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1 Part 1:

Câu 1: Children often have summer vacation after which term

A. Autumn term
B. Winter term
C. Spring term
D. Summer term

Câu 2: Which is included in the royal title of the Monarch?

A. Head of the Commonwealth
B. All of these
C. Head of the Church of England
D. Commander in Chief

Câu 3: Queen Elizabeth II has rules for ...

A. Over 60 years
B. 60 years
C. Over 50 years
D. 50 years

Câu 4: What exam should British children take to go to university

A. GCSE exam
B. AS-level exam
C. Entrance exam
D. A-level exam

Câu 5: The holiday that comes after spring term is....

A. Christmas
B. New Year
C. Easter
D. Summer vacation

Câu 6: Secondary-school subjects include .........

A. Craftwork
B. All of these
C. Science
D. English

Câu 7: Children start their public school at the age of ...

A. 8
B. 13
C. 17
D. 5

Câu 8: On which occasion is the song Auld Lang Syne sung .........

A. Christmas dinner
B. Hallowe’en night
C. New Year day
D. April’s Fool Day

Câu 9: Britain’s administrative units are...........

A. Boroughs
B. Counties
C. Councils
D. Constituencies

Câu 10: MP is elected by most

A. Counted ballots
B. Spoiled ballots
C. Secrets ballots
D. Legal ballots

Câu 11: The Two Houses of Parliament often meet at............

A. Windsor Palace
B. Warwick Castle
C. Westminster Palace
D. Westminster Abbey

Câu 12: MA or MSc is conferred to

A. Undergraduates
B. Postgraduates
C. Graduates
D. Either of these

Câu 13: Pancake Day is immediately followed by.............

A. Easter
B. Shrove Tuesday
C. Christmas
D. Lent
Câu 14: MPs are chosen by .....

A. Majority support
B. General election
C. The Prime Minister
D. The Queen

Câu 15: The group of 20 minister headed by the P.M. conducting national affairs
A. The Cabinet Office
B. The Privy Council
C. The Cabinet
D. The Shadow Cabinet

Câu 16: What is now the residence of Royal family?

A. Buckingham Palace
B. Westminster Palace
C. Tower of London
D. Warwick Castle

Câu 17: What is the main duty of P.M.’s government?

A. All of these
B. Answering MPs’ questions
C. Seeking amendments to bills
D. Conducting national affairs

Câu 18: The Cabinet often meet at

A. 10 Downing Street

B. The Whitehall
C. 11 Downing Street
D. Either of these

Câu 19: The party in power now in Britain is...........

A. Liberal Democrats
B. Scottish National
C. Labour
D. Conservative

Câu 20: All these holidays are religious except.........

A. May Day
B. Easter
C. Shrove Day
D. Christmas

Câu 21: The government authority taking charge of British trade is.........

A. The Department of Trade and Industry

B. UK Trade and Investment
C. The Exchequer
D. The Treasury

Câu 22: Who is the member of House of Lords?

A. Queen
B. P.M.
C. M.P.
D. Duke

Câu 23: What is the main responsibilities of the Lord of Chancellor?

A. Head of the judiciary of England
B. Administration of higher court
C. All of these
D. Administration of court procedures

Câu 24: The Party in power is the political party which win

A. Most votes
B. Neither of these
C. Most seats
D. Either of these

Câu 25: What do secondary students in England study but Vietnamese pupils do

not learn?

A. Art
B. Design
C. Science
D. Craftwork

Câu 26: Which duty is often performed by the Queen?

A. Giving Royal Assent
B. Dissolving the Parliament
C. All of these
D. Appointing P.M. and ministers

Câu 27: What the Monarch does not embody is......

A. Traditional values
B. National identity
C. Political democracy
D. Cultural heritage
Câu 28: MP can perform the Parliament’s scrutinizing function by..........
A. Putting forward his own policy
B. Drafting laws
C. Criticizing government policy
D. Questioning ministers and P.M

Câu 29: By which means the monarch act as final check?

A. Talking to the P.M once a week
B. Opening hospitals
C. Receiving ambassadors
D. Giving Royal Assent

Câu 30: At what stage of law-making procedure is Bill discussed and/or amended
A. Committee stage
B. Second reading
C. Third reading
D. All of these

2 Part 2:

It takes 4 years for students to study for a BA or BSc.

A. True B. False
The Prime Minister sits in the two Houses of Parliament.
A. True B. False
The minority party becomes the official Opposition.
A. True B. False
The two oldest universities are Oxford and London.
A. True B. False
Comprehensive is a state secondary school.
A. True B. False
The minimum age of candidacy is 18.
A. True B. False
All pupils in Wales must study the Welsh language.
A. True B. False
The Queen chooses the Prime Minister.
A. True B. False
AS is equivalent to A level.
A. True B. False
Only members of the House of Lords are not entitled to vote.
A. True B. False

Chữ ký CB Chữ ký CB
Unit: Bài KT 2 Văn hóa Anh
Coi thi Chấm thi

Ngày sinh: 15/12/1999

Name: Võ Lê Phước An
Account: AV29.1B2NVT001
Start: 11/11/2022 8:53:54 AM
End: 11/11/2022 8:56:25 AM
Tổng câu: 40
Số đúng: 13
Điểm: 3.25

Câu Trả lời Ghi chú
1 B Sai
2 A Sai
3 C Sai
4 A Sai
5 C Đúng
6 D Sai
7 A Sai
8 A Sai
9 B Đúng
10 C Sai
11 C Đúng
12 A Sai
13 C Sai
14 A Sai
15 D Sai
16 B Sai
17 C Sai
18 A Đúng
19 D Sai
20 D Sai
21 B Đúng
22 D Đúng
23 B Sai
24 B Sai
25 D Sai
26 B Sai
27 D Sai
28 A Sai
29 A Sai
30 D Đúng
31 B Đúng
32 B Đúng
33 A Sai
34 A Sai
35 A Đúng
36 B Đúng
37 A Đúng
38 B Sai
39 B Đúng
40 A Sai

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