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Person of Intrest Interview

The person I chose to write about as my person of interest is my uncle, Henry Because he

was a high school and college athlete who started his own tech company and I admire him for

that because that’s my dream. What I want to know most about my uncle henry is how hard it

was for him to start a company and if there was anything that he did while starting his company

that he regrets doing, so basically I would ask him what his advice would be for startups. This is

because I want to start a business of my own when I grow up so I think that hearing about is

experiences could help me. What I already know about my uncle is that he went to Lutheran

north his high school years, he got a full sports scholarship to college, he started his own

company, and he is not married.

My Uncles question resposes

What has been your hardest struggle and how did you prevail?

“Definitely College was the hardest thing I had to go through, I almost gave up a few times but

the thought of it letter to better things and that it would all be worth it, in the end, kept me


What is your biggest fear in life?


What is your favorite place to eat? Why?

Wingerz was just that place to go to back then

Have you had to leave anything behind?

“Well I had to leave family behind because if you want to make it big you have to go where the

money’s at, which was in texas”

What is the most valuable thing to you? Why?

“My family, thats what everything ive done has been for”

What is the biggest mistake you’ve made in life? Did you fix it? How

“The biggest mistake of my life was not doing my schoolwork which intern ot me rejected from

my college of choice. I was lucky enough to get a second chance though”

If you could bring back one part of your childhood what would it be? Why?

“I would bring back the friendships because there's something abouit the forced interactions of

high school that make high school friendships special.”

If you could redo one part of your life what would it be?

“Highschool, one because it was the best but also because if I could redo it and make some better

choices I could of actually been a football star”

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