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1218722, 605 PM Probabily RS Aggarwal Class-6 ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers - IOSEHELP. Probability RS Aggarwal Class-8 ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers By PANDEYTUTORIAL —_—_Lastupdated May29,2021, Probability RS Aggarwal Class-8 ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions Chapter-27. We provide step by step Solutions of Exercise / lesson-27 Graphical Representations of Statistical Data for ICSE Class-8 RS Aggarwal Mathematics. Our Solutions contain all type Questions of Exe-27 with Notes to develop skill and confidence. Visit official Website CISCE for detail information about ICSE Board Class-8 Mathematics Probability RS Aggarwal Class-8 ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions Chapter-27 —: Select Topics — Notes on Probal Exe-27 Notes on Probability Probability means possibility / Chance. It is a branch of mathematics that deals with the occurrence of a random event. The value is expressed from zero to one. Definition of Probability: Probability is defined as the numerical method of measuring uncertainty involved in a situation. It is widely used in the study of mathematics, statistics, gambling, physical science, biological science, weather forecasting, finance etc. to draw conclusions. Experiment: An experiment is defined as an action or process that results in well defin@@ outcomes Formula for Probability htpssiesehelp.comiprobabiliy-rs-aggarwal-class-S.cse-malhs-goyal-brothers#27 wr 120822, 805 PM Probably RS Aggarwal lass ICSE Mais Goya Brothers = OSEHEL> The probability formula is defined as the possibility of an event to happen is equal to the ratio of the number of favourable outcomes and the total number of outcomes. Formula for Probability Probability of event to happen P(E) = Number of favourable outcomes/Total Number of outcomes Random experiment: An experiment, in which we know all the results, but cannot predict them, is called a random experiment. Outcomes: The possible results of an experiment are called the outcomes Probability of an Event A combination of outcomes is called an event Assume an event E can occur in r ways out of a sum of n probable or possible equally likely ways. Then the probability of happening of the event or its success is expressed as P(E) = tn The probability that the event will not occur or known as its failure is expressed as: P(E!) = (n-r)fn = 1-(rin) E' represents that the event will not occur. Therefore, now we can say; P(E) + P(E) =1 This means that the total of all the probabilities in any random test or experimegy is equal to 1 Probability of an event © No.of favourable outcomes / Total number of outcomes: htpssiesehelp.comiprobabiliy-rs-aggarwal-class-S.cse-malhs-goyal-brothers#27 2 1218722, 605 PM Probabity RS Aggarwal Cass-6 ICSE Mats Goyal Brothers -ICSEHELP Probability Terms and Definition Some of the important probability terms are discussed here: Term Sample Space Sample Point Experiment or Trial Event Outcome Complimentary event Impossible Event Definition The set of all the possible outcomes to occur in any trial It is one of the possible results A series of actions where the outcomes are_~— always uncertain. It is a single outcome of an experiment. Possible result of a trial/experiment The non-happening events. The complement of an event A is the event, not A (or A’) The event cannot happen #27 Example 1. Tossing a coin, Sample Space (S) = {H,T} 2. Rolling a die, Sample Space (S) = {1,2,3,4,5,6} In a deck of Cards: * 4 of hearts is a sample point. * the queen of clubs is a sample point. The tossing of a coin, Selecting a card from a deck of cards, throwing a dice. Getting a Heads tossing a coin is an event. while T (tail) is a possible outcome when a coin is tossed, Standard 52-card deck, A = Draw a heart, then A’ = Don't draw a heart 0 © 1218722, 605 PM Probabily RS Aggarwal Class-6 ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers - ICSEHELP. Exe-27 , Probability RS Aggarwal Class-8 ICSE Maths Goyal Brothers Prakashan Solutions Question 1: A coinis tossed once. What is the probability of getting a head ? Answer On tossing a coin once, Number of possible outcome = 2 Similarly, favorable outcome getting a head = So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcome/Number of all possible outcome = 1/2 Question 2: Adie is thrown once. What is the probability of getting : (i) the number 4 (i) an odd number ? Answer : Adie has six numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 Number of possible outcomes = 6 (i) the number = 4 Number of favorable outcome of getting a number 4 = 1 So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcome/Number of all possible outcome = 1/6 (i) an odd number Number of favorable outcomes = 3 6 So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcome/Number of all possible outcome = 3/6 © =1/2 Ans. htpssiesehelp.comiprobabiliy-rs-aggarwal-class-S.cse-malhs-goyal-brothers#27 an 1218722, 605 PM Probabily RS Aggarwal Class-6 ICSE Matis Goyal Brothers - IOSEHELP. Question 3: Adie is thrown once, What is the probability of getting : ()) a prime number (ii) a number greater than 2 (iii) a number other than 2 and 5. Answer: Adie has six numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 Number of possible outcomes = 6 (i) a prime number Number of favorable outcomes = a prime number = 1, 3, 5 which are 3 in numbers So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcome/Number of all possible outcome = 3/6 =12 (ii) Number of favorable outcome = greater than 2 i.e. four numbers 3, 4, 5 and 6 So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcame/Number of all possible outcome = 4/6 =28 (iii) Number of favorable outcome = Number other than 2 and 5i.e. 1,3, 4,6 So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcome/Number of all possible outcome = 4/6 =23 Question 4: Two coins are tossed simultaneously. Find the probability of getting (i) exactly one head 0 (ii) at least one tail © (iii) no tail htpssiesehelp.comiprobabiliy-rs-aggarwal-class-S.cse-malhs-goyal-brothers#27 87 1218722, 605 PM Probabily RS Aggarwal Class-6 ICSE Matis Goyal Brothers - IOSEHELP. (iv) at most one head Answer : Total number of possible outcomes 4 ex. (HH), (HT), (TT) and (TH) (i) Exactly one head Possible number of favorable outcomes = 2 (ex. TH and HT) So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcome/Number of all possible outcome = 2/4 =1/2 (ii) At least one tail Possible number of favorable outcomes = 3 Total number of possible outcomes = 4 So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcome/Number of all possible outcome = 3/4 (iii) No tails Possible number of favorable outcomes = 1 Total number of possible outcomes = 4 So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcome/Number of all possible outcome = 1/4 (iv) At most one heads Possible number of favorable outcomes = 3 (ex. TT, HT and TH) Total numbers of possible outcomes = 4 So, P(E) = Number of favorable outcome/Number of all possible outcome = 3/4 e = End of Probability RS Aggarwal Class-8 Solutions — Return to- RS Aggarwal Solutions for ICSE Class-8 Goyal Brothers Prakashan htpssiesehelp.comiprobabiliy-rs-aggarwal-class-S.cse-malhs-goyal-brothers#27 or 1218722, 605 PM Probabily RS Aggarwal Class-6 ICSE Matis Goyal Brothers - IOSEHELP. Thanks Share with your friends ®Leaveacomment © 2022 - ICSEHELP. All Rights Reserved Privancy Policy | Siterrap | About US | Cortact US htpssiesehelp.comiprobabiliy-rs-aggarwal-class-S.cse-malhs-goyal-brothers#27 © W

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