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Concept of Bidah in Islam

Bid'ah is a word that has been abused so frequently today, that it's definition should
be clarified unmistakably.

Definition of Bid'ah

Bid'ah, literally means innovation. In special terms it means is the invention,

creation or addition of any religious matter which was not originally found in Islam. It
is not innovation in general life…. like the invention of cars, planes,electricity etc. For
aspects of worship or ritualistic behaviors in Islam there must be something in the
Quran or the Hadith to explain and confirm its practice.


The Islamic definition of Bid’ah:

v Imaam Ash-Shaafi’i, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

“A Bid’ah is anything that has no basis in the Qur’aan, Sunnah or sayings of any of
the companions.”

v Ibn Al-Jawzi, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

“A Bid’ah is any form of worship that did not exist (at the time of the Prophet
sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and his companions) then later it was innovated.”

v Ibn Rajab, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

“A Bid’ah is any form of worship which has no basis in the Sharee’ah which
would warrant its legislation.”

v Ash-Shaatibi, may Allaah have mercy upon him, said:

“(A Bid’ah) is any matter which closely resembles the Sharee’ah and is intended to
be a way of worshipping Allaah.”

Al-bid‘ah al-haqeeqah and al-bid‘ah Al-idaafiyyah:

Presumably it is compulsory for the Muslim to be a devotee of his Prophet
(endowments and tranquility of Allah arrive) in what he endorsed and it isn't
reasonable for him to conflict with that or to bring any advancement into the
religion, in view of the proof that shows that it is required to take after and it is
prohibited to present development. In any case, it ought to be noticed that
contrasting from the method for the Prophet (gifts and tranquility of Allah arrive)
and falling into bid'ah may mean one of two things:

al-bid'ah al-haqeeqah

presenting an act of worship for which there is no premise in Islam, for example,
touching graves and looking for assistance from their tenants. The researchers call
this genuine innovation(al-bid'ah al-haqeeqah). This is what was not recommended
by any means.

al-bid'ah al-idaafiyyah

the act of worship might be initially endorsed in Islam, and what is in opposition to
the sunnah may need to do with characterizing a specific time or place for it, or a
specific number of times it is to be rehashed, or the way in which it is to be done or
the purpose behind which it is to be finished. This is called development by
expansion (al-bid'ah al-idaafiyyah); it isn't bid'ah unless it is done routinely and
over and again. On the off chance that it is done just on more than one occasion
without holding fast to that, at that point it isn't bid'ah, for example, if individuals
ask qiyaam (night supplication) in assembly (jamaa'ah) on some event, without
feeling that there is a specific virtue in doing as such.

Kinds of Bidah:
In the event that another thing has been begun, and it neither conflicts with the
Qur'an or Sunnah, at that point it can be proclaimed a 'decent' advancement. Be
that as it may, if another demonstration is started against the Qur'an and Sunnah,
that will be called terrible bid'ah, or an indefensible advancement.
We can comprehend that by following references:

Qadi Shawkani expresses "In Islam there are two sorts of Bid'ah: Bid'ah Say'iah
and Bid'ah Hasana. In the event that another thing contradicts the Qur'an and
Sunnah then it is Say'iah, however in the event that it isn't against the Shari'ah then
it is Hasanah.

(Nayl-ul-Autaar, Qadi Shawkani chapter Salaah Al Taravee).

Hafidhh Asqalani writes if a new thing is against Islam, it will be bad. If it is not
against Islam, it will be hasanah (Good).

(Fathul Bari chap on Taravi by Hafidhh Asqalani)

‫َّللاِ صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬ ‫سو ُل ه‬ ُ ‫ب َلهُ ِمثْ ُل أَجْ ِر َم ْن " فَقَا َل َر‬َ ِ‫سنَةً َفعُ ِم َل ِب َها بَ ْعدَهُ ُكت‬
َ ‫سنهةً َح‬
ُ ‫اإل ْسالَ ِم‬
ِ ‫سن فِي‬ َ ‫َم ْن‬
‫علَ ْي ِه ِمث ُل ِو ْز ِر‬
َ ‫ب‬ َ ِ‫س ِيئَةً فَعُ ِم َل ِب َها َب ْعدَهُ ُكت‬ َ ً‫سنهة‬ُ ‫اإل ْسالَ ِم‬ َ ‫َى ٌء َو َم ْن‬
ِ ‫س هن فِي‬ ْ ‫ور ِه ْم ش‬ ُ
ِ ‫ص ِم ْن أ ُج‬ُ ُ‫ع ِم َل ِب َها َوالَ يَ ْنق‬
.”‫َى ٌء‬ ‫ش‬ ‫م‬
ْ ْ ِ ْ ‫ه‬
ِ ‫ار‬ َ‫ز‬‫و‬ َ ‫أ‬ ْ
‫ن‬ ‫م‬
ِ ‫ص‬ُ ُ ‫ق‬ ْ
‫ن‬ ‫ي‬ َ ‫ال‬ ‫و‬
َ َ َِ َ َ‫ا‬ ‫ه‬‫ب‬ ‫ل‬
َ ‫م‬ِ ‫ع‬ ‫ن‬ْ ‫م‬

"The one who innovates a good innovation in Islam has its reward and a reward
similar to those who follow him in it--until the Day of Judgment--without
lessening their reward. The one who innovates an innovation of misguidance
would be sinful for it and has sins similar to those who follow him in it--until the
Day of Judgment--without lessening their sins."

(Sahih muslim)

Hafidhh ibn Taymiyyah writes that bid'ah is always bad, but some scholars say that
there are two kinds of bid'ah, that one is good and one is bad. If a new thing has
origin in the Qur'an and Sunnah it will be called Bid'ah Logaviyya (verbally) but
not Bid'ah in Shari'ah. Only the word bid'ah will be used on the new things. Like,
the Qur'an was collected in one book after the Prophet Muhammad [May Allah
bless Him and grant Him peace], and the congregational Taravi prayer was started
in Sayyidna Umar's time but these two things have an origin in the Sunnah.
Therefore, it will be called bid'ah verbally.

(Iqtidah al Sirat al Mustaqeem chap on Bid'ah by Hafidhh ibn Taymiyya).

From the above, the conclusion is that there are two kinds of Bidah:

 Bid'at-e-Sai'yya (offensive innovation)

 Bid'at-e-Hasana (praiseworthy innovation)

Definition of BID'AH SAYYIAH

Bid'ah say'iah is a new thing, introduced to and made part of the Deen (Islam) that
has no origin what so ever from the Qur'an or the Sunnah of Muhammad(SAW).

Proof of Bid’ah Sayyiah:

Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim compose that there were a few partners talking
and the Prophet was listening. One of them stated: 'I will make prayers (Salah)
throughout the night.' The second stated: 'I will fast (sawm) constantly.' The third
stated: 'I will never wed.' When our Prophet [May Allah favor Him and allow Him
peace] heard them say this he stated: 'I am the most God aware of Allah than any
of you. I pray (Salah,) I fast (sawm) also, and I do wed lady as well. Also, who so
diverts his face from my Sunnah, can't be of my Ummah'.
[Mishkat Muslim, Bukhari chapter Ihtisam]

The motivation behind why our Prophet [May Allah favor Him and concede Him
peace] prevented them from doing what they needed to do was on the grounds that
it was against Sunnah (his way). Whatever we do which is against the method for
our Prophets [May Allah favor Him and give Him peace] Sunnah is a Bid'ah

The above portrayal underlines the way that Bid'ah is to hold such an Aqeedah
which is contrary to the Qur'an and Sunnah, i.e. to wind up Qadriyyah, Jabriyya
and so forth.


Allah says in the Holy Qur'an:

"And we ordained in the hearts of those who followed him Compassion and
Mercy. But the Monasticism which they innovated for themselves which we did
not prescribe for them"

Surah Al Hadeed, verse 27"

This verse brings up that when something new is concocted to please Allah Ta'ala
then it is allowable, and Allah gives compensate for it. The individuals who don't
satisfy the necessities then Allah Ta'ala won't reward them.

RasoolAllah [May Allah favor Him and allow Him peace] expressed: "The
individual who presented something to be thankful for in Islam, might acquire the
reward for it and furthermore the reward for the individuals who receive it. With
respect to the person who presents a terrible thing (Bid'ah Sayyi ah) he will acquire
the discipline for presenting it and furthermore for the individuals who embrace it,
will likewise be rebuffed."

(Sahih Muslim in Kitaab-uz-Zakaat Tirmidhee section Eleleven).

This Hadith gives evidence of the way that it is admissible to present a decent
demonstration in Islam, additionally it offers consent to take after that deed with
the aim of reward.

Indeed, even our Prophets (Sallallahu'alaihi wa sallams) mates introduced new

things in Islam that the Messenger of Allah himself had not done, and our Prophet
[May Allah favor Him and concede Him peace] did not stop them. On the off
chance that by exploring new territory without the consent of our Prophet [May
Allah favor Him and allow Him peace] was Bid'ah then these individuals would
not have done as such. Indeed, it was critical for them to recall that, not to begin
something new which would be against our Prophet [May Allah favor Him and
concede Him peace] sunnah in any capacity.

There are numerous illustrations, as:

Our Prophet [May Allah favor Him and concede Him peace] asked Bilal
radiAllahu unho "What do you rehearse that from which you anticipate a ton of
reward from Allah Subha Nahu Wata'ala. The reason being I heard your strides in
Paradise. (Jannah) " Bilal radiAllahu unho replied: "At whatever point I do
Ablution (Wudhu,) after it I generally say a Prayer (Nafil Salaah")

["Bukhari, Kitab Tahajud"]

This new practice Bilal RadiAllaho unho began without anyone else was such a
great amount of acknowledged by Allah Ta`ala that our Prophet [May Allah favor
Him and allow Him peace] heard his strides in heaven.

Some examples of Bid'ah Hasana.

Punctuation in the Qur'an

Names of Surahs written in the Qur'an

Mihrabs in the Masjid

Minarets of Masjid

Taqleed of the four schools of Fiqh

Fixing congregational prayer times with the clock times

These are all Bid'ah Hasana and have been accepted by the whole of the Ummah.

Bid’at according to Holy Quran:

In the accompanying lines we see where in the Holy Quran the word Bid’at has
been utilized, and the importance with which it is related:
Says the Holy Quran:

Qul ma kuntu midu'a minar Rusuli

"Say I am no Bringer of New Fangled Doctrine among the Apostles."

(Quran, XLVI: 9)
and it says:

Bari'us samawaati wal ard

"The Originator of the Heavens and the Earth." (Quran, II: 117)

and it says:

Warahbaaniyatan ibtadaooha ma katabnaha alaikum

"But monasticism (which) they invented - We ordained it not for them."

(Quran, LVII: 27)

In these Ayahs from the Holy Quran the word Bid'at has been utilized as a part of
it's abstract significance. It's definition in the specialized dialect of the Shari'at is
unique. In the Holy Quran it has been utilized to signify "to develop" and "to make
another thing", though it's specialized significance is as composed in the book
Mirqat (under Babul I'tisaam bil Kitaab was-Sunnah) - "that conviction or activity
which was not practically speaking amid the favored period of Rasulullah (sallal
laahu alaihi wasallam) however was presented after him."

Types of BID'AT:
From above we see that Bid’ah is of two Types:

Bid‘ah I'tiqaadi (innovation in belief)

Bid’ah Amali (innovation in action)


Is that new conviction (which is in logical inconsistency with the Holy Quran and
Sunnah) which discovered its way into Islam after the favored age of the Prophet
(sallal laahu alaihi wasallam). Christianity, Judaism, Zoroasterism and Polytheism
are not Bid’ah I'tiqaadi as these convictions were practically speaking previously
and amid the favored time and furthermore in light of the fact that they don't
guarantee themselves to be Muslims while the Jabriyya, Qadriyya, Batiniyya,
Bahaaism, Qadyanism, and so on are Bid’ah I'tiqaadi (developments in conviction)
since they appear after the favored age and furthermore came themselves to be

Is that activity which came into training after the favored time of Rasulullah (sallal
laahu alaihi wasallam) be it mainstream or religious, in the eye of the Sahaaba-
Kiraam or after it. Mirqat Babul-I'tisaam says, "In the Shari'at, Bid'at is that
development which was not there in the favored time of Rasulullah (sallal laahu
alaihi wasallam)." The book, Ashi'atul Lam'at under a similar section says, "Bid'at
is what appeared after the favored time of Rasulullah (sallal laahu alaihi

So from the above meanings of Bid'at we see that a Bid'at Amali (improved
activity) can be religious or common yet it must be after the favored time of the
Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and i.e. indeed, even that activity
which was brought into Islam in the age of the regarded Sahaba will be viewed as
a Bid'at.
Hazrat Umar (radi Allahu anhu) in the time of his Caliphate, called the people to
perform Tarawih prayers in congregation (Jamaat), whereas it used to be prayed
individually in the time of the Holy Prophet (sallal laahu alaihi wasallam) and
commented on seeing the Jamaat, "This is a very nice Bid'at."

Subsequently ash-Shatibi (may Allah show kindness toward him) stated,

examining the "innovation by expansion": The word bid'ah alludes to a
concocted method for accomplishing something in Islam that is like what is
endorsed, of which the aim is to go to extremes in worshipping Allah.

That incorporates frequently holding fast to specific behavior and types of worship,
for example, recounting dhikr (recognition of Allah) together as one, taking the
birthday of the Prophet (favors and tranquility of Allah arrive) as an Eid
(celebration), etc.

It additionally incorporates sticking to particular demonstrations of worship at

particular circumstances that were not characterized in sharee'ah (Islamic law, for
example, continually fasting on the fifteenth of Sha'ban (a nusf min Sha'ban) and
spending that night in prayer (qiyam).

60288: Celebrating the night of the Isra’ and Mi’raaj

There is almost certainly that the Isra' and Mi'raaj (the Prophet's Night Journey
and Ascent into paradise) are two incredible indications of Allah which point to
the honesty of the His Messenger Muhammad (peace and endowments of Allah
arrive), and the enormity of his status before Allah. They are likewise indications
of the colossal energy of Allah, and of His magnified position over His creation.
Allah says (translation of the importance):

“Glorified (and Exalted) be He (Allah) [above all that (evil) they associate with

Who took His slave (Muhammad) for a journey by night from Al-Masjid
Al-Haraam (at Makkah) to Al-Masjid Al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem), the neighborhood
whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him (Muhammad) of Our
Ayaat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.). Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the

[al-Isra’ 17:1]

There are reports from the Messenger of Allah (peace and gifts of Allah arrive)
that he was taken up into the sky, and their doors were opened for him, until the
point that he go past the seventh paradise, where his Lord addressed him as He
willed, and urged the five every day petitions upon him. At first Allah, may He be
lifted up, urged fifty supplications, yet our Prophet Muhammad (peace and
endowments of Allah arrive) continued backpedaling and requesting that he
decrease it, until the point that He made them five, so they are five required
petitions yet fifty in compensate, in light of the fact that every great deed is
remunerated ten times. To Allah be acclaim and a debt of gratitude is in order for
every one of His favors.
With respect to this night on which the Isra' and Mi'raaj occurred, there is nothing
in the sahih hadeeths to show that it is in Rajab or in some other month. Everything
that has been described concerning a particular date for these occasions can't be
demonstrated to have originated from the Prophet (peace and endowments of Allah
arrive) as indicated by the researchers of hadeeth. Allah has savvy purposes behind
making the general population overlook it. Regardless of whether the date were
demonstrated, it would not be passable for the Muslims to single it out for specific
demonstrations of love, and it isn't allowable for them to praise it, on the grounds
that the Prophet (peace and endowments of Allah arrive) and his allies (may Allah
be satisfied with them) didn't commend it and they didn't single it out in any
capacity. On the off chance that commending it was something that is endorsed in
Islam, the Messenger would have enlightened his ummah regarding that, either in
word or in deed. In the event that any such thing had happened, it would have been
outstanding, and his buddies would have transmitted the data to us. They described
from their Prophet (peace and endowments of Allah arrive) everything that his
ummah has to know, and they didn't disregard any part of the religion, rather they
were the initial ones to do anything great. In the event that praising this night had
been recommended in Islam, they would have been the principal individuals to do
as such. The Prophet (peace and favors of Allah arrive) was the sincerest of
individuals, and he passed on the message to the general population in full, and he
satisfied the trust. In the event that revering and commending this night were a
piece of the religion of Allah, at that point the Prophet (peace and favors of Allah
arrive) would have done that and would not have hidden it. Since no such thing
happened, it is realized that commending it and adoring it isn't a piece of Islam by
any stretch of the imagination. Allah has consummated this present ummah's
religion for it and has finished His support upon them, and He denounces the
individuals who bring things into the religion which Allah has not appointed. Allah
says in His sacred Book, in Soorat al-Maa'idah (elucidation of the significance):

"This day, I have culminated your religion for you, finished My Favor upon you,
and have decided for you Islam as your religion"

[al-Maa'idah 5:3]
Furthermore, Allah says in Soorat al-Shoora (translation of the significance):

"Or then again have they joins forces with Allah (false divine beings) who have
established for them a religion which Allah has not appointed?"

[al-Shoora 42:21]

In the sahih hadeeths it is demonstrated that the Messenger of Allah (peace and
favors of Allah arrive) cautioned against bidah (advancement) and expressed
plainly that it is misguidance, in order to demonstrate the ummah how genuine the
issue is and put them off it.

For instance, it is described in al-Saheehayn from 'Aisha (may Allah be satisfied

with her) that the Prophet (peace and endowments of Allah arrive) stated:
"Whoever brings anything into this matter of our own that isn't a piece of it will
have it rejected." In a report described by Muslim it says: "Whoever does any
activity that isn't a piece of this matter of our own will have it rejected."

In Sahih Muslim it is portrayed that Jaabir (may Allah be satisfied with him)
stated: The Messenger of Allah (peace and favors of Allah arrive) used to state in
his khutbah on Friday: "The best of discourse is the Book of Allah and the best of
direction is the direction of Muhammad (peace and gifts of Allaah arrive). The
most exceedingly terrible of issues are those which are recently developed, and
each advancement is a going off to some far away place." Al-Nasaa'i included with
a jayyid isnaad: "and each roaming will be in the Fire."

In al-Sunan it is portrayed that al-'Irbaad ibn Saariyah (may Allaah be satisfied

with him) stated: The Messenger of Allah (peace and gifts of Allaah arrive)
conveyed a persuasive discourse to us which softened our hearts and made our
eyes stream with tears. We stated: O Messenger of Allah, it is a goodbye address,
so exhort us. He stated: "I encourage you to fear Allah, and to tune in and comply,
regardless of whether a slave is designated over you. Whoever among you lives
will see numerous distinctions, so I encourage you to cling to my Sunnah and the
method for the properly guided caliphs who will come after me and stick
immovably to it. Be careful with recently created issues, for each recently
developed issue is an advancement and each development is a going off to some
far away place. Also, there are numerous ahaadeeth with a comparable

Notices against bid'ah (development) have been described from the sidekicks of the
Messenger of Allaah (peace and favors of Allaah arrive) and from the honorable
salaf after them, since this is close to adding things to the religion and organizing a
religion that Allah has not appointed, and it is an impersonation of the foes of
Allah, the Jews and the Christians, in their options to their religions and bringing
into them things that Allah had not appointed. It additionally suggests that there is
something ailing in Islam, and that it isn't finished, and it is outstanding that this
prompts extraordinary insidiousness and underhanded, and conflicts with the verse
in which Allah says (elucidation of the importance):

"This day, I have idealized your religion for you, finished My Favor upon you, and
have decided for you Islam as your religion"

[al-Maa'idah 5:3]

It likewise conflicts with the ahaadeeth of the Messenger (peace and endowments
of Allaah arrive) which caution against advancement (bid'ah).

I trust that the confirmation we have cited will be adequate to persuade the
searcher of truth that this bid'ah isn't right, i.e., the advancement of praising the
evening of the Isra' and Mi'raaj, and that it isn't a piece of the religion of Islam by
any means.

Kissing one’s thumbs when the name of the Prophet is mentioned is a bid’ah
Kissing the thumbs in the midst of adhan, if saw as sunnah without a premise or sound ahadith (with a
chain) would be named a bid'ah.
Before beginning the exchange on this issue, we might want to bring up that Rasul-ullah (Sallaho Alaihe
Wassallam) was most adored by his Sahaba (RA) ABOVE and BEYOND the affection that we can
illustrate, gloat about or even claim. The adoration for the Sahaba (RA) was more prominent then the
affection for themselves and their families.

The accompanying Authentic Hadeeth from Saheeh Bukhari shows the point

Portrayed 'Abdullah canister Hisham (RA): We were with the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) and he
was holding the hand of 'Umar container Al-Khattab (RA) . 'Umar (RA) said to Him, "O Allah's Apostle
(Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam)! You are dearer to me than everything beside my own particular self." The
Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam)said, "No, by Him in Whose Hand my soul is, (you won't have
complete certainty) till I am dearer to you than your own specific self." Then 'Umar (RA) said to him, "In
any case, now, by Allah, you are dearer to me than my own specific self." The Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe
Wassallam) expressed, "Now, O 'Umar (RA) , (now you are a disciple)." (Bukhari)

The quantity of Sahaba (RA) surpasses thousands (and even hundred thousand as indicated by a few
assessments) and since Adhan is called five (5) times each day, the name Muhammad (Sallaho Alaihe
Wassallam) more likely than not been articulated before them and in the favored nearness of Rasul-
ullah (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) actually a huge number of times (in Adhan and outside of it) and if
kissing the thumbs or the nail of the pointer was Sunnah then the books of Hadeeth would have
recorded the activities of such admirers of the prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam).

As far as we know, there is no saheeh report from the Prophet (peace and
endowments of Allaah arrive) that when the muezzin says "Ashhadu anna
Muhammadan Rasool-Allaah" we should kiss our thumbs, so doing as such is a
bid'ah (advancement). In any case, it was demonstrated that the Prophet (peace and
favors of Allaah arrive) stated, "Whoever advances something in this matter of our
own that isn't a piece of it will have it rejected." And Allah is the Source of
strength. May Allah bless our Prophet Muhammad.

Reasons for the existence of Bid’ah:

There are five top reasons for a Bidah to be exist:

[1] Obliviousness:
The Prophet (SAW) said:

“Allah does not erase knowledge (from earth) by erasing knowledge from slaves
(hearts). Rather, He erases knowledge through the death of scholars. When He leaves
(earth) without scholars, people will take the ignorant as leaders (and scholars). They
(the ignorant) will be asked and then give Fatwah without knowledge. Then, they will
be lead, and will lead astray.” [Ahmad]

[2] Following wants:

Allah says:

“But if they answer you not O Muhammad, then know that they only follow their own
lusts. And who is more astray then one who follows his own lust (desires) without the
guidance from Allah” [Noble Quran 28:50]

“Have you seen him who takes his own desires as his god, and Allah knowing (him as
such) left him astray, sealed his hearing and his heart, and put a cover on his sight.
Who then will guide him after Allah.” [Noble Quran 45:23]

[3] Blind Following:

Allah said in Holy Quran that:

“Follow what Allah has sent down.” They say: “Nay! We shall follow what we found
our fathers following. Even though their fathers did not understand anything, nor were
they guided.” [Noble Quran 2:170]

[4] Mirroring the disbelievers:

Adopting their celebrations and practices. An example in the time of the Prophet
(SAW) when the companions asked him to give them an “Anwar Tree” and
Prophet(SAW) said:

“Allahu Akbar! It is the Sunan (traditions of the Mushrikun). You said by Him Who
has my soul in His Hand, what the children of Israel said toMoses: “Make for us gods
as they have gods. He said: ‘Verily! Your area people who know not.” [7:138] and he
(SAW) said: You

will follow the traditions of those before you (Jews andChristians)” [at-Tirmidhi]
Perils of Bid’ah:
1) Supposing you are getting nearer to Allah

Allah accepts the actions of those who make their intentions for Him alone and according to His ways.
Satan loves Bid’ah because people rarely repent from it thinking they are on the right path getting closer
to Allah.

2) Isolating the Ummah

Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said:

“My Ummah will be fragmented into seventy-three sects. All of them will be in Hell
Fire except one sect. They (the Companions) said: Allah’s Messenger, which is that?
Whereupon he said: It is one to which I and my companions belong.” [At- Tirmidhi]

A Muslim of the Sunnah will be forced to stay away from the practice of Bid’ah and
will therefore be separated from other Muslims

3) Destruction of the Sunnah

Ibn Abbas said,

“When Bid’ah is created then the Sunnah dies and this continues until that Bid’ah is
living and the Sunnah is dead.”

And also, the Prophet (SAW) said: “Islam began as something strange, and it shall
return as something strange as it began. So, give glad tidings to the strangers.” It was
asked, “Who are the strangers?” He replied, “Those that purify and correct what the
people have corrupted of my Sunnah” [at-Tabarani]

This corruption is Bid’ah, where people have changed the religion of Allah until the
Sunnah has become corrupted.

4) Conferring Shirk
A case from one Muslim nation when they establish the framework of another house
they set up a banner shaft and raise a bit of fabric like a scarf or a remark the house
from the stink eye amid the time it is being fabricated. Some even place a tire (yes, an
auto tire) on the shaft to secure them. They additionally dunk their turn in henna and
influence a hand to print with the henna on the new dividers of the house to shield it
from the stink eye. This is Shirk!!

5) Harming the picture of Islam

For the Ummah overall, Bid'ah harms the spreading of Islam and Dawah for Allah.
Respect killings (the executing of a little girl for conferring sex) is an illustration.
There is nothing in Islam that enables a family to execute the

Islamic Sharia their own particular manner. There is a procedure for managing
infidelity, and for the unmarried individual it is in actuality 100 lashings, not passing.
Individuals, insensible of Islam trust this is the manner by which our religion is and
those blameworthy of this type of Bid'ah, in actuality liable of one of the most
noticeably awful of real sins, ending the life of a Muslim, are hurting the way the non-
Muslims see Islam.

6) Bid'ah is the reason for Fitnah or serious discipline for this Ummah

As Allah says:

“For those people who are differing from the commands of Prophet, there will come
to them either a Fitnah (test or trial from Allah) or a severe punishment.” [Noble
Quran 24:63]

And you can look in the Muslim countries where Bid’ah is rampant.

 Putting head stones or monuments over the grave

 Reading Quran for the dead e.g. Chapter Yasin or celebrate 40 days after a
person died
 Celebrating the Prophet’s Birthday
 Asking the dead to make Dua for them or relay the message to Allah
7) Bid’ah is a venturing stone to disbelief

Allah says:

“The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose

(portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.” [Noble Quran 1:7]

This verse refers to the Christians and the Jews. They introduced new laws into the
religion and this took them away from the true message of the Prophets Musa and Issa
(peace be upon them). They took to rulings of their priests and rabbis over the words
of Allah and his Messengers.

Individually, Bid’ah destroys the Hereafter of the person -

Narrated Aishah: Allah’s Apostle said,

“If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our
religion, that thing is rejected.”

9) May prompt be lying on Allah and His messenger

The Prophet said:

“Whoever knowingly lie upon me, then let him occupy his seat in the Fire (of Hell)”.
[Bukhari, Muslim & others]

For example, People will twist or fabricate Hadiths or references from the Quran in
order to justify their actions. This is known to be one of the things that can take you
out of Islam!!

Why is it essential to keep away from bidah?

While Allah does not rebuff a man, who falls into blunder because of obliviousness
we are committed to instruct ourselves to the best of our capacity. Actually, Allah
won't acknowledge an activity that does not satisfy two vital conditions. The
primary condition is that the activity be finished with an earnest expectation to
please Allah omnipotent. The second is that the activity is finished by what is
instructed in the Quran and the bona fide Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. The
activity must comply with the Sunnah and not be in inconsistency to it.

Muhammad(SAW) stated:

"On the Day of Judgement, some people will come to me when I will be standing
by Haudh-e-Kauser (Well). They will be grabbed and taken towards the Hellfire. I
shall say: "These are my people" but in reply I will be told: "These are the people
who introduced innovations after you, so they are unbelievers."

[Bukhari & Muslim, Kitaab-ul-Haudh]

In view of this let us return to the importance of bidah. Phonetically, it implies

making or concocting something new, something without priority. Legitimately, it
is to add something new to the deen of Allah. Regardless of whether the activity is
created as a method for moving nearer to or adoring Allah despite everything it
doesn't wind up worthy. It is as yet a transgression.

How to know whether an act is an act of Bid’ah?

On numerous events you will hear it said that Islam is a religion of educated
learning. This suggests adherents don't take things on confront esteem. A devotee
sets aside the opportunity to learn and comprehend the points of interest of the
deen and he figures out how to address activities or expressions that are not given
clear proof. On the off chance that he sets aside the opportunity to learn Islam a
man can perceive what is a Sunnah activity and what is bidah.
People are by their amazingly nature superstitious creatures. It is the clearing up perpetually of
the unexplainable and, generally speaking, the slant that one has control over their outcomes.
Along these lines, it is simply ordinary that with respect to wagering particularly that charms,
adornments and, really, superstition are accessible. A part of the soonest known activities to
stay away from keen or incident can be taken after back to 1500 B.C.E., and anthropologists
confirm that early give in works in like manner demonstrate the need of people to monitor

Lucky charms can be found in any overall population, to prevent setback (so they think). From
very prompt circumstances, people have wrongly declared to have known the covered learning
and insensible masses of people aggregated around them and paid them in tremendous
numbers to expand little information. A segment of the fake methodologies for avoiding hardship
ended up essential learning. A part of the imagined riddle techniques for knowing one's fortune
similarly ended up essential data. Various sorts of signs can be found in different human
The act of composing Quranic verses, supplications, recognitions or the names of Allah on bits
of paper or fabric and after that putting them upon the body has been a typical routine with
regards to People of Pakistan.

Hanging rabbit's feet and dabs around the necks of kids or creatures, for the asserted
motivation behind repulsing the stink eye or to fight off an ailment are exhibitions of Shirk
(Polytheism) and reliance on others adjacent to Allah. The Messenger of Allah (S. A. W.)
restricted such superstitious acts and expressed that four-leaf clovers (talismans,
Taweez, and so on.) and like systems, will simply heighten the disease and open up the
proximity of wickedness!

What advantage would be tying hitches, gathering dots on a string, wearing an iron ring
on the hand or foot, enchantment spells or composing confused words bring? None. Or
maybe, they will just bring damage and misguidance.

We learn from the prophet’s traditions that “The Messenger of Allah (S. A. W. S.) once
saw a man wearing an iron ring around his hand and asked him, “What is this?” The
man said, “To repel Al-Wahinah,” which was a common disease among Arabs during
that time. The Prophet (S. A. W. S.) said, “Take it off of your hand, for verily, it will only
increase your weakness! If you die while wearing it, you will never attain success.””


At the time of the Prophet Muhammad (May peace arrive), it was a regular routine with
respect to the Arabs to wear wristbands bangles, beaded bits of jewellery, shells et
cetera as an interest to bring favourable circumstances and check hardship. Charms and
unique neckband can in like manner be found in various religions. Believing in charms,
unique pieces of jewellery and charms revoke the certified confidence in Allah's
Ruboobeeyah (Lordship) by giving the properties to the influenced dissent to attract
favourable circumstances and shock adversity. This is the ideological purpose behind
symbol revere in a significant measure of rationalist social requests and charms in like
manner address a branch of image love. This can be adequately related to the catholic
branch of Christianity where Prophet Jesus is hallowed, his mother Miriam and blessed
individuals are worshiped and pictures, statues and token with their assembled pictures
an area kept and worn for good fortunes.

• We realize that the Messenger of Allah (S. A. W. S.) communicated in this Hadith
that wearing a ring or a lucky charm won't envision disease. In spite of what may be
normal, it will heighten the contamination close by the inadequacy it passes on to the
body. He also told that man that if he passed on while wearing that ring, he would never
achieve accomplishment.

• Abu Waqid al-Laythee also told that when Allah's conveyance individual (May
peace arrive) set out for the fight to come of Hunayn (The site of the last huge battle
between the Prophet (May peace arrive) and the Arabian rationalist tribes), they pass by
a tree called Dhaatu Anwaat (that which has thing holding tight it). The admirers of
another god used to hang their weapons on its branches for positive luckiness. A part of
the sahaba who were new to Islam asked the Prophet (May peace touch base) to
allocate a relative tree for them. The Prophet (May peace arrive) replied, "Subhaanallah!
This is much the same as what Moses' kinfolk said to him; "Make a celestial being for us
just like their god!" (7:138) By the one in whose hand my life rest my soul, each one of
you will take after the method for those before you. (Tirmizi, a Nasaa'ee and Ahmad).

• Once, a social affair of people went to the Messenger (S. A. W. S.) to swear their
faithfulness to grasp Islam and he acknowledged their Bai'ah (pledge of devotion) except
for one man. When they solicited the Messenger from Allah of the reason, he said that
he did all things considered in light of the fact that that man was wearing a Tamimah
(Iucky appeal). So, the man embedded his hand inside his dress, took the good luck
charm and expelled it. The Messenger by then acknowledged the Bai 'ah from him,
saying, "Whoever wears a Tamimah will have presented Shirk." Further, when
Hudhaifah went by a detestable individual and touched his arm, he found a cluster tied
around it. He asked him, "What is this?" The underhanded man stated, "A Ruqyah
(healer, or lucky charm) that was recommended to me." Hudhaifah tore the cluster and
said to him, "If you kicked the can while wearing this, I would not have prayed the funeral
prayer for you."


As Muslims, we are required to depend on Allah alone and afterward search for the genuine
means and ways to deal with repel hurt or patch disorders. We are required to abandon and
carelessness every movement, verbalization and articulation of confidence that was not
considered us to appreciate. We are required to raise our children to be upright and to manage
them a long way from an extensive variety of superstitions and motivations. We are required to
raise them to depend on Allah alone and to help the unadulterated nature that Allah made in
them. Therefore, they will trust in Allah alone for each and every thing, summon just him amidst
misery and hardship and evade liars and performers. If we apply this incredible system, we will
scatter an extensive variety of severe dislike philosophies and declarations and kill them from
our social requests, while sparing our agreeable state of mind from misguidance and
superstitious driving forces. We should similarly assert that wearing a Tamimah that neither
contains a bit of the Quran, nor sees Allah's Name, is an exhibition of Shirk. Wearing a rabbit's
foot that contains the Quran or Allah's Names, is a disallowed exhibit in like manner in light of
the way that the Prophet (S. A. W. S.) disallowed wearing the Tamimah, paying little personality
to what is made inside it. What's more, the inclination for wearing the last kind of Tamimah may
direct to Shirk and making a choice that is other than the Quran in it later on. Similarly, when the
Quran is stuck around one's neck, it is passed on into the washrooms and muddled places
close by the person who is wearing it. No ifs ands or buts, the Quran was not revealed to be
remained adjacent one's neck, however as a healer for the ills of the hearts. The Quran was not
revealed so one makes Tamimah out of it, or offer Tamimah that contains parts of it for money,
appropriately securing somewhat miserable total for offering Allah's Words.
Believing that black color is associated with mourning, bad news,
and sadness.
It is a bidat to Believe that dull or dark shading is connected with
lamenting, unpleasant news, and sadness. Traditions around the
lamenting strategy vary altogether finished the globe, yet one
fundamental part is the relationship of a particular shading with grieving.
This is basically about western culture and we Muslims are getting it for
no good reason and these things are expecting control us. The
relationship of a particular shading with lamenting structures an easily
identifiable marker which apparently portrays that a dedication benefit is
happening or a man is in lamenting over the takeoff of a companion or
relative. Think, for example, of Queen Victoria who extensively exactly
anytime wore dull after the death of her revered partner, Prince Albert.
She wore dull. Additionally, now Muslims are starting to believe a
comparable thing and dull is considered as a picture of inconvenience.


Of course, we have a case about how dull cats are managed and thought
as they are noxious and are considered as a picture of appalling luck.
Most of Europe considers the dim cat a picture of adversity, particularly
in case one walks around the route before a man, which is acknowledged
to be an indication of episode and passing. In Germany, some assume
that dim cats crossing a man's way from fitting to left, is a horrendous


Now a day’s black is connected with control, fear, puzzle, quality,
master, style, custom, end, deception, and threatening vibe, pro,
defiance, and innovation. Dull is required for each other shading to have
significance and assortment of tint.
Our way of life is embracing this from Indian culture that black shading
shouldn’t be worn as it is considered as an indication of misery and
misfortune. Such huge numbers of individuals need to take authorization
from the senior citizens previously donning black. Indeed, even ladies
are not permitted to don black.
As Muslims we ought not have such wrong convictions as it influences
us to make tracks in an opposite direction from ALLAH, and such
superstitions influence a man to stress over such little things. Being
superstitious can influence your conduct and perspective, impacting
One of the commonly performed bidah:
Praying or supplicating to the dead, the saints, or
anyone else besides Allah.
Visits to graves fall into two categories:
visits which are recommended in Islam and are required to make du'aa' for the dead, appealing
to God for kindness for them, recollecting demise and setting oneself up for the Hereafter.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Visit the graves, for they remind you of the Hereafter."
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) used to visit graves, as did his Companions, may Allaah be pleased
with them.
It was reported that 'Aa'ishah said that when it was her night for the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be
upon him) to stay with her, he would go out during the latter part of the night to (the cemetery of) al-Baqee' and say,
the second sort is bid'ah , which is going by graves to call upon their inhabitants, looking for their assistance, offering
penances to them and making promises to them. This is illegal and is a noteworthy type of Shirk . Associated with this is the
act of going by graves to offer du'aa', perform salaah and read Qur'aan there. This is all bid'ah and isn't recommended in
As to praying (performing salaah) at a grave. On the off chance that what is implied is Salaat al-janaazah (the memorial
service supplication), this is reasonable and isn't illegal. Be that as it may, if what is implied is to perform fard or naafil
petitions, this is illegal and is haraam.

The confirmation for the admissibility of supplicating Salaat al-Janaazah in the memorial park:

It was accounted for from Abu Hurayrah that a dark man or a dark lady who used to clean the mosque passed on. The
Prophet (peace and favors of Allaah arrive) got some information about him and they stated "He died." He said, "Why did
you not tell me? Show me his grave." Or he said, "her grave." So he went to the grave and prayed for her.
The evidence that it is not permissible to offer any salaat other than janaazah in the graveyard:
Aa'ishah and 'Abd-Allaah ibn 'Abbaas said: "When (death) approached the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of
Allaah be upon him), he started to cover his face with a cloak of his. When he became distressed he lifted it from his face
and said, "May Allaah curse the Jews and the Christians, for they have taken the graves of their Prophets as places of
worship." [The narrator said:] he was warning against doing what they did." (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 425; Muslim, 531).
Abu Marthad al-Ghanawi said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "Do not sit on
graves and do not pray facing them."
 With respect to the 'Urs which is held each year: if this includes a few sorts of demonstrations of love, or if the
general population who go to surmise that this will convey them nearer to Allaah, or on the off chance that it
includes demonstrations of defiance and sin, at that point it isn't passable to go to it or partake in it. Regardless of
whether it is free of every one of these issues, you should in any case not go to it, on the grounds that embracing
an event as an "Eid" or celebration (a customary yearly occasion) other than the Eids precribed in Islam is bid'ah
(unpardonable development) and is taboo. The conviction of those present, that the spirit of the "wali" goes to
this 'Urs is an advanced and prohibited conviction, in light of the fact that later on this might be taken similar to a
piece of the religion, and it will lead individuals adrift. So this occasion must be upbraided and individuals must be
cautioned against it, and you ought not go to it. What's more, Allaah is the manual for the straight way.

As to requesting that a noble individual make du'aa' for you when he is as yet alive - this is passable, in light of
the fact that there is the expectation that his du'aa' might be addressed due to his honesty. The confirmation for this is:
It was reported from 'Uthmaan ibn Haneef (may Allaah be pleased with him) that a blind man came to the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: "Pray to Allaah to heal me." He said, "If you wish, I will pray for you, and if
you wish, I will delay that, and that will be better." (According to another report: "If you wish, be patient - that will be
better for you.") He said, "Pray for me." So he commanded him to do wudoo' and to do it well, and to pray two rak'ahs…"
It was reported that Anas said: whilst the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was giving the khutbah
(sermon) on Friday, a man stood up and said, "O Messenger of Allaah, the horses have died and the sheep have died. Pray
to Allaah to give us rain." So he spread his hands and prayed (made du'aa')
 In the event that a wali or Prophet passes on, it isn't right, as per sharee'ah, to request that he make du'aa' for
you, since he has been cut off from this world. This is a sort of evade which isn't submitted by any of the
exemplary individuals of this Ummah, the Sahaabah and the individuals who tail them.
Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
"And who is more astray than one who calls on (invokes) besides Allâh, such as will not answer him till the Day of
Resurrection, and who are (even) unaware of their calls (invocations) to them? And when mankind are gathered
(on the Day of Resurrection), they (false deities) will become their enemies and will deny their worshipping"

Shaykh Al-Islam (Ibn Taymiyah - may Allaah have mercy on him) said: To explain further: if what the person
wants is something that none is able to do except Allaah - such as asking for healing from sickness, for people or
animals, or for his debts to be paid off in some manner that he does not specify, or for his family to be safe and
sound, or to be protected from calamity in this world or the next, or for help against his enemy, or for his heart to
be guided, or for his sins to be forgiven, or for him to be admitted to Paradise or saved from Hell, or for help to
learn knowledge and the Qur'aan, or for his heart to be reformed, his attitude to be made good, his soul to be
purified and so on - all of these are things which it is not permissible to seek from anyone other than Allaah. It is
not permissible to say to an angel or a Prophet or a shaykh, whether he is alive or dead, "forgive my sin" or "help
me against my enemy" or "heal my sick loved one" or "protect my family or my livestock" and the like.

Allaah has ordered all individuals to appeal to Him and approach Him, and He has told them all to state

”You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything)."

And He has told us that the Mushrikeen say:

" 'We worship them only that they may bring us near to Allaah.'"
on the off chance that you realize that this individual is nearer to Allaah than you and of a higher status than you,
this might be valid, yet what you are inferring isn't right. Regardless of whether he is in fact nearer to Allaah and
of a higher status, that lone implies that Allaah will remunerate him and give him more than you. It doesn't imply
that in the event that you approach him, Allaah will answer your supplication more than He would do in the event
that you called upon Him yourself. In the event that you are meriting being rebuffed and of having your
supplication rejected, for instance, in light of the fact that your du'aa' is offered in an uncalled for way, at that
point no Prophet or exemplary individual will help you to accomplish something that Allaah despises and is furious
with. Regardless of whether that isn't the situation, at that point you ought to ask from Allaah on the grounds that
Allaah is more tolerant.
Hajj is said to be the essential part of the five pillars of Islam. According to recent reports, some people in
Kenya and Tunisia have made the replica of Holy Kaaba and are performing Tawaf and other
requirements as well. But they have negated the same and said it had been made for the training of
people to ease the Hajj pilgrim at the annual occasion of Hajj.

They called themselves the New Group of Muslims and also had a point of view that for those locals who
are suffering from multiple diseases; Hajj should be performed here.
There is also news from the Baluchistan that Zikri sect has also built a fake Kaaba in Baluchistan for
performing annual pilgrim of Hajj. They are performing are manasik of Hajj and claims there is no need to
go Saudi Arabia for performing this.

Replica of "Khana-i-Kaaba" built in Kenya, Mogadishu and

Tunisia is un-Islamic

Some Africans who claimed to be Muslims have built the replicas of Khana-i-Kaaba" in their countries. More than a
million Muslim pilgrims packed Senegal's remote northeastern city of Touba on Thursday as members of the powerful
Mouride brotherhood flocked to "Africa's Mecca" from across the world.
A senior mufti of Dargah-e-Alahazrat issued a fatwa on Friday against the East African country Kenya for constructing
a replica of Kaaba, a day after issuing fatwa against the alleged mastermind of the Mumbai terror attack.
The fatwa claims the people who constructed the structure and the place where it was
constructed were “un-Islamic”. “It is against Islam to offer prayer at such a place and those who do so are not
Muslims,” said the fatwa issued by Mufti Salim Noori.
The Kaaba is a building at the Centre of Islam’s most sacred mosque, Al-Masjid al-Haram, in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
The fatwa was issued after a video showing people thronging the Kaaba-like structure was
circulated on social media. “I received many phone calls and messages from people
inquiring about the validity of the structure. I personally watched the pictures and video
before issuing the fatwa,” said Noori. “Kaaba is not a structure. It is a unique place, which is revered by
Muslims all across the globe, and it cannot be changed. The construction of a similar structure is against Islam,” he
The mufti said the structure could only be justified if it was being used to train people for the Haj pilgrimage. “It is still
not clear whether the structure is being used for training or for misleading innocent Muslims. It can be accepted as a
model for training but in no case as an alternate to the holy Kaaba,” he said.
The fatwa has asked Muslims to boycott such structures.

A group of Ulama’a (Islamic religious leaders) Sunday staged a mock demonstration of the Hajj performance
at Hodhan neighborhood in the capital Mogadishu in order to acquaint this year’s Hajj-goers with how to
perform the pilgrimage ahead of their actual visit next year. The clerics constructed a duplicate of the Kaaba,
the structure in Mecca that houses the Black Stone, to familiarize the people with the correct performance of
the pilgrimage. The volunteers in the mock demonstration were required to go round the Kaaba-like structure
seven times. Trainers were on sight to correct them where they go wrong in the whole process. The
performance of the pilgrimage is an obligatory pillar of Islam where every able Muslim is expected to visit the
sanctuary city of Mecca and the Kaaba among other activities.

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