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Al SAny Tamim

ENG test-2

Narration —

1. He told me that he would return my book the next

day .
2. The teacher told the students that they should remain
obedient to their(s) parents.
3. The farmer said that they had been waiting for rain.
4. Laila said that her father and she wanted to visit her
(L) aunt who lives in Turkey.
5. Sam told to pintu that he(S) was glad that he(P) had
done everything for him(S) .
6. The teacher ordered the students to keep quiet in the
classroom .
7. She exclaimed with wonder that it was a very
charming place.
8. Grandfather asked me where I had kept his spectacles.
9. She requested that I accompany her .
10. The woman prayed that her son might be happy.
11. Rohan asks his friends if they are angry friends.
12. She told to her mother that her friend and she were
going to market then and they should be back soon.
13. The passerby exclaimed with sorrow that his/her
purse had been snatched .

Subject-verb agreement—

1.I had eaten my food before he came.

2. He would come tomorrow .
3. You had better go abroad.
4. I don't mind visiting hospital.
5. Each of the boys is given a prize.
6.500 dollars is a great amount for me.
7. If I saw him, I would have helped him.
8. He behaves as if he were a child.
9. He has been insulted by his neighbors.
10. Ajay is working and not talking to you .
11. He sits in the garden when the house falls down.
12 .My brother is not writing to me for months .
13.The light went out while we were having supper.

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