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// ==UserScript==

// @name YouTube Auto Buffer & Auto HD

// @namespace
// @description Buffers the video without autoplaying and puts it in HD if the
option is on. For Firefox, Opera, & Chrome
// @icon
// @include http://**
// @include*
// @include https://**
// @include*
// @copyright JoeSimmons
// @author JoeSimmons
// @version 1.2.87
// @license GPL version 3 or any later version;
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @require
// @grant GM_info
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_log
// @grant GM_openInTab
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==


1.2.87 (1/22/2014)
- fixed odd internal error that made the player not show
- fixed problem with "Red Bar" not being disabled properly

1.2.86 (12/21/2013)
- fixed Large player button (as far as I can tell)
- added Automatic quality option (the YouTube default)
- switched the DASH option default to enabled
this is really what the script was made for... auto-buffering

1.2.85 (12/11/2013)
- added a script icon
- added a "Player Color Scheme" option
- fixed bug with SPF not being de-activated properly in non-Firefox browsers
- fixed volume bug
- fixed adding time in url bug. it will now skip to the right portion of the
- changed internal name of the "Activation Mode" option. shouldn't affect the
- the script doesn't add any javascript to the page anymore
it uses onYouTubePlayerReady to detect when the player is ready;
it's much more performant than an interval

1.2.84 (10/31/2013)
- added primitive type checking when copying ytplayer.config.args into the
this fixes the issue with Flashgot and possibly other add-ons
- fixed non-activation by moving the _spf_state check to the top of init.
this disables SPF on every YouTube page now, and should make the script
activate correctly
- changed all RegExp test methods to match. match seems more consistent.
I've had cases where test doesn't work, but match does

1.2.83 (10/28/2013)
- added auto HD, volume, and more activation modes for html5 (thanks to youtube
updating its API)
- changed the default quality to 1080p
- changed the wording of some options
- changed the "Disable Dash Playback" option to false for default
- disabled SPF (aka Red Bar feature) completely until I get playlists working
- changed the setPref prototype function to a regular function

1.2.82 (9/5/2013)
- added support for older Firefox versions (tested on 3.6)
- added a new option to disable 'dash' playback (videos loading in
- re-added ad removal feature (experimental for now)

- fixed HTML5 support. YT changed tag names so the script got confused
- made a few minor performance tweaks
- fixed 'play symbol in title' bug in autobuffer mode (it would show playing,
even though it's paused/buffering)

- switched to JSL.setInterval for consistency and drift accommodation
- visual tweaks to:
the rest of the page now dims while the msg box is visible
changed the spacing of most of the elements
changed the font sizes and the font (Arial)
added a close button instead of requiring a double click
made it auto-open the options screen when the msg is closed
made the background color more mellow and moved the section title near
the middle

- adjusted to the new play symbol in the youtube title feature
- Changed margins on the settings button when in footer
- Switched JSL/pushState checking order.
Previously in 1.2.78, if JSL didn't exist or wasn't @required, the script
would still loop every 500ms to re-set the pushState method, even though
script wasn't going to be running.
I switched that so that JSL has to exist before the script does anything.

- Fixed bug where options button wasn't getting added to the footer with the
new Red Bar YT feature

- Adapted to the new YouTube feature that uses HTML5's history.pushState to
load videos
- Small fixes here and there
- Excluded (with RegExp) pages without videos on them
- Fixed GM_config.log()
- Declared all variables at the beginning of functions
- Made finding the video player a little more reliable
- Make 'autoplay on playlists' work with HTML5 videos

- Added new quality option ('1080p+' - for anything higher than 1080p)

- Added a new option (to move option button to page footer)
- Added a new option (to autoplay on playlists regardless of auto[play/buffer]
- Added a first time user message box
- Fixed bug with GM_config's [set/get]Value functions. Chrome/Opera were not
using localStorage before this update

- Adapted to YouTube's new layout

- Added compatibility for user pages

- Made it fully working again in Opera & Chrome
- Switched from setInterval to setTimeout due to instability
- Added an anonymous function wrapper

- Added compatibility for HTML5


// run the script in an IIFE, to hide its variables from the global scope
(function (undefined) {

'use strict';

var aBlank = ['', '', ''],

URL = location.href,
navID = 'watch7-user-header',
rYoutubeUrl = /^https?:\/\/([^\.]+\.)?youtube\.com\//,
// rYoutubeBlacklistedUrl =
rList = /[?&]list=/i,
rPlaySymbol = /^\u25B6\s*/,
script_name = 'YouTube - Auto-Buffer & Auto-HD',
tTime = (URL.match(/[&#?]t=([sm0-9]+)/) || aBlank)[1],
ads = [
hasMainBeenRun, nav, uw, wait_intv;

function toNum(a) {
return parseInt(a, 10);

// msg by JoeSimmons
function msg(infoObject) {

var box_id_name = 'script_msg',

box = document.getElementById(box_id_name),
rLinebreaks = /[\r\n]/g,
title = typeof infoObject.title === 'string' && infoObject.title.length
> 3 ? infoObject.title : 'Message Box by JoeSimmons.';

// add BR tags to line breaks

infoObject.text = infoObject.text.replace(rLinebreaks, '<br />\n');

function msg_close(event) {

document.getElementById(box_id_name).style.display = 'none';

if (typeof infoObject.onclose === 'function') {


if (box == null) {
JSL.addStyle('' +
'@keyframes blink { ' +
'50% { color: #B95C00; } ' +
'}\n\n' +
'#' + box_id_name + ' .msg-header { ' +
'animation: blink 1s linear infinite normal; ' +
'}' +
JSL.create('div', {id : box_id_name, style : 'position: fixed; top:
0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: 999999; background-color: rgba(0,
0, 0, 0.6);'}, [
// main box
JSL.create('div', {id : box_id_name + '_box', style :
'position: absolute; top: 25%; left: 25%; width: 50%; height: 50%; padding-top:
50px; background-color: #E9E9E9; border: 3px double #006195;'}, [
// header
JSL.create('div', {style : 'margin: 0 auto; padding-bottom:
40px; color: #F07800; font-size: 21pt; font-family: Arial, Verdana, "Myriad Pro";
font-weight: normal; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #C7C7C7; text-align: center;',
'class' : 'msg-header', textContent : title}),

// text (message)
JSL.create('div', {innerHTML : infoObject.text, style :
'text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; padding-top: 39px; border-top: 1px solid
#B0B0B0; color: #000000; font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, Verdana, "Myriad
Pro"; font-weight: normal; text-shadow: 0 0 8px #AEAEAE;'}),

// close button
JSL.create('div', {style : 'position: absolute; bottom:
20px; left: 0; width: 100%; text-align: center;'}, [
JSL.create('input', {id : box_id_name + '_close',
type : 'button', value : 'Close Message', onclick : msg_close, style : 'margin: 0
auto; padding: 2px 20px; font-size: 11pt; font-family: Arial, Verdana, "Myriad
Pro"; font-weight: normal;'})
} else {
box.innerHTML += infoObject.text;

// will return true if the value is a primitive value

function isPrimitiveType(value) {
switch (typeof value) {
case 'string': case 'number': case 'boolean': case 'undefined': {
return true;
case 'object': {
return !value;

return false;

function setPref(str, values) {

var i, value, rQuery;

for (i = 0; value = values[i]; i += 1) {

// (several lines for readability)
rQuery = new RegExp('[?&]?' + value[0] + '=[^&]*');
str = str.replace(rQuery, '') + '&' + value[0] + '=' + value[1];
str = str.replace(/^&+|&+$/g, '');

return str;

// unwraps the element so we can use its methods freely

function unwrap(elem) {
if (elem) {
if ( typeof XPCNativeWrapper === 'function' && typeof
XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap === 'function' ) {
return XPCNativeWrapper.unwrap(elem);
} else if (elem.wrappedJSObject) {
return elem.wrappedJSObject;

return elem;

function fixPlaySymbol() {
document.title = document.title.replace(rPlaySymbol, '');

// grabs the un-wrapped player

function getPlayer() {
var doc = uw.document;
return doc.getElementById('c4-player') ||

// adds the Options button below the video

function addButton() {
var footer = GM_config.get('footer') === true,
footerHolder = document.getElementById('footer-main');

addButtonToContainer('Auto-Buffer Options', function () {;

}, 'autobuffer-options');

if (footer && footerHolder) {

footerHolder.appendChild( document.getElementById('autobuffer-options')

// this function sets up the script

function init() {
hasMainBeenRun = false;

// get the raw window object of the YouTube page

uw = typeof unsafeWindow !== 'undefined' ? unsafeWindow : unwrap(window);

// temporary fix to disable SPF aka the "red bar" feature

if (uw._spf_state && uw._spf_state.config) {
uw._spf_state.config['navigate-limit'] = 0;
uw._spf_state.config['navigate-part-received-callback'] = function
(targetUrl) {
location.href = targetUrl;

uw.onYouTubePlayerReady = function onYouTubePlayerReady(player) {

if (typeof player === 'object' && hasMainBeenRun === false) {
window.postMessage('YTAB__ready', '*');

selector : '#c4-player, #movie_player',
verifier : function (elem) {
elem = unwrap( elem[0] );
return typeof elem.stopVideo === 'function';
done : function () {
if (hasMainBeenRun === false) {

// this is the main function. it does all the autobuffering, quality/volume

changing, annotation hiding, etc
function main() {
var player = getPlayer(),
parent = player.parentNode,
alreadyBuffered = false,
time = 0,
args, arg, buffer_intv, fv, isHTML5, playerClone,
playIfPlaylist, val, userOpts;

// don't let main() run again unless a new video is loaded

hasMainBeenRun = true;

// remove the player out of the document temporarily while other things are
being done,
// to reduce the time the player may be playing the video

// set up the user options object

userOpts = {
activationMode : GM_config.get('activationMode'),
disableDash : GM_config.get('disableDash') === true,
hideAnnotations : GM_config.get('hideAnnotations') === true,
hideAds : GM_config.get('hideAds') === true,
quality : GM_config.get('autoHD'),
theme : GM_config.get('theme'),
volume : GM_config.get('volume')

// set up other variables

playerClone = player.cloneNode(true);
fv = player.getAttribute('flashvars');
isHTML5 = !!document.querySelector('video.html5-main-video');
playIfPlaylist = !!URL.match(rList) && GM_config.get('autoplayplaylists')
=== true;
if (uw.ytplayer && uw.ytplayer.config && uw.ytplayer.config.args) {
args = uw.ytplayer.config.args;

// set the volume to the user's preference

if (userOpts.volume != 1000) {

if (isHTML5) {
if (player.getPlaybackQuality() !== userOpts.quality) {

if (!playIfPlaylist) {
if (userOpts.activationMode === 'buffer') {
} else if (userOpts.activationMode === 'none') {
} else {
// copy 'ytplayer.config.args' into the flash vars
if (args) {
for (arg in args) {
val = args[arg];
if ( args.hasOwnProperty(arg) && isPrimitiveType(val) ) {
fv = setPref(fv, [ [ arg, encodeURIComponent(val) ] ]);

// ad removal
if (userOpts.hideAds) {
fv = fv.replace(new RegExp('(&amp;|[&?])?(' + ads.join('|') +
')=[^&]*', 'g'), '');
fv = setPref(fv, (ad) {
return [ad, ''];

// disable DASH playback

if (userOpts.disableDash) {
fv = setPref(fv, [
['dashmpd', ''],
['dash', '0']

// edit the flashvars

fv = setPref(fv, [
['vq', userOpts.quality],
// set the quality
['autoplay', (userOpts.activationMode !== 'none' || playIfPlaylist)
? '1' : '0' ], // enable/disable autoplay
['iv_load_policy', userOpts.hideAnnotations ? '3' : '1' ],
// enable/disable annotations
['theme', userOpts.theme],
// use light/dark theme

// some "just-in-case" settings

['enablejsapi', '1'],
// enable JS API
['jsapicallback', 'onYouTubePlayerReady'],
// enable JS ready callback
['fs', '1'],
// enable fullscreen button, just in-case
['modestbranding', '1'],
// hide YouTube logo in player
['disablekb', '0']
// enable keyboard controls in player

// handle video starting time

if ( tTime.match(/\d+m/) ) {
time += toNum( tTime.match(/(\d+)m/)[1] ) * 60;
if ( tTime.match(/\d+s/) ) {
time += toNum( tTime.match(/(\d+)s/)[1] );
if ( tTime.match(/^\d+$/) ) {
time += toNum(tTime);
if (time <= 3) {
// if no time is in the url, check the player's time
try {
// sometimes causes a weird error.
// it will say getCurrentTime isn't a function,
// even though the typeof is "function",
// and alerting its value says [native code]
time = player.getCurrentTime();
} catch (e) {}
if (time <= 3) {
time = 0;
fv = setPref( fv, [ ['start', time] ] );

// set the new player's flashvars

playerClone.setAttribute('flashvars', fv);

// replace the original player with the modified clone


if (userOpts.activationMode === 'buffer' && playIfPlaylist === false) {

// handle auto-buffering
buffer_intv = JSL.setInterval(function () {
var player = getPlayer();

if (player && typeof player.getPlayerState === 'function') {


// pause the video so it can buffer

// seek back to beginning if time elapsed is not much
if (player.getCurrentTime() <= 3) {

// adjust to the 'play symbol in title' feature

window.setTimeout(fixPlaySymbol, 1000);
}, 100);
} else if (userOpts.activationMode === 'none') {
// adjust to the 'play symbol in title' feature
window.setTimeout(fixPlaySymbol, 1500);

// show the first time user message, then set it to never show again
if (GM_config.getValue('yt-autobuffer-autohd-first', 'yes') === 'yes') {
text : 'Welcome to "' + script_name + '".\n\n\n\n' +
'There is an options button below the video.\n\n\n\n' +
'The options screen will automatically open when you close this
title : '"' + script_name + '" Message',
onclose : function () {; }
GM_config.setValue('yt-autobuffer-autohd-first', 'no');

// make sure the page is not in a frame

// & is on a YouTube page (the @include works most of the time, but this is
// & isn't on a blacklisted YouTube page
if ( window !== || !URL.match(rYoutubeUrl) /*||
URL.match(rYoutubeBlacklistedUrl)*/ ) { return; }

// quit if JSL/GM_config is non-existant

if (typeof JSL === 'undefined' || typeof GM_config === 'undefined' || typeof
addButtonToContainer === 'undefined') {
return alert('' +
'A @require is missing.\n\n' +
'Either you\'re not using the correct plug-in, or @require isn\'t
working.\n\n' +
'Please review the script\'s main page to see which browser & add-on to
use.' +

// add a user-script command

if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand === 'function') {
GM_registerMenuCommand('"' + script_name + '" Options',;

// init GM_config
GM_config.init('"' + script_name + '" Options', {
activationMode : {
section : ['Main Options'],
label : 'Activation Mode',
type : 'select',
options : {
'buffer' : 'Auto Buffer (aka Auto Pause)',
'play' : 'Auto Play',
'none' : 'Stop Loading Immediately'
'default' : 'buffer'
autoHD : {
label : 'Auto HD',
type : 'select',
options : {
'default' : 'Automatic (default)',
'tiny' : '144p',
'small' : '240p',
'medium' : '360p',
'large' : '480p',
'hd720' : '720p (HD)',
'hd1080' : '1080p (HD)',
'hd1440' : '1440p (HD)',
'highres' : 'Original (highest)'
'default' : 'hd1080'
disableDash : {
label : 'Disable DASH Playback',
type : 'checkbox',
'default' : true,
title : '"DASH" loads the video in blocks/pieces; disrupts
autobuffering -- Note: Qualities are limited when disabled'
hideAds : {
label : 'Disable Ads',
type : 'checkbox',
'default' : true,
title : 'Should disable advertisements. AdBlock is better, though. Get
that instead'
hideAnnotations : {
label : 'Disable Annotations',
type : 'checkbox',
'default' : false
theme : {
section : ['Other Options'],
label : 'Player Color Scheme',
type : 'select',
options : {
'dark' : 'Dark Theme',
'light' : 'Light Theme'
'default' : 'dark'
volume : {
label : 'Set volume to: ',
type : 'select',
options : {
'1000' : 'Don\'t Change',
'0' : 'Off',
'5' : '5%',
'10' : '10%',
'20' : '20%',
'25' : '25% (quarter)',
'30' : '30%',
'40' : '40%',
'50' : '50% (half)',
'60' : '60%',
'70' : '70%',
'75' : '75% (three quarters',
'80' : '80%',
'90' : '90%',
'100' : '100% (full)',
title : 'What to set the volume to',
'default' : '1000'
autoplayplaylists : {
label : 'Autoplay on Playlists (override)',
type : 'checkbox',
'default' : false,
title : 'This will enable autoplay on playlists, regardless of the
"Activation Mode" option'
footer : {
label : 'Options Button In Footer',
type : 'checkbox',
'default' : false,
title : 'This will make the options button show at the bottom of the
page in the footer'
}, '' +
'body { ' +
'background-color: #DDDDDD !important; ' +
'color: #434343 !important; ' +
'font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif !important; ' +
'}' +
'#config_header { ' +
'font-size: 16pt !important; ' +
'}' +
'.config_var { ' +
'margin-left: 20% !important; ' +
'margin-top: 20px !important; ' +
'}' +
'#header { ' +
'margin-bottom: 40px !important; ' +
'margin-top: 20px !important; ' +
'}' +
'.indent40 { ' +
'margin-left: 20% !important; ' +
'}' +
'.config_var * { ' +
'font-size: 10pt !important; ' +
'}' +
'.section_header_holder { ' +
'border-bottom: 1px solid #BBBBBB !important; ' +
'margin-top: 14px !important; ' +
'}' +
'.section_header { ' +
'background-color: #BEDBFF !important; ' +
'color: #434343 !important; ' +
'margin-left: 20% !important; ' +
'margin-top: 8px !important; ' +
'padding: 2px 200px !important; ' +
'text-decoration: none !important; ' +
'}' +
'.section_kids { ' +
'margin-bottom: 14px !important; ' +
'}' +
'.saveclose_buttons { ' +
'font-size: 14pt !important; ' +
'}' +
'#buttons_holder { ' +
'padding-right: 50px; ' +
'}' +
'', {
close : function () {
JSL('#c4-player, #movie_player').css('visibility', 'visible');
open : function () {
JSL('#c4-player, #movie_player').css('visibility', 'hidden');
JSL('#GM_config').css('height', '80%').css('width', '80%');

// this is for the "lights out" feature of GM_config

JSL.runAt('interactive', function () {
JSL(document.body).append('div', {
id : 'lights_out',
style : 'display: none; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%;
height: 100%; z-index: 999998; background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.72);'

// call the function that sets up everything


// add a message listener for when the unsafeWindow function fires a message
window.addEventListener('message', function (msg) {
if ( === 'YTAB__ready') {
}, false);

// wait for an element that can hold the options button to load,
// then run our add button function
selector : '#watch7-headline, #gh-overviewtab div.c4-spotlight-module-
component, #footer-main',
done : addButton


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