe. And now I know that Life is a series of failures and lessons.

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