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My Learning on Linux

Command: history
history Displays the list of commands used since the start of the terminal

history 10 displays the last 10 commands executed (latest 10 commands)

!1 show and executes first command

!! Show and executes latest command

!-10 show and execute the 10th command from last (latest)

!someString show and execute the latest command which with that string

!?someString:p show the latest command which will contain that string but
not start with that string

Using :p in above commands will prevent the execution of the command

history | grep “string” list of commands that contain a string.

history -d 87 delete command number 87 

history –c clear the whole history list:

set +o history  To prevent recording commands in the history list

set -o history To re-enable recording

A package manager, also known as a package management

system (PMS), is a program used to install, uninstall and manage software
packages.Examples of package managers include Red Hat Package Manager
(RPM), Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) and Advanced Packaging Tool

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