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Rhea Mae Arciga: The Story of My Life

My name is Rhea Mae Billones Arciga and I'm 22 years old. I was born on August 25, 2001 in Lus-Onan,
Panay, Capiz. I'm a 4th year college that took Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English at
Hercor College Roxas City. My parents are Monica and Robert Arciga. My mother is the one that takes
good care and guides me and my siblings while my father is working in Manila to provide a financial
support for us. We're seven in the family and we are five Maria's, I'm the third among the five and
people say we all look the same. We have experienced many difficulties in life but we never let them to
break our family.

I have a very fulfilling feeling about what I have been able to accomplish in my life so far. I want the
absolute best for myself and those close to me. I often go above and beyond to help those around me
succeed and be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be.

My life is a mixture of moments, some happy moments and others not so much, but regardless, these
moments has transformed me from what I used to be to who I am today and I don’t regret anything that
had happen. I consider myself a strong, and a very determined person, I have dreams to fill the world
and I am willing to do the necessary efforts to attain those dreams. My motivations I inherit from my
family, more specifically my parents that I love so much.

I, myself learned that failure is not a tragedy if you learn from your mistakes. I became steady and strong
after finding the courage to believe in myself. While the prospect of a challenge used to frighten me, it
now fuels my determination to work even harder and overcome the obstacles that stand in my way. I've
realized that the ideas I've hidden in the past can now benefit the world. It's been a long journey of self-
discovery, but I'm finally confident in who I am.

I have my own way of thinking, preferences and dislikes, as well as morals and beliefs and I am not easily
swayed, except for love but I'm working it out on myself. I am extremely open about my emotions and
do not hold anything back. Now, who I appear to others is exactly who I am, with nothing held back.
Along with my value shift, I've realized that there are far worse things that could happen than doing
something embarrassing. Life is too short to obsess over minor details. Also, at the risk of sounding
arrogant, I have to admit that I adore the person I have become.

Deep down, I believe that the creation of the universe from empty space, followed by the emergence of
life, ultimately led to the creation of man. I believe that man is meant to be a great experiment, with the
possibility of failure due to man's own guilt being greater than the failure of creation. To succeed in life,
you must believe in yourself and never give up despite of any hardship that throws on your way.

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