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Course Material: Advanced Communication 2

This module has been designed to:
Prepare you for effective
communication with different
audiences in diverse contexts and REQUIRED MATERIALS AND RESOURCES 5
situations through the integration
of listening, speaking, reading, PRE - ACTIVITY 6
writing, and viewing.
Enhance your competencies in the
recognition and use of verbal and ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES 18
non-verbal cues in real-world
contexts by determining ONLINE RESOURCES AND ACTIVITIES 19
appropriate approaches through
heightened cultural and POSTTEST 19
intercultural awareness to adapt
oneself in various local and global
Provide you opportunity to develop ANSWERS TO EXERCISE 20
communication skills needed in
different real-life scenarios and, REFERENCES 21
thus, you are not only being
prepared professionally for your
chosen career paths, but also as CRITICAL THINKING
ethical, moral and responsible
As you go along this course material,
individual in dealing with others. I encourage you to ask yourself this question:

How do you think will you be able to best present

yourself with during your first day of work?
Course Material: Advanced Communication 3


All these discussions we have had for the entire course was all meant for one thing: to prepare
you for your respective workplaces as future professionals! Your new conceptual knowledge and skills in
communicative competence, confidence in speaking, business etiquette, and public speaking all lead
towards making you workplace ready!


When life presents you

things that you must deal with head
on, how do you respond? Based on
the illustration, which of the two
ways of setting one s self do you
usually subscribe to?
Your answer to this
question above would most likely
be based on your personal image.
Recall your gained ideas from the
first course material.
By this time, you must have taken several personality tests which helped you establish who you
are and how you could best transact with people in the professional context. This entails the grasp on
image management, where you could proactively evaluate and control your appearance and the way
others see you. Again, this already were tackled earlier during the term. Just as a reminder, a good image
entails that you have a good grasp of your personal ABCs, which stand for:



Course Material: Advanced Communication 4

But now that we are towards the end of our journey through having a more advanced
communication, and since personal image is important in building one s strong workplace persona, might
as well deal with one more task to help you visualize yourself even more.

My Present, Confident Self…

One way by which we could best express and show how well we know ourselves and see our
developments is by visualizing it. Let us do it here, now!

Get a pen/pencil/drawing materials and a paper (or the printout of this
Draw yourself based on the context of the question provided below.
In visualizing yourself, highly consider the new concepts and skills you have
learned during the entire term.
Feel free to decorate your background, too, to suit the workplace
environment you would want.
Give a short explanation about it.

How do you see yourself in the workplace 3

to 5 years from now?
Course Material: Advanced Communication 5

If you are feeling discouraged, pessimistic, or without worth, your personal image would be
greatly affected, in a negative way. There is something that you could do to help yourself improve: self-
talk. This is your internal dialogue, an introspective process that we all do more othen that we expect.
This process will entail you to talk to yourself more positively, but that is not always the case since there
are basically three types of inner voices we allow our brain to listen to.


• Condemns and • Points fingers on • Injects you with

judges one's self others confidence
as inadequate • Finds faults on • Acknowledges
• Always compares anything and your strengths
one with other everything, which and
people negatively is blamed unto accomplishents
• Keeps a record of others • Fills your mind with
your failures, even • Aims to protect positive things to
exaggerating on it you from self-pity make you feel
and self-blame more positive
about yourself

Let the inner guide within you succeed! Fill yourself with more positive self talk!

- Realize the importance of one s personal image in establishing identity in the workplace
- Be aware of the verbal and non-verbal cues that may help define one s personal image and
professional communication
- Gain tips on how best to communicate with colleagues and stakeholders in the workplace


- Worksheets /checklists
- Laptop or smartphone
Course Material: Advanced Communication 6


Be mindful of everything you say and do!

In the business world, everything is important—from the way you dress to the
way we carefully construct an official correspondence. The reason behind it goes
beyond the constructs of properly presenting oneself or doing things but more
on optimally sending your messages!

Self-Check on Non-Verbals
Put a check mark [ ] on the column that best describes your skill in public speaking.
Also consider your own prior performances and experiences. Be honest in answering this. There
is no right or wrong answer here.

Statement Usually Sometimes Seldom

1. I maintain good eye contact.
2. I match my facial expressions to my
3. I use gestures appropriate to the
audience size and message.
4. I maintain good eye posture.
5. I maintain good clothing style and
pleasing physical appearance.
6. I use voice effectively (volume, tone,
pitch, rate)
7. I use appropriate distance depending
on the communicative situation.
8. I know how to effectively use colors
based on my purpose.
9. I observe punctuality.
10. I use the power of touch appropriately
in any communicative situation.
Source: Barrot s Speak Successfully! book

Scoring: 1 point for Seldom, 2 points for Sometimes, and 3 points for Usually
Course Material: Advanced Communication 7

26-30: You showed very good public speaking skills.

21-25: You showed good public speaking skills but you have to further improve on some aspects.

20 and below: You need to improve your public speaking skills for better communication.

They say that action speaks louder than words. Most often than not, this is true. This is
because of two things: (a) humans have their unique ways of communicating and (b) humans
intentionally, or unintentionally, sends a message non-verbally. Take note that what you truly
want to say could be delivered even without the use of words or language. Thus, we must be
very cautious in our actions as they may send the wrong signal or impression. Here are the
various components of non-verbal communication that you must be familiar of.

PARALANGUAGE This generally looks at

how the tone of the voice,
OR VOCALICS among its other qualities
The “how” of saying things such as pitch, volume,
pauses, stress, accents,
and mannerisms, match
the content of what you
are saying.

If the person in the

picture is saying “I am
glad,” would you believe

Take the phrase I LOVE YOU and simulate how you say it when you are feeling kilig to
your special someone versus when you are forced to say it despite being angry to your partner.
There is a difference in the way by which you said the words, right? That s vocalics, also called
paralanguage, which is more concerned at how the way by which a verbal message is said
reinforces its content.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 8

COLORS Colors are bearers of

meanings the moment
carrying meanings at certain
instance you see them. These
meanings are influenced
by culture and gender.

Colors carry significance that stand the test of time. That is why they are given specific
interpretations when used in flags, emblems, and logos. Colors are also used to represent
affiliation (e.g. feminist groups carry pink, gold and blue as colors of National U) or political
biases (e.g. yellow for present opposition supporters, dubbed Dilawan ).

language of time

Time is being used to

signal position or power,
norms, and priorities.

Schedules are a signal of orderliness. High-ranking people mostly allot only a fraction of
a time to say they are busy. Arriving ahead of time is a part of Japanese culture, in contrast with
the concept of Filipino Time . These are the important messages one may arrive at using
chronemics, which is an important indicator in the workplace.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 9

language of space

Space shows importance.

It may also describe
relationships, success,
comfort level, and

Our personal lives are full of proxemics-based messages: we are told not to be too close
with strangers, we yearn for space as grow older, we are possessive of our personal spaces in
the bedroom. This is the same in the professional sphere: we must be careful in being too
comfortable with colleagues, those of higher positions have their own bigger penthouse offices,
and we mark our own cubicles with personal photos to tell others that this space is ours.

HAPTICS Haptics is special in its own

language of touch sense: it has a direct contact
between sender and
receiver. It is also the one
most filled with emotion.

This is why haptics is

considered as the most
powerful non-verbal, able to
say what words cannot.

This is also a non-verbal form of communication that is gender- and culture-influenced.

There are only so many ways of physical contact you may have in the workplace across genders
that may be construed as harassment. While Filipinos are generally touchy and friendly, this is
always not acceptable in other cultures, like the Danish and Chinese. Handshakes are a generic
practice, though.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 10

use of the hands to tell things They are the most often
used non-verbal cue. They
are also the go-to way to
reinforce a message.

Gestures make the verbal

message more interesting
and understandable.

We have four types of gestures. The first are emphasizing gestures, which punctuate
the message we want to highlight such as when we point to someone using our index finger as
we identify someone. Next are regulating gestures, used to control the flow of communication.
Putting your finger in front of your lips to mean stop talking is one. We also have illustrating
gestures, where we use our hands and arms to show size, height, distance, and other things
that we could measure. Finally, we have emblems like the first clenched upwards; they are
gestures that already have an associated meaning (in our example, the fist is for protest).

The use of your eyes,

FACIAL eyebrows, lips, cheeks,
EXPRESSIONS nose, forehead, and lips,
use of the face to send a message and any combination of
such, qualifies as facial

They are the most

unguarded and unaware

This non-verbal component of communication must be monitored, as they reveal a

speaker s real intention and emotion. Frowning, kissing on the cheek, pursed lips, frowned
forehead, smiling, and eye contact are some of the more used facial expressions.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 11

Posture refers to your

POSTURE AND overall stance, whether
standing or sitting. This
PHYSICAL goes beyond health benefits
APPEARANCE but also on confidence.
the way one carries and dresses
oneself Physical appearance
includes clothing, color
coordination, identity
through uniforms, and
wearing of artifacts like
jewelry and tattoos.

Proper posture influences how one will see you in the workplace. Confident
professionals would have high-power poses such as upright positions, open palms and arms,
and relaxed legs. Low-power poses include pocket-tucked hands, crossed arms, or closed legs.
On the other hand, some appearances are associated to professions (e.g. eyeglasses for
librarians, carrying a lot of things all the time for teachers) or affiliations (e.g. tattoos as proof of
membership to fraternities, glamorous jewelry worn by the rich).

the things around you say
It refers to the things that
surround us which we
consider important and
meaningful, thus defining us
and sending a message on
its own. How we define our
surroundings, including use
of artifacts, belong to this
non-verbal component.

Remember how you decorate your own room or the wall beside your bed at home?
Recall how you arrange your clothes in your drawer? Have your own way of organizing your
school stuff? These are part of how you define your environment, which define you.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 12

Non-Verbal Mix and Match

Analyze each of the situations below. On the space provided after each statement,
identify the non-verbal cue that was evident in the scenario. Then, briefly explain why that is so.

1. Matt and Jerry were talking about a recent dispute they had over a client-related
matter. Jerry was the one who committed a mistake. To compensate, Jerry said I am
very sorry with his hands clasped in a prayer-like manner, his voice low, and his body
leaned forward towards Matt.



2. Anna wants to put a copy of the financial report in Deeno s work area but is not sure
where it is. After a quick scan, she saw a messy desk with a laptop displaying Deeno s
face. Anna immediately placed the report there.



3. Atheena was asked to facilitate a tribute for Mr. Navarro, their past CEO who just
passed away. She used a lower register of voice to match the occasion. When she
looked around, her boss Ms. Luz nodded saying her way of speaking is just right.


Course Material: Advanced Communication 13

It is also crucial to reiterate how the value of words provide meaning to content and life
to context. Our words, once delivered, are there to last. Several techniques and tips have been
shared to you already in the earlier discussions in this course, so we are just going to debunk
some more misconceptions and emphasize helpful advice.

1. We must express with tactfulness and sincerity.

2. Respect and courtesy go together.
3. Be careful when using standard phrases.
4. Use non-discriminatory phrases.
5. Prefer using the more politically correct expressions.
6. Be mindful of cultural influences in speaking.
7. As much as possible, use simpler terms.
8. Know real meaning of words before using them.
9. Clearly state your reasons in your statements.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 14



We already had discussions and exercises on two important pre-requisites for a job: the
resume and e-mail writing (given that most resumes are now being sent to hiring managers via
email). Once your initial requirement has already been scanned and you pass this screening,
you have one more test to go through: the job interview.

It is like any other interview which consists of a series of conversation. Unlike others, it
is highly specialized in such a way that it has a definite objective of hiring someone. This is a
popular device used in employee selection where the applicant s overall demeanor and skills
are assessed to identify whether they must be hired or not. Below are some questions the
interviewer is highly likely to ask.

If you are a speech critic, you will be looking at four important things about the speech
you are monitoring so you could say it is a good one (Dlugan, 2008). The four vital things to look
at come in the form of questions.

Course Material: Advanced Communication 15

One thing to remember about job interviews is that it is a two-way communication.

Both participants must have their share of talking. This does not only mean that the hiring
manager or HR officer always asks and the applicant always answering; it may also go the
other way around. Yabut (2016) shares five very helpful tips for a successful job interview to
transform from grit to great .

• Be knowledgeable about the company and its products/services
• Be updated with the company's new programs by checking out its official platforms,
including social media
• Summarize things you get from the company's "About Us" section
• Read news articles to check the company's achievements, challenges, and viability
• Use these information you will get and link it back to you


• Know these questions and try composing your own answers to these beforehand
• Practice saying your answers out loud to help improve retention; do not memorize

• Choose the proper attire to look sharp and confident
• Observe proper posture as well, as it helps accentuate your attire
• Wear something that is comfortable and color-coordinated


• Delete incrimating photos, videos, or posts about you that may affect your image
• Customize your online ptofile to position yourself to a target audience


• Do not be afraid to ask follow-up questions like work culture, expectations, and ways of
• Avoid questions about benefits and bonuses, immediate assessment on how well you did
during the interview, or questions that were already answered
Course Material: Advanced Communication 16

Here are some more things you should remember to do and not to do.

Send a thank you email after the interview Avoid simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers
Reserve time to compose yourself by arriving early Control yourself and do not overcompensate with your answers

Talk achievements by Do not share derogatory

offering numbers, not remarks about former
just words colleagues or previous

Stay candid and calm employer

Be concise in your statements Bad non-verbal cues and

Always wear a smile low-power poses

Stay true to yourself throughout the interview Do not come unprepared nor underprepared

In the advent of technology, interviews may not necessarily be face-to-face anymore.

Some do virtual interviews, where the conversing parties talk either thru phone or video call.
They became a more acceptable practice nowadays due to the global pandemic, making it
viable even after this crisis is over. It is important, therefore, to also leave you some helpful
guides for such type of interview.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 17

Download Do a test run Create

software ahead before the professional
of time interview usernames

Check internet
Clear your Be in a quiet
workspace room
Have a back-up

Be ready to Have a copy of Have a good

take down your resume background
notes ready in case (real or virtual)

Make sure that Still wear

your camera is decently to
in eye level look sharp

To end, one cannot guarantee how successful we can be in the workplace. Not even
these course materials could do that. But having knowledge about them gives you an edge to
be more prepared and do better once you are in the said situations. Knowing these tips and
techniques will not make you perfect communicators, as it is a life-long process, but it will make
you more workplace ready.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 18

Mock Interview
This task adapted from San Miguel (2015) s book to test how well you will perform
during a simulation of a job interview in its two roles: interviewer and applicant.

Pair up.
Familiarize yourself with the roles of an interviewer and applicant, including things
they say and do.
Prepare a quick skit showing best practices during a job interview.
Interview must be 5 to 8 minutes long, with at least two crucial questions asked
and answered.
Entire interview must still have an understandable sequence and an organic
Make sure that you are dressed appropriately.
Be mindful of proper non-verbal cues appropriate for a job interview.

Await for instructions from your teacher about the mode of interview (face-to-face,
recorded video) and guidelines for submission

5 4 3 2-1
Highly Effective Effective Developing Ineffective
KNOWLEDGE The students The students The students The students
demonstrate high demonstrate demonstrate some demonstrate limited
degree of considerable understanding of the understanding of the
5 points understanding of the understanding of the lesson and task. lesson and task.
lesson and task. lesson and task.
VERBAL CUES The oral responses are The oral responses are The oral responses The oral responses
well said, follows an nicely said, with a need some revision. must be replaced, as it
5 points understandable flow, somehow The content flow is is not understandable
and clearly shows the understandable flow, satisfactorily done and and does not contain
qualities of a good and contains some of contains some qualities the qualities of a good
question or answer qualities of a good of a good question or question or answer
during an interview. question or answer answer during an during an interview.
during an interview. interview.
NON-VERBAL CUES All non-verbal Most non-verbal Few non-verbal None of the non-verbal
communication cues communication cues communication cues communication cues
5 points are appropriate, are appropriate, are appropriate, are appropriate,
synchronized, synchronized, synchronized, synchronized,
supplementary, and supplementary, and supplementary, and supplementary, and
non-distracting. non-distracting. non-distracting. non-distracting.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 19


TED Talks
Here are the titles of some helpful TED Talks videos that share some more helpful
information to keep yourself prepared prior a job interview. These are part of a Youtube playlist
entitled Talks to watch before a job interview .
How to stay calm when you know you ll be stressed by Daniel Levitin
Your body language may shape who you are by Amy Cuddy
How to speak so that people want to listen by Julian Treasure
10 ways to have a better conversation by Celeste Headlee
What makes us feel good about our work? by Dan Ariely
Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume by Regina Hartley

As if these are not yet enough, here are more TED videos that directly provide tips about
conduct during the actual interview.
How to Introduce Yourself by Kevin Bahler
Mastering the Art of the Interview by Ashley Rizzotto
Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience by Jason Shen
Telling Stories to Improve Interview Success by Dino Martinez
Expect the Unexpected in an Interview by Itziar de Ros
Put those Smartphones away: Great tips for making your job interview count by
Anna Post

Congratulations! You have successfully completed this module. You may now assess yourself if you
have achieved the expected learning outcomes of this section. Write your answers and discuss it with
me at the next available session.

1. Based on the tips in this course material, which do you think are the best that suits your
personality which you will be able to use to best present yourself during your first day of work?
Briefly explain.
Course Material: Advanced Communication 20

2. As established in this lesson, one s online presence and digital footprint are now important tools
towards employment and profiling. But do you think not being able to freely express your
opinions in your social media accounts because of this caution is right? Why or why not?

One s knowledge of their personal image helps further build communicative confidence
Knowledge of non-verbal components of communication helps you to better send messages to
colleagues and stakeholders.
There are certain tips that one could consider to better use words and language in expressing
things that must be said or written.
Job interview, as a passport to employment, is a crucial decision point in one s workplace journey
Both verbal and non-verbal cues are important in a job interview.

Self-talk Gestures
Inner Critic Facial Expressions
Inner Defender Posture and Personal Appearance
Inner Guide Environment
Paralanguage/Vocalics Non-discriminatory language
Colors Politically-correct expressions
Haptics Job interview
Chronemics Virtual interview

Answers may vary
Course Material: Advanced Communication 21

Barrot, J.S. (2011). Speak Successfully! A Guide to Effective Speaking for College Students. Rex Book
Store, Inc.

Barker, A. (2016). Improve Your Communication Skills (4th Edition). Great Britain: Kogan Page Limited.

Booth, T. and Burrow, T. (2017). English for Everyone: Practice Book 2 (Business English). Dorling
Kindersley Limited.

Doyle, A. (retrieved 2020). 7 interview tips that will help you get the job. Retrieved from

Doyle, A. (2021). Job Interview questions, answers, and tips to prepare. Retrieved from

Doyle, A. (2021). Practice and Preparation for an Online Job Interview. Retrieved from

Hansen, Ph.D., R.S. (retrieved 2016). 10 best job interview tips for job seekers. Retrieved from

Hudson Global (retrieved 2016). Job interview tips. Retrieved from

Krizan, A.C., et al (2014). Business Communication: Theories and Best Practices (7 th ed). Cengage
Learning Asia Pte, Ltd.

Pachter, B. and Cowie, D. (2017). The Communication Clinic: 90 Proven Cures for the Most Common
Business Mistakes. McGraw-Hill Education.

San Miguel, J.G. (2015). People Smart: Personality and Soft Skills Development for Workplace Success.
C&E Publishing, Inc.

Yabut, J. (2016). Fast Forward: The Ultimate Career Guide for Millennials on the Move. Clevearheads

Note: Photos with no indicated source are from free, open source locations:,,

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