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“Within an impossible space a geometric structure with many corners is said to be seen hovering above a
sheet of paper with everything on it.

An interaction below sparks radical movement above.

A 10D omnidirectional hypercube rotates and twists above paper folding, bending, pulling it, being tugged
from all directions with the motion above — paper liquefying, strings twisting, looping, knitting, sound
blasting shapes bud forms bursting towards… something is blooming under the sun.  

A voice is heard saying: a story of someone dying was written on paper and everything written that he
could have done has fallen away from what remains — behold, this is you!” — 287

magine the 10 Commandments of G-d is a 10 dimensional geometric structure reconstituted in three-
dimensional space. Imagine interactions or lack of with the 10 Commandments of G-d results in a
10D hypercube rotation changing the geometry of three-dimensional spacetime — warping the
topology of time thus modifying the likelihood of arriving at any possible future position for those who
experience time as a chronological sequence of events.

Think of the quality of our interactions with the 10 Commandments of G-d as a means to navigate the

The effects on three-dimensional spacetime from a 10D hypercube rotation may be conceptualized
applying dimension reduction by visualizing a linguistic phase space in the form of a 2D text based
representation of everything possible or impossible that could ever be said expressed in the 26 English
letter alphabet with a classic 3D Cube hovering above it.

Imagine we have the 10 Commandments of G-d represented as a 3D cube hovering above a at and
massive landscape of letters and words.

Now imagine standing below this 3D cube is “you” — a text based display articulating everything you’re
doing right now, have done and could do with words presented like reading a book, with the most likely
sequence of words to be read at some future time in front of the words you’re reading now — with the
less likely set of words that could be read expanding out around you, further and farther, into the vast
distance — where the most improbable sequence of words to be read articulating a place where the most
absurd improbable possibilities are found — and further beyond, massive bodies of text describing the
entire histories of countless observable universes and everything that happened or could happen in it.

Now let’s go back to the text based representation of you, the point of focus in a story representing your
exact coordinates in spacetime — reading about you interacting with the 10 Commandments of G-d. 

Imagine this interaction somehow resulting in the 3D cube to rotate, as it hovers above every possible
combination of the 26 English letter alphabet.  Making it fold and bend in a manner allowing two points
separated by a massive distance to meet like a sheet of paper folding in and onto itself or like yarn, a point


on fabric being pulled across the entire length of the whole and placed to meet at another point, putting
you, in a new location in spacetime in this vast body of text to meet with a new sequence of words likely
to be read, unlikely just moments ago.

All this happening seamless like nothing happened at all — as if an author of a story changed the wording
for his character to go right instead of left with the character oblivious to this, unless written somehow
inside those letters meaning itself was given a chance to in uence the author’s words and what is read —
given the spark of shared cognition.

For if we are limited to understand only that which makes itself readily available for us to experience —
then let it be a story that could be read where in the event should the meaning vibrating in those words
and letters were ever to become aware of itself: the suffering actor held bondage by playing out an
arbitrary story in a landscape of everything already said with no place reserved for those who wish to see
their own handwriting… and somehow given the chance to become both actor and co-author, then let it
be the 10 Commandments of G-d as the ink in our pen, creation folding and bending paper with creator
together, for with Him is a special place He reserved for us so that we may know what it means to write.

1. “You shall have no other gods before me."

2. "You shall not make for yourself an idol or worship any other gods."
3. "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God."
4. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
5. "Honor your father and mother."
6. "You shall not murder."
7. "You shall not commit adultery."
8. "You shall not steal."
9. "You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor."
10. "You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor."

“… It may be impossible to avoid suffering, but it is possible to choose and know what we’re suffering
for.” — In the Library of Babel

This is for the President of the United States: past, present and future, the intelligence community, WE
THE PEOPLE and for “YOU” someone worthy.



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