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Lesson 1

Steadfastness to truth
Surah Ahzab (1-8)
What is the main themes of the
■ Surah Al-Ahzab is the 33rd chapter of the Qur'an.
■ It addresses various aspects of personal, social, and community life.
1.Obedience to the Prophet:
1. Emphasizes obedience to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
2.Importance of Taqwa:
1. Calls for maintaining consciousness of Allah.
3.Adab in Social Settings:
1. Guides proper manners in social gatherings.
4.Conduct with Prophet's Wives:
1. Sets guidelines for interacting with Prophet's wives.
5.Unity and Cooperation:
1. Encourages unity and cooperation among Muslims.
6.Rules Regarding Adoption:
1. Addresses adoption, emphasizing lineage.
7.Battle of the Confederates:
1. Recounts events of the Battle of the Confederates.
Before their embrace of Islam, Abu
Sufyan and Ekrema, along with others,
came to AI-Madinah.

Reason for They went to Abdullah Bin Obay after

the Prophet, peace be upon him, had

revealing the given them a promise of their safety,

provided they would speak to him.
They said to the Prophet, peace be
first verse of upon him, in the presence of Omar lbn
AI-Khattab: refrain from mentioning

Surat Al our gods Al-Lat, Al-'Uzza and Manah,

and say that they have intercession

Ahzab and benefit for those who worship

them, and we will leave you and your
lord alone. This was too difficult for
the prophet (Peace be upon him) to
tolerate; therefore, Allah, Glory be to
Him, revealed the verse.
■ This glorious Surah opens with calling the prophet "O prophet" to honor him and to
draw our attention to his lofty status (Peace be upon him). It is also intended to teach
Muslims to respect and appreciate him in speech by calling him in his capacity as a
prophet and praying upon him.
■ Starting with the vocative form demonstrates how significant and obligatory this matter
is; that is, steadfastness to the obedience of Allah and compliance with His orders.
Those who refuse to believe internally and externally (disbelieving in him), or those
who refuse internally and pretend apparently to believe (hypocrisy), are not obedient to
the prophet. Though addressed to the Prophet, peace be upon him, this order includes all
Muslims as we are instructed to obey him.
Difference between-
Tawakkul and Tawakul
■ Tawakkul is trust in Allah ■ Tawakul is putting trust in Allah
■ Hadith on Reliance: Trust in Allah, while doing nothing
but tie your camel ■ Give examples from real life
Anas ibn Malik reported: A man said, “O
Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel
and trust in Allah, or should I leave her
untied and trust in Allah?” The Prophet,
peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Tie
her and trust in Allah.”
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2517
Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-Alban
The delegation of the command to God as in all matters of life
taking the reasons

Laziness and non-pursuit and leave the reasons for the pretext that
God is the Razaq.

God made them mothers of believers

The sanctity of their marriage after the Prophet peace be upon him
Join bad friends - family problems

Leave the marital home

Loss of children - an interruption of affection between a
man and his wife
The multiplicity of prophets and the unity of the covenant which God took upon them.

God took the covenant upon every prophet to believe in Muhammad. The Charter
was adopted by the nations of the prophets.
Establishment of the argument and a demonstration of the superiority of our master
Muhammad to the nations
Obey him before himself and his family

Disbelievers and hypocrites

Follow Allah’s command
Put the trust in Allah

Adoption The claim that a man has two

hearts in his body
Communicate the message in the activator and the antithesis
And in believing each other
Follow our prophet Muhammad

The obligation to honor, Mothers of believers

maximize and respect them,
O Prophet continue on the strength of God to do his orders and avoid his forbidden things, and disobey the
unbelievers and the people of hypocrisy. God was all-knowing about everything, wise in His creation and
command and management.

It is the best to entrust to him and delegated to you, he

is God. Allah is enough for you.

call the proclaims to their real parentage. it is more accepted to Allah.

1 - the sanctity of adoption - 2 - the sanctity of falsehood 3 - the lie of the claim that there are two hearts of a person 4 -
the obligation to obey the Prophet  obedience to the superiority of obedience to themselves, 5 - the obligation to
maximize the Muslims to his wives as mothers, 6 - Abolition of inheritance through brotherhood of adoption and

The wife is not a mother until she is illegal like a mother. Due to Zihar a wife is illegal till her husbond expiates
for his sin/ default

To do orphan affairs from education and what Proclaiming the percentage of the child for
needs food, drink and clothing those who are not his parents

Reward for the care of the orphan To draw closer to God by raising a poor child deprived of
and save him from loss parental affection and attributed to his purity,

It is desirable Haram
Lesson 2

Aql and Naql

■ Aql (Reason):
■ Definition:
– Aql refers to human reasoning, intellect, and rationality.
■ Gift from Allah:
– Aql is considered a divine gift from Allah, distinguishing humans from other
■ Use in Decision-Making:
– Muslims are encouraged to use their Aql in making decisions and understanding the
world around them.
Role in Ethical Choices:
Aql guides ethical choices and moral reasoning, helping individuals discern
right from wrong.
Complementary to Revelation:
Aql is seen as complementary to Naql (textual revelation), enhancing
understanding and interpretation.
Seeking Knowledge:
Islam encourages the acquisition of knowledge through observation, reflection,
and the use of reason.
Limits of Aql:
Aql has its limits, and Muslims are reminded to recognize the supremacy of
divine guidance over human reason.
Application in Ijtihad:
Scholars use Aql in the process of Ijtihad (independent legal reasoning) to
derive legal rulings in the absence of explicit textual guidance.
Scientific Exploration:
Islam encourages scientific exploration and the use of reason to understand the
natural world.
Naql (Textual Revelation):
Naql refers to the textual revelation received by prophets from
Allah, encompassing the Qur'an and Hadith.
2.Primary Source of Guidance:
The Qur'an is considered the primary source of guidance for
Muslims, providing comprehensive guidance for all aspects of life.
3.Hadith as Complementary:
Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad) serves as a
complementary source to the Qur'an, providing additional
guidance and clarifications.
4.Preservation of Revelation:
Muslims believe that the Qur'an is preserved in its original form,
ensuring the authenticity and accuracy of divine guidance.
1.Legal and Ethical Framework:
Naql provides the legal and ethical framework for Muslims, offering
specific guidance on matters of worship, morality, and social conduct.
2.Role in Ijtihad:
In cases where there is no explicit guidance in the Qur'an or Hadith,
scholars resort to Ijtihad, using reason within the boundaries set by
3.Consistency and Certainty:
Naql provides a consistent and certain source of guidance, ensuring a
standardized understanding of religious principles.
4.Balance with Aql:
While Naql is paramount, it is complemented by Aql to enhance
understanding and application in diverse contexts.
Integration of Aql and Naql:
1.Harmony of Reason and Revelation:
Islam emphasizes the harmony between Aql and Naql, rejecting any notion of conflict
between reason and faith.
2.Use of Aql in Understanding Naql:
Muslims are encouraged to use their reason to understand and contemplate the
teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith.
3.Aql as a Tool for Ijtihad:
Aql is employed as a tool in the process of Ijtihad to derive legal rulings when explicit
guidance is not available in the texts.
4.Islamic Sciences:
The Islamic sciences integrate both Aql and Naql, encompassing theology,
jurisprudence, and philosophy.
5.Seeking Knowledge Holistically:
Muslims are encouraged to seek knowledge holistically, utilizing both reason and
revelation for a comprehensive understanding of the world.
humans ability
is limited

Establishing the
argument and
nullifying falsehood

Prove that the Qur'an is the

Word of God and the
truthfulness of the Prophet

Proof of God's deity and

His Providence and their
inability to prove
3 - 1 - 2 - 4 -5


• The challenge is to come up with the Quran,

• challenging to say ten chapter like that.
• challenge to say one of the same,
• Then they come in one way and use it with all but God.
Verifying the authenticity of the medium (prophets)
Understand the revelation and its purposes
Evidence is based on revelation
The application of God's commands and avoidance of intent
• Revoke what people believe of worship other than God
• Reach the right through successful dialogue and address the minds

• Ignorance and intolerance

• Blind tradition - tyranny of opinion
• Follow the fancy

(Appreciation) Islam called people to realize with the mind

Student’s activities

Quran and authentic Hadiths

Is a healthy mind devoid of whims, purposes and suspicions

Is the inability of the Arabs to bring an example of all the kinds of miracles, whether
graphic or news in the gulf or other

The mind can not understand everything because it is so limited. so, He must approve and
follow the constant transfer in the Holy Quran and correct Sunnah

The challenge of the Qur'an to the mind is a tribute to the mind and appreciation of
its place and not a disregard for it.

1. The challenge is to come up with the Quran. / 2. Then challenge ten chapters like it
3. And then challenge to bring one line like it. / 4. Then they come in one way and use it with all but God
Understanding texts and realizing them

Testifies to the health of transport and

supports it


And the one who disbelieved was amazed

Lesson 3

■ Definition:
■ Istifaf refers to the principle of moderation, balance, and avoiding extremes in
behavior, consumption, and lifestyle.
. ■ Islamic Ethical Framework:
■ Istifaf is deeply rooted in the ethical framework of Islam, promoting balance and
■ Avoidance of Excess:
■ Muslims are encouraged to avoid excessiveness in various aspects of life, including
food, wealth, and personal conduct. Qur'anic Emphasis:
■ The Qur'an emphasizes the principle of Istifaf, warning against extravagance,
wastefulness, and indulgence in forbidden activities.
■ Examples from the Prophet's Life:
The life of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) serves as a practical example of
Istifaf, with his simplicity, humility, and moderation.
Tolerance is one of Isti’faf fruits and an impact of its effects
Disintegration of communities and lack of trust among individuals.
The spread of crime and the delay of society.
Request chastity and take the reasons

Establish in society the meanings of solidarity, cooperation and tolerance

• The high level of elation and distance from the weaknesses of things and
concern about what is useful
• Community cohesion in the face of threats as a result of trust among its

• In marriage • The maintenance of worship, especially prayer

• In wealth • Preserving the voluntary and remembrance of Allah
• A good companionship that helps the good and prevents the
person from harming himself or others
Stand by the virtues of morality and beautiful qualities
Leave what is not right and distance from what inflicts the vision

• Integrative relationship
• The individuals’ abstinence leads to society’s abstinence by its impact, society is
woven from individuals
• The maintenance of worship, especially prayer
• - Preserving the voluntary and mentioning Allah and praying
• - A good companionship that helps the good and prevents the person from harming himself
• - Raising self by fasting; it helps to Zakat heart, purity of the soul,

The distance from what Allah has forbidden, such as adultery, for those who can not marry, so that God
may grant them their bounty

It is achieved without marriage by distance from the stimuli with concern for what benefits as worship and sport.
Lesson 4

Financial contracts

‫ عقود‬/ ‫عقد‬

Aqd / Contract definition

■ Linguistic definition:
Uniting various sides/parties and joining them together.
■ Technical definition:
The legal binding of two parties’ intent in a
transaction in a manner that is sanctioned and
permissible by Islam.
ۚ ‫■ َيا َأُّيَها اَّلِذ يَن آَم ُنوا َأْو ُفوا ِباْلُعُقوِد‬
■ “O you who have believed, fulfill [all]

■ The command in the Quranic verse

is directed to the believers to fulfill all contracts

■ Synonyms of contract:
Promise – transaction – agreement –
Contracts and Commitments
according to their subjects.
■ Religious Contracts – Giving a word / Promise

■ Social Contracts – Marriage

■ International Contracts – Treaty between countries

■ Scientific contracts – Patent, Copyright act

■ Educational Contracts – Scholarship with the agreement to pay

How do we regulate and
*notarize contracts? LEGAL
■ First: by documentation.
■ Second: by witnesses / Guarantor / Surety
■ Third: by other suitable means.
■ Allah SWT said in the longest ayah of the Qur’an:

ۚ ‫َواَل َتْس َٔـُم ٓو ْا َأن َتْك ُتُبوُه َص ِغيًرا َأْو َك ِبيًرا ِإَلٰٓى َأَج ِلِهۦ‬
* Definition of notarize
to acknowledge or attest as a notary*.
* Definition of notary
a public officer who attests or certifies writings (such as a deed)
to make them authentic and takes affidavits, depositions, and
protests of negotiable paper
Significance of Regulating
and Notarizing Contracts
 The arrangement of financial contracts has a great importance in
preventing conflicts.

 Guaranteed by determining duties and rights of each party of the

contract based on documentation and witnesses

 Allah mentions in the verse of debt:

(Surat Al Baqarah: 282) “Don’t be averse to writing down (the contract) whether
it be small or great, with (the record of) the term thereof”
Conflict- Harm – loss of trade– loss of trust

Avoiding conflict by determining the duties

of every party in the contract
Guaranteeing the rights of both the parties
Elements of Financial Contracts 1)
Form of Contract
Formulation of offer and acceptance
 1. Either by word, writing, gesture, or act.
 2. Can be expressed in any clear, understood, customary way such as
modern communication means in concluding contracts.

Read the following Ayah and try to extract

the significant element of contract

‫■ َيا َأُّيَها اَّلِذ يَن آَم ُنوا اَل َتْأُك ُلوا َأْم َو اَلُك ْم َبْيَنُك ْم ِباْلَباِط ِل ِإاَّل َأْن َتُك وَن ِتَج اَر ًة َع ْن َتَر اٍض ِم ْنُك ْم ۚ َو اَل‬
‫َتْقُتُلوا َأْنُفَس ُك ْم ۚ ِإَّن َهَّللا َك اَن ِبُك ْم َر ِح يًم ا‬
■ O you who believe! Squander not your wealth among yourselves in
vanity, except it be a trade by mutual consent, and kill not one
another. Lo! Allah is ever Merciful unto you.
Elements of Financial Contracts
2) The Two Contracting Parties
 1. Sanity/Maturity: Both parties must be mature.
 Insanity and childhood are NOT considered!

 2. Adulthood is where a person can handle financial

matters independently and make the best use of

 Mutual Consent: To indulge in a contract, willingly

and voluntarily.
Compulsion/coersion SHOULD NOT EXIST!!
Elements of Financial Contracts
3) Subject of Contract
What is concluDED within the contract

 1. Goods/Kind: such as a sales contract

 2. Usufruct: such as leasing
 3. Service/Action: such as power of attorney

Elements of Financial Contracts - 3)

Subject of Contract (Continued)
1. 1. Possessed by the contractor - The Messenger of Allah said “do not sell
what you do not have”.
2. 2. Lawful - wine, pork, and harmful goods are not allowed to be sold
3. 3. Known and defined - Not allowed to sell unknown or falsey or
insufficiently described things lest any defect might be covered or hidden!!
Types of financial contracts

■ According to Shari’ah
A. Legal contracts: They are accredited by Shariah, with entailed juristic effects.
B. Illegal contracts: They are the ones which Islamic shariah prohibited and did
not entail any legal effects. This happens because of a forbidden condition or
description in relation to a contract, making it illegal. Such as contracts that
have usury, gambling, cheat or fraud.
Features of financial contracts in Islam:
1. Flexible and compatible with the spirit of our age:
The original state of financial contracts and their conditions is that everything is permissible except when there
is clear Shariah evidence of prohibition as Allah says: "Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden interest”.
Shariah is valid for all times, and cannot become outdated. Scholars have to exert their thinking and do
research especially the field of economics is constantly evolving.
2. Regulated by ethical and faithful values:
a. A Muslim is supposed to be honest and sincere, and should not wrong an employee or cheat anyone whether
young or old, should be fair with all people.
b. Cannot accept any unlawful contract or condition or perjure to attain any gain in his contracts or dealings
c. All earnings must be legitimate.
3. Fulfilling the needs of society:
d. To read the paragraph – page 61
4. These must be enforced:
e. Islam attaches a great respect to contracts and enjoins adherence to the
conditions and fulfilment them.
f. Allah said. “And fulfil every commitment. Indeed the commitment is ever
to be questioned!”
g. The reward of honoring the promises of these contracts is not confined
mundane or material gains but it is also extended to the Hereafter whether
good or evil
Legal contracts: Flexible and
to fasten by drawing Form of Contract. they are contracts Exchange contracts: compatible with the
together the parts or accredited by sharia e.g. Sale . Leasing spirit of our age
sides and knotting
with strings or laces. two contracting Regulated by
parties Illegal contracts: ethical and
they are the ones Donations contracts faithful values
which Islamic e.g. Endowment –
Sharia prohibited Fulfilling the
the legal binding Grant
The subject mater such as usury, needs of society:
of two parties’ fraud, …….etc
wills of the contract
Security contracts: They must be
e.g. guarantee – enforced

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