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1. What is wisdom behind the legislation of marriage in Islam?

In Islam, Marriage builds a stable family that is capable of performing its

functions and achieving goals, satisfies the needs of society and preserves its
health and safety.
2. Justify that “family is the foundation of society”.
Allah (SWT) preordained the first relationship between the sons of Adam was
to be a marital relationship. First union was between a man and woman, this
union formed a family i.e., the foundation of human society.
3. Type some function of the family
Functions of a family are:
• Preserving human species
• Satisfying the instinctual needs of man
• Preserving society against corrupt deeds and deviation
• Rearing and educating a generation

4. What should be the foundations of building a family?

Foundations of building a family:
• Unity of origin and creation
• Rights and dutues
• Affection and mercifulness, backbone of family ties
• Social solidarity(takaful)

5. Describe the features that assist the stability and happiness of the
• Islam gives everyone the right to choose their respective partners,
so one should make good choice.
• Both parties have the right to see each other before marriage.
• Cooperation, understanding and patience must exist within the

swer the following questions :

1. What was the mission and vision of Prophet (S.A.W)?
Ans: The Mission: The call toward God for inner knowledge.
• The Vision: Taking out slaves from the darkness of polytheism to
the light of Tawheed
• And to be honest and treat people well.
2. Mention the millstones of planning in prophet’s seerah.
Ans. Following are the millstones of planning in prophet’s seerah.
1. Setting goals and priorities
2. Development of legislation and public policies
3. Implementation of practical procedures and programs
4. Investment of available resources.
5. Follow up the results and link them to God's will

3. What is the importance of planning in the life of an individual

Ans: Achieving the desired objectives. To invest time, effort and resources
in the best way. Ease of review and evaluation, and then correction and
follow-up. Easily overcome obstacles and obstacles. Reduce anxiety and
stress, providing an atmosphere of creativity and innovation. Avoid chaos,
distraction and confusion at work.

1. Who was Umm Salamah?

Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased with her was the daughter of Zad ar-
Rakib,Abu Umayya Al-Qureshi. She and her husband Abu Salamah had made
history In Islam as they were one of the firsts to embrace Islam and had a son
together named Salamah. Later she came to be known as “The Mother of The
2. Mention the hardships faced by umm salamah.
Umm Salamah faced many hardships firstly she was separated from her
husband and small child then she would always go out in early morning and
weep till sunset for nearly a year before reuniting with her son.
Later she went on search for her husband and finally after reuniting with Him,
may Allah be pleased with Him He died as a martyr after Battle of Uhud. Umm
Salamah was completely broken after this incident.
3. Characterized the qualities of Umm Salamah.
• Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased with Her was a true and
polite woman.
• She had a lot of hope and faith in Allah (SWT) as she had accepted
Islam and didn’t lose her faith in Allah even after losing her husband.
• She was really determined and brave to go alone along her son to
find her husband.

4. Organized the reason behind the Prophet (S.A.W) marriage to

Umm Salamah.
a. In Islam, marriage of widows is encouraged and advised to do at
the earliest. To honor the widow prophet Muhammad (SAW) decided
to marry Umm Salamah, may Allah be pleased with Her.
c. Holy Quran as the first source of sharia
It is the first source of Sharia as Qur’an is the miraculous words of Allah
Which were revealed to our Messenger (PBUH). And it has guided us to
deduce rules regarding new matters from Sharia sources such as Qiyas and
public interest.
b) The authority of prophet sunnah as the second source of Islamic law
The Prophet’s Sunnah is a Sharia authority for the Muslim when the
attribution is authentic and rule can be inferred from it. It is the second
source after the Holy Qur’an, as even the order to obey the Messenger
(PBUH) was repeated in more than ten places in the Holy Qur’an.
c) Ijma
Consensus of Muslim scholars after the death of the Prophet (S.A.W.)
regarding a Sharia rule at a certain era.
d) Qiyas
Including a matter which has not been provided under the same rule another
matter which has been provided for because the two matters share the same
base of the rule.
e) Norms
These are the acts or sayings that people are used to in a particular place or
Q:2 Justify the public interest as a source of Islamic law.
Public interest brings benefit or prevents evil but there is no evidence to
support it.
Allah (SWT) said that: (Indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct and
giving to relatives and forbids immorality and bad conduct and oppression. He
admonishes you that perhaps you will be reminded.)
Q:3 What are the ways of blocking the evil in society?
Blocking websites which spread sedition and immorality amongst the people.
Ban the selling of fire crackers, because they cause damages.
Ban the selling of drugs without proper prescription as it damages human health.

5. Signify the umm salamah’s apology to prophet (S.A.W) when he

proposed to her.
Umm salamah, may Allah be pleased with Her apologized and said “I am a
woman who is extremely jealous and I am afraid that you will see in me
something that will anger you. I am a woman who is already advanced in age
and I am a woman who has a young family”.

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