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Indian space program.

 In the 1960 DR Sarabhai starter working on Indian's space program.

 In august 1969 he setup ISRO. Between 1970 and 1980 launch Aryalbata, a
 Rohim-1 in 1980.
 Between 1981 ans 1990, ISRO and soviet union sent to astronauts in 1984.
 Between 2000 ans 2010, ISRO launched many satellites.
 They sent a small robitic spacecraft into lunch orbit in 2001 and 2008.
 Between 2010 and 2020 ISRO sent Manga-Layaan-1 their first satellite to
 Followed by Manga-Layaan-2 in 2019.
Les leçons.
Present perfect

Il faut la liste des verbes irréguliers.

Present simple
C’est juste les verbes conjugués.
Ne pas oublier les S à 3ème personne du singulier!!!

Prétérit simple.

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