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Because of the high spread of breast cancer around the world and the increasing pressure on

radiologists.() The reading process is tiring, long, expensive, and most importantly, prone to
errors. Multiple studies have shown that 20%-30% of misdiagnosed cancers can be found by
blind reviewers.()therefore, Artificial intelligence (AI) in the form of computer-
aided detection/diagnosis (CAD) systems is used to assist radiologists and cut
back workload. These programs usually analyse a mammogram and mark the
suspicious regions, which should be reviewed by the radiologist.

Computer aided detection solutions (CAD)are being developed to improve the quality
of image analysis. It is currently used to perform a lot of tasks such as lesion
classification and segmentation, image reconstruction and generation, cancer risk prediction, and
prediction and assessment of therapy response(). Many Studies demonstrate that DL algorithms
perform as well as or even better than radiologists.() In order, since 2012, deep convolutional
neural networks (CNN) have significantly outperformed then traditional methods. Deep CNN-s
have reached, or even surpassed, human performance in image classification and object

In other hand, the CAD is Financially expensive. the Statistics provided by the US Food and
Drug Administration estimate that expenditures are provided for CAD usage in the United States
cost is over $400 million a year(). Moreover, The benefits of using CAD are
controversial. Numerous research conducted in the past ten years have come
to the conclusion that current CAD technologies do not enhance radiologists'
performance in routine clinical settings in the United States. These contentious
findings suggest that CAD systems require enhancement before radiologists
can eventually gain from utilizing the technology in routine practice.

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