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These days, it is very important in society that people begin to be

financially independent from an early age. In my opinion, there are two
effective tips that will help people meet their financial goals. In the next
lines, I will explain my reasons.
If people want to be financially independent, they should live within their
means and save regularly. People should spend less than they earn, it is
not known when we will go through a difficult situation. Also, it is essential
that people save a percentage of their salary, ideally 20% to 30%. In other
words, it is necessary save for rainy day.
At the same time, there are some things people should avoid if they want
to be good money management. First, people need to avoid impulse
items, sometimes they are small expenses that together are high.
Additionally, people should avoid having more than 2 credit cards. Finally,
they should avoid paying their credit card partially.
In summary, to be a good money manager, people must make good
financial decisions. Financial education is important if people want to be
independent at an early age. I am sure that if people put these tips into
practice, it will be easy to achieve it.

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