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Top up card singapore pools

Online via eNETS eNETS allows internet banking users to make real-time payments from bank accounts. Participating banks include Citibank, DBS/POSB, OCBC, Deposits must be at least $100 and in multiples of $10, there is a $0.80 fee for each deposit. To make an online deposit via eNETS after signing in to your
account, select the icon next to your username. Select Deposit on the left navigation. Select eNETS, make sure that your pop-up blocker is disabled for the eNETS window to open. Enter your deposit amount and get an important note about using eNETS. Select Send at the eNETS screen, select your bank from the
drop-down list. Follow the steps to enter your Internet banking login information as needed. When the eNETS transaction is successful, you will see an eNETS response page removed by selecting 'I'm done', and then you'll see an acceptance page from the Singapore pool. The deposit amount will be reflected in your
account immediately. You may need to refresh the transaction history page to view updated balance amounts. Online using prepaid cards purchased at prepaid card stores can be purchased at all Singapore pool branches and selected retailers. Prepaid cards come in $50, $100 and $200 denominations. To make an
online deposit using a prepaid card after signing in to your account, click on the menu. Account Select Deposit on the navigation. Select Prepaid. Select your prepaid card fee. Enter the security code and card number. The deposit amount will be reflected in your account immediately. You may need to refresh the
transaction history page to view updated balance amounts. By phone, prepaid cards purchased at prepaid card stores can be purchased at all Singapore pool branches and selected retailers. Prepaid cards come in $50, $100 and $200 denominations. How to make a deposit by phone using a prepaid card, call 6786
6688 and press '1' for personal account matters. After logging in, press '6' to make a deposit using a prepaid card, follow the prompt to enter the security code and card number. The deposit amount will be reflected in your account immediately. You may need to refresh the transaction history page to view updated
balance amounts. By cash payment or NETS at Singapore Pool Branch only as a registered account holder, you can deposit funds to your Singapore Pool Account. The deposit amount must be at least $100 and in a multiple of $10, fill out the deposit form and pay at the counter. For a deposit amount of $5,000 or more,
you will need to declare the source of funds as required by the regulations. The deposit amount will be reflected in your account immediately. According to the bank link, setting up a bank link allows the payment of sports betting and lotteries from your bank account to your Singapore pool account. There is a $0.20 fee for
each payment. Bank link payments for horse racing No offers To set up a bank link, download and fill out this application for the Direct Debit Payment Approval Form. Send a letter filling out the form to: Brassbasah Post Office P.O. Box 299 Singapore 911810 at Singapore Pools branch, you can withdraw funds from your
Singapore pool account by collecting money at the Singapore Pool branch after submitting a withdrawal request. There are two ways to submit a withdrawal request. Submit an online withdrawal request after signing in to your account, select the icon next to your username. Select Withdrawals on the left navigation. Enter
your withdrawal amount and password. Select Submit to submit a withdrawal request by phone 6786 6688 and press '1' for personal account matters. After logging in, press '1' for your account balance. Follow the prompt to enter the withdrawal amount. After submitting a withdrawal request, the withdrawal amount will
not be available for betting. You can cancel your online withdrawal request to make money ready for the re-bet. If the funds are not collected, the request will expire and must be resubed. Collect or check, bring your NRIC or official documents containing your FIN within 48 hours of your withdrawal request. You will need
to fill out the withdrawal form at our branch before you go to the counter to collect your money manually. For withdrawals of up to $5,000, go to the Singapore Pool branch for collection. For withdrawals above $5,000, visit the main branch of Singapore Pools (210 Middle Road) for cheque collection. Open Monday to
Friday from 8.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m. except public holidays. Documents accepting singaporean expats for cash/cheques: NRIC Singapore Driving License Passport SAF 11B /SPF/SCDF Senior Concession Card Cheque Withdrawal ID: Official document containing your FIN Cash Withdrawal: Official documents with FIN and
id cards with original photo (e.g. passports) with your name and identification number match your bank records. By bank link, setting up a bank link allows you to transfer sports prizes and lotteries (if any) from your Singapore Pool account to your bank account. Withdrawals by bank link are available Monday to Friday
according to your withdrawal instructions. You can set a minimum account balance that remains in your account at any time. To maintain this minimum account balance, scheduled transfers to bank accounts may be suspended. To set up a bank link, download and fill out this application for the Direct Debit Payment
Approval Form. Send a letter filling out the form: Brassbasah Post Office P.O. Box 299 Singapore 911810 Have any further questions? Check out frequently asked questions about deposits and withdrawals. To track your account activity online, you can track your account activity by: Log in to your account online. Track
your deposit and withdrawal bets after signing in to your account, select the icon next to your username. You can choose an account overview or transaction history on the left navigation. Account overview provides an overview of betting activity, trends, product costs and status alerts about your betting habits. If you want
to track each of your transactions, you can select the type you want to view from the drop-down list in the transaction history. You can choose to view all transactions or filter by certain types of transactions. Select the period of transaction history that you want to view from the drop-down list. You can also choose to enter
a specific period. Select Search to load your transaction history. Keep track of monthly deposit limits and monthly betting limits when registering for a Singapore pool account, you will be asked to set up a monthly deposit limit and a monthly bet limit. The monthly deposit limit is the maximum amount you may deposit into
your account every calendar month. The amount is calculated in all various incoming funds from external sources. Once your funds reach 100% of the monthly deposit limit, you will not be able to deposit. The monthly bet limit is the maximum amount you can use to bet from your account every calendar month. The
amount is calculated on all products. The calculation does not take into account any refunds. Once your expenditure reaches 100% of the monthly stake band, you will not be able to place bets. Manage your limits, you can manage monthly deposit limits and online monthly betting limits. After signing in to your account,
select the icon next to your username. On the left side, you'll be able to access the new monthly deposit limit and monthly bet limit. The increase in the limit will take effect 24 hours after your submission. Reducing the limit will take effect immediately. To better manage your costs, you can choose to use the Temporarily
Increase Betting Limits feature under Limit Management to temporarily increase the higher limit to automatically adjust to a lower amount. Have more questions? See account management FAQs © Singapore Pools Singapore Pools use a strong stand, customers should play our games a little and must not negatively
affect their finances or lifestyle. Our game rules do not allow individuals under the age of 18 to place bets or win winning tickets. Account bets are only available to people over the age of 21. Any statistical or editorial information provided by third party service providers (such as event-related content, location data, time
scores or results) and displayed here is for general information purposes only. We are not responsible for bets placed on the same conviction. We recommend that you read our terms and conditions and privacy. Before proceeding Please leave if you are under 18 years old.

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