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ANALYSIS- Speech By King Martin Luther

King Martin Luther begins his address by referring to it as the finest exemplar of the American
freedom movement. In the speech, he talks about the crucial exigency of freedom and justice for
the Black Americans. He highlights the future while comparing the past and present scenario. By
mentioning Lincoln, he reminds the audience of the Emancipation Proclamation, which arrived
as a joyful sunrise to end the long and dark night of the Negros’ enslavement. Although the
Proclamation was a major step towards the liberty of Black Americans, King Luther contends
that there is still a lot to do for their justice. Segregation and discrimination have forcefully
marginalised the Negros in the society and led to their oppression and suppression.
He critiques the modern belief and reminds the people that the promissory notes of the
Constitution and Republic were for every person whether they are black or white, but the reality
is not the same. The demand is freedom and upliftment from poverty and subjugation for the
Negros in their own land.

He concludes by saying that the United States needs to bring equal opportunities for the Negros
immediately, or the Black Community would not give up until they are granted full and equal

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