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Omegle Method -

This method basically allows you to get easy hits,and auto farm cookies.
1.Install the extension Omegle darkmode and antispam,this will allow you to send
automatic messages and get more cookies at once
2.Once installed,click the extension. Click the welcome message box and enter your
desired message,this will be sent when an omegle chat starts.For example,using har:
"Heyy,I'm making a vibe game and I need cool avatars to use as npcs (insert your
discord here)"
Welcome message delay is the amount of seconds before the automatic message sends,I
usually use 6 but it's all preference.
3.Once the extension is set up,head on over to omegle,enter the tags.
4.Roblox, Robux
5.Click enter and your bot will start running,if you want more bots simply open
more tabs.

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