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We have been investigating the Secrets of the Holy Mountain since 2015.

On January 7, 2016 I
met with the Chief Seers Messenger, Mr. Samuel Kamitha. This led to a truly divine / mysterious
occurrence, as one would expect when encountering a true guardianship. He told me that when
they take me to the mountain God will show me a sign.

Two and a half years later, they took me praying around the mountain for 8 hours. When we
were done, this happened, the beginning of a
rainbow opened up in front of me. I could have stepped inside of it how close it was, but instead
I decided to record so everyone could share the experience with me.

There have been many signs that have come to affirm to me that this Gikuyu Guardianship is
the real deal. And I certainly am not just saying that because I’m Mt. Zion Ambassador. I only
push the Holy mountain this hard because I constantly receive evidence that I am walking the
path that truly has a remedy for our people as a whole. So my conviction to spread the light of
Mt. Zion is organic, not hired as there is no salary that comes with my position.

The most important thing is that they offered to allow the scroll inside the ark of the covenant to
be returned to humanity. Now we have found evidence that corroborates their disruptive
declarations about the ark of the covenant (Disruptive because they go against the mainstream
biblical narrative) in the Nazarite Scroll.

We have also found evidence that the US Government has shown interest in the Gikuyu sacred

Continue to follow the evidence as it unfolds on our website
Proceeds from this book help to
build the Gikuyu & Mumbi
Cultural Museum and other
initiatives of the Holy Mountain

This is an initiative of the African
Diaspora's Ambassador office in
America for the Holy Mountain.

We hope this book brings you

lots of enlightenment and
confidence in the ability of
Africa's traditional wisdom to
solve the many issues of today's
This information you are preparing to read was
disseminated in 2009, by the Guardians of the Ark of
the Covenant at the Holy Mountain of the Nile Valley,
Mt. Kenya. This is a rare jewel, as the guardianship
does not normally reveal its hidden knowledge for
security purposes.

Each year the Gikuyu & Mumbi Cultural Museum lead

national prayers around the Holy Mountain in an all day
prayer drive. You are invited to join the prayers with us
every December.

Be sure to bring a blue outfit or a blue ribbon for prayer

1. Samuel Kamitha Bio 05
2. Welcome To Gikuyu & Mumbi Cultural Museum 10
3. Mt Kenya Water Tabernacle & Jubilee Ceremony 14
4. Relics 18
5. Kigongona Kia Mai 21
6. God's Mountain and His People 25
7. National Dedication 29
8. Mount Kenya Spirituality 31
9. Gikuyu Embu and Meru Communities 33
10. Mount Kenya Formation 36
11. The Companionship 41
12. Gikuyu Science 51
13. Seed Preservation 54
14. The Manual Computer 57
15. What Do We Make of Gikuyu Science 60
16. Views From African Perspective 61
17. Triple TSC Shrine 64
18. Surgery 66
19. Gravity Loose End 68
20. Radiation 69
21. Origin of Life 71
22. Astronomy 72
23. Ngungi Powers 75

Mr. Samuel Kamitha is a trained taxidermist and

cultural anthropologist.
When local researchers embarked on the World
Cultural Decade 1988-1997, Mr. Kamitha was
contracted to research and come up with a paper on
how best to safe guard Mount Kenya forest from over
exploitation. He based his research on the strength that
the local community had useful knowledge and
understanding of their environment that had
guaranteed Mount Kenya as a renewable source of
firewood, grazing and farming for millennia.
Unfortunately, when Mount Kenya history in balanced
management of the forest was lost, her Sacredness was
lost as well.

The research paper whose theme was culture and

development was to reflect collective memory that
balances the use of resources. When the knowledge is
readily available it could be ploughed back for
adaptation by otherwise ignorant community as the first
step in policy writing. For the exercise to succeed Mr.
Kamitha sought assistance from local elders who are the
true living encyclopedia of African life systems and
ethno science, the professional interpreters of native
environment logy, myth and mysticism.

From 1990 to 1992 he sought assistance from the

second and third grades of the Gikuyu elders. These
resource persons helped create a reasonable corpus of
traditional methods in management of local

In 1993 through the recommendation of the same elders

he was goad to Mount Kenya College of Seers. After
uttering his clan as a “Munjiru” (the rightful clan of
seers) he was subjected to negative confessions. He was
made to fast for 40 days under the watchful eyes of the
elders. Initiated up to the last 35th level of seer’s ladder
in the esoteric wisdom, he passed the test of water, air,
soil and fire in reference to Mountains Kirinyaga,
Nyandarua, Kianjahi and Kiri Mbiruiru to
complete the seer’s sign of the cross. He was put on a
three days herb induced sleep known as three days
death. The last herb known as the tree of life awakens
the novice. By the time he regained consciousness he
had acquired some unnatural/extraordinary wisdom.
The candidate had reached the state of no desire.

The chief Seer marked a white cross on his face and

navel to signify his recruitment to the prestigious
college of seers to the Divine role of a messenger.To his
credit, he acquired an instant understanding of the
nature of departed spirits. This is one of the twelve
disciplines in the cluster of Gikuyu wisdom. He was
given a stars name like all seers and honored with a
seer’s muthigi- staff. Once the initiate is bestowed with
muthigi staff, he is ritually added “an extra 30 years”–
This signifies that he does not interact with his age
mates because he is senior to them.
After years of struggle in path finding mission while
working on a shoe string budget, finally he was exposed
to the African forbidden wisdom listed under the
title Gikuyu Science . For the first time, humanity will

have a glimpse of the African science as known to the

African sages and seers.

His conventional education has helped him in

understanding the world of seers in a positive way.
Though their wisdom lacks vocabularies and
terminologies in a narrowed down process, the result is
so precise and magical beyond comprehension in the
world of logics.


In 1990, Mr. Kamitha was appointed by the National

Commission for UNESCO to submit a research paper on
culture and conservation to the World Cultural Decade
(1988-1997). The well researched papers were to be
implemented by UNESCO and other UN. Agencies
including the World Bank.
In 1992 he was appointed to co-ordinate Gikuyu and
Mumbi cultural Museum’s programmes.

In 1995 he was appointed Director- General of the

Gikuyu and Mumbi Cultural Museum. The same year
Gikuyu and Mumbi Cultural Museum research
programmes were officially recognized by UNESCO
headquarters in Paris, France.

In 2000, he was appointed a member in the National
Cultural Committee representing the area of museums
at the Kenya National Commission for UNESCO.

In 2004, he was appointed to sit in the Culture

Committee of the Meru, Embu and Gikuyu (MEGA)
association. He was appointed to lead in rekindling the
psych of the three communities in MEGA.

In 2007 he organized Jubilee Cultural Ceremony of the

three communities. The ceremony traces the history of
the Ark of the Covenant from Axum to Mount Kenya
where it was put to rest in 1210 AD. (Click here to read )

In 2008 together with others, he opened up the annual

Mount Kenya prayer drive . The prayer drive is held
every December 27th round Mount Kenya. It is geared
to becoming a world pilgrimage expedition for all
humanity in line with the out of Africa theory.

In 2010 he was appointed the National Chairman of the

Kenya Culture and Council of Elders Association.

In 2011 he organized Freedom Fighters Prayers.


Electronic media: - weekly talk shows in Coro FM

(Gikuyu Service) every Tuesday from 22:00 hrs GMT to
23:00 hrs GMT East African Time, which has now been
running for 6 years (DSTV reception) Pwani FM
(Kiswahili Service) in KBC. He is a regular contributor.
In 1999- Forum for Understanding General Service KBC
English Service.

Print Media:- Occasionally he appears in local


Welcome to Gikuyu and Mumbi Cultural


Museum site.

This site is an aperture in a slowly sailing vessel towards

the unknown past, known in history as pre-history. In
traversing that expansive past moment hoping to
encounter chaos of ignorance before coming to the
breaking point, one realizes our present discoveries are
not new but a rediscovery of an already discovered
phenomena. The breaking point corresponds with the
appearance of man on the face of the earth. In studying
his new environment, primogenitor realized there were
patterns of natural laws that remained constant without
changing in time and condition. These laws, mastered in
a pristine way through naked eye observation gave man
two pertinent components that were recipe of
civilization; God and culture.

The concept of deity was admissible through man’s

weakness in comprehending the natural laws but was
rescued by culture, the intelligence that was developed
by his environment. The interplay of nature and culture
commenced when man appeared in the scene. From
then, discoveries were made spontaneously and
intermittently while others were lost or covered in the
long history of man. But with certainty, societies kept
and preserved the most vital information for their own
use and their prosperity. The community was not ready
to open up to people of different stock hence sentiments
expressed by Fredrick Hegel in 1880’s “Africa was not a
historical continent; it shows neither change nor
development”, and the black people he said “As we see

them today so they have always been”. A similar opinion


was captured by Sir Richard Francis Burton in his

adventures in Africa about the Negro thus “He seems to
belong to one of these childish races which never rising
to the men’s estate, fall like worn out links from great
chain of animated nature” and his religion “a vague and
nameless awe”

It is no wonder the two men and others who belong to

their school of thought missed the point because they
opinionated within a policy frame work based on
racism, Christian denominational mentality and
disfranchisement. Considering time and place in the
scramble of Africa, their opinion was very much sought
by the empire builders to justify colonialism in the take
all situation. But on the other hand we have rare and
unique stock of the English breed in Dr Louis Seymour
Bazel Leakey who was born among the Gikuyu people.
He lived among them as one of them and earned
himself a Gikuyu name Karuigi, the eagle for his sharp
wittedness and agility. He was a kikuyu in white English
skin. The kikuyu in him compiled three volumes “The
Southern Kikuyu” at the height of British colonization
of Kenya. The three volumes speak for themselves.

In the last 500 years prejudice and malice have been

conspicuously ingrained in all major treatises coming
from Europe on the subject of African native. The
opinion that man give, is a reflection of his inner
thought or our complexity. It does not result from one’s
authoritative position in any of the fields of learning
because education is a component that widens the scope
of the mind but has no role in shaping ones feelings. On

the part of Africans the diverse and extreme

unpredictable climatic conditions have influenced her
philosophy. African philosophy has given him solace in
creating a resilient society. The African philosophy has
taught the natives not to over react over prejudice and
malice because like famine and other calamities will
wither away by themselves. Human civilization right
from first time long time ago, at every point is
determined by the ability to sustain tensions and
control their release. The extravagant assertion of Adolf
Hitler narrowed and concluded Fredrich Hegel and
Richard Burton’s mission. This time round as would
have been expected to take place in Africa it took place
in Europe, the Hegel and Burton’s back yard. Europe
fell back to the Second World War 1939-1945, to pay the
price. That is history.

Today in our global village no nation will thrive on

colonial mentality or western tailored democracy; a
patronized entity corrupted by indiscriminate use, and
expect to hold together in 21st century. The mode of
thinking is no longer controlled by patronage, but has
become issue based, where every citizen has a right of
participation. In as much as some world opinion makers
prefer the status quo, a true new world order is in the

In the prevailing global resilience, Africa for the second
time will exploit the existing peace rull and contribute
to the 21st global intelligentsia. She has the capacity, so
long as she is left free by the old colonial shackles and
western tailored democracy. As she did in the second
millennium BC, she will do it again in the 3rd
millennium AD. What is contained in this website is a
positive direction in a small way towards realization of
that goal.

The Gikuyu and Mumbi Cultural Museum is

calling for collaborations with universities and
research centers in areas of research.
You are welcome!




THE PEOPLE DAILY, Friday, November 9, 2007

Before the arrival of white missionaries at the turn of
19th Century, the three communities surrounding
Mount Kenya namely the Agikuyu. A e mbu and Ameru;
after every 50 years they observed 3 days of total
dedication to their mono deity Ngai Murungu .
According to this old tradition, in the three days they
renewed their solemn conviction that it was one God
who created the form and God manifests himself by the
normal order of things in the universe. They believed
God's earthly dwelling is in Mount Kenya . Other
communities in Kenya had a share of their belief though
not as conspicuous as the communities in Mount Kenya

The observance of the three days embedded in their

belief evolved from two old intertwined rituals. The
earlier originated from the periods first time down to
the pyramid Age. The latter came by the way of Mosaic
Institutions around 1200 BC to circa 121O AD when
"Managi" (most important magical object in the Gikuyu
Liturgy) was put to rest In Mount Kenya within the
vicinity of Kigongona Kia Mai.

From first time up lo the Neolithic period, River Nile

played a significant role in the minds of people of Egypt
. It should be noted that the farming communities who
settled in Egypt around 7000 BC had already realized
the inundation of Nile River corresponded with helical
rising of the star Isis (Sirus). When the waters receded,
a fresh deposit of rich dark silt collected from Ethiopian
highlands and Central African countries and was
deposited, on the soaked earth 'ready for planting. This
led the early Egyptians to name (heir land "Kemet" or
black as opposed lo the desert, "Deshret" or red. The
deposited black silt renewed' the fertility of the land
before the planting in autumn.

Such predictable natural phenomenon and the rising

and setting of the sun on daily basis, the complete moon
cycle consisting of four phases, precession etc. created a
sense of order of both land and the sky. This order was
central in development of their religion.

Egyptians took Nile and every aspect of nature to

manifest gods in anthropomorphic. Occasionally when
the Nile failed to rise to the normal levels to support
farming, they appeased to hapy - god of the Nile in
floods: depicted as a man with pendulous breasts a
clump of papyrus (or lotus) on his head and bearing a
table laden with offerings. This god like others in
Egyptian pantheon who had control over Nile had
habitation in Ta - Neteru (Egyptian name for Mount
Kenya region). Ta - Neteru was positioned south of Punt
the present day Somali-land and the source of sweet
smelling frankincense and myrrh that were favored by
Ta - Neteru was abode of the blessed the paradise on
earth where the best of humans were sometimes taken.
Ta - Neteru could only be visited by the chosen few from
the lineage of Horus. In Ta - Neteru the candidate was

put to "death" for three days where in the three days; he

received 'Ka' - a cosmic generative force. This force
made him god through theogony. It was in order for the
Prince Crown to pay homage south to the gods of the
waters of Nile in Ta - Neteru after the death of his ruling
King father.

Where was the seat of Osiris, whose title was "the

president of the lands of the South"? He had voyaged to
Egypt at the dawn of first time (Shabaka Stone,
Museum of London ). In the period before Gikuyu
genesis referred to as "Karing'a Millennium" puts
Karing'a people, who the proto - Gikuyu met and
assimilated in the area around Mount Kenya and
absorbed heliopolitan concept. It was found that
Karing'a people and the old Mizraim shared the triad of
god i.e. Osiris, Isis and Horus. Their creator personified
in the sun and sometimes called "Utheri" or Osiris. In
this concept when Osiris became amalgamated with the
sun, Isis and her son Horus became prominent In the
Nile and Duat affairs hence the stars of Sirus - A and
Sirus B. Karing'a sacred triad Utheri, Njathi and Kiahu
were enshrined in the peaks of Mount Kenya. Later the
builders of pyramids enshrined the triad in sacred
triangles of the pyramids with the sides proportional to
the numbers 3, 4 and 5 respectively. A similar design
was incorporated 2,500 years later in construction of
the bronze tank at the entrance of the old Solomon
Temple (the priests used the water for ritual washings
prior to entering the alter or the temple) the Inner
sanctuary or the holy of holies housed the covenant box.

Solomon had constructed the Temple to house the

covenant box forever. But he married foreign wives who
introduced the worship of foreign gods in the Temple he
had dedicated to God of his father David. By design,
Queen Makenda of Sheba (in Hebrew Sheba is the
feminine for seven hence magical or captivating) arrived
at Solomon's Court The result of the visit was a child
born of the two, Prince Menelik 1. On reaching 19 years,
he went to Sheba after Queen Makenda's death to
attend his coronation. His entourage with the consent
of Levites, carried the covenant box to Sheba ( Sheba in
this context is revealed as Ethiopia ). King David had
presentment to the effect that the covenant box shall
never remain in Jerusalem (Psalms 68:31) Finally, after
years of temporary location in Ethiopia , the covenant
box was put to rest in Axum.

African elders are not in a hurry when it comes to

divulging their history. After many years of silence, they
are revealing the proto- Gikuyu akin to the present
Gikuyu community and who were known as " Kabiru”
(Hebrew). They had come from Baci ( Ethiopia ) at a
place called Hakum ( Axum ). They had to leave Axum
because Tunyaga (the people of the Cross) or Nguo
Ndune (the red costume) had conspired to steal Managi
and Ikunjo (scrolls). In the escape to hide the treasure,
war erupted and was fought through to Thagana ( Tana
Island ). From Tana islands the war entered Somalia
coast, Kaya Forests down to Kwale. In Digo, a fabricated
covenant box was broken into pieces. The original
Managi was presumed to have been broken into pieces
to down play the interest in the search. The Seers say
despite that, the war intensified as it took the direction
of the mainland. The Kabiru hurriedly buried Managi
and the scrolls in secret locations in Mount Kenya .
They recount how the proto-Gikuyu settled down to
become the present communities around Mount Kenya .
Others remained behind in the area of Coast Province .
This war lasted for two generations, it fulfilled the
prophesy of King David when he said "The Ethiopians
will raise their hands in prayer to God". As a rule, they
oriented their doors to face Mount Kenya and in payers
they raised their hands up facing Mount Kenya . This
reminds one of the book of Exodus Chapter 19 and 20 in
the Old Testament.
With the description given, it became clear the early
Kabiru were fighting the Templers for the cross and red
costume brings to mind the croix patlae, the Templers
emblem adapted after the synod to Troyes . Going by
the Seers date, the relics should have been buried in
circa 1210 AD. From this date the Kabiru settled to
guard their treasure and sealed off Mount Kenya region
from foreigners, this sheds light why slave trade did not
take place in Mont Kenya region.

In the 7th year, the Kabiru destroyed the 9 stones

erected in worship of the sun and stars in Mount Kenya
. Putting down the covenant box and destroying of the 9
stones was the greatest spiritual hall mark. From then,
the Mountain became the earthly dwelling of God- Ngai
Murungu, who created heaven and earth. Judaism (
Kirira ) negated the Memphite theology and
heliopolitan concept. Traditionally this act is enshrined
in the Gikuyu saying "Tutigathwo ringi ni aka" In
reference to feminine gods Isis and Hapy.

Seers narrate vividly how managi was laid to rest in the

fourth dimension in the vicinity of 'Kigongona Kia Mai' ,
a water tabernacle renamed by scholars Triple S, TSC
shrine. Equally of importance to the fighting Kabiru
were Ikunjo (Coptic scroll or primitive Tola)? That were
concealed in two different sites renamed 1KB and IKC.
The Seers say Triple S. TSC site will never be subject to
research but 1KB and IKC could be excavated and sited
responsibly and finally rebury the contents as required
by the law of silence.
Seers in charge of Mount Kenya wisdom gave
admonition lo researchers that prior to excavation of
any kind, the writer must meet Ethiopian Seers in Axum
and Tana Island . It Is no wonder that the writer was
referred to the Seers because traditionally, Mount
Kenya Seers hold the relics In trust since Kenya was
annexed from the Empire of Abyssinia In the 20th

This is a legendary sacred shrine in Mount Kenya that

Seers hold in reverence. What constitutes its sacredness
is the mode of rituals performed therein.

The appointed elder who carry out the ritual in this

shrine, has his right leg tied to a layana. In case of death
In the course of the rituals, his 11 Associates pull him
off, for where he stands performing the rituals, is
forbidden to any other mortal. The Chief Seer pours
water on the holy ground to form a triangle. On outer
perimeter, he forms a square and finally he ends by
encompassing the square in a wider circle. Raising his
hands up facing the peak of Batian , he recites solemn
verses from their kirira . Besides the water patterns, he
makes a sacrificial fire, this fire is made of dry olive
splinters. In the fire he puts wet broken pieces and
leaves of "mwemba iguru" an aromatic creeping plant.
As the aromatic smoke rises up, his companions, a
.distance away raise their hands up facing the peak of
Batian and recite a call for peace "thaai" in unison after
every verse. The Chief Seer levitates and then
circumambulates the peak of Batian . Some of his
information fits well with the hieroglyphic inscriptions
in the Pyramid Text (Unas) 2300BC.

This ritual forms their liturgy. Batian peak is regarded

as the communicating point between mankind and God
hence the communities' preference of sacerdotalism. It
must be noted that there are two routes known to reach
the shrine. One comes from the forest upwards that in
all recorded visits, our Seers follow. The other route
passes through jagged cliff atop the shrine. The latter

whose walk seems incredible is known to the Seers as

"Mugirito wa Abaci" literally "Ethiopian muscle-flexing
path" or for better foreigners' route.
Prior to making the water patterns the Chief Seer makes
seven clockwise motions, then the patterns. Finally he
makes seven anticlockwise motions, one motion
representing one planetary orbit. Has the water patterns
been creation of planetary laws or do the patterns
explain a long lost knowledge in astronomy? Compare
the water patterns with a model in the City of Weil der
Staditl designed by Johannes Kepler (1571 - 1630) a
Dutch astronomer prior to making his major
discoveries. The knowledge of these laws made possible
the modern conception of the world and space travel.

Different schools of thought have emerged in relation to

this shrine. One group suggests it might have been used
by Egyptians of the pre-dynastic periods as a celestial
observatory pad and at later dates to orient and
commission mastabas and later the pyramids in North -
South axis hence the high temple of Isis. It should he
noted, before the local medicine men are commissioned,
they ascend to Mount Kenya to collect pebbles and "ira"
whitish substance representing snow. These pebbles
and ira are believed to have mystic power to modulate
their divining guards. Thus a frequency modulation is
created between the Mountain and the guard. This
mystic power helps the medicine man's word to create

Another group suggests that the shrine might have been

marked as a beacon by early Egyptian geographers in

the attempt to measure the area of the earth. It is worth

noting (that the equator, an imaginary line dividing the
world into two spheres, North and South passes through
Mount Kenya .

The third suggest that the shrine might have been

buried in liturgical treasurers from an old semetic
temple. This group has studied the Gikuyu and Jewish
languages, traditions, customs and kabala.

The discovery of this shrine affirmed one very strong

opinion expressed by a respected American Egyptologist
.James H. Breasted that, Ethiopians were the first to
give religious thought and aspiration to the world. It is
worth noting that a geological survey carried out in
Mount Kenya have shown a sub-teranean water way
connecting Mount Kenya with Lake Victoria. This
discovery has given credit to the Egyptian 'scientific
priests of helipolis (Innu) who through their trail on
land followed the course of under Ground River finally
reaching Lake Gitengetenge in Mount Kenya . In the
modern search of the source of Nile in 19th Century,
British explorers and their sponsors the Royal
Geographical Society for lack of that Insight, settled
with Lake Nyasa ( Victoria ).

From those who have attended rituals in the shrine,

attest their feeling that the shrine has magical effect that
cannot be comprehended by the ordinary herds.

The twelve Seers, who entreaty in favour to the

community, operate in secrecy to guard their wisdom.
Their wisdom outweighs the early Christian gnosis. To
conform to the prophetic calling, they renounce all
tastes and live ascetic lifestyle Simplicity is a virtue that
guides all Mount Kenya Seers. The promulgation that
the mountain was the earthly habitation of their mono
deity Ngai Murungu manifested the presence of Ngai. It
should be noted, in all serious local communities'
undertakings that they invoke' the name of Ngai
Murungu facing Mount Kenya . From the date the
covenant box was placed In Mount Kenya, there are
several instances in the said communities history that
have been seen as manifestation of supernatural work
of Ngai Murungu whenever they humble themselves
before him. On arrival of white missionaries, who were
operatives of his majesty, this mode of worship was
regarded as heretic and the early members of the church
were excommunicated. However, there are two notable
occasions in our times that Ngai Murungu's hand was
seen at work.

In the first occasion, after the arrest and detention of

Harry Thuku, the Seers resolved to give their political
agitators psychic protection and guidance. The
candidacy fell on one Johnstone Kamau in 1928. The
Seers ascended Mount Kenya with this simple ordinary
village folk. He underwent all essential rituals in the rite
of passage and admitted to the Sacerdotal College of
Seers. After attaining the status of a seer, Johnstone
Kamau was honoured with a star name "Jomo". Jomo is
the local name for Halley's Comet. Like the Comet,
Jomo was transformed very fast - from a simple village
folk with apprenticeship in carpentry to direct entry to
the London School of Economics under the tutorage of
Prof Malinowski, a highly acclaimed 20th Century
anthropologist. Jomo's academic genius was revealed in
his serious work "Facing Mount Kenya ". This is the
man who brought the British Empire crumbling down
to its knees.

The second occasion is in reference to 1948 Mau Mau

prayers in Mount Kenya . When the Agikuyu, Aembu
and Ameru realized that Britain would never allow
Africans self determination in Kenya , their military
wing Mau Mau ascended Mount Kenya with their crude
weapons namely home-made guns, spears, machetes
and other nondescript assortment. They laid down their
weapons in prayer. Raising their hands facing
Kigongona Kia Mai , the Chief Seer -Mugo wa Kibiru led
them reciting their solemn prayer with the following
ending words that has become house hold classic line in
Mount Kenya region:

Ngai mbara ino turathii ita Nawe,

Nigukorwo turi Aku na Uri Witu,
Twahotwo Niwe Wahotwo
Twahotana Niwe Wahotana
Twahotana nitugacoka haha Tukurutire
igongona ria ng'atho.
God You are Our Ally in this war
For we are Your people and You are our God
Our defeat is Your defeat
Our victory is Your victory

If we win we shall assemble here and offer

thanks giving offering.

Like Gideon of the Old Testament, they wanted

assurance from God that they would defeat British
Army. The Chief Seer left the scene. After some hours he
came with the message from God. He made a trench
from where the Mau Mau were standing and said thus
"The day King George's Army crosses this trench, after
10 (ten) years, the British Government will not only lose
war in Kenya, but would lose the whole Empire! The
Mau Mau spokesman enquired which year the white
peoples' rule would come to an end in Kenya . The Chief
Seer said British rule will come to an end in the year
Mugumo tree in Thika falls down . When this prophesy
reached the Government, the Mugumo tree in Thika
was reinforced with rails and sheets . In consideration
of Britain as a super power, Mau Mau waged a war of
attrition. To fulfill the seers prophesy, on 1st June 1953
Mau Mau enticed British soldiers to cross the trench by
encamping near the trench. The British army followed
in hot pursuit. Then Mau Mau look their turn by
crossing over the trench. The British army followed and
crossed the trench. There was much celebration in Mau
Mau camp that night.

Colonial government, assured white settlers in Kenya

that Mau Mau Insurgency would be wiped out in a few
days time. But unfortunately for the British, it took
years. It became a very expensive war to be engaged in.
In capturing one Mau Mau the British Government
spent around £ 10.000. Finally they gave up and
granted Kenya independence in 1963. This was the year
Mugumo tree of Thika fell down.

In Africa you never dispute the words of a Seer. Going

by traditional African perception of events, all unborn
souls are predestined to a centre stage in either
conformity or opposition to the moral order of the
universe In physical world. When the same souls are
departed, they leave behind reverberated echoes of their
past deeds. Evil men are born evil and good men are
born good. When evil men are allowed to peddle evil,
the moral order of the universe is destroyed and people

Mount Kenya Chief Seer has premonition that Kenya as

a Nation Is destined to fall into a big civil war. He has
sited three important observations:
• Diplomatic Missions have engaged in local politics.
Four foreign diplomatic missions in Nairobi do not
observe code of diplomatic etiquette and procedure.
These Embassies have changed to 'governorships'.
• Errant Church founders who masquerade as
'saints' have entered the world of politics with intent
to making fortunes.
• Leftist politicians who are imbuing electorates with
revolutionary doctrines in the so called 'majimbo'
are reminiscence of Yugoslavia - majimbo that
abetted ethnic cleansing.
The College of Seers in Mount Kenya have called for a 3
(three) days recess to ask for God's intervention from
November 20th, 21st and 22nd. November 23rd 2007 is
set as the day of feasting at home with neighbours . This
recess was being observed once every 50 years to renew
communities covenant with God. It was especially good
tor them when they felt they were under a major threat.
Unfortunately this occasion was outlawed when Kenya
was colonized.
In the 3 (three) days, the Seers will be orienting managi
in what they call 'mugwanja mugwanja'. This entails
blessing of the Nation and condemnation of its enemies.
Mau Mau who saw action in the war of independence
will be performing prayers and rituals in the designated
groves as promised in 1948. The rest of the members of
the 3 (three) communities shall remain Indoors In
prayers and fasting.

"...very few today would claim that the story of Gikuyu

and Mumbi is factually true, but none would deny that a
shared belief in the efficacy of prayer and ritual sacrifice
has been a very important factor In the growth and
success of the Kikuyu"

MOUNT KENYA by John Reader

This is the Kenya you do not know.
Mount Kenya Spirituality

Mount Kenya is found in Kenya. Kenya is an East

African republic bordered by Tanzania to the south,
Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia to the north, Uganda to
the West and Indian Ocean to the east. The Mountain is
known for her snow capped peaks positioned right at
the equator.

The serenity of the Mountain has appealed immensely

to the spiritual imagination of different sages from
different civilizations throughout history. For instance,
the Egyptian myth that came down around 15,000 BC
and 10,000 BC spoke of lands of gods and paradise in
the south. The old Egyptian paradise in the south was
called Ta Neteru in reference to Mount Kenya, where
the three Egyptian principle gods were known to live
long before the president of the land of the south made
voyage to Egypt. This is an elaborate and complete Nile
Valley system and at later dates the dispersal of man
from the cradle of mankind. It must be noted when the
myth came over it is not the years that the principle
gods and the president of the land of the south made
voyage. The myth is in reference to periods before the
creation of man when gods had habitation in the Nile
valley. The legends are a reflection of collective memory
that recognizes the movements of blacks or Inu from
Mount Kenya region or East Africa to the North. There
lacks a clear water line to determine when gods left and
when men arrived because their history is shrouded in
mystery and intertwined personalities in anthromorphic
Mahabaratha the great Indian epic refers to Mount
Meru, the land of gods. At Meru the sun and moon go
round from left to right every day and do all the stars.
The Mountain by its luster, so overcome the darkness of
night, that the night can hardly be distinguished from
the day. The day and night are altogether equal to a year
to the residents of the place (The Mahabaratha, in the
Actic Home in Vedas, p.p. 64-65).
No doubt Rishis or wise men were referring to Mount

Bhaghavad-Gita As It Is Chapter 10 Text23 page

--- and of Mountains I am Meru.
The rishis that the writer has accompanied to Mount
Kenya prefers entering through Meru side.
Bible- Isaiah Chapter 2 Verse 1-4.
Gikuyu Embu and Meru Communities

The ancestors of the three communities who live around

Mount Kenya, namely the Gikuyu, Embu and Meru
preserved their memories about the glory of Mount
Kenya in what appeared to many as simple myth. The so
called myth was authenticated in referential scripts to
the Gikuyu, Embu and Meru communities who lacked
an expressive art of writing save “gichandi” writing of
the Gikuyu people. Gichandi was linear picturegram
inscribed on a gourd with the star as a central character
especially in poetry. White missionaries killed gichandi
because it was not in line with conventional characters.
Gichandi received the first salvo because of its
complicated nature to the foreigners and the guiding
policy aimed to bring down Africas achievements in
order to build Africa anew based on European setup.
Gichandi was found to be satanic and proscribed. NB.
Gichandi was the only original form of writing south
of Sahara.
When one sets his or her eyes on the majestic nature of
Mount Kenya for the first time, it becomes a sight to
behold. The sight transcends from the physical majestic
moment to spiritual serenity. One enters a moment of
spiritual joy that is terminated only by a sigh of relief.
To all who have set their eyes on Mount Kenya for the
first time, give similar experiences. Others admit they
lack words of expression.
Since time immemorial, according to Gikuyu old
tradition, a man who had developed stress, emotions
and other disturbances was required to stay put while
gazing the peaks of Mount Kenya. The aged and the
weak were supported by their attendants while
undergoing the homeopathic process. The procedure

did not necessarily require the services of a traditional

medicine man. It was one on one in Mount Kenya.
In modern psychiatry theories of Sigmund Freud and
his psychotherapeutic technique and the distinct
reforms and psychoanalysis developed by Jung and
Adler would be short of a concrete justifiable challenge
to this old wisdom.
Women with similar problems, unlike men, were taken
to the river.
Among the Gikuyu, Embu and Meru communities,
running water and the sound of water as it hits the
rocks, banks and so forth, was known to sooth the body
and the mind. The woman with such disorders was
required to sit at the bank of the river and submerge her
feet in water, watch the water as it pervades and
cascades and finally splashing on rocks. The movement
of water and the sound of it psychologically put the
distressed mind to rest and allow the soul searching
process. Before piped water was brought to the villages
and homes it was normal to see village women walking
in Indian file carrying water vessels to the river. Each of
them knew and sought out the benefit of river therapy
and more often women married to quarrelsome
husbands took more time in the river. Women could
easily tell the couples in strained relationships.
Well, we have “rescued” our wives from fetching water
from the river, but we have not trained more Sigmund
Freud to attend to the high number of mental disorders
among them.
Mount Kenya Formation

Mount Kenya was formed about 3.5 million years ago by

volcanic activity. It stands at the height of over 5199
meters and the second highest Mountain in Africa with
a diameter of about 120 kilometers at the base. The
Mountain was formed as a result of successive eruptions
of volcano. Experts have been able to trace the action of
ice as far below as 3,000 meters by analyzing the
terminal moraines (curved ridges of boulders and
stones carried down by the glaciers). This indicates the
action of glaciers on the Mountain during the ice age
was more extensive than they are today. This trend
changed about 150,000 years as the climate changed.
From 1893 when records started to be taken, 7 of once
known glaciers have dried up, leaving the current 11
thin glaciers. This indicates we have lost 7 glaciers in
less than 100 years. Human activities extended up to
about 1900 meters line for agricultural activities,
logging and cultivation. Logging has wiped out the once
abundant camphor, ferns, vines, orchids and many
adversely affected ecological balances. Experts believe if
main activities and global warming remain unchecked
by 2020 there will be no glaciers in Mount Kenya. (See
seed preservation).

When a file is lost, it is common routine to constitute

another from the original copies in the safe custody of
the establishment. The twelve seers who entreaty in
favor of the Gikuyu community and who operate in
secrecy to guard their wisdom have a very interesting
fashion of the formation of Mount Kenya, They say
Mount Kenya was formed after a “Star” known as riuki
(literally meaning –the stone that came from outer

space) hit the earth’s surface. The impact created a huge

explosion followed by an earthquake and outward
symmetrical waves. The depression created by riuki
extruded magma- gicurucuru, volcanic ashes- umbi
and debris of disintegrated riuki to the surface. Riuki
became an embededment of Mount Kenya rocks.
True to the opinion expressed by the seers, geologists
have christened riuki kenyte . kenyte is found in only
two places in the world; on Mount Kenya and Antarctic
in South Pole. By locating kenyte in two different
locations, a new theory was developed, that as a huge
meteorite entered the earth’s atmosphere, it broke into
two pieces, one hitting the earth at the equator in
modern Kenya and the second hitting Antarctic.

“The rock was plucked from the peak by Snyder himself

and later mounted in an elegant display cabinet at the
main entrance. Members always left with souvenir
mementos, one of which is a small piece of the
Mountain – a particular rock which is only found in two
parts of the world, one being on the Mountain and the
other the Antarctic, a fact which no geologist can
explain” PARADISE FOUND. The story of Mount
Kenya safari club by Dela Roque.

From time immemorial, riuki has captured the

imagination of African medicine men in a pristine way.
With the knowledge riuki came from Ngai abode, like
the Egyptians of pre dynasty who venerated meteorites
as bjah (or gods rib), they put pebbles of riuki in their
defining gourds together with white chalk. In spiritual
context riuki represented the way from Ngai’s
Umperian seat of Majesty, The white chalk or ira
representing snow hence purity. Gikuyu medicine men
regard riuki as the path finder.

Interestingly, formation of Mount Kenya took place in

quarter-nary, the period of Cenozoic whose beginning
corresponds with advent of man as known in
archeological findings. It erupted in successions, and
finally, becoming dormant or extinct. Slowly in time,
Mount Kenya biosphere created a new ecosystem
because of her climate and topography. Her ecosystems
were in a state of equilibrium or balance by the advent
of Gikuyu the Adam of the Gikuyu community. (Or for

According to Gikuyu Seers, Ngai the Creator of heavens

and earth and the only Ngai, decided to create a
physical world that observed His natural laws for
physical survival. A world symmetrical to the world of
spirits that is governed by the will of spirits, these two
worlds are superimposed on one platform but would not
collide because they are in different dimensions. The
intelligence in the spiritual world stems from the
original experience gained in the previous physical
world. In life we live by law, in death we live by will.
When we refuse to be governed by law we no longer
belong to this physical world. We die by the action of
law called demise.
Ngai gave the sign that created the form. He gave the
word that made event. When the physical entity was
complete, Ngai approached a floating spirit in the
spiritual world and gave instructions.

I am removing your presence in this dimension, where

you live life of an angel, to a physical dimension that
you are at liberty to do good or evil. I am taking you
there to bring forth your own offsprings who will fill the
earth and when they die, I will call them to this spiritual
world because they have a share of my soul through you.

The spirit and Ngai sailed side by side. But when the
spirit set the eyes on Ngai, immediately Ngai’s position
was taken by the ostrich. When they were some heights
from the peaks of Mount Kenya, Ngai told the spirit,
“Mundu! Remember whenever you are in trouble face
that Mountain and talk to Me. I will hear you!” The
spirit and the ostrich descended to the top of Mount

Ngai wanted to tell the spirit it was on its own. Surely

Mundu Wa Ngai pioneered life of men in this world.
When he stepped on the snow, he did not see the
ostrich, but for sure his spiritual form ceased. He could
stretch his hands, yet he could touch nothing. He could
desire to be at some place, yet he had no power to reach
there. When he desired to eat and drink, food and water
did not fill, he hunted for them. Mundu wa Ngai was
like a king who had no command separated from his
subjects. He could have wanted to share a light moment
with flora or fauna but he did not get response. He felt
lonely and dejected. But, Ngai knew, when His Mundu
would die he would give him back his spiritual favours
as before.
The companionship


One day as Mundu wa Ngai was strolling to acquaint

himself with this worlds physical laws, he saw a Mundu
like him, but, with features that attracted him. As the
master of the new habitation he called out “Mundu!”as
he had called flora and fauna without response. The
creature responded, coming hurriedly smiling and
embraced Mundu wa Ngai. Instantly, Ngai gave them
the language for self expression. The newly found
Mundu Muka enquired.” Who are you and where did
you come from?” Mundu wa Ngai answered.”I am
Mundu. I came from the direction of that Mountain,”
He pointed Mount Kenya.

“And for you, where did you come from?” Mundu wa

Ngai asked Mundu Muka. Mundu Muka held Mundu
wa Ngai by hand “Come I will show you”.

They went for some time and came to a ravine with a

stream. At the opposite river bank there was a black
cotton clay work visible. The lumps of clay could tell it
was in use not longtime ago, though the area was dump
with humid climate.

“I woke from that clay. Beyond that I cannot tell”.

Mundu Muka said. “You were created by Ngai. All the
constituents of that clay over there are your body. The
thing foreign in you, is life which came in form of
ostrich. At the end, your life will leave you and your
body will return to the same soil as well as that of your
progeny. Mundu! Enjoy the world you have emerged
with a clean heart. Give praise to Ngai alone because all
the rest is work of His Hands. Give praise to Ngai for

His special favours He has bestowed upon you by

granting you your personality. Personality is the
assurance you will enter the next world in which I
evolved,” Mundu wa Ngai said.

They left the ravine and entered into the forest. That
night they slept under a Mukuyu (fig) tree in a place
called Nyagathanga today. For a long time, their
habitation was arboreal. After some time Mundu Muka
conceived. When the womb was three months old, one
morning a python from the sky landed and hang its
head down from the Mukurwe tree facing Mundu
Muka. Mundu Muka in turn stared back at the python.
Mundu wa Ngai held tightly his left wrist. The python
cast aspersion at Mundu Muka and delivered a message
to her.

“Thy shall bring forth a child with bigger head because

the child shall be wise in comprehension of concealed
wisdom. At labour, thy shall have a terrible sharp pain
that will open up your brain for a moment and it will be
revealed to you what nature holds for your child. When
the labour will be over, you will embrace the child and
shed tears of joy.”

As the python was talking, Mundu Muka could see

through the python like a clear water or thin screen of
smoke. After that message, the python poured its self to
the ground and vanished in the soil. Mundu wa Ngai
saw the python, but did not hear it. Mundu Muka
pondered over those words in her heart with anxiety till
the day she gave birth.

One morning she developed an unusual pain and in the

same morning delivered a bouncing baby girl. Her
mother named her Wanjiru, a child of blue sky – a child
of Ngai because it had been revealed she would be a
great seer. Mundu wa Ngai renamed his wife Mumbi,
the mother of humanity and from then Mundu wa Ngai
adapted the name Gikuyu, a derivative from Mukuyu.
Any green tree according to African traditions is
habitation of the spirits. Mundu wa Ngai knew he
evolved from the world of spirits.

Mumbi knew her child would be a great seer and true to

it at a young age Wanjiru could foretell great events to
the chagrin of her father. The nine sisters who followed
her could not match her psych. She naturally inherited
her father’s psychic traits.

When Gikuyu daughters attained marriage age, there

were no suitors to marry off his daughters to. Gikuyu
knew it was only Ngai who could provide men to marry
his daughters. Being a man of Ngai, he knew how to
approach Ngai and how to offer effective prayers.

One morning, he assembled his family and told them he

was set to go to Mount Kenya for prayers. To his family
it was not a surprise, because they had known him as a
man of prayers. What they did not know was the nature
of prayers and why in Mount Kenya only. However, they
bade him tearful fare well.

He left Nyagathanga and headed for Mount Kenya.

After six days of spiritual walk, he arrived in Mount
Kenya. On the seventh day, he rested. On the eight day
he started fasting that took forty (40) days. On the 41st
day he collected honey and wild bananas, and ascended
the Mountain. He found a suitable place to offer his
sacrifice. He took the bananas and raised them in
prayer facing runyondo rwa njathi peak. After the
bananas offering, he placed them on a stone. He held
the honey and raised it in prayer. After the offering s he
placed the honey on the same stone. Cabalistically and
ritually he had served Ngai. It was now the turn of Ngai
to serve him by answering his prayers. He went down in
prayers requesting Ngai to give him men to marry his
daughters. Raising his hands in prayer, facing Mount
Kenya’s runyondo rwa njathi peak argued his case

“When you brought me to this world, you instructed me

to create my offspring’s and fill the world. True to it, you
provided me with a companion. With her, we have 9
complete daughters. Now the daughters require men to
marry them to start their families. Ngai remember the
promise you made to me that whenever I am in trouble,
and I face this Mountain and talk to You, You will hear
me. Ngai, it is only You that I trust, not even the ostrich.
I am descending from this holy ground, hoping You
have heard my prayers.”
Gikuyu reached his homestead tired and weak after a
two months absence. He went direct to his personal
alter and offered thanks giving to Ngai for granting him
a safe journey. When he came out of the alter, the family

hugged him in tears of joy. That night, he had a dream

seeing young men under Mukurwe tree not far from the
homestead. The intuitions built a very strong feeling
that Ngai had brought him the men he had requested
for. He left very early in the morning towards the
mukurwe tree and to his surprise he found ten young
men asleep. He woke them up and took them to his
homestead. A bon fire was made to warm them. After
breakfast marriages were arranged. The ten Gikuyu
daughters represented the ten Gikuyu clans.
Traditionally, all seers come from the clan of Anjiru the
lineage of Wanjiru the first born daughter of Gikuyu
and Mumbi. A major genetic trait found among the
Anjiru clan is that their hair turns gray at very early age.
It is believed to be a sign of wisdom.

Traditionally the creation of Gikuyu and Mumbi and

their ten daughters is Gikuyu fashion of Bibilical Adam
and Eve. In all aspects, the two fashions of creation are
agreeable to the fact that, there was a time when there
were no people on planet earth and humanity was the
last species to be created after the emergence of flora
and fauna. In creation of man, Ngai put a special
attention to man than the rest of creation. But it should
be remembered the creation story in any community is
the parting point between man and Ngai. In Africa,
creation story, unlike ordinary epics, was not open to
discussion to ordinary people because it touched on
gods, men and magic. It was reserved for a certain age
of sages. As it can be seen, the creation fashion of
Gikuyu and Mumbi has some kind of harmony and
beauty because it has been narrated by the rightful
elders who are the custodian of the Gikuyu antiquity.
The creation story does not reflect on the arrival of
Gikuyu community in the present site in Muranga via
Meru as narrated in modern historical texts in what is
called migration of Eastern Bantu. Gikuyu and Mumbi
is a very old history. Unfortunately, it won’t pass the test
of time so long as there are no records to justify its
accuracy. Like any African history, it falls under the
legends. History of Africa is presumed to have started
with the arrival of whites. Whites say, before their
arrival, Africa was in a long sleep of ignorance.

Africa has never been asleep. If she could be accused of

being in along sleep that is obvious because others who
could not measure to her genius have stolen from her
quarry of African mythology, religion, science, art and

Charles S. Finch III, Echoes of Dark land, theme from

African Aden, copyright 1991 By, Khants page 71.

Cheikh Anta Diop, The African Origin of Civilization,

Myth or Reality, 1974.
Edited by Merger Cook, ISBN 1-55652-072-7, pp.13.
Stolen Legacy, Greek Philosophy is stolen Egyptian
philosophy George G.H.James
Africa World Press, Inc pp 126.
The African Civilization OR
Utamanduni Wa Kiafrika
Professor Kihumbu Thairu

She has never had time to reclaim her ownership. If she

has to recall what originated from Africa, the rest of the
world would cover her nakedness with her palms. A
child, who comes from a home of plenty, has no
business talking about what they ate last night.

According to the seers, Gikuyu and his family did not

venture in an expansive range of territory throughout
their lifetime, because of the availability of food;
clothing and shelter were in simple format because of
the favorable warm climatic conditions of the tropics.
They survived by gathering of small games and large
birds, who augmented the greens and fruits in their
daily ration intake. No doubt, in their simple life-style,
without ambitions, set goals, fear or worry created their
first civilization among humanity in this planet. Today
we might talk of democracy, human rights etc in
different fora as a fight of injustice and inhuman but
looking at the pushers of the agenda, you realize
democracy and human rights are lies of life. It is all
about the control of natural resources of others.

Gikuyu family was busy learning their environment.

They soon realized they were not only predators, they
were prey as well. Their number was small but they had
wits over all animals. Their specially built body i.e. the
buttocks, the foot and the fingers are the most vital
body parts that give man advantage over other animals
in management of his environment. Whereas the brain
was made to co-ordinate the nervous activity, the
buttocks to co-ordinate the muscular activity, the feet to
balance the body and the fingers to grip, the Creator had

in mind to create a superior being.

After many seasons on this physical world, Gikuyu in

his old age had premonition that time had come for him
to return to his former world of spirits. The premonition
did not bother him because he knew where he was
going. In his heart he knew he had accomplished the
mission Ngai had given him. Unlike his progeny he was
ready to die.

He assembled his family for the last supper known as

giathi kia muthage. In this ritual, the food taken
represented the body of Patriarch Gikuyu and the drink
taken represented his blood. In African mana it meant,
though I am gone, spiritually I am in your body because
you ate me and drank me.

After giathi kia muthage, Patriarch Gikuyu woke up one

early morning and bade his family fare well. Unlike
other errands, he asked his oldest daughter Wanjiru and
her son, his name sake, to accompany him. The three
left towards the direction of Mount Kenya. After the
usual six days walk, they reached Mount Kenya. On the
seventh day they rested. On the eighth day Patriarch
Gikuyu taught his daughter and grandson the wisdom
of the Mountain, the hidden treasures of the Mountain,
the esoteric wisdom and life after death. He forbade
them from sharing that wisdom with others not of
Anjiru lineage. He concluded “The wisdom I have
imparted in you is not subject to exploitation for
personal gain. Whoever is privy to it must remain
humbled because he has become a servant of Ngai. He
must not take wine or the food I forbid you. Unlike the
angels, you are at liberty to do good or evil, because this
world is founded on law and you know the consequence
of law. Your deeds will be weighed on a balance to
predestinate your fate in the next world.

Always remember to keep your worship and praise to

Ngai alone Who Created the earth and the heavens,
Who has no Beginning or End. ”
He forbade his daughter Wanjiru never to offer
sacrifices to Ngai on that Mountain, because when Ngai
Manifests Himself, a very powerful bolt of energy hits
the Mountain and no woman or any man without
urungu (melanin) would come out safely.

All sacrifices to Ngai must be conducted by your son or

his son.
After that, Gikuyu climbed higher up on a rocky surface
and stood still. As he raised his hands in prayer, a great
cyclonic whirl of wind developed and lifted him up and
up till he vanished in the clouds. Wanjiru and son left
immediately to tell the story.

The tradition has it that when Gikuyu ascended to the

sky, his wife Mumbi became restless and discontented.
She took to moving to far distances in anticipation of
finding Mundu wa Ngai as had happened many years
When her time came to leave the world, she was not
lifted up as her husband Gikuyu. She met her natural
death and interred by her family in a place near the
present day boarder of Ethiopia and Kenya.

Through the works of Dr. L.S.B. Leakay and others on

evolution it became known the first man to walk on this
planet did evolve in East Africa. New genetic study
carried out by Sarah Tishkoff and other researchers
from the University of Maryland USA has shown that
“Eve” the 150,000 or so year-old female ancestor of
every human being on earth may have lived in East
Africa. The researchers say the oldest known DNA
lineage found are those of East Africans. They found a
very high amount of genetic variation, or diversity,
between the mitochondrial DNA of different individuals
in these populations.
Gikuyu Science

The ordinary Gikuyu people, before the introduction of

convectional education, took science as mysteries and
subjected it to medicine men. Otherwise, they had an
insight in the general application of basic science in
their everyday life, just like any other community
elsewhere. In any society, the basic application of
science was either inherited from their ancestors or a
discovery of their own, which in time became a
component of their own development process.

An example of traditional science at work;

The Gikuyu women are known to remove boulders and
other hard rocks from their farms by setting up a big fire
on the rocks, then pour cold water on the heated rocks,
when the expanded rock because of high temperatures
is cooled instantly, as it contracts, it breaks into small
fragments to create a new farming space. Gikuyu
women did not know the process of exfoliation from
scientific point of view, but they knew from experience,
hot cooking stones break when they come into contact
with cold water. The transfer of that science from the
kitchen experience to the farm created more land for

The rock breaking process, pottery, massage, weaving,

midwifery, counting knots etc are regarded as domestic
wisdom. This wisdom was confined to a woman’s
territory- the homestead and the garden. Domestic
wisdom has never been handled in secrecy because it
uplifted the much needed general welfare of the society.
But traditionally advanced scientific exploits in areas
such as military, medicine and iron works were in men’s

domain. Information on any of the three was shared in

secrecy. But metal workmanship was passed from father
to son in a particular clan after administration of oath to
respect the law of silence. This oath confined the trade
within the family. It is no wonder in many African
societies black smith families marry from blacksmith
families. Similarly the highest level of science and its
application within Gikuyu community were referred to
as esoteric wisdom thus entirely entrusted to the college
of seers. The college of seers is comprised of twelve
seers who each of them have a special role in a
particular branch of esoteric wisdom.

Seers are in a class of their own. First they have

committed their service to Ngai and the welfare of their
society. Second, they have no taste to be tempted to
bend justice. Third, they operate in total secrecy bound
by a very powerful oath of office. As a rule they must be
of the Wanjiru clan, and knower’s of the Gikuyu
traditions and psych. They live in segregation with their
highly sharpened brains because they are the
community’s think tank. Information touching on some
areas of science discipline is not accessible to the
ordinary members of public because seers say it is
Ngai’s invisible hand. For instance there are two
categories of herbs. The general herbs administered by
the general public, and the classified secret herbs
administered by seers in activation of the brain of elders
undergoing the rite of passage to enter the seerhood
Seed Preservation:

One of the primary duties of seers was the storage of

planting seeds. The community entrusted them with
this duty because they were well versed in
meteorological observations. At night as usual they
studied the positions of the stars, for instance the
Pleiades, a cluster of loose stars in the constellation
Tauras consisting of six visible stars to the naked eyes.
Pleiades are associated with weeding periods hence
Kirimiri, the weeding stars. The direction of the wind
and the cloud formation has a special message to the
seers as to the general public. The most effective
instrument s in the study of rains are the insects. Seers
are very much aware of this, more than any one of us.
The insect’s behavior tendencies are controlled by
instincts created by their biological clocks. In
anticipation of a long drought, it awakens the insects to
an active role of collecting and storing the food.

The food is stored for the dry spell. Other insects like
the termites come out devouring woods. As the drought
persists the termites become more active. The effect of a
prolonged drought to the people is eating up of stored
food reserves in their barns and every tuber in the
gardens and finally eating up the planting seeds. In the
end many come to die of hunger. When the rain comes
there would be no seeds for planting.

There is a Gikuyu anecdote about the Ndorobo hunters.
It goes thus; long time ago, Ngai of the Mountain
endowed the Ndorobo hunters with great skills in
hunting. As time went on he felt pity because they
followed animals as they went. Mothers and children

were not left behind. The whole family was on the move.
Ngai saw their hardships and granted them the farming
skills. In a few seasons, they became farmers of repute.
They sold their farm produce far and wide. At time
bartering their produce with the Gikuyu community
who bought it to add their food security, unfortunately
rains stopped for seven years in Ndorobo County. In the
seven years, they ate all the food in their barns and
finally ate the seeds they had stored for planting. When
the rain came, they did not plant, because they ate the
planting seeds. Finally they went back to hunting wild
animals. Hence the Gikuyu saying, he who ate the seeds
became a burden to his neighbor who stored his.

In every bumper harvest in the Gikuyu country, a small

fraction of grains was donated to the seers to be
preserved in cold storage. The exercise made sure even
if the planting seeds were all eaten up still there were
seed reserves that would guarantee a continuous
agricultural venture.

Using moist and soft clay, women prepared special

earthen vessels with narrow mouth and fitting earthen
lids, and then they were hardened by heating in a kiln.
Thus hard, impermeable vessels were made.

Inside they were smeared with a film of wax to protect

the seeds from air and water. Dry grains namely black
beans, sorghum and local varieties of millet etc were
each filled in the vessels and they were covered with
lids. They were tightly sealed with wax. The vessels were
carried in special leather bags by women escorted by the
worriers towards the Mountains, either Mount Kenya or
Nyandarua Range to a designated place. The men took
over from women and took the vessels to higher up. But
to the final destination only the twelve seers knew to
avoid theft. The seers placed the pots in dry
underground caverns whose top was covered by sheet of
ice. The seeds thus preserved were known as kigina
meaning in archaic Gikuyu seeds coming from Ngai.
Otherwise ordinary seeds in Gikuyu are mbeu.

When the rain comes, after a very long period of

draught, the seers ascend the Mountain and bring back
the seeds. The appointed elders in either Matathi or
Maturanguru hierarchy and other elders of notable
characters carry back kigina and oversee the
distribution of kigina. Kigina was placed at night at
the crossroads, and each family could collect its share
for planting after the planting rituals were performed.
Gikuyu people were very religious; they could not cheat
on seeds associated with their Ngai. Each was contented
with whatever he got.
The Manual Computer

The staff of a seer muthigi wa Murathi is not

necessarily a symbol of authority as some Western
establishment have adapted for their religious leaders
and the royals. However, there are many types of staffs
but only three reflect psychic effect on the bearer.

The first is a long staff that is bent at the top. This is the
seer’s staff. Other than portraying the sacerdotal
authority of an African priesthood in relation to the
mysteries of the universe, the seers originally used their
staff as calculating device. A close look at the seers staff,
there are nine visible knots or rings. The knots are
number 1-9 but the graduation lacks a knot for zero.
Zero is represented by the end grip of the hand. When
confronted by difficulty additional sums related to past
or future events, the seer holds the staff horizontally
with his two hands and work the staff from the left; the
lowest unit 1 to the right; the highest unit 9. As he
touches the knots in calculations in tenths, hundredths
and thousandths, shuts the eyes and enters into trance.
When the addition is over, he holds the staff upright
and tells out the answer. Traditionally seers were in
service of Ngai and the king. If the seer was predicting
about let’s say a major event like a catastrophic
earthquake, standing in front of the king. The king
would be disturbed and even visibly shaken because in
whatever the prophet utters must come to pass, only for
the king to enquire when that earthquake would occur.
The seer would work out his psychic sums and if found
it would occur in another 200 years to come, he would
reveal to the king in a humbled and comforting words.

“Your honour the king, as Ngai lives, the great

earthquake will not come at your reign, nor that of your
son, but in the reign of your great, great grandson. ”
The king would feel relieved and sleep in peace.
Throughout Africa, seers unlike the religious leaders do
not seek favours from kings and chiefs or eat or drink
from high tables. They simply feel contented with their
morsel of frugal food eaten in the caves, while counting
on Ngai’s favour.

The second muthigi wa (gutuithania) cira (the

judicial staff) forms two branches at the top. This staff is
slightly shorter than the holder. The formation of two
branches at the top signifies ancestral spirits. It means
the bearer when holding difficulty assignment his
ancestors spirits would readily come to his assistance. It
should be noted 1 (one) signifies Omnipotent Ngai and
2 (two) signifies the spirits. In land cases elders carry
such staffs because the land or soil belongs to three
rightful owners, the dead, the living and the unborn.
The unborn are represented by Ngai. It should be noted
in all land disputes, cases were taken to kiharo (out in
the open theatre) where Muthage (the African
candelabrum) tree was planted as a court emblem. The
seven branched tree depicted the presence of seven
angels. Its psychic awe-inspiring effect; gave court
sittings the seriousness they deserved in delivering
The third muthigi wa utongoria(the leadership staff)
is usually a straight staff. It might be decorated with
family totem and other information related to the
leadership lineage. In expression of family’s or empire’s
treasures, the staff might be made of precious minerals.
This staff is the most valuable in terms of economic
value and priceless in sentimental values because it is a
property of the whole lineage of rulers. Its value in
leadership is at par with the leaders or kings ring that is
the seal of the kingdom. Consider the great epic of
Maharajah, losing his ring only to be found by a
contented sage turned beggar.
What do we make of Gikuyu Science?

All the discoveries presented provide indicators that

Africa is a sleeping giant. What the West prides as
would be the most advanced Western scientific
revolutionary stride in the 21st century; downloading of
the brain of an individual into a robot will not advance
Western intelligence into new dimensions, but will still
remain captive of Sir Isaac Newton‘s time.
Views from African Perspective

Throughout the slave trade, and finally the colonization

and the present neo colonization, Africa has never been
given a chance to contribute her wisdom at the world
stage. In all the years, West has developed a pretentious
attitude of knowing all in Africa. That was a social
complexity attitude that developed in Europe during the
feudal system to keep serfs out of master’s walls. When
Africa was opened up, the Europeans who came to
Africa and made fortunes became knower’s of all. Africa
in turn shut herself out. Africa has one special quality,
she does not shout to say she knows. The more silent
she is, the more despised she is, and pushed over. In
light of this, West introduced colonial system of
education in Africa because they needed to “rescue” her
from one long night of ignorance. Education is an
expression of mind. The education they received was to
make them mega machine components automated to a
thought free forward push, but rendered unyielding in
the change of position.
From London school of Oriental and African Studies,
one of the black students writes; “Of course we are not
thrown into jails or tortured for what we say in Britain.
But the practice of making students who challenge the
accepted academic order [that the colonial period was
useful to Africa otherwise ‘it wouldn’t even have the
little development it had’] is surely a form of
imprisonment ---”This state of affairs work-very
subtlety- on the minds of students. You have to toe the
line or perish. And since nobody wants to commit
academic suicide, we all conform. This is how the minds
of Africans who study abroad are” conditioned” to
become classic HMVs – His Masters Voice

(NewAfrican- February 2000, 38)

Africa must not pretend she does not know. She must
stand up and say she knows. In terms of foreign aid let
her receive aid inform of soap but she should not allow
advisers in her bathroom to receive advice on how to
scrub her back.

“The Kikuyu, as a rule were not much interested in their

--- surrounding. Although they had a name for all the
shrubs, and trees and birds, they walked about their
country without appearing to possess it”
The Flame Tree of Thika, Elpeth Huxley- 1913 “The
very freedom which marks the period of childhood gives
unrivaled opportunity for picking up all sort of
information about the environment --- As he roams the
country – side he learns to distinguish a great variety of
birds, animals, insects, trees, grasses, fruits and
flowers---. He does not observe or understand them as a
lesson in a natural history, but knows their habits and
life history as he needs for his purpose. ” Facing Mount
Kenya , Jomo Kenyatta- 1938 She must take a radical
change from the Western tailored systematic education
that is based on concept of agriculture which in turn
controls the pace of her development to a free approach
based on performance or result oriented.

Look! Stonehenge which is situated in Southern
England in the Salisbury plain was erected by people
related to the Luos of Kenya but unfortunately the Luo
elders of Nyakach are yet to reveal the science and
purpose of erecting them. It is unfortunate that Britons
are spending nights there every Christmas as a way of
reclaiming “their” heritage at the expense of the Luo
civilization. Stonehenge built between C 1900BC and C
1400BC are ruins of a megalithic monument. Its
features are rings of stones surrounding a horseshoe of
upright stones, and lone vertical stone, the heel stone. It
was built in three phases, between C 1900BC to C 1400
BC, most probably, to serve as a Divine center and an
observatory from which astronomical calculations could
be made.
Triple S, TSC Shrine

With the assistance of the seers researchers discovered

the legendary sacred secret Shrine in Mount Kenya.
This Shrine from time immemorial was referred by
those who knew it (the seers, Maturanguru and
Matathi elders, who have passed the negative
confessions) as Kigongona kia Mai or Water
tabernacle. What constitutes its sacredness is the mode
of rituals performed therein.

The appointed elder when carrying out the rituals in

this shrine has his right leg tied to a layana (a climbing
rope like plant). In case of death in the course of the
rituals, his associates pull him off, for where he stands
to perform the rituals, is forbidden to any other mortal.

The arch elder pours water on the holy ground to form a

Triangle pattern. On the outer perimeter he forms a
Square pattern and finally he ends by encompassing the
Square with a wider Circle pattern. Raising his hands up
facing Runyondo rwa Njathi, the peak of batian, he
recites solemn verses from their Kirira. Besides the
water patterns, he makes a sacrificial fire. This fire is
made of dry olive splinters. In the fire he puts wet
broken pieces and leaves of mwemba iguru (an
aromatic creeping plant). As the scented smoke rises up,
his companions raise their hands up facing the peak of
Runyondo rwa Njathi, recite a call for peace in
unison after every verse. The seers regard the prayers as
the most all powerful and all the most solemn because
they refer to the formation of the first matter and the
first of Ngai’s work. The three signs i.e. the Triangle, the
Square and the Circle represent the three merging
forces that come together in creation of the universe.
The merged forces generated heat. The heat was so
intense that it created centrifugal force that set free the
three forces that had merged. The aftermath of the three
forces was water. The mater water was the first product
of the three signs. Water is liturgical. Mai in Gikuyu
language is water. Mai denote something magical.
Basically, following the insight of the seers, the 1956
theory of the big bang comes to mind.
Surgery Conservative surgery:

Besides perfect administration of poisons and radiation

(invoking of energy by the process of activating the
brain) Gikuyu seers have unique surgery performed at
the sole of the foot. Three simple incisions performed
consecutively at the sole of the foot stimulates the
healing of an entirely different part of the body. In the
first incision, the brain develops a positive charge to
encounter the attack immediately it records the pain. In
the second incision, the brain develops a similar charge
immediately it records the second pain. In the third
incision the brain develops a charge far too higher than
the last two incisions. The three incisions are performed
at particular areas in the nerve endings to activate the
brain. The activated brain sends a high voltage charge
through the nervous system to the whole body. If a
defective cell or a foreign organism was encountered, it
was destroyed not by the white cells, but by the brains
high voltage. In a simple language, out of our ignorance
of such healing process we term it miracle. Such a
surgery portrays a very advanced wisdom on the
nervous system.

Modern day’s evangelists and traditional medicine men

guide their flocks through the process of charging their
brains in order to get healed. The healing is left entirely
to the subtlety of the individual mind. The healing
through faith is not for all but for a few privileged in
having a subtle mind to give their brain a command.
It should be remembered the Kisii traditional healers
are known to drill the cranium in an open theatre under
a tree to release the pressure in the brain. After the
operation the patient was put under hard food i.e.
roasted hard part of ugali (stiff porridge) and dry
roasted maize. The healers say, on chewing such foods it
creates shock therapy. In Westcar Papyrus, now kept in
the vault in Berlin Museum, talks of Magician called
Djedi (2800 BC), who could behead the body and fix the
head back without the notice of the patient. In today’s
medical term Djedi is not a magician but a
The Gravity Loose End

Ngungi is a prohibited process that breaks the known
law of gravity. The seers enter into a trance, activates
the brain, by means of a high pitched song or whistle
and the brain charges to create a force that drives an
object from point A to point B. this process has nothing
to do with magic or juju. Magic is a term used whenever
we lack the answer. Reality must have an answer. A seer
is recruited to handle ngungi after he takes 35th oath
of office. The 35th oath is the final in the esoteric level
of wisdom. The 36th is administered only to the sitting
chief elder known as Mugo wa Kibiru, to fore warn
him he could not abdicate or abrogate the office. He was
to die in the office.

The five planets that were sighted in a rare line-up the

year 2003, occurs once every century in our solar
system, but the seers say their effect becomes effective
once every 45,200 years when others cosmic forces
become actively involved in our galaxy. To document
the significance of the rare line-up on the lives of people
in this planet in the 45,200 year epoch, the seers
adapted a symbol of seven Adam apple fruits pinned
onto a pegged stick. This symbol in everyday life was
raised to close a path or scare away thieves in the
gardens. The symbol is commonly regarded as some
sort of witchcraft and abhorred by many thieves in
Africa. The people who erect them in their gardens do
not necessarily know their origin.

The seers adapted the symbol to document or code a

celestial phenomenon that is very special in their lives.
Seers practically all over Africa were the calendar
keepers. They were expected to interpret all the signs in
the sky in relation to their communities’ everyday life.

The much abhorred symbol among many African

communities portrays to the seers a strange alignment
of five celestial bodies or planets inclusive of the sun
inline to our earth. The pegged stick in this context is
the imaginary axis hence pronouncement of cosmic
radiation on the lives of people on earth. This axis is
equated with python in the African wisdom. This
phenomenon occurs once after 45,200 years. Is the
“documented” radiation the creator of evolution of man
in terms of intelligence? This celestial phenomenon
takes place this century. The seers say the great python
will bring wisdom in Africa. From the scientific point of
view, there is a possibility of such alignment of planets
and other forces to create some form of radiation as
perceived by the elders. It is still possible that the
radiation could affect the unborn children by activating
their brains. The effect of this exposure would be
creation of a super genius race in Africa. If the seers are
talking of an evolution of man and that evolution will be
caused by radiation and only in Africa, it becomes an
interesting scientific phenomenon; how a man’s small
brain perceives events not in his solar system time, but
in the higher galactic periodicity. (Compare this
radiation and that of creation).

Seers have a history that is unconventionally recorded

but documented in their own language at unknown time
in history in reference to unimaginable past , most
probably as old as time.
The origin of life

The origin of life: The elders say in creating man, all

the constituents came from the soil. The part that was
foreign was life, which had come from outer space in
form of ostrich.

It is not known either how they had analyzed all the soil
components to reach at that serious scientific
conclusion. It should be remembered, physical and
natural sciences, our modern tools of trade, cannot
investigate what the elders hide under the “ostrich”
symbol in creation. It should be noted, Mount Kenya is
corruption of Mount Kirinyaga in Gikuyu meaning a
Mountain with ostrich- Mountain with life or wisdom.

The seers are well versed on gravity, stars, comets and

precession. One very interesting aspect of the seers in
science is; they readily have answers to mind boggling
or intricate problems but only lack the language to
explain their perception.

They have names of major stars and comets because

they are entrusted in that duty. The more they go deeper
in tracing the movement of the stars the more they
become enlightened about the heavenly bodies. In turn,
the community relied on them in interpretation of
heavenly signs in foretelling about the future.

The community knew some events took place in cycles,

some occurring after every decade, others after every
fifty years and so forth. In order to keep a steady and
accurate source of information in form of records, a
college of seers was formed. It was sacerdotal in nature
because of its mandate- revealing about heavenly
secrets. Every individual seer became a moving
encyclopedia of his discipline. In sending out the
message , they go down to the lower grade of elders who
offer the burnt offerings, then those elders in turn send
the message further down until it reaches the ordinary
members of the community.

After keen observation of firmament bodies, they

realized the accuracy in the movement of the moon, the
sun and the stars. In time, they put together the
acquired knowledge and became the first concept of a

The community follows with ease the lunar calendar

and the solar or seasons but their third calendar is very
complicated to be understood or kept by the ordinary
people. It is the seers who inform when to observe the
occasion that is held once every 50 years. This calendar
takes what Gikuyu call thunguya ithano (five
decades). This calendar is based on the movement of
Sirius, the Alpha Canis Majoris star’s minor companion
Sirius B. Sirius is a binary star system 2.7 pc distance.
The brightest star in the night sky, Sirius star or Njata
ya Njathi in Gikuyu means the guiding star. Its minor
component Sirius B or Kiahu in Gikuyu meaning son
or splinter is a dwarf star, with a diameter twice the
earth. It has extreme density. Sirius A does not keep a
straight path because of high gravitational pull from
Sirius B. It makes a serpentine movement. Sirius B is
absolutely invisible to the naked eye observation. It
became known for the first time in Western astronomy
in 1862 when an American astronomer spotted it
through a very powerful telescope of the time.

The Gikuyu community celebrated a 50 year jubilee.

The most important aspect of the jubilee was the spirit
of pardonableness, making it more of a divine
forgiveness. The seers knew Njata ya Njathi remained
captive of Kiahu’s strong gravitational pull throughout
the 50 years course. Similarly, debtors and convicts in
the society were known to live under constant stress and
harassment, so the fifty year jubilee was set aside as the
occasion in which to pardon the accused. The
pardonableness in the jubilee required sharing of food
together with debtors and convicts and finality was
observation of special rituals to cleanse the occasion.
The cleansing ceremony was performed by both
Maturanguru and Matathi elders. The former
attached to divine matters and the latter to judicial
affairs. The role of a seer ends at giving the date.
Ngungi Powers

How does the seer acquire ngungi powers?

For a seer to posses the ngungi powers, three herbs are

administered. The first herb extracted from a plant they
call tree of death, induces the initiate to a state of
coma. The second herb extracted from a tree they call
the tree of wisdom, is administered to deactivate the
conscious mind. In this state the brain relocates its
activities to a new site in limbic otherwise a dormant
part of the brain to substitute the “impaired” brain. The
third herb extracted from a tree they call the tree of
life, reactivates the conscious mind and awakens the
initiate from coma. In the process, the initiate becomes
very ill as a result of the herbs. All the body skin peels
off and the mouth becomes septic. The initiate is put on
liquids for days or weeks depending on individual
degree of recuperation. It should be noted, the Chief
Seer from time to time monitors the healing process of
the initiate by raising the patients right hand from his
lying position and lets it have a free fall. When the
initiate recovers, the chief seer tests the dimension of
the wisdom acquired.

Despite the ability to overcome the gravity and flying at

will or creating a force that drives an object from point
A to point B, the initiates are known to acquire other
powers in other dimensions. For instance it is known
they acquire deep insight in astronomy, mathematics,
surgery, herbs, geology, radiation, psych, magic, sooth
saying etc. But unfortunately the law of silence does not
allow this wisdom to go public. When the need arises,
they release it in piece meal. However, the most highly

protected wisdom is the way a seer permeates the walls.

If the general public acquires this wisdom, the seers are
well aware they would be held responsible. They say if
the general public gain access to this wisdom seers
would be held responsible for strong rooms robbery and
compromising individual privacy.

This ngungi was applied only when delivering a special

message from Ngai to the ruler or to one being warned
of impending danger. For such mission the need to
permeate the wall was inevitable.

From time immemorial African Seers activated the

brains of their initiates through administration of herbs.
They knew the best herbs to make the brain react and
which area and to what extent. The result was
emergence of genius to reckon with, among the society.
The genius of the newly recruited seers was contained
by being admitted in the sacerdotal college of seers and
assigned to a new role in the wider esoteric wisdom
composed of twelve branches.

In all the years that the West colonized Africa, they did
not have the knowledge of existence of such science
because of prejudice and malice towards the “natives”.

For West to acquire such science on her own, she must

wait for a while. First; to master thoroughly the working
of the brain and second, to wait the production of a
super computer that would guide the neurosurgeons in
activating the brain, Perhaps, this will not be possible by
the year 2025 computer model or even the highly

anticipated year 2099 model.

Post independence Africa has not recognized culture as

a tool towards development so long it comes from their
old institutions that are regarded as a sign of
backwardness. African states are striving to destroy the
remaining bastion of their culture to catch up with the
Western cultural values in order to compete with the
West from that platform.

Lack of cultural policy in place remains the contributing

factor in creation of unsustainable development projects
in Africa. People’s knowledge about their environment
is a prime component in planning and creating any
sustainable development in that particular
environment. There exists a symbiotic relationship
between cultural diversity and biological diversity and
this relationship constitutes a determining factor in
ensuring sustainable human development.

Nobody knows the effectiveness of the three herbs in

treatment or management of Alzheimer disease,
vascular dementia, Senility and other brain related
disorders. Still it is a taboo for Western trained medics
to interact with herbalists for such a research, simply
because herbalists are not Western trained. On the part
of the seers they are the custodian of esoteric wisdom
and the three herbs are their tools of trade. With this in
mind, the experts would always expect a strong
opposition when it comes to revealing this herb. It
should be noted such a programme is not allowed by the
college of seers. They fear, in the process, a super genius

could be created only to mess humanity by destabilizing

the normal order of things. Seers say ‘ugi ukuraga ta
iguru’ literally wisdom grows as universe, meaning the
pace at which the brain develops is at par with the
expansion of universe (consider EGG- Expansious
Gaseous Galaxy – creation of a new star) and utilization
of a new convolution in the brain. Seers say, when the
brain will be fully utilized, humanity will acquire angelic
powers to move freely from planet Earth in our solar
system to other planets in the outer space.

In activating the brain the initiate is placed millions of

years ahead of his contemporary humanity. He takes
oath to behave responsibly. Is it wise to let humanity
grow at its own pace?

If the two groups would agree to work together, the

seers would be invited to team up with physicians and
neurologists to administer the herbs to selected groups
of patients. In administration of the herbs, physicians
would be targeting brain lesions called beta-myloid
plaques – clusters of debris and a strange jumble of
tangles in brain.

In the study they would test whether the herbs would

stop the disease progression or reverse the course of
ailment. Neurologist would study what really takes
place in the brain during ngungi process. Activation of
the brain is not a modern knowledge but a new subject
to Western institutions. The tree of life as referred in old
history documents was property of seers and kings.
There is such illustration in Metropolitan Museum of

art in New York, from the palace of Assurnazirpal in

Nimrud 9th century BC.

When the seer is exposed to ngugi he conquers the

gravity and floats or fly’s at will or permeates through
the wall. In activating the object at the speed of mind,
the object is not captive of gravity and friction but also
overcomes barriers. The object could simply permeate
the wall the same way the seer permeates. The process
does not record time. This is among the dimensions that
science as we know it cannot comprehend because their
process bends the reality and overrides the law of
physics by altering the normal order of things. The laws
of motion are no longer applicable.

The player is not energy, speed and time but the human
brains. This revolution could throw cold water on the
already challenged scientists in the nature of gravity and
its relationship to the other three forces i.e. strong
nucleus forces which build the particles in atomic
nuclei; the weak nuclear force, which is responsible for
some sort of radioactive decay and electromagnetism,
and to quantum theory, namely the black holes and the
universe as a whole and the early universe.

The ngugi energy, if allowed for exploits could easily

handle humanity’s future outer space missions. It is
open secret American astronauts who landed on the
moon in the late 1960’s were not the first people to do
so. There are traces of evidence to honor an old
civilization for having landed there a long time ago.
Majority credit the Egyptian black people or Anu. If
they did, they did not use hydrocarbons and motors.
Americans are silent about this new development. They
knew at first Newtonian physics explained all that was
known until such a serious deviations from the norm
were observed. It was Einstein who came up with
explanation that the new observed phenomena could be
understood in a different paradigm. NASA incorporated
psych and metaphysics in its outer space research

West must master the working of the brain before they

force mechanical concepts of engineering in the
construction of Egyptian edifice known in history as
pyramids. Egyptian priests who were engineers applied
ngungi process to transport, lift and align the very
huge blocks of stones during the construction of the
pyramids from 4th Dynasty to 6th Dynasty.

The signature the black priests of Anu left behind in

form of pyramids has so far defeated the intelligence of
all humanity. It will call for another black brain to
decipher that signature.

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