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Participants’ comments about issues with the heuristics.

HE Problem description Potential solution SR

Too much navigation is needed if, for example
the user needs to analyze the patterns of his Make the patterns accessible
3 glucose readings. The patterns icon allows and viewable in the dashboard 2
access to the patterns easily, but only if the instead of inside nested menus
user inserts several inputs
If the username is correct, but the password A specific message stating
6 is incorrect, user still gets a message password is incorrect would be 2
“Username or passwords are incorrect.” more meaningful and logical.
In the goal setting screen (under My settings),
the measurement and entry instructions (if
any) of the data to be entered must be clearly It would have been better for
7 stated. For Example, for the “carb entries”, the user to see this instruction 3
when enter 20. You get a message that says prior to entering the data
you need to enter a number between 1 and
The app keeps the username after the logout.
There is no option for the user to remove the There should be an option for
11 3
username information or even for another the user to change username.
user to login with its own credentials.
16 Hard to scroll and find country. Prefer a search box instead 3
There is no indication for the minimum and
maximum value of A1C. By applying different Both the minimum and the
20 values, you get an indication that the maximum should be shown to 2
minimum value allowed is 5, while the user just below the textfield.
maximum value allowed is 13.5.
Include label where needed to
22 Label are not visible and in cases not available guide the user and simplify 3
navigating the application
Maybe including a group chat
“monthly” for example for
I couldn’t find an icon that instructs me to
others who have kids with
share with others or to buddy with
diabetes to stay up to date and
individuals to promote behavioral change and
have an update about their
24 encourage me to stay up to track for adequate 3
performance. This might
monitoring. Especially for a conservative
promote behavioral change and
community such as Qatar, it requires higher
to be able to have conversations
level of consideration for this matter.
with individuals with similar
The app can update user about
The app does not inform user about the
the frequency of glucose reading
25 frequency of glucose reading and how often 2
and the frequency of reading
the sensor is scanned.
through the scanner
Expected the share option to include social
OT 2
media sharing via link to report on WhatsApp
OT The app only shows the recent A1C in the Either all should be shown with 3
chart even though multiple A1C values are different colored lines and
entered in the app. clicking on any line shows the
Note. HE=heuristic number; OT=guideline was not present in the given set;
SR=severity rating.

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