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Technology is becoming part of people's daily lives; from home appliances, office equipment, personal
gadgets and educational devices. It is a great help for everyone because it makes things easier and
makes the process faster. Just like in education wherein computers and laptops really help a lot in
research and learning of students. In the present time, technology is rapidly entering schools as one of
the tools used in the learning process.

The trend in education changes as years go by. In the previous years, reading newspapers, magazines,
journals, course materials and books are rampant. But then again, technology interferes which
contribute to the development of such materials. With the rapid advancement of technology today,
there have been numerous developments that completely changed the lives of many. One of these
developments is the digitization of book which is now called as an electronic-book. An electronic book is
a text- and image-based publication in digital form produced on, published by, and readable on
computers or other digital devices. Digital books are popular these days because of their accessibility
with just the use of internet. (Gardiner and Musto, 2010)

Philippine publishers are now offering e-books for academic purposes. The use of technology in the field
of teaching and learning offers opportunities for collaborative engagement, access to information, and
interaction with content; creating an engaging, motivating learning environment; and enabling efficient
teaching and effective learning practices.

Local Literature Review

Felix Librero (2017) stated that the cell phone, now the most widely used medium in Asia, has major
educational implications. Most users, however, do not realize the digital tools' potential for education,
nor even for the communication functions for which it was originally designed.

Since Philippines are a developing, it is relevant to examine some of thestudies on e-learning in

developing countries. A study on e-learning in developingcountries presented a framework for
developing e-learning programs in universities.

Philippine publishers are now offering e-books for academic purposes. Vibal Foundation and Diwa
Learning Systems, Philippine educational publishers, are digitizing their products to meet the
current trends (Estopace, 2010). In the digital age, universities are progressively adapting to e-teaching
and e-learning; integrating technology as part of the learning process by offering computer labs in the
campus. As cited by Mohammad (2012), the use of technology in the field of teaching and learning
offers opportunities for collaborative engagement, access to information, and interaction with content;
creating an engaging, motivating learning environment; and enabling efficient teaching and
effective learning practices.

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