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God vs Lord
God = Tuhan atau orang yang sangat dikagumi
I believe in God
Christiano Ronaldo, for his fans, he is a god
Lord= Tuhan atau Tuan
You should love your Lord with all your heart.
Lord Rangga just passed away couple days ago

2. some time, simetimes dan sometime

some time= beberapa waktu, can you spend some time with me?
Sometime= kapan-kapan, I will talk to you sometime
Sometimes=kadang-kadang, I am sometimes confused how to use, some time,
sometimes and sometime

3. Pengganti I don't like

I hate + noun/V1ing
I can’t stand something + noun/V1ing >> I can’t stand it when student is always late
I can’t bear something + noun/V1ing
I have an aversion to something
I have a hatred of something

4. Pengganti I like…
I love + noun/v1ing
I am fond of + noun/v1ing
I am keen on + noun/v1ing
I am into + noun/v1ing
I can’t get enough of something >> this Sate is delicious, I can’t get enough of it.
I have a liking for something

5. 30 kosakata daily activity penting untuk dihafal

6. A vs AN

7. Angka 1 - satu milyar

6. Was VS Were

7. Do Did dan Does

8. Banyak dalam bahasa Inggris

9. Sedikit dalam bahasa Inggris

10. Error vs Mistake

11. 1 vs 1st

12. Do homework vs do housework

13. Double OO (good, look)

14. Pengucapan TH (think, thanks)

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