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In the given extract, the writer has created a very bleak atmosphere

about the Dystopian World. A world which is under immense pressure

of the threat from the nature and is under hostile environment which is
leading them to extinction.

The narrator has a very authentic tone to it because the narrator is

sharing his own feelings from his own perspective and remained the
part of the community to show his views towards the society. By
making his view effective and with emotions he provides multiple
perspectives of the situation. The opening line said, “had we really
imagined that…”, creates an atmosphere of tension/ forbidding by
mocking the actions of the community. He explains hoe the conditions
were in those four walls because people were jostling and crowding
and over it the resources were not as much to serve all of the people.
That they were all responsible for that they had now.

The birds are the most horrifying creatures in this poem who are printed
to be nice looking beautiful birds of the summer time but do not
pretend to see them was those kind of birds. These birds are the birds
of the chilly times and they are very dangerous and they are swooping
all their preys in one go. He made the birds look very unpleasant and
harsh because he wanted to show the readers what they are going
through. After all this it just states that yes the description of the birds
are disturbing. It was a world beyond imagination and it was playing us
in the reality. It was horrifying when he stated that ‘birds are falling from
the sky’ he exaggerated the scene image and made I horrifying.

The writer concludes by telling about how much the world had changed
in his own presence. He tells the readers about how they took
responsibilities of the world and became the victims of their own deeds.
He is trying to contrast between the past and the present and showing
how much has it changed. He has a very regretful tone and he is feeling
guilty about what the beings had done to their own world. He was full of
despair knowing that they made a mistake which cannot be unturned.

The conclusion to this story was the is that the world which is under
great trouble is in fact not going to last soon. The animals are gone
extinct and the people will too. The have created their own problems
with no solution to their guilty work.

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