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Adolf Grünbaum (15 de maio de 1923 - 15 de novembro de 2018) foi um filósofo

alemão-americano da ciência e crı́tico da psicanálise, bem como da filosofia da ciência de

Karl Popper.
Carreira Ele foi professor de Filosofia na Universidade de Pittsburgh de 1960 até sua
morte, e também atuou como co-presidente de seu Centro de Filosofia da Ciência (a partir
de 1978), professor pesquisador de psiquiatria (a partir de 1979) e professor pesquisador
do departamento de história e filosofia da ciência (desde 2006). Suas obras incluem Philo-
sophical Problems of Space and Time (1963), The Foundations of Psychoanalysis (1984),
and Validation in the Clinical Theory of Psychoanalysis (1993).[1][2][3][4]
Publicações selecionadas Modern Science and Zeno’s Paradoxes (primeira edição, 1967;
segunda edição, 1968)[5] Geometry and Chronometry in Philosophical Perspective (1968)[6]
Philosophical Problems of Space and Time (primeira edição, 1963; segunda edição, 1973)[7]
The Foundations of Psychoanalysis (1984)[8] Validation in the Clinical Theory of Psycho-
analysis: A Study in the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis (1993)[9] Collected Works, Volume
1 (ed. por Thomas Kupka): Scientific Rationality, the Human Condition, and 20th Cen-
tury Cosmologies, Oxford University Press 2013. Volume 2: The Philosophy of Space
Time (ed. por Thomas Kupka), será lançado em 2019; Volume 3: Lectures on Psy-
choanalysis (ed. by Thomas Kupka Leanne Longwill), também será lançado em 2019
(ambos também com OUP). Referências (1983) Physics, Philosophy and Psychoanalysis:
Essays in Honor of Adolf Grünbaum. R.S. Cohen and L. Lauden (eds.). Dordrecht, The
Netherlands: D. Reidel Publishing Co. ≪Oral history interview with Adolf Grünbaum -
Collections Search - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum≫.
Consultado em 30 de junho de 2022 (1993) Philosophical Problems of the Internal and
External Worlds: Essays on the Philosophy of Adolf Grünbaum. J. Earman, A.I. Janis,
G.J. Massey, and N. Rescher (eds.). Pittsburgh, PA/Konstanz, Germany: University of
Pittsburgh Press/University of Konstanz Press. (2009) Philosophy of Religion, Physics,
and Psychology: Essays in Honor of Adolf Grünbaum. Proceedings of the international
conference, ”The Adolf Grünbaum Symposium in Honor of the Works of Professor Adolf
Grünbaum,”Santa Barbara, CA, October 2002. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books. (1967)
”Modern Science and Zeno’s Paradoxes of Motion,”in: R.M. Gale (ed.), The Philosophy of
Time. A Collection of Essays. New York: Anchor Doubleday Books, pp. 422–494. (1968)
Modern Science and Zeno’s Paradoxes. London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd. (1968)
Geometry and Chronometry in Philosophical Perspective. Minneapolis, MN: University
of Minnesota Press. (1963) Philosophical Problems of Space and Time. New York: Alfred
A. Knopf, Inc. A British edition was published by Routledge Kegan Paul, London (1964).
(1973) ”Philosophical Problems of Space and Time,”Boston Studies in the Philosophy of
Science, vol. XII. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: D. Reidel Publishing Co. (1984) The
Foundations of Psychoanalysis: A Philosophical Critique. Berkeley, CA: University of
California Press. This book also appears in French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japa-
nese, and Polish translations. (1993) Validation in the Clinical Theory of Psychoanalysis,
A Study in the Philosophy of Psychoanalysis. Madison, CT: International Universities
Press. Ligações externas Grünbaum’s University of Pittsburgh web page Interview - Tes-
ting Freud: Adolf Grünbaum On The Scientific Standing of Psychoanalysis Oral history
interview with Adolf Grünbaum Coleções do Museu Memorial do Holocausto dos Estados
Unidos Pittsburgh Post-Gazette obituary

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