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This study aims to determine and analyze the implementation of Roya

Partial Mortgage at the Office of the National Land Agency in Makassar City,
and what are the factors constraining the implementation of Roya Partial
Mortgage at the Makassar City Land Agency Office. The author uses the
method of this type / type of research is empirical legal research, namely by
conducting research at the Makassar City National Land Agency Office. The
source of this thesis writing material uses primary data sources and library
sources. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of Roya
Partial at the Makassar City National Land Agency Office can run well and
smoothly. The deletion of the mortgage is carried out at the request of the
interested party with the certificate of the mortgage that has been carried
out, that the mortgage has been removed because of a guaranteed
receivable or because the creditor releases the mortgage in question. And
as for the factors constraining the implementation of Roya Partial Mortgage
at the Makassar City Land Agency Office, namely when the debtor partially
owes for most of the collateral there is difficulty and in Article 2 paragraph
(2) of the Mortgage Law it is very difficult to do, considering that there are
many deeds the granting of mortgage rights (APHT) will not include a roya
agreement for part of the object of the mortgage on the partial repayment
of debts guaranteed by the mortgage. Recommendations for this research
should be carried out using a simple and implementation process so that its
implementation does not seem difficult and convoluted and solutions are
sought to approach the relevant parties who issue these documents.

Keywords: : Roya Partial. Mortgage right. Obstacles

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