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For the week starting from 4/12/ 2022 and ending on 8/12/ 2022

GR 6B2

DAYS Literature English Language

Phonics & Spelling: Schwa C.W. 146, 151 L. 10 Verbs C.W. 67-71
Sunday H.W. Compiled Book H.W. P. 69 / Ex. B (No. 7, 8, 9, 10)
Phonics & Spelling: Schwa C.W. 151, 170
Monday H.W. Compiled Book

Tuesday Dictation: 146 Check Compiled Book

Vocabulary: C.W. 144 L. 10 Verbs C.W. 67-71

Wednesday H.W. Write 3 words in meaningful sentences. H.W. P. 71 / Ex. D (No. 8, 9, 10)
Speaking: Your Vacation Writing skills
For the week starting from 4/12/ 2022 and ending on 8/12/ 2022

6B2 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Ch4 l1 chem.
“Atoms, bonding Ch4 l1 chem. Ch4 l1 chem.
and Periodic Table” P.126,127 P.128,129 Worksheets
What are valence
What are nobel gases? What are metals? Study the lesson Study the lesson
T 5 ls 3 T5 ls 4 T5 ls 5 T 6 ls 1 part 1 c.b
Pg 243 (1,2,3,4 ) + pg 244 (
Pg 249 + pg 250 (3,4,5,8) Pg 255 + pg 256(2,3) -------
Math 9,10 ,13 )
‫قراءة‬ 40 ‫تدريبات الكتاب‬ ‫أوراق العمل‬ ‫إمالء‬ )‫تعبير(القراءة‬
)37 ‫(كتاب يتحدث عن نفسه ص‬
39 ‫ص‬ 43 ‫ص‬ ‫استكمال الحل‬ ‫تصويب االخطاء‬ ‫كتابة الموضوع‬
‫ بالكتاب‬15-14 ‫ص‬
Unit 3 Ls3
Unit 3 Ls3 Unit 3 Ls3
World war II
World war II World war II
Solved compiled book pgs.
Reading and Explanation Solved textbook pg.102
HW study the
HW read the lesson .Hw compiled book pg 9

IT Introduction Revision

٢-١‫حفظ سورة المنافقون‬/‫قرآن‬ ‫هدي النبي في التعامل مع‬/‫حديث‬

‫البدع‬/‫توحيد‬ ‫غير المسلمين‬
F Unité 4 Suite unité 4


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