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Pruebas de normalidad

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Estadístico gl Sig. Estadístico gl Sig.

Diferencia Posttest A-B ,130 30 ,200 *

,952 30 ,186

*. Esto es un límite inferior de la significación verdadera.

a. Corrección de significación de Lilliefors

According to the results, it is possible to see that the significance level in Kolmogrv-Smirnov is 0,190 and
Shapiro-Wilk is 0,448. Since they are less than 0,05, the intervention using self-recording for the speaking
skill was negative.

This result my reflect the dispersion of data in the differences between the post-test A and post-test B
after the intervention process.

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