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How do develop Millionaire mind ?

The Secret Psychology of Wealth
By T. Harv Eker
"There is a secret psychology to money.
Most people don't know about it, that's
why most people never become
financially successful. A lack of
money is not the problem, it is
merely a symptom of what's
going on inside you...

Now you can learn how to

develop a Millionaire Mind!”

Lesson 1
Don’t Believe a Word I Say
People are shocked when at the beginning of my seminars I recommend they
'DON'T BELIEVE A WORD I SAY.' Why would I suggest that? Because I can only
come from my own experience. Meaning that nothing I say is inherently true or false,
right or wrong. It's just my experience.
The principles I teach in my seminars have totally transformed my life, and have
now transformed the lives of thousands and thousands of other people. And if you learn
these principles, and more importantly use them, they will transform your life too.
All I ask is that as you read 'How To Develop A Millionaire Mind,' you be open
enough to try the material out for yourself in your own life. And whatever works, you
keep doing and what doesn't, you're welcome to drop.
Before I hit the age of 30 I had already owned over a dozen different businesses.
One of those businesses was opening one of the first retail fitness stores in North
The interesting thing about that business is that I started that company with only
I borrowed on my Visa card.
The business was so successful that I was able to open 10 stores in only 2 1/2
years and then sold half the company shares to the H. J. Heinz Corporation (the ketchup
people) for $1.6 million.
After that I semi-retired and moved to sunny San Diego. I took a couple of years
off and then began doing one-on-one consulting. I suppose my clients liked their results,
because they started bringing friends, partners and associates to our sessions.
Soon I was dealing with 10 or 12 people at a time. One of my clients suggested I
might as well open up a school. I thought that was a great idea, so I did. I founded the
Street Smart Business School and taught thousands of people all across North America
'street-smart' strategies for 'high speed' success.
That's when I noticed something very strange going on in my seminars. I noticed
that you could have two people sitting side by side in exactly the same room, learning
exactly the same strategies and tools. And one person would take these tools and
skyrocket to success.
But what do you think would happen to the person sitting right next to them? Not
much! That's when I realized that you can have the best 'tools' (strategies and systems) in
the world, but if you've got a tiny leak in your 'toolbox' (your mind) you've got a
So I began designing programs based on the 'inner' game of money and success
and when we combined the inner game (the toolbox) with the outer game (the tools),
virtually everybody's results went through the roof!
And that's what you're going to 'learn' in this newsletter: how to blend the inner
game with the outer game to achieve total success.
Josh Billings put it this way; 'It's not what we don't know that prevents us from
succeeding, it's what we know that just ain't so that is our greatest obstacle.'
Therefore, this e-book is not only about 'learning,' it's also about 'unlearning!' It's
important to realize that your old ways of thinking and being have gotten you exactly
where you are right now. If you're really rich and really happy, fine. But if you're not, I'd
invite you to consider some possibilities that may not fit into what you 'think' is right.
One of my favorite stories is a perfect example of how most people search for
answers in life, but when the answers don't fit with their old ways of thinking they simply
ignore them and continue searching.
A man who is walking along a cliff all of a sudden loses his balance, slips and
falls off, but he has the presence of mind to grab on to the ledge. He's hanging there for
dear life. He's hanging and hanging and finally calls out, 'Is there anybody up there that
can help me? There's no answer. He keeps calling and calling and finally this big
bellowing voice calls back, 'This is God. I can help you. Just let go and trust.' Next thing
you hear, 'Is there anybody else up there that can help me?'
Lesson 2
Your Wealth Can Only Grow to the
Extent the YOU Do!
In the last lesson I told you a little bit about myself. I also explained that in my
live seminars we discovered that people exposed to the same "outer world" wealth
creation tools produce different results. When I began to add processes to help people
develop their "inner world," the way they think and feel about wealth, virtually
everyone's results went through the roof.
We'll move onto the next lesson in a moment, but first I want to challenge you
with an idea:
It's important to realize that YOUR OLD WAYS OF THINKING AND BEING
rich and really happy, fine. But if you're not, I'd invite you to consider some possibilities
that may not fit into what you "think" is right.
I once saw a multi-millionaire do a demonstration that changed my life.
The man held two deflated balloons, one substantially larger than the other. He
explained that in this demonstration "air" represented money and each balloon
represented a different person. He then proceeded to blow up (put money into) the
smaller balloon (person). He maxed it out at about 6 inches.
He then blew air, (money) into the larger balloon (person) and maxed it out at
about 12 inches. He then asked, "What's the difference between these two "people"? The
obvious answer was that "the bigger balloon (person) can hold a lot more air (money)
than the smaller balloon (person) without busting.
This demonstration hit me right between the eyes. I had just "blown up" my
fourth business in a row and was in the midst of looking for a new "right" opportunity.
Once again,
I was searching outside myself for the answer. I had never even considered that
maybe "I" was part of the problem.
The lesson was clear: "your wealth can only grow to the extent you do!" If you
keep putting more 'money' into a small 'person', they will quickly go bust! I got it and
then could barely look at myself in the mirror for a week!
Have you heard of people who have "blown up" financially? Who have had big
money and lost it? Or have had sweet opportunities go sour on them?
Now you know the real cause. On the outside it looks like bad luck, a downturn in
economy, a lousy partner, whatever...
On the inside, however, it's a whole other situation. If you do come into some big
money, when you're not ready on the inside, your wealth will be short-lived. Chances are
good you will lose it.
Most people do not have the "internal capacity" to create, hold and manage, large
amounts of money and success and the increased challenges that go with it. That's the
primary reason they don't have it.


"The Roots Create The Fruits"
Imagine a tree. Let's suppose this tree represents the tree of life. On this tree there
are fruits. In real life our fruits are called our results. So we look at the fruits (our results)
and we don't like them. We think there's not enough of them or they're too small or they
don't taste good.
So what do we do? Most of us put even more attention and focus on the fruits; our
results. But what is it that actually creates those particular fruits? It's the seeds and the
roots that create those fruits. It's what's under the ground that creates what's above the
ground. It's the invisible that creates the visible. Meaning that if you want to change the
fruits, you will first have to change the roots.
In order to change your roots, let me introduce you to a very important formula.
This formula is so critical that understanding it can change your life! It is called the
Process of Manifestation:
T-> F-> A-> R
Thoughts lead to Feelings.
Feelings lead to Actions.
Actions lead to Results.
If you want to change your results, your "Fruits", your will need to change your
thoughts, your "roots."
This will help you understand why...
Not having enough money is a RESULT! If a problem exists, it's in your thinking
and how that thinking manifests through feelings and actions to produce your results.
I'm known for saying "Give me five minutes and I can predict your financial
future for the rest of your life."
How? In a short conversation, I can identify what's called your money and
success "blueprint." Each of us has a personal money and success blueprint already
ingrained in our subconscious mind and this blueprint will determine your financial
So what is a blueprint? Consider the blueprint for a house. The blueprint is a
preset plan or design for that particular home.
In the same way, your "money blueprint" is simply a preset program or way of
being in relation to money. And through the TFAR formula, your blueprint manifests
your financial reality.

Lesson 3
How Your Money Blueprint is Formed
In the last lesson we discovered that people have a subconscious capacity for
financial success which often results in their "blowing" wealth or wealth building
opportunities: in short, your wealth can only "grow" to the extent that you do.
Further, we discovered the LAW OF MANIFESTATION and the acronym,
TFAR, which means that your Thoughts (especially subconscious) lead to Feelings which
lead to Actions which produce your Results. And naturally from this we can see that a
lack of money is never a "problem," it's a result of conditioned and largely automatic
This carries us to today's topic which will help you determine the source of your
subconscious thoughts, namely your personal money and success blueprint.
As I mentioned last week, your "money blueprint' is simply a preset program or
way of being in relation to money.
Your financial blueprint consists of your thoughts, feelings and actions in the
arena of money. Notice that these are based in your "inner" world, and that they lead to
your results, which are based in your outer world.
So how do you get your money blueprint? The answer is simple.
Your financial blueprint consists primarily of the "programming" you received in
your past, especially as a young child. Who were the primary sources of this
conditioning? They were parents, siblings, friends, authority figures, teachers, religious
leaders, media, and your culture to name a few.
Take culture. Isn't it true that certain cultures have a certain way of thinking and
dealing with money while in other cultures it's completely different?
Do you think a child comes out of the womb with those ways of being? No. The
child is "taught" how to think about and act in relation to money. The same holds true for
You were "taught" how to think about and handle money, whether you realized it
at the time or not. Then you take this conditioning with you and run on it for the rest of
your life.
1. Verbal programming; what you "heard" when you were young.
2. Modeling; what you "saw" when you were young.
3. Specific Incidents: what you "experienced" when you were young.
Lets begin with "verbal" programming. What did you hear about money, wealth
and rich people when you were growing up?
Did you ever hear phrases like:
Money is the root of all evil.
Save your money for a rainy day.
Rich people are greedy.
You have to work hard to make money.
Money doesn't grow on trees.
You can't be rich and spiritual.
What am I made of.... money?
Money doesn't buy happiness.
Money talks.
The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
That's not for people like us.
And the "infamous"... we can't afford it.
Most statements like these that you heard when you were young, are still with you
in your subconscious mind and are running your financial life.
An example of the power of verbal conditioning came at the expense of one of
our seminar participants. Stephen never had a problem "earning" money, His challenge
was "keeping" it. At the time he came to the course he was earning over $800,000 a year
and had been doing so for the past 9 years.
Yet he was still barely scraping by. Somehow he would manage to spend it, lend
it or lose all his money by making poor investments. Regardless of why, his net worth
was exactly zero!
At the "Millionaire Mind Intensive" he shared that when he was growing up, his
mom used to always say, "Rich people are greedy. They make their money off the sweat
of the poor. You should have just enough to get by. After that you're being a pig."
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what is going on inside Stephen's
subconscious mind. It's no wonder he's broke.
He was verbally conditioned to believe that rich people are greedy. Therefore, his
mind linked up "rich" and greedy or "bad."
Since he doesn't want to be "bad," subconsciously he can't be rich.
But he loves his mom very much and doesn't want her to disapprove of him.
Obviously, based on her beliefs, if he got rich she wouldn't approve. Therefore the only
thing to do was to get rid of any excess money!
Now you would think that in choosing between being rich or being approved of,
most people would take rich. Not a chance! The mind just doesn't work that way. Sure it's
logical. But in a choice between logic and emotion, emotion just about always wins.
Anyway, back to our story. In less than 10 minutes at the course, using several
extremely effective processes, we completely rewired the money files in Stephen's mind.
In only two years, he went from being broke to being a millionaire.
The second way we are conditioned is called modeling. What were your parents
or guardians like in the arena of money when you were growing up? Did one or both of
them manage their money well or did they mismanage it; were they spenders or savers;
were they shrewd investors or non-investors; did money come easily in your family or
was it a struggle; was money a source of joy in your household or the cause of bitter
Why is all this important? Have you heard the saying "monkey see monkey do?"
Well, humans aren't far behind. As kids, we learn just about everything by modeling.
Although most of us would hate to admit it, as the old saying goes, "The apple
doesn't fall too far from the tree."
It reminds me of a story about a woman who prepares a ham for dinner by cutting
off both ends. Her bewildered husband asks why she cuts off the ends. She replies,
"That's how my mom cooked it." Well it just so happened that her mom was
coming for dinner that night. So they asked mom why she cut off the ends of the ham.
Mom replies, "That's how my mom cooked it." So they decide to call grandma on the
phone and ask why she cut off the ends of the ham. Her answer? "Because my pan was
too small!"
The third primary way we are conditioned is by specific incidents. What did you
experience when you were young around money, wealth, and rich people. These
experiences are extremely important because they shape the beliefs or I should say,
illusions, you now live by.
For example, we had a woman who was an operating room nurse, attend one of
our Millionaire Mind Intensives. She made an excellent income but shared that somehow
she always spent all of her money.
When we dug a little deeper, she revealed that when she was eleven years old, she
remembers being at a Chinese food restaurant with her parents and her sister. Her mom
and dad were having a bitter argument about money, (as usual). Her dad was standing up,
screaming and hitting his fist on the table. She remembers him turning red, then blue,
then falling to the floor with a heart attack. She was on the swim team and had CPR
training which she administered, but to no avail. Her father died in her arms.
And so from that day forth she linked money and pain. It's no wonder then, as an
adult, she gets rid of all her money to try and get rid of her pain.
It's also interesting to note that she was a nurse. The reason why? She was still
trying to save her dad!
At the course, we performed a little of our magic on her and today she's well on
the way to becoming financially free. She's also not a nurse any more. Not that she didn't
enjoy it.
Just that she was doing it for the wrong reason. Instead, she's now a financial
planner, helping people, one on one, understand how their past programming runs every
aspect of their lives.
So now for the million dollar question. What is your current money and success
blueprint subconsciously set for? Are you set for success, mediocrity or for financial
Are you programmed for struggle or ease around money ? Are you set for
working hard for your money or being in balance?
Are you conditioned for having a consistent or inconsistent income; first you have
it, then you don't, then you have it, then you don't. It might appear as though the reasons
for these drastic fluctuations come from the outside world as in, "I got a great paying job
but then the company folded, then I started my own business and things were booming
but the market dried up, my next business was doing great but then my partner left," etc,
etc, etc.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, regardless of how things appear on the
outside, everything that happens in your physical reality, comes from the "inside."
Inconsistent income is nothing more than a conditioned program.
So how can you tell what your personal money and success blueprint is set for?
One of the simplest ways is to look at your results. Look at the "fruits;" that will tell you
what "roots" have been planted.
Look at your bank account. Look at your income. Look at your net worth. Look at
your consistency. Look at whether you're a spender or a saver. Look at your success with
Look at your business success. Look at your relationships that involve money. Is
money a struggle? Do you work hard for your money? Do you own a business or do you
have a job? Do you stick with one thing for a long time or do you jump around a lot?
Your blueprint is like a thermostat. If the temperature in the room is 72 degrees,
chances are good the thermostat is set for 72!
Fortunately or unfortunately, your personal money and success blueprint will tend
to stay with you for rest of your life, unless you identify it and change it.
AUTOMATIC SUCCESS, that's exactly what we do in our Millionaire Mind Intensive
At this program we actually identify your personal money and success blueprint
and using several extremely powerful processes we change your blueprint right on the
spot. This event has transformed the lives of thousands of people and it can easily change
your life too. You can find more details at the link below.

Lesson 4
The Importance of “Rich Thinking”
In the last lesson we discussed the fact that your Money Blueprint is created
largely during childhood and represents the basic behavioral programming you took on
during that time. We also talked about the three major ways you were conditioned:
Verbal programming, by Modelling, and through Specific Incidences.
From that point it becomes easy to see that your present financial conditions are
the perfect barometer for determining your present conditioning.
You're programmed to automatically achieve exactly what you've got now. If
that's a lot--great; if not..well that can be changed. Which leads us to this lesson’s first
Becoming automatically successful means changing your present programming
which may not be set for success and replacing it with programming that is. If you're set
to struggle for wealth because you are programmed to believe wealth only comes from
struggle and hard work, you can then change your beliefs to make money "easy," to make
yourself a "money success magnet."
But before you can change your programming you need to become self "aware."
The first element of all change is "awareness." Become "conscious." Watch yourself.
Observe your thoughts, your beliefs, your fears, your habits, your actions, your
Put yourself under a microscope. Study yourself.
It's funny. As intelligent human beings we think that we live our lives based on
This is not usually the case. If we are truly enlightened we might make a few
present moment choices during the average day, but for the most part, we're like robots,
running on automatic, ruled by our past conditioning and old habits.
That's where awareness, or consciousness, comes in. Consciousness is observing
yourself and your thought processes so you can live from true choice in the present
moment rather than programming from the past. So you can live from who you are today
rather than who you were yesterday. So you can respond wisely to situations rather than
react wildly.
Once you are "conscious" you can see your programming for what it is; simply a
recording of information you received and believed in the past, when you were too young
to know any better. You can see that this conditioning is not who you are but who you
"learned" to be.
You can see that you are not the "recording" but the "recorder." You are not the
"contents" in the glass, but the "glass" itself. You can see that you started off "empty",
with a clean slate, and were filled up with other people's beliefs.
Again, beliefs are not true or false or right or wrong, they are merely opinions that
have been passed down from generation to generation to you. Knowing this, you can
choose to release any thought, belief or way of being that is not supportive to your wealth
and replace it with one that is.
You can adopt new beliefs; rich beliefs. Remember, thoughts lead to feelings
which lead to actions which lead to results. You can choose to think and act like rich
people do and therefore create the results that rich people create.
Rich people have a way of thinking that is different from poor and middle class
They think differently about money, wealth, themselves, other people, and life.
For the remaining emails in this series, we're going to examine some of the differences
between how rich people think and how poor or middle class people think.
By doing so, you will have some alternative beliefs in the files of your mind from
which to choose. In this way, you can catch yourself thinking as poor people do and
quickly switch over to how rich people think. Remember, beliefs are not right, wrong,
true or false, they're just past opinions which can be changed on your command. The fact
is, you can CHOOSE to think in ways that will support you instead of ways that don't.
A few caveats:
First, in no way, shape or form do I mean to degrade poor people or be without
compassion for their position. I do not believe rich people are "better" than the poor,
they're just richer. At the same time, I want to make certain you get the most from this
email so I'm going to make the distinctions between the rich and poor as extreme as
Second, when I refer to rich, poor and middle class "people" what I am referring
to is their "mentalities"; how they think and how they act.
Third, I will be generalizing "big time." I understand not "all" rich and not "all"
poor people are the way I'm describing them. Again, my objective is to make sure you
understand the principles being taught here. Don't bother figuring out whether you agree
or disagree with every word. Just use what pertains to you. (My guess is it's more than
you might want to admit.)
Fourth, for the most part, I will not be referring to the "middle class" specifically.
The reason for this is that usually middle class people have somewhat of a mix of both
the rich and poor mentalities. Again, just see where you fit in on the scale and if you want
to create a lot more financial success, think more like the "rich."
Fifth, several of the principles in this section appear to have more to do with
habits and actions than ways of thinking. Remember the process of manifestation, which
states that our actions come from our feelings which come from our thoughts. Therefore,
every "rich" action is preceded by a "rich" way of thinking.
Sixth, each "rich" way of thinking will be reinforced by a "Declaration" at the end
of the section.
Declarations are simply statements you say aloud. They are extremely valuable
because everything is energy and each declaration carries its own energy and vibrational
When you state the declaration aloud, its energy vibrates through your body and
into your "being". This is a way you can transform your cells of memory, your
your beliefs, and eventually your habits and actions.
State your declaration each morning and evening. Declaring into a mirror will
accelerate the process.
I understand you might perceive "Declarations" to be a bit "hokey". Maybe so, but
they work. Regardless, I'd rather be "hokey and rich" than "cool and broke". How about
Finally, the concepts you are about to learn are simple but profound. They make
real changes for real people in the real world. How do I know? We get thousands of
letters and emails each year telling us how each and every one of these principles has
transformed people's lives. If you learn them, and use them, they will transform your life
So here's an opportunity to Think Rich right now. Say the following Declaration
out loud to yourself (into a mirror is ideal):


So how did you do? Did you say the declaration out loud? Did you embrace it as a
new idea worthy of your consideration? Or did you decide to continue reading and ignore
the practice as being "not for me?"
Naturally, saying declarations alone is not sufficient to totally replace your current
programming, but it's a valuable step. More importantly, your willingness to embrace this
time tested and proven process is the key to your general willingness to embrace any
changes that will help you achieve what you truly deserve--unlimited abundance!

Lesson 5
Three “Rich” Ways of Thinking
In the last lesson we clarified that beliefs are neither right, wrong, true or false.
They're simply files you have in your mind that run like automatic programs causing you
to think and behave in specific ways. From this we pointed out that if you change the
beliefs, you change your thoughts, which through the law of manifestation will ultimately
change your results.
From this logically follows that by adding some "rich" beliefs to the files of our
minds, you can program yourself to get rich results which is exactly how wealthy people
create wealth and attract success and opportunity automatically.
Finally, we discussed the importance of making and using powerful declarations
which you say out loud. Since everything is energy, the vibrational frequency of
declarations can literally change your body and mind at a cellular level. By saying the
declarations out loud, they become powerful belief files in our minds which will manifest
as results in our lives.
So that's how we'll start this lesson. I'll introduce a rich way of thinking and end
each section with a declaration.
Poor people believe "Life happens to me."
If you want to create wealth, it is imperative that you believe that you are at the
steering wheel of your life; that you create every moment of your life, especially your
financial life.
If you don't believe this, then you must believe you have little or no control over
your life and that financial success has nothing to do with you. That is not a very rich
Instead of taking responsibility for what's going on in their lives, poor people
choose to play the role of victim. Of course, any "victim's" predominant thought process
is "poor me." And presto, through the law of intention that's literally what they get;
"poor," as in money, me.
Having said that, how can you tell if someone is playing the victim? They leave
three obvious clues.
Clue #1: Blame
They blame the economy, they blame their type of business, they blame the
government, they blame the stock market, they blame their employer, they blame their
employees, or they blame their up-line or their down-line. It's always something else or
someone else. The problem is always anything or anyone else, but them.
Clue #2: Justify
Or they justify their situation by saying something like, "Money's not really
important." Let me ask you this question. If you said your husband or your wife or your
boyfriend or girlfriend or your partner or any friend whatsoever, wasn't all that important,
would they be around for very long? Doubtful!
At my live seminars, participants come up to me all the time and say, "You know,
Harv, money's not really that important." I look them squarely in the eyes and say,
"You're broke! Right?" After a few stutters they usually blurt out something like, "Well,
right now I'm having a few financial challenges but..." and I retort, "No, not right now,
always, you've always been broke or close to it, yes or no? At this point they usually nod
their heads in agreement and woefully return to their seats ready to listen and learn
because they realize what a disastrous effect this one belief has had on their lives.
Clue #3: Complaining
Complaining is the absolute worst possible thing you could do for your health or
your wealth. Why?
Because there is a universal law that says, "what you focus on expands." When
you are complaining what are you focusing on? What's right with your life or what's
wrong with it? You are obviously focusing on what's wrong with it and since what you
focus on expands, you'll keep getting more of what's wrong.
Through the law of attraction, whereby "like attracts like," you are actually
attracting "crap" into your life. You are like a "crap magnet."
Have you ever noticed that people who complain a lot seem to have crappy lives?
It's like everything bad keeps happening to them. They say, "Of course I complain, look
how crappy my life is." Now you can finally explain, "No, it's BECAUSE you complain
that you have a crappy life. Do yourself a favor and "shut-up"!
Here's some homework I promise will change your life. For the next seven days, I
challenge you not to complain at all. Not just out loud, but in your head too. I've given
this little challenge to thousands of people and several hundred have personally told me
that this exercise completely transformed their lives.
I invite you to email me with the results of this experiment. I guarantee you'll be
astonished as to how amazing your life will become when you stop focusing on the
The Benefit of being a Victim:
Now, I'm going to share a secret with you. Are you ready?...
Yet being a victim definitely has its rewards. What do people get out of being a
Attention. Is attention important? Absolutely, for many people it's what they live
for. But, as we said, there is no such thing as a rich victim; so in order to stay a victim
these attention seekers make darn sure they never get rich.
It's time to decide. You can be a victim OR you can be rich, but you can't be both.
It's time to take back your power and acknowledge the fact that you create every moment
of your life. That you create everything that is in your life and everything that is not in it.
That you create your wealth and you create your non-wealth and everything in between.
Poor people play the money game not to lose.
Poor people play the money game on defense rather than offense. Let me ask you,
if you were to play any sport or any game strictly on defense, what are the chances of you
winning that game? Most people agree; slim and none.
Yet, that's exactly how most people play the money game. Their primary concern
is survival and security, not wealth and abundance. So, what is your goal? What is your
real objective? What is your true intention?
Rich people's big goal is to have massive wealth and abundance. Poor people's big
goal is to have "enough to pay the bills..." on time would be a miracle! Again, let me
remind you of the power of intention. When your objective is to have enough to pay the
bills, that's exactly how much you'll get; just enough to pay the bills and usually not a
cent more.
Middle class people go a step further ... a tiny step. Their big goal in life is to be
Well, you should know that there's comfortable and then there's rich and they are
not the same.
Granted, I didn't always know that. I've had the fortune and misfortune to be on
all three sides of the fence. I've been extremely broke; as low as having to borrow a dollar
for gas for my car. First, it wasn't "my" car. Second, putting only a dollar's worth of gas
in is bad enough but when you have to borrow that dollar and it's in quarters, you know
you're pretty well close to bottom.
I've also been "comfortable." Comfortable is nice. You get to go to a restaurant
and order "chicken." Now, there's nothing wrong with chicken, if that's what you really
But often, it's not.
It boils down to this; if you go for comfortable, chances are you won't get rich.
But if you go for rich, chances are you'll be very comfortable.
One of the key lessons we teach in our courses is that, "If you shoot for the stars,
you'll at least hit the moon." So what are you going for? What's your objective in terms of
money? Poor people don't even shoot for the ceiling in their house and then they wonder
why they're not rich.
You get what you truly intend to get. If you want to get rich, your goal has to be
"rich." Not just enough to pay the bills and not just enough to be comfortable. Rich, darn
it, rich!
Poor people are uncommitted to being rich.
Most of us have good reasons as to why it would be wonderful to be rich, but
what about the other side of the coin? Are there reasons why it might not be so great to be
rich or go through the process of trying to get rich?
Let's see....
What if I make it and lose it? Then I'm really a failure.
I'll never know if people like me for myself or my money.
It's too much work.
The more I earn the higher tax rate I'll pay.
Everyone's going to want a handout.
I might lose my health trying.
My loved ones or I could be kidnapped.
Each of us has a file on wealth in our mind. This file contains our personal beliefs
that include why being wealthy would be great. But for many people, their file also
includes information as to why being rich might not be so great. These people have
mixed internal messages around money and especially wealth.
One part of them says, "Having more money will make life a lot more fun." But
then another part screams, "Yeah, but "I'm going to have to work like a dog! What kind
of fun is that?" One part says, "I'll be able to travel the world." then the other part
responds, "Yeah, and everyone in the world will want something from me."
These mixed messages are one of the biggest reasons that most people never
become rich.
In fact, the #1 reason most people don't get what they want is they don't know
what they want. Rich people are totally clear they want wealth. They are unwavering in
their desire. They are fully committed to creating wealth. They will do "whatever it
takes" to have wealth as long as it's moral, legal and ethical. Rich people do not send
mixed messages to the universe. Poor people do.
We spoke earlier about the power of intention. The fact is, you always get what
you want. That is, you get what you subconsciously want, not what you "say" you want.
You might deny this emphatically and retort, "that's crazy, why would I want to
And my question for you is exactly the same; "I don't know, why would you want
to struggle?"
If you really want to discover the reason, then I invite you to check your
subconscious financial blueprint and the answer would be staring you in the face. Put
bluntly, if you are not achieving the wealth you say you desire, there's a good chance it's
because subconsciously you don't really want it.
I hate to break the news to you, but getting rich is not a "stroll in the park." It's
takes focus, expertise, 100% effort, and "never say die" perseverance. You have to really
commit to it, both consciously and subconsciously. You have to believe in your heart you
can do it and you deserve it. If you are not fully committed to creating wealth, chances
are you won't.

So now you have a practice of making declarations to "try on" and you have three
declarations to work with. Doing your declarations in a mirror can enhance their
And, remember to watch how you react to taking this kind of action. Is your
reaction part of a poor way of thinking?.

Lesson 6
More Inights into the “Millionaire Mind”
In the last lesson we introduced three primary ways that the rich think differently
than the poor. And to begin the process of manifesting change in your life I offered you
three "Attitudes of Wealth" affirmations to say daily.
In brief I pointed out that rich people take complete responsibility for their lives.
They understand that they're not victims but are in fact the architects of their own failure
and success.
Secondly, we revealed that rich people "play" the money "game" to win while the
poor generally play the money game "not to lose." The poor generally are focused on just
paying the bills, having a few "comforts" and getting by month to month.
So that's what the universe continues to send them, just enough to get by.
Finally, we clarified that rich people are committed to being rich and that is why
they manifest wealth. Unless you are committed both consciously and unconsciously to
achieving wealth, you will experience real world results which reflect your degree of
So, are you ready to round these lessons off with three more insights into the
Millionaire Mind? Lets go!
Poor people think small.
We once had a trainer teaching at one of our seminars who went from a net worth
of $250 thousand to over $600 million in only 3 years. When asked his secret he said,
"Everything changed the day I began to think big."
In my book, SpeedWealth, I discuss the "Law of Income" which states that "you
will be paid in direct proportion to the value you deliver according to the market place."
Another way of understanding this is to answer the following question: How
many people do you actually serve or affect?
For instance in my business, some trainers enjoy speaking to groups of 20, others
are comfortable with 100, others like an audience of 500, still others want 5000 people or
more in attendance. Is there is a difference in income between these trainers? You bet
there is.
Who are you? How do you want to live your life? How do you want to play the
Do you want to play in the big leagues or in little league, in the majors or the
Will you play big or play small? It's your choice.
The truth is most people choose to play small. Why?
First, fear. They're scared to death of either failure or success.
Second is unworthiness. They feel small. They don't feel they're good enough or
important enough to make a big difference.
But hear this. It's not about you. It's about living your mission. It's about living
true to your purpose. It's about adding your piece of the puzzle to the world. It's about
serving others.
Most of us are so stuck in our egos that everything revolves around "me, me and
more me." But again, it's not about you, it's about adding value to other people's lives.
Buckminster Fuller said, "The purpose of our lives is to add value to the people of
this generation and those that follow."
The goal is to share your gifts and value with as many people as possible.
To paraphrase Nelson Mandela, "The world doesn't need more people, playing
It's your choice. One road leads to being broke and miserable, the other leads to
money, meaning, and fulfillment.
It's time to stop hiding out and start stepping out. It's time to stop needing and
start leading. It's time to start being the star that you are. It's time to share your gifts and
value in a BIG way.
There could be thousands or even millions of people counting on you. Are you up
to the challenge for our society and our children's sake? Let's hope so.
Poor people are smaller than their problems.
Getting rich is not a stroll in the park. It's a journey that is full of obstacles, twists,
and detours. The simple fact is, success is messy. The road is fraught with pitfalls and
that's why most people don't take it.
They don't want the hassles, the headaches and the responsibilities. In short, they
don't want the problems.
Therein lies one of the biggest differences between rich people and poor people.
Rich and successful people are bigger than their problems while poor and unsuccessful
people are smaller than their problems.
Poor people will do almost anything to avoid anything that looks like it could be a
They back away from challenges. The irony is that in their quest to make sure
they don't have problems, they have the biggest problem of all... they're broke and
The secret to success is not to try to avoid or shrink your problems; it's to grow
yourself so you're bigger than any problem.
Imagine a "level 2" character person looking at a "level 5" problem. Would this
problem appear to be big or small? The answer is that from a "level 2" perspective, a
"level 5" problem would seem BIG.
Now imagine a "level 8" person looking at the same "level 5" problem. From this
person's perspective, is this problem big or small? Magically the identical problem is now
a SMALL problem.
And for a "level 10" person, it's NO problem at all. It's just an everyday
occurrence, like getting dressed or brushing your teeth.
Whether you are rich or poor, playing big or playing small, problems do not go
away. If you're breathing, you will always have so-called "problems."
What's important to realize is that the size of the problem is never the real issue.
What matters is the size of you!
Remember, your wealth can only grow to the extent that you do! The idea is to
grow yourself to a place where you can overcome any problems that get in your way of
creating wealth and keeping it once you have it.
Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems and do not
complain about problems. Rich people are financial warriors and when a warrior is
confronted with a challenge they shout: BRING IT ON!
The bottom line is that if you become a master at handling problems, what can
stop you from creating wealth? The answer is NOTHING!
Poor people focus on problems.
Rich people see potential growth. Poor people see potential loss.
Rich people focus on the rewards. Poor people focus on the risks.
It's the age-old question, is the glass half empty or half full? We're not merely
talking about "positive thinking" here, we're talking about a habitual way of seeing the
Poor people come from fear. Their minds are constantly scanning for what's
wrong or what could go wrong in any situation. Their primary mindset is "What if it
doesn't work?" or, more bluntly, "It won't work."
Rich people, as we discussed earlier, take responsibility for creating their life and
come from the mindset, "It will work because I'll make it work."
In the financial world, as in most other arenas, risk is directly proportionate to
reward; generally, the higher the reward, the higher the risk. People with rich mentalities
are willing to take that risk.
Rich people expect to succeed. They have confidence in their abilities, they have
confidence in their creativity and they believe that should the "doo-doo hit the fan", they
can always make their money back or succeed in another way.
On the other hand, poor people expect to fail. They lack confidence in themselves
and in their abilities, and should things not work out, they believe it would be
I hate to admit it, but I believe there's also a certain element of "luck" associated
with getting rich or for that matter being successful at anything.
How many times have you heard of a guy who plops some money down on a
piece of land in the "boonies" and 10 years later, somebody decides they want to build a
strip mall or office building on it?
So, was this a brilliant business move or sheer luck? My guess is that it's probably
a bit of both.
The point, however, is that no luck or for that matter, anything else worthwhile,
will come your way unless you take some form of ACTION.
You have to do something, buy something, or start something in order to succeed
financially. You have to see opportunities for profit all around you instead of focusing on
ways of losing money.
In Part 5 of this series I explained a universal law which states, "whatever you
focus on expands". Focus on problems and that's all you'll get. Focus on opportunities
and you will soon discover them everywhere you look!
I hope you have enjoyed this introduction to the Secret Psychology of Wealth.
We've covered a lot of ground. However, this should only be the beginning for you.
This would be an excellent time to review this entire e-book. You will find a great
deal more on a second pass than on the first read through.
I suspect you can see that having a weakness in even one of these rich attitudes
can be your financial "Achilles" heel. The same holds true for the other rich ways of
thinking I reveal in my book.
If you're action oriented and have a strong desire to see real results, I hope you'll
join us for a Millionaire Mind Intensive. That's where we get a chance to go really deep
That's where I get to live my mission and deliver my value!
Finally, I'd like to again offer the quote from Josh Billings I mentioned in Part 1:
"It's not what we don't know that prevents us from succeeding, it's what we know that just
ain't so that is our greatest obstacle."

Millionaire Mind - Gurus are Wrong

This is excerpted from the "Millionaire Mind Reprogramming" Course Special

You have this host of authors, teachers and experts giving you all sorts of
WRONG advice. Let's call them GURUS to make our job easier.
Most of them learned from their own gurus, which in turn learned from gurus
before them. And they are passing to you both the GOOD and BAD teachings they
They are all very well intention. They want to help you. Unfortunately, they are
trying to pass on to you THEIR BELIEFS -- in the same way poverty and poverty
consciousness are passed from generation to generation.
One of the MOST widely disseminated information is that when you are working
with a goal, it MUST be stated in the PRESENT tense, as if already accomplished.
It must be in the first person "I". It has to be only in the positive form. You must
VISUALIZE the goal in as much detail as possibly and as vividly as possible.
You FEEL all the sensations,, HEAR all the sounds, SMELL and TASTE
Assume it is June 13, 2007. You set a goal to get $1,000 in the next four weeks.
For simplicity, let's establish your deadline is for July 13, 2007.
You desire this money to pay a bill to Mr. Johnson.
According to most gurus out there you would write down your goal in the
following way (or a similar way):
"I have in my possession $1,000.
And Mr. Johnson is paid in full".
This statement is your 'programming' instruction, also known as AFFIRMATION.
Then, you would get busy 'imprinting' (= programming) this goal into your own
Subconscious mind.
The procedure they will MOST likely recommend is the following:
You choose a time and place where you will not be disturbed. You settle your
body in a very relaxed position either sitting down with your spine straight or lying down
in a very relaxed manner.
You would close your eyes.
You would take several deep breaths to make you relax deeper and deeper.
Some recommend you keep this deep breathing for a couple of minutes until you
feel totally relaxed. Others tell you to go through a progressive relaxation making each
part of your body relax one after the other, until your whole body is relaxed.
So far, everything they told you to do is alright.
The ONLY thing they are NOT telling you is that, with this procedure, they are
making you go into a slight or deep hypnotic (trance) state, where your Subconscious is
much more open and receptive to instructions, suggestions and commands.
But MOST gurus will not tell you THAT is what is happening because they are so
AFRAID of YOU being AFRAID to learn that you are using hypnosis, a word still
involved in mystery and superstition in these modern times - in this case self hypnosis
(hypnosis you do on yourself where you are both the hypnotist and the hypnotized
HERE comes the GLITCH . . . or should I say the "BLIP" in the method?
Now that you are totally relaxed, you are supposed to repeat your affirmation
several times:
"I have in my possession $1,000. And Mr. Johnson is paid in full.
"I have in my possession $1,000. And Mr. Johnson is paid in full.
"I have in my possession $1,000. And Mr. Johnson is paid in full.
and more time.
At the same time, you are told to VISUALIZE the end-result as already being
achieved. In this case.
As you REPEAT that affirmation, they tell you to SEE in your mind's eyes that
you are giving the money to Mr. Johnson and then you SEE both of you smiling very
happy. You are told to VISUALIZE the surroundings with as much detail as possible.
Then, you are told to FEEL the emotions of happiness, FEEL the warm light of
the sun in Mr. Johnson's garden on your skin, FEEL the breeze of the wind on your hair.
In other words, SEE yourself there, FEEL yourself there, HEAR all the sounds
of the place. You are instructed to reproduce in as much detail as possible the
SMELLS of the day, what you TASTE, and on and on.
Some people already have a conflict of REPEATING some message while at the
SAME TIME trying to VISUALIZE. It simply does NOT work for them.
Some gurus will tell you to REPEAT your affirmations 30-50 times (or some
number) and AFTER doing it, you would start the VISUALIZATION/FEELING portion
of the Subconscious programming.
If you are dealing with some NLP instructor, they will tell you to make the images
BRIGHTER or DIMMER, bring the images CLOSER or move them to a DISTANCE
from you, make the SOUND louder or lower, superimpose this image on top of that
image, use "Swish' pattern, etc., etc., etc. Aren't you getting tired of all of this without
even doing it? MANY get exhausted just trying to go through this process.
And their RATE of success is dismal.
There are SO MANY "BLIPS" in all of these.
I cannot possibly cover all the "PROBLEMS" with these techniques.
Therefore, I will keep observations to the minimum.
First of all, how many geniuses were created by NLP? Very few? NONE?
Leonardo DaVinci, Einstein, Newton, Tesla, Edison, Mozart were not using NLP.
NLP did not even exist in those days. They used their own methods, methods that were
NATURAL to them and their minds.
Andrew Carnegie, Aristotle Onassis, the first John Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan did
not know anything about NLP. I doubt very much Bill Gates, Donald Trump or Bill
Bartmann use any of those fancy NLP techniques. They use what is NATURAL to them
and their minds. And they keep practicing making their own methods even better.
NLP was invented by two fellows, Richard Bandler and John Grinder. They did
an excellent job in coming out with new ways of doing things - except their followers try
to make EVERYONE believe it applies to EVERYBODY in the world. NLP works for
some people and does NOT work for too many others.
Not everyone can visualize, taste, smell, feel with their minds only.
Some people cannot visualize at all. The moment they are told to VISUALIZE the
end result with as much detail and as vividly as possible, they give up. Most gurus cannot
realize these people cannot visualize clearly or at all. Imagine what happens when they
are told to make an image brighter or dimmer, to move a picture to a distant location or
move it closer, or to super-impose one picture on top of the other.
They are NON-visualizers and a different method must be used by them.
The same thing happens when you ask someone to FEEL, or TASTE or HEAR
with their minds. Many are NOT wired to do it that way. They need different techniques.
And what about repeating your AFFIRMATION in the present tense?
Here is what goes inside the minds of MANY who try this advice from our
GREAT gurus. As they try to repeat over and over their AFFIRMATION, look at what is
"I have in my possession $1,000. And Mr. Johnson is paid in full".
And a little voice inside says, "Nonsense, you don't have it"
"I have in my possession $1,000. And Mr. Johnson is paid in full".
And the little voice continues, "In your dreams"
"I have in my possession $1,000. And Mr. Johnson is paid in full.
And the little voice continues, "You are an idiot. You are lying to yourself"
"I have in my possession $1,000. And Mr. Johnson is paid in full".
And the little voice continues, "You don't have any money, and Mr Johnson needs
his money right away".
"I have in my possession $1,000. And Mr. Johnson is paid in full".
And the little voice says, "You are just wasting your time. You do NOT have that
And the MORE the person tries to make this work, the MORE Subconscious
resistance he is creating. And the LESS chances he has of achieving that goal. And soon,
the person gives up saying "This mind programming stuff is for the birds. It doesn't work.
It is all a waste of time".
And how about those who use hypnosis and guided imagery?
Well, by now you realize that those NON-visualizers will immediately fail to
imprint any new belief or goal into their Subconscious because …. They are NOT good at
And those who experience difficulties HEARING sounds, FEELING sensations,
TASTING new tastes, SMELLING scents with their minds will view these guided
Imageries as a total waste of time. They either fall asleep or get up FRUSTRATED and
IRRITATED - which simply reinforces their belief they are losers.
Our GREAT gurus forget that the simpler things work a lot better.
In the Millionaire Mind Reprogramming Advanced Course, an example is given
about famous British hypnotist Paul McKenna. He appeared on a TV show hosted by
Montel Williams many years ago.
He hypnotized a pretty girl to feel more and more attracted to ANY guy who
would WINK at her. The more he did it, the more she would show those unmistakable
and natural signs of being attracted.
Paul Mckenna did not use any fancy NLP technique or visualization. His method
was as quick as conditioning her to go into a deep trance state. And once he was able to
do that, he simply hypnotized her very deeply and commanded her to FEEL this
attraction for any guy that would WINK at her. Period. Nothing else. ZAP her into Deep
trance, give her the new instruction/command, tell her to forget about what happened
under hypnosis, wake her up. And she started feeling attracted to a guy that would WINK
at her over and over, increasing her attraction with every WINK.
I want you to gain something useful as your reward for taking the time to read this
Report. I want you to do the following Exercise and find out which of these three
possible programming FORMATS will make your mind accept a specific "Money
Magnet" instruction/command better and faster. You need about 15-20 minutes of
uninterrupted time and PRIVACY.
You will experiment with the following formats.
1. I AM a money magnet
2. John/Mary, YOU ARE a money magnet (use your own name)
3. BE a money magnet, BE a money magnet.
Find a comfortable position. Close your eyes, breathe deeply several times. You
may want to keep doing it until you feel calm and relaxed. When you feel sufficiently
calm and relaxed, start REPEATING over and over mentally in the INSIDE of your head:
For the first 3 minutes:
"I AM a money magnet"
For the next 3 minutes: (use your own name)
"John/Mary, you are a money magnet"
For the last 3 minutes;
"BE a money magnet, BE a money magnet,……".
Place emphasis on "BE"
Finally, for the next 3 minutes (IF and ONLY IF you feel comfortable doing it),
VISUALIZE yourself being a living magnet to money. If you find yourself
FORCING To visualize, STOP. Otherwise, you will only REINFORCE the OPPOSITE
of what you want.
Now, OPEN your eyes and return to full awakening consciousness.
Which one of the three FORMATS felt MORE comfortable and natural to you?
Some may find ONE specific format. That's the one that will give you the best
results. Continue programming your mind this WAY every day to become a money
Some may find that you enjoy 2 out of 3 formats. That is perfectly alright. You
may use either one. Or one AFTER the other (3 minutes of th first format and the next 3
minutes with the second format).
Some may find that NONE works. You will need to explore other formats, like:
"In six months, I WILL be a money magnet", "In a short time I WILL become a
money magnet".
"In six months, YOU, John/Mary, WILL be a money magnet", "In a short time
YOU, John/Mary, WILL become a money magnet".
And, did you feel comfortable VISUALIZING? If you did, keep using it. If you
didn't, you will be trying to FORCE the outcome, which will cause you to get exactly the
OPPOSITE of what you desire.
** Notice that it is important to mention the fact that resistance can also be caused
due to FAILURE to identify and eliminate any limiting beliefs, values and rules PRIOR
to programming such a new BELIEF. These is something too many gurus ignore or if
they touch this topic at all, they do it very badly!
Use the technique explained here EVERY DAY. It will help you become that
Money Magnet you always wanted to be.

Millionaire Mind Law of Attraction

When people try to develop that Millionaire Mind, think like a millionaire and
use the Law of Attraction. they are told to visualize with as much 'feeling' as possible.
Use self-hypnosis and deep trance to eliminate the need to waste times with feelings.
In his book 'Secret of the Ages', Robert Collier stated that "the conscious mind is
used to center your thoughts on the thing you want. BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE
IT. And then SHUT THE DOOR on every suggestion of fear or worry or failure.
If and when you gain the ability to do this, then nothing shall be impossible to
It has everything to do with BELIEF... in this case, the BELIEF that "you
SHALL RECEIVE WHAT YOU DESIRE" when you 'program' it into your
Subconscious mind, when you command your Subconscious mind to do something for
you, to help you develop new talents and abilities, achieve a new goal.
If you cannot get yourself in that state of complete BELIEF, your Subconscious
mind will not work to get you what you want.
All mind programming work is simply done to develop the COMPLETE
BELIEF that your Subconscious will faithfully carry out your orders/instructions and that
you shall RECEIVE what you desire, and then proceed to implant the new order or new
instruction into your Subconscious mind in that state of COMPLETE BELIEF.
Your Subconscious mind has NO doubts. ONLY your CONSCIOUS mind, the
CONSCIOUS part of you, is filled with doubts, fears and worry.
You heard about the necessity to generate FEELINGS when you 'program' your
Subconscious mind and repeat your affirmation(s) -- which we refer to as your
"programming" instruction(s).
The need for the FEELING component is TOO MUCH over-emphasized and
Feelings (emotions) have TWO functions:
1) The MOST important one is to serve as FEEDBACK to become aware of
what EMOTIONAL STATE we are any moment in time. Then, we can do something to
get out of any NEGATIVE, LOW-VIBRATIONAL and very un-resourceful state and get
into a better and more empowering one -- which will send higher vibrations better suited
to attract what we want (Law of Attraction). (That's why Anthony Robbins insists so
much on "Interrupting the Pattern" immediately and start focusing on the solution
2) As a TOOL to make oneself BELIEVE that what we are
REPEATING/AFFIRMING is TRUE and that we shall receive what we are
AFFIRMING. It is a CRUTCH to CONVINCE the CONSCIOUS part of ourselves (NOT
the Subconscious, as many people wrongly believe) that what we are repeating/affirming
is true, that we BELIEVE that it shall materialize. It can be, though, a very USEFUL
CRUTCH when one is able to generate those feelings without FORCING. Most of the
time, though, we are FORCING ourselves to TRY to have those feelings, which signals
the Subconscious that we don't really have what we affirm and that we will NOT get it
either. So, the more one repeats, even with feelings, the MORE the Subconscious resists
to take action and even produces MORE of the SAME undesirable results.
The problem is not with the Subconscious but with the CONSCIOUS PART OF
US WHICH REPEATS THE AFFIRMATION with doubts, fears and worries that it will
not materialize.
will be more that enough.
The Subconscious will NOT take any action IF IT PERCEIVES that we (the
CONSCIOUS part) are not 100% convinced (=BELIEVE) that we shall receive what we
We really repeat and repeat over and over again, and we even try to generate
feelings and emotions, simply because we want to CONVINCE our Subconscious that we
(the CONSCIOUS waking part) BELIEVE we shall receive what we affirm.
The KEY here is that we do it to convince the CONSCIOUS parts of ourselves
that we do BELIEVE we will get what we affirm/repeat. Once the CONSCIOUS part is
convinced that end-result shall be received, the Subconscious accepts that the
CONSCIOUS part BELIEVES it, and starts working toward its materialization.
Think about it . . . why would Subconscious take any action to fulfill your
desires when it PERCEIVES that you really do NOT BELIEVE IN GETTING THEM?
It is all about beliefs.
With some people, they are able to generate feelings without FORCING and,
through this CRUTCH (tool), they do a good enough job of CONVINCING their
Subconscious that they (the CONSCIOUS part) BELIEVE end-results shall be received.
Then, the Subconscious is CONVINCED that they (the CONSCIOUS parts of those
people) BELIEVE.
And, at that point, Subconscious steps into ACTION to bring about the desired
end result.
Proof that it is the CONSCIOUS part the one that needs to be CONVINCED
(=believe) that the end-results shall be obtained can be found in cases where a person is
deeply hypnotized (even deep theta level), the CONSCIOUS part (the part that DOUBTS
and that doesn't BELIEVE) is placed aside during the hypnotic session, and there is
practically DIRECT communication to the Subconscious who receives
"affirmations/instructions" directly without the DOUBTS and UNBELIEF of the
CONSCIOUS part. And with NO doubts about getting the desired end-result,
Subconscious easily accepts the new INPUT and quickly gets busy in order to bring it
about. That is the beauty of deep trance states.
Now, there is ONE CASE in which the Subconscious will either accept the
instructions temporarily, or will accept the NEW instruction 100% but will start
producing undesirable results in a totally different area.
And you should learn about this CASE if you want to use deep altered
(hypnotic) states effectively and efficiently.
It is the case of SYMPTOM SUBSTITUTION -- name used by Richard Bandler
and John Grinder, creators of NLP..
And that happens when there are previously stored, long held BELIEFS and
VALUES that are totally OPPOSITE and IN CONFLICT with the NEW
In such a case, not even hypnosis will solve the situation because even if the
Subconscious were to accept the NEW affirmation/instruction (with the CONSCIOUS
part, the doubting part set temporarily aside while in deep hypnosis) and takes action to
bring it into reality, the old CONFLICTING beliefs/values must BE EXPRESSED
SOMEHOW and will start producing undesirable results in a different area -- and you
won't even know why!
Therefore, before using hypnosis, old conflicting beliefs/values MUST be
FIRST cleared/eliminated!
As an example, one of our MOST ADVANCED AND POWERFUL methods,
Artificial Reincarnation (started by world renowned parapsychologists in the old Soviet
Union in order to create geniuses), done at the deepest theta levels, consists entirely of
SPOKEN statements. No reference to feelings, no asking the hypnotized person to
visualize anything or try to generate feelings.
Just DIRECT, SPOKEN commands to the completely hypnotized person who is
trying to acquire the traits of an Einstein, or a Leonardo Da Vinci, or a multimillionaire.
It is the simplest and MOST effective type of self-hypnosis. Except that you need a very
highly qualified hypnotist to hypnotize you. Or you can use a especially made Artificial
Reincarnation recording which will place you in a VERY deep trance state and then give
you all the instructions -- just as if you had a professional hypnotist by your side. Again,
it usually takes longer to get the desired end-result using a recording.


Therefore, it is STRONGLY recommended that you do your affirmations at the
deepest possible hypnotic state -- without falling asleep and without any FORCING,
without trying hard. The deeper, the better.
Just keep in mind that when you start to visualize and try to have feelings and
feel sensations, you get out of that deep level and come up to a LIGHTER (less deep)
level of trance, which reduces the effectiveness of the instructions and commands.
Using the deepest possible level of hypnosis, the influence of the DOUBTING
part (the CONSCIOUS part of you) will be MINIMIZED or even ELIMINATED for the
most part, and Subconscious will be able to receive instruction/affirmation without
having to listen to the DOUBTING part going through its UNBELIEF routine.
You will NOT have to bother FORCING yourself to generate feelings and
emotions either in an attempt to convince your Subconscious that you BELIEVE you will
get the end result.
And once the Subconscious accepts the new belief or new goal, it will
automatically generate whatever vibrations are needed to attract the desired end results
into materialization (Law of Attraction).
If, for some reason, you are not able to keep awake at a very deep hypnotic
trance state to give yourself the necessary instructions/affirmations, then RECORD
Start with an induction (relaxation) process used in our CDs. After the induction
(relaxation) portion of the recording, insert the affirmations and goals you have for
yourself. Then, finish with the counting-up portion to return to full awakening
THIS will, most likely, be the the fastest way to accomplish your goals –
without the interference of the CONSCIOUS part. And Subconscious will only provide
unsatisfactory results if (1) your goal is totally ABSURD (such as flying at 200 mph with
no wings, no airplane, just like Superman), or (2) you have some OLD conflicting beliefs
and values you did not cleared FIRST!
The Subconscious will resist your NEW instructions/goals when
(1) You doubt and do NOT BELIEVE you will get the desired end-result. The
MORE you doubt, the LESS you can CONVINCE your Subconscious that you
BELIEVE you will get the end result. Your Subconscious cannot be fooled and will not
take actions when it PERCEIVES the CONSCIOUS part of you does NOT BELIEVE it
will get the endresult.
(A) Use a CRUTCH such as "generating feelings" to try to CONVINCE THE
CONSCIOUS part of yourself that you BELIEVE you will get the desired end-result.
And hopefully, that will CONVINCE the Subconscious that you BELIEVE you will get
the end-result and cause it to go into action to fulfill your desired end-result.
(B) Use deep altered (hypnotic) states to bypass the CONSCIOUS part of you,
and implant the NEW instruction/goal directly into your Subconscious mind without
having to waste time/energy in generating feelings/emotions, sensations, etc. [Some
people, after a LOT of training, are able to stay at very deep trance (hypnotic) states
while they do visualizations and generate feelings and sensations.] If you are not able to
train yourself to maintain a deep hypnotic state while giving yourself mentally the NEW
instructions/goals, then use (C) below.
(C) Use your own recording to help you go into a deep trance state, bypass the
CONSCIOUS part of you and implant the NEW instruction/goal directly in your
Subconscious mind without having to waste time/energy in generating feelings/emotions,
sensations, etc.
(2) You FOOLISHLY attempt to imprint NEW information/goals into
Subconscious computer without FIRST identifying and eliminating any old, pre-existing
limiting beliefs and conflicting values OPPOSING the desired end-result. using self-
hypnosis in this situation will most likely cause SYMPTOM SUBSTITUTION and all its
Identify and eliminate any useless, limiting beliefs and conflicting values
BEFORE attempting to implant NEW beliefs, instructions or goals into your
subconscious computer.
Leo Foster.
Leo Foster believes being a Millionaire should be EASY and FUN Contact him
at -- -- where he is designing the
BEST "Millionaire Mind Reprogramming" Courses with the fastest techniques and best
MP3 audio CDs to download directly into your brain cells the Millionaire Mind and make
you automatically think and achieve like the super rich.

Millionaire Mind rich verus poor

You cannot develop that Millionaire Mind, you cannot think like a millionaire,
and you cannot make the Law of Attraction work for you until you reprogram your
defective, inadequate financial Self-Image.
This is a subject WORTH discussing.
Poor people are responsible for being poor.
Rich people are responsible for being poor.
Success (or failure) begins in one's mind.
And that is the KEY secret for the phenomenal success of billionaires like Bill
Gates, Warren Buffett and Donald Trump, among others. They know their minds are
either magnets or repellents to money, and they are able to MASTER their minds so that
only riches and wealth are attracted.
Poor people also master their minds (without knowing it) only to become
MASTERS at attracting ever increasing money problems and lack.
There is ONLY ONE reason for financial failure: an inadequate financial Self-
Image (what some refer to as your Money Blueprint).
The is ONLY ONE reason for financial SUCCESS a positive, winning financial
Self-Image. Your financial Self-Image is the sum TOTAL of all your beliefs, values,
rules (and their resulting thinking patterns, mental/emotional states, attitudes and
behaviors) about YOU and MONEY.

These beliefs, values and rules CAUSE you to

(1) think in a very specific way,
(2) focus on very specific things and not others,
(3) experience very specific mental/emotional states and not others,
(4) have very specific attitudes, and
(5) have very specific behaviors and take specific actions.
As long as you keep operating with a negative, inadequate, limited financial Self-
Image, you are destined to FAIL — no matter how smart you think you are or you ARE,
no matter what type of business you choose, no matter how hard and how long you work
at your business or job.
The poor are poor because of their POOR Self-Image. In the inside of their heads,
they see themselves limited, having great difficulty making money, they believe it is real
hard to make money, it takes a long time, it requires lots of sacrifices, they already
imagine themselves having FUTURE problems and limitations. That is what they
BELIEVE. And that is exactly what they GET!
The RICH are rich because of their RICH Self-Image. In the inside of their heads.
they see themselves winning all the time, they believe in themselves, they believe they
were born to be rich, they believe they deserve wealth and riches, they believe it is not
that hard to make money in great amounts. That is what they BELIEVE. And that is
EXACTLY what they GET.
The RICH are always rehearsing future successes in their heads. They always
think in terms of success, NEVER in terms of failure.
The POOR are always rehearsing future FAILURES and limitations in their
They always think in terms of failure, NEVER in terms of success or winning. It
is REAL difficult for someone who is poor or money-limited to accept that it is HIS/HER
fault. No one else to blame. These people get upset and always try to put the blame on the
economy, the market, the dishonest rich, etc, etc.
They FAIL to realize the problem is inside their OWN HEADS. And as long as
they FAIL to SEE that, they will continue having all sorts of money problems.
Your financial Self-Image (beliefs, values, rules, thinking pattern,
mental/emotional states, attitudes and behavior about money) is making you a MONEY
Rich beliefs/values produce rich thoughts, which produce rich emotional/mental
states (feelings), which produce rich positive attitudes and rich/positive actions, which
produce wealth. And the rich beliefs/values keep being positively and RICHLY
POOR thoughts - well I will give you the pleasure and the CHALLENGE of
figuring out.
Unfortunately, poor people and those with limited financial resources keep
overlooking the OBVIOUS fact that, through the Law of Belief (aka Law of Attraction),
they keep attracting to themselves more hardship and more limitations and money
problems because they try everything EXCEPT what will solve their problems
permanently -- >>> acquire that Millionaire Mind which can be done only by changing
basic, useless, limited beliefs and conflicting values/rules about money.
Unless you change your defective, inadequate Self-Image, do not even try to go
into any new business venture.
That business is simply an extension of your poor Self-Image and it will FAIL, no
matter how smart you think you are, no matter how hard you work.
Reprogram your Self-Image with the correct, supportive beliefs/values/rules about
money and your business will flourish.

The Millionaire Mind Secrets of the Millionaires

The Millionaire Mind Secrets of the Millionaires are closely guarded and must be
learned in order to Think like a Millionaire and achieve like one. Here are some tips and
(1) There are still a few who are trying to BYPASS the Steps of Identifying and
Eliminating limiting, conflicting beliefs, values and rules. They quickly go to setting and
achieving new financial goals -- with the SAME OLD limiting beliefs, values and rules..
It will not work unless you are totally FREE from conflicting beliefs, values and
The reason is simple: it violates the Law of Belief, also known as the Law of
It is recommended you review again very carefully this Law of Attraction.
In a nutshell, the Law of Attraction is responding to the vibrations you are
sending out. What you get back is in response to those vibrations.
Those vibrations are being caused by the thoughts you PREDOMINANTLY
THINK and what you PREDOMINANTLY FOCUS ON every single day.
ULTIMATELY, what you constantly think about and predominantly focus on is a
FUNCTION of the beliefs, values and rules stored in your Subconscious mind.
Read AGAIN . . . . the ULTIMATE CAUSE of your vibrations are the BELIEFS,
VALUES AND RULES you hold in your Subconscious mind.
As long as these beliefs, values and rules remain the SAME, you will continue to
send out the SAME OLD vibrations, which will cause you to continue attracting the
SAME OLD undesirable results.
The Self-Talk technique is NOT a substitute for identifying and eliminating
limiting beliefs, values and rules.
The Self-Talk techniques is used to NEUTRALIZE any defeating self-talk that
will reinforce any negative beliefs, values and rules that are BLOCKING your financial
Therefore, you MUST NEVER bypass the Steps of Identifying and Eliminating
limiting, conflicting beliefs, values and rules.
In the achievement of any financial goal, 90%-95% of the work consists in (1)
identifying old limiting beliefs, values and rules, (2) eliminating them, (3) replacing them
with NEW, supportive beliefs, values and rules, and (4) programming the NEW financial
Once that is done, the rest (5%-10%) consists of the actions/steps necessary to
make those goals a physical reality.
But 90%-95% of the work consists in building a new financial Self-Image
(Money Blueprint) -- by clearing your Subconscious of the OLD, limiting stuff and
replacing it with the NEW, supportive stuff.
(2) Most Courses fail because they do not teach you HOW to identify/eliminate
old, conflicting, limiting beliefs, values and rules. Most Courses do not even teach that
the FIRST thing to do AFTER setting clearly a new financial goal and BEFORE you take
any physical, external action toward its achievement is to identity ans eliminate OLD,
conflicting beliefs, values and rules, and then install/PROGRAM into your subconscious
computer NEW supportive beliefs, values and rules.
Except for Tony Robbins and our Courses, NO ONE talks about VALUE and
RULES. And they are CRITICALLY important, especially if your Subconscious mind is
cluttered with such garbage as "Money is not that important", "Money cannot buy
"There are other things MORE important than money", "I'd rather be honest than
rich". Such VALUES will guarantee you stay broke, poor, lacking money.
Most Courses also fail because the methods they use to program NEW beliefs and
NEW financial goals only use the Conscious mind -- the same part that is constantly
bringing to your attention how bad you are, how limited you are, how hard it is to make
money and so on.
99.99% of the other t Courses NEVER teach you how to use the FASTEST
method to bypass the Conscious Mind and input NEW beliefs, values, rules and goals
DIRECTLY into your Subconscious mind.
This method is simply SELF-HYPNOSIS which allows you to quickly go into a
deep altered (hypnotic) trance state where your Conscious mind is almost asleep and you
can IMPLANT the new beliefs, values, rules, attitudes, behaviors and goals DIRECTLY
INTO your Subconscious mind.
Self-hypnosis is the method used by the world's greatest geniuses throughout
history. You MUST become a master at using self-hypnosis and hypnotic altered (trance)
You must also avoid the ERROR made by many AFTER they learned HOW to
use self-hypnosis. They simply start programming new goals using self-hypnosis --
without FIRST identifying and eliminating those OLD, limiting, conflicting beliefs,
values and rules, and 'implanting' NEW supportive ones into your Subconscious
computer. .
This can result in:
(a) The goal is totally rejected by the Subconscious because the goal is in conflict
with OLD beliefs, values and rules held deep in your the Subconscious computer
memory. You FAILED to clear FIRST the OLD limiting beliefs, values and rules.
(b) The goals can be temporarily achieved, reverting back to the old situation after
a short time. Or,
(c) The goal is achieved. But since all the beliefs, values and rules held by the
subconscious MUST be expressed at some time, those conflicting beliefs, values and
rules which were NOT eliminated will suddenly create new problems in totally
DIFFERENT AREAS. And you do not even know what is happening. This was named as
'Symptom Substitution" by Richard Bandler and John Grinder, creators of NLP.
Therefore, you must use altered states (self-hypnosis) to install/PROGRAM new
beliefs, values, rules and financial goals deep into your subconscious computer AFTER
you identified and eliminated those OLD, limiting conflicting beliefs, values and rules.
You always START by clearly and exactly setting the NEW financial goal. Then,
BEFORE you take any external steps/actions toward its achievement, you must FIRST
identify/eliminate beliefs, values and rules that are in conflict with the new financial
goal, and SECOND, you must program into your Subconscious NEW beliefs, values and
rules that support your new financial goal. You are creating a new financial Identity (ID),
a new financial Self-Image (Money Blueprint) consistent with the NEW financial goal.

The Millionaire Mind Secrets of the Millionaires

millionaires, making money and success!
Meet Andy, a low level manager at a super-market. During his free time, Andy is
busy chasing some new business venture all the time. Every time you talk to him, he has
started a new business "opportunity". He tried to make money online.
He bought and tried several of those programs to work at home and make money
at home.He tried to sell using his own website. He even bought and tried some of those
great programs to make money in real estate and investing in the stock market and
commodities. And a few more he can't even remember right now.
He is always starting a new business venture! When you ask him what happened
to the previous venture, he will tell you that it was not the right one for him and that this
new venture is a 'sure' winner. This time he will make it real big!
A short time ago, Andy had the opportunity to go to his twenty-year high school
From the moment he arrived to his class reunion, he mesmerized his former
classmates with big stories about all the business ventures he was involved with.
As usual, he managed to keep from them the fact that all his ventures failed! Andy
was the center of the party. All his former classmates were feeling jealous of Andy's
phenomenal success! Even though he lacked a college education, he was very good at
telling big lies and have people believe them!
After a while he decided to go into the garden and get some fresh air. He felt real
ashamed because he was always telling lies in order to cover up for his failures and his
many shortcomings.
As Andy was struggling with his feelings of shame, he heard footsteps. It was his
former classmate, John. Without even a warning, John asked point blank "Andy, why are
you such a liar? It looks like you fooled everybody in the party. But you didn't fool me at
Andy didn't know what to say. His silence was answer enough.
John asked "Andy, why do you have to lie like that? And what's that obsession of
yours with having so much money in the bank?"
Andy started sobbing as he replied "Because I am tired of living from paycheck to
paycheck and ashamed of it. In my family we could never afford all the good 'stuff'. I
remember all our past Christmases. My father would come home tired from working like
a slave to put food on the table, pay for the rent and buy us some cheap clothes because
he could not afford anything better. Poor dad. I really felt sorry for him. He was working
like a slave at a job he disliked and was making his bosses rich and all my poor dad was
getting was a lousy paycheck. He looked like all life was sucked out of him. He rarely
laughed. You could only see despair and hopelessness in his eyes. He was old beyond his
John said "Those were very unhappy days which left for you bitter memories,
Andy replied in a very somber tone "I try not to think about those days. All I can
remember is listening to my parents say over and over again 'we cannot afford it', 'we are
not rich, you know', 'we will never be rich', 'all the rich people are crooks'. We never had
the wonderful Christmas gifts other kids were getting. Man, life was real hard during
those days. And I don't want to have to die like my father, poor, broke and disillusioned
from life".
Taking a deep breath, Andy continued "I guess I don't have the education and I
think I am as not smart as the people making the big bucks. Just like my father, it is just
hard for me to make money. Life is just hard, real hard! My parents were right when they
told me I would never get rich. I never get any breaks.
I will never be able to afford all the things I want. I just see no hope. To tell you
the truth, I feel like a total loser. When I see people like Bill Gates or Donald Trump, I
think it is just my fate to be poor, broke and struggle all my life".
John asked "And what do you think is the solution to your problems?"
Andy replied "I will have to just keep trying harder until I get something that
works for me"
John said, "Haven't you tried hard enough? Andy, you got it all wrong. You don't
realize you are the only one to blame"
Andy replied "What? I am killing myself trying to succeed and you tell me I am
the only one to blame? You're crazy" John said "Let's see. I will repeat to you some of the
things you said to me. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong. Here we go.
You said life is real hard, especially for you, right? You believe you are not smart
enough or have enough education to make the big bucks, correct? You also believe that it
is real hard and difficult to make money, isn't it? You believe all the rich people are
crooks, which implies you'd rather be honest than rich, correct?
You further believe you will never be rich, that you have to work real hard for
your money, that in order to succeed financially it will take a lot of hard work, sweat,
suffering and struggles. correct? And we're not finished yet because you also believe you
never get any breaks and that maybe this is your fate in life, isn't it? Did I miss
In a sad tone of voice, Andy replied "You covered just about everything"
John laughed and said, "Congratulations, Andy. With all those beliefs, you are not
attracting money to you. You are not a money magnet, you are a MONEY
Andy almost screamed and said "Me, a money repellent? John, how can you say
John replied, "Andy, you are repelling money because of your Self-Image"
Andy said "My what? What is that mumbo jumbo?"
John said "Andy, I want you to listen very carefully because what I am going to
say will change your life forever".
John continued "The sum total of what you believe to be absolutely true about
yourself, money, people, the world and the universe makes up what is known as your
Self-Image. Your Self-Image sets the limits to what you can or cannot be, to what you
can or cannot do, what you can or cannot achieve, what you can or cannot have . . . Andy,
did you ever notice that your physical reality and your lousy financial situation seem to
MYSTERIOUSLY coincide EXACTLY with what you believe and think all day long, a
faithful 'picture' of your Self-Image?"
Andy replied "Hummm. I never really noticed that. You mean to tell me that my
constant negative beliefs and thoughts are creating all these miserable circumstances in
my life? Tell me more about this" John continued, "In this physical reality, no belief goes
un-rewarded, every single belief has its consequence.
The Law of Life is the Law of Belief, also known as the universal LAW OF
ATTRACTION. “Whatever you deeply believe, you will materialize in your life”. Your
'outside' world, your physical reality, is nothing more and nothing less than the 'out-
picturing', the 'materialization' of your Self-Image. In other words, Andy, YOU and
Andy's eyes opened wide as he exclaimed "But what is the connection to me
getting rich?"
John said "Andy, think of life as a river, an unlimited river flowing all the time.
This river of life carries with it all the wealth, riches, money, abundance, health, love,
success, happiness, joy you could ever imagine. You have to be careful, though, because
this same river also carries with it all the diseases, troubles, problems, limitations poverty
and misery in the world"
John continued, "You select the good 'stuff' by carefully choosing your beliefs
and the thoughts you think all day long. Then, by the universal Law of Attraction, you
beliefs and thoughts will attract to you only the good 'stuff' from the river of life.
Unfortunately, most people, because of their negative beliefs and thoughts, are attracting
all the bad 'stuff' most of the time. They got no one else to blame but themselves"
Andy anxiously asked "I want to make money, lots of money. How do
millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires tap into this river of unlimited
John replied, "They do it with their Self-Images. They KNOW their Self-Image is
their most valuable possession. That's why the super rich are constantly working on
improving their Self-Images. Using very simple but extremely powerful TECHNIQUES
that YOU can EASILY learn and apply, believe it or not, the super rich FIRST erase and
eliminate from their minds all those limiting beliefs, notions and ideas in conflict with
their goals. SECOND, they train themselves to FOCUS only on their goals, on success,
on winning. They keep working inside their minds until they completely convince
themselves that success is absolutely inevitable.
THIRD, they fully activate the powers of their Subconscious minds, the magic
Genie inside their heads, to GUIDE them effortlessly to succeed in everything they do!"
As Andy listened carefully, John continued, " The super rich ALWAYS see themselves
as WINNERS in the inside of their heads. They live all the time in a state of 'Think and
Grow Rich' mentality, a state of mind where there is no room for failure, only success.
Their Self-Images make them MAGNETS to money, wealth, riches"
Andy interrupted John by asking "But how can anyone FOCUS on success,
prosperity, abundance when you see all the misery and problems of the world?"
John replied, "The super rich also face this challenge, just like any other human
on this planet. The difference is that the super rich KNOW some simple but powerful
techniques they use to train their minds and FOCUS only on success and winning"
Andy was shaking his head as John said "Andy, correct me if I am mistaken, I bet
you are constantly rehearsing in your mind all the bad things that could happen to you in
the future, including lack of money. It didn't happen yet, but you are already imagining
future lack and failure in your mind, isn't it?"
Andy said, "But, isn't that normal? Doesn't everybody worry about the bad things
that could happen to them some day?"
John replied, "Not the super rich. They know that if they imagine any future
disaster with enough intensity and persistence, like most people do, they will most
certainly attract that disaster to themselves, sooner or later. Instead, by focusing on what
they want to achieve, they attract those desired outcomes to themselves! And their
positive, winning Self-Image, is constantly attracting to these super-rich fellows all the
right business opportunities, the right people, the right connections, the right conditions
and circumstances to continue winning.
Everything becomes EASY and even FUN for them" So, Andy said "Let me get
this straight. You are telling me that until I change what I believe about myself and about
money and I get rid of all those dark, negative, failure thoughts I think all day long, I will
never succeed, right?"
John replied "Right. Andy, think about this very carefully . . . What do you need
to believe and what do you need to think all day long in order to have the financial
success you desire?"
Andy replied "Well, I need to believe in myself, that I am a winner, that I will
succeed, that I am a money magnet, that I am good at making money, that things are
going to be EASY for me ... Wait a minute... Wait just a minute here ... Isn't that what
these super-rich people believe?"
John said "Yes!"
Andy continued "So, if I could believe what these super rich people believe and
think the same way they do, I will achieve similar successful results and everything will
be EASIER and more FUN for me, right? If I did that, I couldn't possibly fail and I would
be able to achieve all my financial goals a lot easier, right?"
John replied "You are absolutely right"
Andy was almost jumping up and down as he said to me "That means I was an
IDIOT all these years, that I wasted lots money, time and energy with all those programs
I bought to make money, right?"
John answered "No, You simply did things backward. FIRST, you should have
made the necessary changes to your inadequate Self-Image BEFORE doing anything
else. Then, you should have activated the awesome powers of your Subconscious mind to
GUIDE you to succeed. AFTER doing that, you can buy, study and use those business
programs. Starting a new business with an inadequate Self-Image is your best formula for
failure. Starting a new business with the 'RIGHT', winning Self-Image will guarantee
your success, no matter what type of business you choose"
Andy uttered, "I never heard that before" With excitement in his voice, Andy
asked "What do I have to do to start believing and thinking like the super rich people?
That looks like mission impossible!"
John said "Not really. All you need to do is use these super rich as your 'role
models'. And that can be achieved rather EASILY when you DOWNLOAD into your
mind the winning Self-Image of the millionaires, multimillionaires and billionaires"
Andy said "Yes, but isn't that very hard?"
Very patiently, John continued, "Look, Andy, it is real simple. It is only as
difficult and boring or as easy and fun as you believe it will be" "How does John know all
that?, YOU, the reader, may be asking by now. Andy finally spoke "John, you are a
multimillionaire, you are the most successful guy in our class, you are super rich, you
have million of dollars in the bank, gorgeous houses all over the country, your own
personal jet . . . you are literally drowning in money . . . Tell me, honestly, is those
'secrets' you are talking about the reason for your phenomenal success?"
John thought very carefully and then said "Yes, Andy, I owe everything to those
'secrets' and to the old gentleman who taught me how to use those 'secrets' many years
ago when I was at the lowest point in my life, when I was totally lost and in a lot worse
shape than you are right now"
As Andy opened his mouth in total shock, John said "I KNOW my Self-Image is
my most valuable possession. Therefore, I never start any new projects or set new goals
without checking my Self-Image FIRST. I always work on my Self-Image BEFORE
I start on any new project or set a new goal. I keep constantly asking myself 'What
is my current Self-Image in relation to my new goal?' If I find my current Self-Image to
be inadequate, I get busy changing it" John continued, "Then, using techniques that
anyone can EASILY learn, I do what all super rich people do . . . 'deliberately' direct my
Subconscious mind to GUIDE me to 'automatically' think the thoughts and do all the
things necessary for me to achieve all my goals, quickly, easily and having FUN".
Then, John said, "It's like I have this magic Genie who guides me in everything.
That's the RIGHT sequence and those are the FIRST things you MUST learn in
order to be truly successful"
All excited Andy said, "So, John, it's all about beliefs, right?"
John replied,"Not entirely, Andy. Some will tell you it is all about beliefs. I am
telling you, it is all about 'beliefs' AND being able to IMPRINT into your BRAIN
CELLS the so called Millionaire Mind of the super rich, all the beliefs, values, rules,
attitudes and behaviors of the super wealthy individuals. And for that you must learn the
right TECHNIQUES. With the wrong techniques, you will go nowhere.
You must learn the 'right' techniques" Now that he got Andy's full attention, John
proceeded to introduce him to the closely guarded "secrets' of the millionaires,
multimillionaires and billionaires, the REAL 'secrets' of John's extraordinary success, the
exact same 'secrets' ' that YOU can also easily learn to have all the money, wealth, riches
and success you always wanted but did not know HOW TO achieve!
Will Andy do something with what he learned? If he is like most people, he will
put it under the rug and keep blaming his childhood, his parents, the universe, other
people or his bad karma. And he will continue believing the same old limiting beliefs,
which will make him have the same old attitudes and behaviors, which will keep him
getting the same useless, results.
Are you going to learn and use the 'Secrets' of the millionaires, multimillionaires
and billionaires ... or find more EXCUSES to justify you are a loser?

The Millionaire Mind and reason(s) for financial failure

In this article we will discuss the Millionaire Mind, the Secrets of theMillionaire
Mind and reason(s) for financial failure.
There is ONLY ONE REASON for financial failure: an inadequate financial Self-
Image (what some refer to as Money Blueprint)
There is ONLY ONE REASON for financial success: a positive, winning Self –
Image with the Millionaire Mind beliefs, values and rules of the millionaires.
You have an inadequate, defective financial Self-Image (Money Blueprint)
1. You definitely have conflicting, limiting Beliefs, Values and/or Rules.And you
also have ANY or ALL all of the following:
2. Lack of knowledge and techniques to identify and eliminate conflicting,
limiting beliefs, values and rules from your Subconscious mind.
3. Lack of knowledge and techniques to program into Subconscious new useful
beliefs, values and rules that will support your financial goals, NOT oppose them.
4. Inability to use Subconscious mind to GUIDE to take the proper steps and to
the right type business.
5. Inability to use Subconscious mind to help create the best possible plan of
6. Lack of self-belief, self-confidence and FEAR (beliefs of failure, rejection,
humiliation, etc.)
7. Inability to program mind to take ACTION
8. Lack of knowledge that the VERY FIRST thing that MUST be done when
setting a NEW goal (financial or otherwise) is to analyze your financial Self-Image
(beliefs, values and rules) that will undertake the new goal and CHANGE it if inadequate.
Let's add some items cited by many, and which exist in your world because of
your DEFECTIVE, INADEQUATE Self-Image (Money Blueprint). Even though they
may be contributing to your failure, they are not the PRIMARY cause of it. Everything
always begins in your mind. The Law of Belief (= Law of Attraction) will "materialize"
in your reality the EXACT match to your deeply held beliefs, values and rules. "What
you deeply believe at the Subconscious level will materialize in your life", "It is done
unto you as you believe", "You get exactly what you deeply believe".
Even Napoleon Hill, in his best-selling book "Think and Grow Rich" invokes the
Law of Attraction by stating "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and BELIEVE, it
can achieve". Notice very carefully that Napoleon Hill's statement would be incomplete
without the verb BELIEVE included.
The PRIMARY, ORIGINAL, father/mother CAUSE of your financial failure is –
ONE MORE TIME -- a defective financial Self-Image (Money Blueprint). The REST is
consequence of such limited Self-Image.
The CAUSE of your financial failure is ALWAYS a defective Self-Image
(limiting, conflicting Beliefs, Values and Rules) which activate the Law of Attraction
(=Law of Belief) to bring you limited, undesirable financial results which are in perfect
harmony with the conflicting, limited beliefs, values and rules you hold.
So, here we may cite some CONTRIBUTING factors -- keeping in mind that they
are consequence of a defective financial Self-Image, and NOT the CAUSE of it. Most
people believe the EXACT opposite and have NO CLUE about their own limited,
defective, inadequate financial Self-Images (Money Blueprint).
1. You do not know how to handle money. You have limited knowledge of to
how handle, manage, save and invest your money.
2. You do not have specific, clearly defined WRITTEN goals and WRITTEN
plans for their achievement.
3. You are too lazy or afraid to take the time and educate yourself regarding
financial matters.
4. You always jump into action (try to invest in real estate, stock market and
commodities, work from home, open a new business, sell on ebay, just to mention a few
possibilities) without EVER looking at the financial Self-Image (Money Blueprint) of the
fellow who is going to achieve all that -- YOU!.
5. You are always into those "get rich quick" schemes without the proper financial
Self-Image and without the proper knowledge of the business you are getting into.
6. You let others manage and invest your money instead of learning the most you
can about the process.
7. You avoid making investments because of your lack of knowledge and
expertise. And you compound the problem by refusing to educate yourself about financial
8. When you decide to make some investments, you do it in things and areas
about which you do not have any knowledge or understanding -- or only limited and
erroneous knowledge. It almost looks as if you are setting yourself up for failure. (Let me
tell you the real SECRET: You ARE because unknown to you, your Subconscious is
already set up for failure due to so many limiting beliefs, values and rules)..
9. You do not even make any efforts to handle the limited amount of money you
may have right now.
Now, add other contributing factors that come to your mind and/or applies
specifically to your situation..
But . . . unless you understand that everything BEGINS AND ENDS with your
financial Self-image (Money Blueprint), you will NEVER have any great and/or lasting
financial success.
Billionaires Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Bill Bartmann and multimillionaire Harv
Eker, author of "The Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" will tell you that you may know
everything a human can possibly know about how to handle and manage money, how to
invest in real estate, stock and commodities, you can be a financial genius. . And still,
unless you have that Millionaire Mind (= winning financial Self-Image, winning Money
Blueprint made up of the right beliefs, values and rules) you will still FAIL miserably the
moment you go into business -- no matter what type of business, no matter how smart
you think you are , no matter how hard and how long you work.

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