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Rhywen Paul Gabriel F.

BSBA-FM 2nd Year

When we say ‘market’ it comes in our mind that it is a grocery store or a

produce market in a town square, or perhaps a shopping mall, do you agree? But
these are just example of markets and you can learn some important markets in
the video that markets aren’t stores at all, the buyers and sellers will probably
never meet. But our economy would not function the same without these
markets and they are capital markets. According to the video, capital markets
have two different distinct markets, and that is primary and secondary markets,
capital market also defined as financial markets that bring buyers and sellers
together to trade stocks, bonds, currencies, and other financial assets and they
help people with ideas become entrepreneurs and help small businesses grow
into big companies. They also give folks like you and me opportunities to save and
invest for our futures, hence, capital market is very important in our economy to
become successful entreprenuers.

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