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Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197

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High pressure acid leaching of a refractory lateritic nickel ore

Sß . Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya ⇑
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Middle East Technical University (METU), 06531 Ankara, Turkey

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper describes the experimental findings of the extraction of nickel and cobalt by high pressure acid
Available online 2 June 2011 leaching (HPAL) of a refractory limonitic nickel laterite ore from the Gördes region of Manisa in Turkey.
By optimizing the basic HPAL process parameters: leaching at 255 °C with 0.30 sulfuric acid to ore weight
Keywords: ratio with a particle size of 100% 850l for 1 h of leaching, it was found that 87.3% of nickel and 88.8% of
Hydrometallurgy cobalt present in the ore could be extracted into the pregnant leach solution (PLS). However, these extrac-
Laterite tion results were found to be relatively low compared with other similar studies. In order to understand
the possible reasons for this relatively lower extraction, further investigations have shown that together
with a problem related to the kinetics of the dissolution reactions, a persistent acid resistant refractory
mineral present in this sample also limited the leaching process. Attempts were made with different
additives to solve this problem. The effects of chemical additives such as HCl, Na2SO4, FeSO4, Cu+ and sul-
fur were tested and the effect of each addition on the degree of extraction of nickel and cobalt was
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sources in 1950. However, this ratio increased up to 42% in 2003,

and is expected to rise to 51% by 2012 (Dalvi et al., 2004; Sudol,
Ferrous and non-ferrous alloying industries, petro-chemical 2005). In the light of this historical data and the changing trend to-
works, aerospace applications, nickel based catalysts and battery wards the lateritic type nickel deposits; technically, economically
production, military applications, coinage and coating practices and environmentally feasible processing techniques are steadily
are some of the most common areas of nickel utilization in indus- gaining more and more importance.
try which lead to a high demand for this metal throughout the Understanding the history of formation of a mineral deposit is
world. When the trends in this demand are investigated from critical in establishing a possible processing route for that value.
1950 to 2009, it is clearly seen that the need for nickel has risen Typically, the lateritic nickel ores vary widely in their chemical
from below 200 ktpa to over 1300 ktpa, and this dramatic increase composition and mineralogical structure when their history of for-
is growing at an average rate of 4% per annum (INSG, 2010; mation is considered. Depending on their lateritization history, dif-
McDonald and Whittington, 2008). ferent lateritic profiles may form on a single deposit having
Until recently this high demand for nickel has been supplied different mineralogical formations and distribution. The zones in
mostly from the sulfide based nickel reserves; however, this trend a typical lateritic ore are classified and named as limonitic, transi-
is changing towards the more abundant lateritic type nickel re- tion (nontronitic) or saprolitic according to their mineral content
sources, which account for about 70% of the world nickel reserves. (Canterford, 1978). Naturally, the response of a specific ore to met-
This is due to technical, economic and environmental reasons allurgical treatment depends on the chemical composition and
(Moskalyk and Alfantazi, 2002). To illustrate, apart from the pre- mineralogical characteristics of that ore. Three metallurgical
dominance of lateritic deposits over sulfides, their easier mining extraction processes are currently being applied; pyrometallurgi-
by simple open-pit mining methods, unlike the extremely expen- cal, hydrometallurgical and the ‘Caron Process’. Roughly speaking,
sive underground mining of sulfides, makes their utilization more the energy intensive pyrometallurgical method generally uses the
preferable. Finally, significant amounts of cobalt contained in late- ferro-nickel production route or matte smelting process in order
rites makes them more competitive in the nickel industry. to recover the nickel mostly contained in the saprolitic part of
According to annual data of nickel production from sulfides and the lateritic ore. However, the hydrometallurgical methods gener-
laterites, less than 10% of nickel was produced from lateritic ally exploit the highly selective dissolution features of both nickel
and cobalt in the limonitic and nontronitic parts of the laterite ore
in sulfuric acid media. The Caron Process uses the pyrometallurgi-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +90 312 2102538; fax: +90 312 2102518. cal and hydrometallurgical methods together in order to obtain the
E-mail address: (Y.A. Topkaya). metallic values (Moyes, 2010).

0892-6875/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sß. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197 1189

In this study, the response of limonitic nickel laterite ore from ceed until the target leaching duration was attained. After the re-
the Manisa/Gördes region of Turkey to sulfuric acid was investi- quired leaching duration was completed, the system was allowed
gated under high temperature and high pressure hydrometallurgi- to cool to room temperature for approximately 1 h, by means of
cal techniques, and the most cost effective process parameters water flowing through a titanium cooling coil. In order to perform
such as leaching temperature and duration, sulfuric acid/ore ratio solid/liquid separation after leaching, the resultant slurry was fil-
and particle size were examined in order to add value to this de- tered by the aid of a vacuum pump and Whatman grade-40 filter
posit. Moreover, attempts to solve the problems experienced due paper on a Buchner funnel. After loading the pregnant leach solu-
to low nickel and cobalt extraction were made by using suitable tion with leached metal cations, the solid that remained in the
chemical additives. Buchner funnel was washed well in order to completely remove
the pregnant leach solution. The resultant leach residue was then
dried overnight at 105 °C ready for chemical analysis. Leach resi-
2. Experimental
dues and pregnant leach solutions obtained were analyzed chemi-
cally as explained previously. Meanwhile, the resultant pregnant
2.1. Material characterization
leach solutions were also analyzed for residual acid. Oxidation–
reduction potential (ORP) and density measurements were also
In order to determine the general characteristics of the lateritic
sample, physical, chemical and mineralogical characterization
During the residual free acid determinations, 0.2 M sodium
steps were performed. For this purpose, the ore was sampled by
hydroxide (NaOH) solution was used to neutralize the free acid
coning and quartering. Initially bulk and solid density measure-
which remained in the pregnant leach solution. In order to sup-
ments were conducted on the representative limonitic nickel later-
press the interfering effect of some ions during titration, 280 g/L
ite ore sample. Bulk density measurements were done according to
di-potassium oxalate monohydrate (K2C2O4H2O) solution was
the ratio of ore weight to ore volume, without joggle. On the other
used as a chelating agent during the titration. At the same time
hand, the solid density of the sample was determined by a bottle
the pH meter was calibrated to pH 7.0 by a special buffer solution.
pycnometer. After the density measurements, the moisture con-
The titration procedure was as follows; 20 cc of 280 g/L di-potas-
tent determination of the as-received ore was determined by
sium oxalate monohydrate solution was diluted with 5 cc of deion-
weighing and drying a representative limonitic sample in a drying
ized water and the pH of this mixture was measured with the pre-
oven at 105 °C until a constant dry mass was attained.
calibrated pH meter. Then, 5 cc of pregnant leach solution was
The limonitic sample was dried and ground to 100% 38l and
added into this mixture and the solution was homogenized by
analyzed chemically by the Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP)
the help of a magnetic stirrer. Finally, this solution was titrated
method. Chemical analyses of the pregnant leach solutions after
with 0.2 M sodium hydroxide solution to the initial pH level. Then,
the leaching experiments were conducted using AAS, while the
from the amount of sodium hydroxide consumed, the residual acid
dried and ground solid leach residues were mainly analyzed by
in the pregnant leach solution was determined. For the oxidation–
using a Niton X-Met 820 X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) analyzer and
reduction potential measurements, a Pt-Ag/AgCl electrode (satu-
by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) together. In order to
rated with KCl) was used and the measured values were reported
determine the types of minerals present in the ore samples, a Rig-
according to the Pt-Ag/AgCl reference electrode.
aku D/MAX2200/PC model X-ray Diffractometer with a Cu-Ka X-
ray tube working under 40 kV and 40 mA was used during the min-
eralogical analysis of the limonitic nickel laterite sample. Also the 2.3. Experimental parameters studied
mineralogical analysis results were verified by the aid of a Nova
Nanosem 430 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Investigation Throughout the experiments various process parameters were
of the thermal behavior of the minerals present in the limonitic studied. Initially, the experiments began with the investigation of
nickel laterite sample was the last step in the mineralogical char- the effect of leaching temperature on nickel and cobalt extractions.
acterization study. For this purpose, the ore samples were dried Then the effects of leaching duration, sulfuric acid/ore ratio (w/w),
and ground to a size of 100% 38l and subjected to Differential and particle size were examined. In addition to these basic process
Thermal Analysis (DTA) and Thermo Gravimetric Analysis (TGA) parameters, the effect of prior heat treatment and the effects of
by a Simultaneous Setaram DTA and TGA device. These analyses various additives were studied and the list of process parameters
were conducted at a heating rate of 10 °C/min within the temper- investigated is summarized in Table 1.
ature range of 35–1000 °C in air in an alumina crucible.
3. Results and discussion
2.2. Experimental set-up and procedure
3.1. Characterization results
High pressure acid leaching experiments were conducted in a
Parr-4532 model, 2 l, titanium grade-4 autoclave which was The bulk and solid densities of the representative Gördes limo-
equipped with automatic heating and cooling units, and a magnet- nitic nickel laterite ore were found to be 1.04 and 3.26 g/cm3,
ically driven stirring system. To test the ore sample, a slurry of respectively. According to the moisture content measurement, it
150 g of limonitic nickel laterite ore was prepared with deionized was calculated that the sample contained 23.47% of physically held
water according to a predetermined solid/liquid ratio of 30 wt.% water. This suggested that it would be a very energy intensive pro-
solids. After the slurry was prepared in the autoclave, technical cess just in terms of moisture content if a pyrometallurgical pro-
grade sulfuric acid (96–98 wt.%) was added and the lid of the auto- cessing route was selected for the treatment of this ore. Chemical
clave was closed carefully in order to prevent any leakage during analysis of the limonitic nickel laterite sample is given in Table 2.
the high pressure leaching operation. At this point, any analytical By combining the chemical analysis results together with XRD
reagent (AR) of high purity, to test its effect on leaching, was also and DTA/TGA findings, it was found that the limonitic sample con-
added before sealing the autoclave, and the system was allowed tained high amounts of quartz (SiO2), hematite (Fe2O3), and goe-
to heat up to the desired set-point temperature. The start of the thite (FeOOH) minerals as well as the mineral smectite, having
reaction, defined as zero time, was defined as when the reactor the idealized mineral formula of (Na0.3Fe2(Si,Al)4O10(OH)2nH2O).
temperature reached the set-point and the reaction was left to pro- In order to verify the previous analyses, SEM studies on the laterite
1190 Sß. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197

Table 1
List of process parameters studied during HPAL experiments.

Experiments Fixed parameters Studied parameters Additive

Leaching temp. (°C) 60 min, 850l, 0.3 acid/ore ratio 245, 250, 255, 260, 265, 270 No addition
Leaching duration (min) 255 °C, 850l, 0.3 acid/ore ratio 0, 60, 90, 180, 360 No addition
Sulfuric acid/ore ratio (w/w) 255 °C, 60 min, 850l 0.275, 0.300, 0.325, 0.350 No addition
Particle size (l) 255 °C, 60 min, 0.3 acid/ore ratio 38, 425, 850, 1400, 2000 No addition
Prior heat treatment 255 °C, 60 min, 850l, 0.3 acid/ore ratio Limonite heat treated at 350 °C No addition
HCl addition (kg/ton dry ore) 255 °C, 60 min, 850l, 0.3 acid/ore ratio 33.33, 66.67 HCl (37 wt.%)(AR)
Na2SO4 addition (gpl) 255 °C, 60 min, 850l, 0.3 acid/ore ratio 12.5, 25.0 Na2SO4 (AR)
FeSO4 addition (gpl) 255 °C, 60 min, 850l, 0.3 acid/ore ratio 14.3, 28.6 FeSO4 (AR)
Cu+ addition (gpl) 255 °C, 60 min, 850l, 0.3 acid/ore ratio 1, 2, 3 Cu2O (AR)
Sulfur addition (kg/ton dry ore) 255 °C, 60 min, 850l, 0.3 acid/ore ratio 1, 2, 3 S (AR)

Table 2
Chemical analysis of limonitic nickel laterite sample.

Constituent Fe Ni Co Cr2O3 MnO As Al2O3

Content (wt.%) 28.70 1.28 0.083 1.99 0.59 0.68 5.83
Constituent SiO2 MgO CaO K2O TiO2 CuO S
Content (wt.%) 28.8 2.26 1.27 0.12 0.13 0.04 0.43

sample indicated that the nickel was mainly present in the crystal When this result is compared with the reported data in the litera-
lattices of the minerals goethite (FeOOH), hematite (Fe2O3), ser- ture, it is evident that almost 80% of the cobalt is rapidly taken into
pentine ((Mg, Fe)3Si2O5(OH)4) and smectite (Na0.3Fe2(Si, the leach solution, possibly due to the presence of cobalt in the
Al)4O10(OH)2nH2O). Cobalt, however, was mainly present in the readily-leached manganese mineral ((Co, Ni)1y(MnO2)2x(OH)
crystal structure of the mineral asbolane having the idealized for- 22y+2xn(H2O)), asbolane (Georgiou and Papangelakis, 1998).
mula of (Co, Ni)1y(Mn4+O2)2x(OH)22y+2xnH2O. Similar results Georgiou and Papangelakis (2009) showed that treating lateritic
were reported by Büyükakinci for Gördes limonites in a previous ore between the temperatures of 230 and 270 °C had essentially
study (Büyükakinci and Topkaya, 2009). no effect upon the rate of cobalt extraction. Cobalt was leached
readily in the first 10 to 20 min of leaching, and its dissolution rate
3.2. Extraction results slowed down thereafter. Chou et al. also emphasized the high ini-
tial rate of cobalt extraction. Therefore, the extraction behavior of
The effect of temperature on the degree of nickel and cobalt cobalt is generally reported to be less affected by increasing tem-
extractions was initially investigated and then the effects of leach- perature (Chou et al., 1977). Other than nickel and cobalt extrac-
ing duration, sulfuric acid/ore ratio and particle size were tested tions, it is interesting to note that as a result of increasing leach
separately in order to obtain the optimum nickel and cobalt extrac- temperatures, remarkable changes in the extractions of iron, alu-
tions with the most cost effective process parameters. The overall minum and, to a limited extent, chromium were observed. This is
results of these experiments are discussed in the following as a result of temperature rise in the pressure leach process, the
sections. precipitation rates of iron and aluminum increasing in parallel
with temperature with inverse solubility of hematite and alunite
precipitates. This has also been supported by Georgiou and Papan-
3.2.1. Effect of temperature
gelakis (1998) who report that the increasing leaching tempera-
According to the extraction behavior of nickel with increasing
tures favor increasing nickel and cobalt concentration ratios ‘[(Ni
temperature, it was noticed that there was an increasing trend in
or Co)/(Fe + Al)]’ as a result of the inverse solubility of hematite
the extraction of nickel with the process parameters given in Ta-
and alunite in the pregnant leach solution.
ble 1. However, beyond 265 °C this increasing trend seemed to dis-
The pressure acid leach experiments conducted at different
appear with further increase in temperature. Georgiou and
leaching temperatures showed that more nickel and cobalt could
Papangelakis in 1988 reported similar behavior between the tem-
be extracted into the pregnant leach liquor in just 1 h of leaching
peratures of 230 and 270 °C. A study conducted by Chou et al. in
at higher leaching temperatures in the autoclave. However, since
1977 showed that leaching up to 275 °C increases nickel yield,
higher leaching temperatures mean higher initial investment and
but leaching conducted at 300 °C leads to a decrease in the degree
operational costs, the optimal process temperature should be se-
of nickel extraction. The cause of this behavior was reported in the
lected whether or not the extra nickel and cobalt credit compen-
literature by indicating that in excess of 270 °C, the possibility of
sates for the former production expenses. Therefore, for the rest
nickel–magnesium sulfate (Mg, Ni)SO4H2O co-precipitation in-
of the tests a leaching temperature of 255 °C was selected, and
creases severely due to the lower solubility of magnesium at higher
higher nickel and cobalt extractions were obtained by optimizing
temperatures (Whittington and Muir, 2000). This precipitation is
the other process parameters effectively.
generally accompanied with nickel and cobalt losses to the precip-
itate. It is also reported that as the temperature of pressure leach-
ing goes beyond 280 °C, the possibility of Fe(OH)SO4 (basic iron 3.2.2. Effect of leaching duration
sulfate) and Al(OH)SO4 (basic aluminum sulfate) formations in- The data obtained from leaching duration experiments showed
crease, with accompanied acid losses which are not desirable dur- that the nickel and cobalt behaved similarly when the leaching dura-
ing the pressure acid leaching process. tion was prolonged. It is shown in Fig. 2 that from the starting point,
When the extraction behavior of cobalt is considered, it is seen up to 180 min of leaching duration, the nickel and cobalt extractions
from Fig. 1 that cobalt is not as sensitive to increasing process tem- increased as intended. However, although increasing nickel extrac-
peratures as nickel and its intensity decreases beyond 265 °C. tion continued from 180 min up to 360 min of leaching duration, this
Sß. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197 1191

Fig. 1. Effect of temperature upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions.

Fig. 2. Effect of leaching duration upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions.

trend resulted in an extraction value of around 95%, which sug- The pressure acid leach experiments conducted at different
gested that further increase in leaching duration would be of limited leaching durations showed that more nickel and cobalt could be
use in increasing the degree of nickel and cobalt extractions. Thus, it extracted into the pregnant leach liquor at 255 °C by increasing
was thought that, together with a problem related with the kinetics the duration of leaching in the autoclave. However, as in the case
of the chemical reactions, a persistent leaching behavior limited the of temperature, there was a limit to this increase, possibly due to
process. In other words, these results suggested that there may be the difficulty in leaching refractory minerals suspected to be
very acid resistant refractory minerals present in this limonitic nick- mainly hematite. Therefore, prolonged leaching may be helpful in
el laterite sample which prevented the leaching of nickel and cobalt increasing the desired level of nickel and cobalt extractions. How-
from the lattice of these minerals. When the mineralogical charac- ever, since prolonged leaching decreases the overall capacity of the
terization step is referred to again, the presence of hematite within plant and thus increases the costs, the optimal leaching duration
the limonitic sample appeared to be the possible reason for this should be selected whether the extra nickel and cobalt credits
extraction behavior. This difficulty in the leaching behavior of hema- compensate for the former production expenses. Therefore, for
tite was also reported by Kui Lui et al. who stated that leaching be- the remaining tests just 60 min of leaching was selected, and high-
comes more difficult among the nickel containing minerals in the er nickel and cobalt extractions were obtained by suitable addi-
following order; Lizardite > goethite > maghemite > magnetite > tives and optimizing other process parameters more effectively.
hematite > chromite  ringwoodite (Liu et al., 2009, 2010). There-
fore, this incomplete extraction of nickel stemming from the primary 3.2.3. Effect of sulfuric acid/ore ratio
hematite was examined throughout this study to see whether it is While examining the results of the effect of sulfuric acid con-
possible to overcome this problem. centration on nickel and cobalt extractions, the amount of residual
Apart from nickel and cobalt, marked decreases in the extrac- acid in the pregnant leach liquor after leaching is also of impor-
tion of iron, aluminum and chromium were observed after pro- tance. It has been reported from other research that for high nickel
longed leaching, due to increased precipitation reactions favored and cobalt extractions sufficient free acid should remain in the
by extended leaching. pregnant liquor in order to maintain the stability of dissolved spe-
cies and prevent undesired nickel and cobalt losses (Whittington
1192 Sß. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197

Table 3 particle size became more important in terms of nickel extraction

Free acidity with respect to sulfuric acid concentration. when the feed size was decreased below 425 lm, and further
Acid amount (kg/ton dry ore) 275 300 325 350 reduction in the particle size seemed to give more effective results.
Free acidity (gpl) 39.2 41.2 44.5 44.9 Similarly, the extraction of cobalt was increased in such a way that
as the particle size was reduced from 2000 lm to 425 lm, there
was an almost linear increase in the cobalt extraction. However,
and Muir, 2000). However, while various researchers have reported this trend became steeper and led to an exponential increase in
the positive effect of residual acidity in the pregnant leach liquor, the extraction of cobalt into the pregnant leach solution when
there is also a limiting value to the amount of this residual acid the size was reduced from 425 lm to 38 lm. This was due to
present in the solution. During the solution purification and metal the effect of increased specific surface area of refractory minerals,
recovery steps this residual acid should be neutralized somehow, such as hematite and quartz, containing small fractions of nickel
CaCO3 often being the most suitable reactant. Therefore, the and cobalt, which was verified by scanning electron microscopy
amount of residual acid becomes directly related with the con- of the limonitic nickel laterite sample.
sumption of basic reagent and, in turn, it determines the viability In addition to changes in nickel and cobalt extractions, Chou
of the process economics in terms of the rising cost of et al. also showed that excessive grinding of the ore created extra
consumables. surface area, which in turn provided additional nucleation sites
Practical data from various processing plants help to clarify the for iron and aluminum precipitation. Therefore, the impurity con-
above. Testwork on Ramu ore at 250 °C suggests that 30 g/L of centration of pregnant leach solution decreased as a result of over
residual acid was optimal for sufficient nickel and cobalt extrac- grinding. Similar trends in the extractions of iron and aluminum
tion. Similarly, 30–40 g/L and 40 g/L of free acid were necessary were observed during the leaching experiments. Extractions of iron
for Bulong and Murrin Murrin ores respectively (Whittington and and aluminum tended to decrease as a result of reduction in the
Muir, 2000). Therefore, for Gördes limonitic nickel laterite ore feed size which was in agreement with the statement made by
40 g/L residual sulfuric acid was targeted for satisfactory results. Chou et al. in 1977.
The actually measured residual acid values are given in Table 3. When the overall results of the particle size experiments are
Therefore, when the nickel and cobalt extraction results in Fig. 3 considered, it can be said that grinding was beneficial in terms of
and the residual acid measurement values in Table 3 are evaluated higher nickel and cobalt extractions and cleaner PLS characteristics
together, 300 kg of sulfuric acid per ton of dry limonitic nickel lat- for further downstream processing. However, this is limited by
erite ore seemed to be the most appropriate selection among the technical and economical reasons, as grinding becomes more diffi-
other alternatives, since the extra acid addition did not satisfy cult and energy consuming when the particle size is reduced exces-
the required increase in extraction values, in fact increasing the sively. The rheology of the pulp fed into the autoclave is also a very
acid and base consumptions pointlessly. In addition to the above, important consideration which should be kept in mind during the
the leach residue samples were analyzed by XRF and the sulfur final decision making process. Since the rheological properties and
contents of the leach residue samples were also determined. ease of stirring in the autoclave are a function of the feed size it be-
According to the obtained results, the sample leached with comes very difficult to provide effective stirring when very coarse
300 kg of sulfuric acid was found to contain 1.89% sulfur, whereas particle sized feed is fed into the system. Therefore, in the light of
the sample leached with 350 kg of sulfuric acid contained 2.25% these considerations, the limonitic samples ground to 100%
sulfur, which showed that the increased sulfuric acid addition also 850 lm were used in the remaining experiments. By using the
increased the sulfur losses in the leach residue needlessly. There- above mentioned process parameters, 87.3% of nickel and 88.8%
fore, this finding also showed that the addition of 300 kg of sulfuric of cobalt present in the ore were extracted into the pregnant leach
acid would give the best result when the overall considerations solution and the solution contained 4677 ppm Ni, 266 ppm Co,
were taken into account. 2620 ppm Al, 1364 ppm Mn, 4754 ppm Mg, 98 ppm As, 123 ppm
Cr, and 2296 ppm Fe.
3.2.4. Effect of particle size
The results of particle size experiments given in Fig. 4 show that 3.2.5. Effect of prior heat treatment
the responses of nickel and cobalt extractions were positive when Previously the effects of temperature, leaching duration, acid/
finer particles were fed into the autoclave. As seen from Fig. 4, the ore ratio, and particle size on nickel and cobalt extraction results

Fig. 3. Effect of sulfuric acid concentration upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions.
Sß. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197 1193

Fig. 4. Effect of particle size upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions.

have been described and further tests were then performed at limonitic sample was heated to 350 °C in order to transform all
255 °C with 0.30 acid to ore weight ratio, with a particle size of the goethite to hematite. The selection of heat treatment tempera-
100% 850 lm for 1 h duration. When these optimum parameters ture was based on the thermal analysis result for the limonitic
were used and the leach residue sample was analyzed by XRD, it sample given in Fig. 6. As clearly seen in Fig. 6, at about 270 °C goe-
was found (Fig. 5) that there were no considerable changes in thite present in the limonitic sample has transformed into hema-
the quartz peaks after leaching, showing that quartz had remained tite according to the dehydroxylation reaction of goethite.
almost intact during the leaching operation. However, the charac- However, in order to be on the safe side, the heat treatment tem-
teristic peaks of smectite and goethite within the limonitic nickel perature was chosen as 350 °C. The nickel and cobalt extraction re-
laterite ore had disappeared, indicating that these minerals were sults obtained after pressure leaching for the heat treated limonitic
leached out from the original ore sample. After leaching, the inten- ore are given in Fig. 7 together with those of the original ore ob-
sity of the characteristic hematite peaks increased in the XRD pat- tained under the same experimental conditions, for comparison
tern of the leach residue, verifying that iron had tended to purposes. It is obvious from Fig. 7 that on transforming the goe-
precipitate in the form of secondary hematite. Therefore, it is likely thite to hematite, there was a tremendous decrease in the extrac-
that nickel present within the primary hematite mineral may be tion of nickel and cobalt which means that it is more difficult to
the main reason for the low extraction results experienced with leach and obtain nickel from hematite compared with goethite.
these limonitic nickel laterite samples. In order to verify this, the Moreover, a scanning electron microscopy study on the leach res-

Fig. 5. XRD result comparison of limonite ore and its leach residue.
1194 Sß. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197

Fig. 6. DTA/TGA analysis results of limonitic sample.

the autoclave should be designed to endure the severe corrosive

leaching conditions.

3.2.7. Effect of Na2SO4 addition

Although some studies report the beneficial effects of Na2SO4
addition, the experimental results of Gördes limonitic nickel later-
ite ore given in Fig. 9 were unsatisfactory due to the observed de-
crease in the degree of nickel and cobalt extractions. However, the
contribution of Na2SO4 in changing the solution impurity concen-
trations and residue mineralogy could not be ignored, as when
the extractions of Fe, Al, Mn, Mg, and Cr in the pregnant leach solu-
tion were considered, a remarkable decrease in their amounts was
observed. The reason for the decrease of these ions is explained by
the increased stability of natroalunite and/or natrojarosite and
their precipitation as a result of sodium ions present in the solution
(Johnson et al., 2005). In addition to the observed decrease in the
Fig. 7. Effect of prior heat treatment upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions. concentration of impurity elements, nickel and cobalt may also
substitute into the alunite/jarosite structure during precipitation,
which may be the reason for the observed low nickel and cobalt
idue has also shown that the losses of nickel were mainly related to
extraction values (Whittington and Muir, 2000). Parallel to the for-
the iron minerals. Therefore, in the following stages, it was at-
mation of natroalunite and/or natrojarosite, the amount of residual
tempted to overcome this difficulty by making various changes
acid was measured and it was seen that the free acid in the solu-
to the leaching environment.
tion continuously decreased from 41.2 gpl to 37.8 and 33.9, respec-
tively as a result of increases in the Na2SO4 concentration. The
decrease in residual acid and the formation of natroalunite and/
3.2.6. Effect of HCl addition
or natrojarosite were explained and formulated according to the
On evaluation of the results of hydrochloric acid addition shown
chemical reactions given below (Johnson et al., 2005):
in Fig. 8, the findings were satisfactory only in terms of increasing
the nickel and cobalt extractions, as the extremely corrosive
3Fe2 ðSO4 Þ3 þ Na2 SO4 þ 12H2 O ! 2NaðFeÞ3 ðSO4 Þ2 ðOHÞ6 þ 6H2 SO4
behavior of the acidic mixture resulted in damage to the leaching
equipment. As a result of severe acidic attack, some rupture plates ð1Þ
on the autoclave have exploded during acid mixture testing which
led to the termination of further tests. Thus, the overall conclusion 3Al2 ðSO4 Þ3 þ Na2 SO4 þ 12H2 O ! 2NaðAlÞ3 ðSO4 Þ2 ðOHÞ6 þ 6H2 SO4
was that HCl together with H2SO4 might be an alternative in order ð2Þ
to enhance the extraction behavior of nickel and cobalt from the
refractory minerals of the limonitic nickel laterite ore. However,
Sß. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197 1195

Fig. 8. Effect of HCl addition upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions.

Fig. 9. Effect of Na2SO4 addition upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions.

According to these reactions and from the residual acid mea- the pregnant leach solution decreased from 489 mV to 366 and
surements, the presence of sodium ions in the solution affects 344 mV, respectively after the FeSO4 additions, and this reducing
the iron and aluminum chemistry and inhibits the regeneration solution led to the desired increase in the nickel and cobalt extrac-
of sulfuric acid to the solution. tion values, as shown in Fig. 10. This behavior was explained by
The changes observed in the reaction chemistry and residue Tindall and Muir (1997) as the presence of divalent iron species
mineralogy also affected the filtration behavior of the leach residue facilitates bond breakage and aids iron oxide dissolution via elec-
after pressure leaching. As a result of changes in the precipitation tron transfer in the leach solution, thus increasing the extraction
reactions, the leach residue showed colloidal behavior during fil- of valuable metals from the goethite and hematite matrix. Also re-
tration which could be explained by the reduction in free acidity lated to the FeSO4 addition is that the amount of iron present in the
having hydrolyzed the silicic acid to colloidal silica, which in turn leach solution increased due to iron sulfate addition as expected.
complicated the solid–liquid separation process (Whittington and Before ferrous ion addition, most of the iron in the PLS was in
Muir, 2000). Therefore, although the addition of Na2SO4 was very the form of ferric ion. However after this addition the amount of
effective for solution purification purposes, it seemed that this ferrous ion was naturally increased, which is a disadvantage for
additive would not solve the problem of low nickel and cobalt downstream processes, as iron present in the ferrous state should
extraction results. be oxidized to the ferric state during downstream processes, mak-
ing the process more complicated. So apart from the negative effect
3.2.8. Effect of FeSO4 addition of ferrous ions during the downstream solution purification pro-
Various researchers have reported the positive effect of the cesses, this addition was effective in enhancing the extraction
presence of reducing species in the pregnant leach solution during behaviors of nickel and cobalt on changing the solution character-
pressure acid leaching of lateritic nickel resources. Therefore, in istics to a more reducing character.
this part of the study, the effect of divalent iron addition to the
leach solution was investigated in order to enhance the nickel 3.2.9. Effect of Cu+ addition
and cobalt extraction values. As stated in the literature, the addi- After obtaining somewhat encouraging results from the FeSO4
tion of divalent iron led to a drastic fall in the reduction potential addition experiments, further tests to evaluate the positive effects
of the leach solution. To be more specific, the reduction potential of of reducing solution characteristics were attempted with the
1196 Sß. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197

Fig. 10. Effect of FeSO4 addition upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions.

addition of cuprous ions (Cu+) into the leach solution. The catalytic ion addition. According to Fig. 11, only a slight increase in the
mechanism of cuprous ions is correlated with the ease of electron extraction of cobalt was observed when compared to nickel. This
transfer between Cu+ and iron species. According to the proposed was due to higher ORP values obtained in the case of Cu(I) addi-
mechanism in the literature, the dissolution of iron species in the tions as a result of the significant variation of FeSO4 to Cu(I) con-
presence of cuprous ions is catalyzed by the following electro- centrations in the liquor.
chemical reaction, while nickel present within the crystal lattice
of iron minerals is predicted to be liberated into the solution (Byer- 3.2.10. Effect of S addition
ley et al., 1979; Parker and Espenson, 1969); Experimental evidence up to this stage has shown that there is a
close relationship between the electrochemical nature of the leach-
ing solution and the observed nickel and cobalt extractions. To
Fe3þ þ Cuþ ! Fe2þ þ Cu2þ ð3Þ
confirm this, the same constant test parameters were used as in
According to the results shown in Fig. 11, the positive effect the case of ferrous and cuprous ions additions, and the addition
of cuprous ions in extracting the nickel present in the hematite of sulfur to change the reduction potential of the leach solution
crystal lattice was similar to that of previous studies performed was planned in order to facilitate electron transfer in the solution.
by other researchers. In the case of cobalt, previous work has For the no-sulfur added experiment the reduction potential was
shown that the extraction of cobalt can be enhanced when the 489 mV. However, on addition of sulfur the reduction potentials
potential of the solution is adjusted to a more reducing character were measured as 373, 349, and 334 mV, respectively with
(Tindall and Muir, 1997). This was verified by the addition of increasing sulfur content. Thus sulfur seemed to be very effective
reducing ferrous ions into the leach solution. On addition of cu- in controlling the reduction potential of the leach solution. Accord-
prous ions in increasing amounts, the reduction potential of the ing to the results given in Fig. 12, almost the same extractions of
solution was lowered from 489 mV to 449, 440, and 410 mV, nickel and cobalt were observed as in the case of cuprous ion addi-
respectively. However, the expected enhancement in extraction tion. Slight increases in the extractions of nickel and cobalt were
behavior of cobalt was not as good as that obtained by ferrous believed to be the result of more reducing solution characteristics.

Fig. 11. Effect of Cu+ addition upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions.
Sß. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya / Minerals Engineering 24 (2011) 1188–1197 1197

Fig. 12. Effect of S addition upon degree of nickel and cobalt extractions.

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Also, METU Center Laboratory for DTA-TGA analyses and METU Whittington, B.I., Muir, D., 2000. Pressure acid leaching of nickel laterites: a review.
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Departments for performing XRD and AAS analyses are gratefully


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