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Excessive use of social networks causes negative impacts on young people.

There are causes that

affect the health of young people. In the first place is the affected mental health with the excessive
use of these, for example low self-esteem, personal dissatisfaction, depression or hyperactivity
and even lack of affection, a lack that adolescents often try to fill with the famous likes. It also
undoubtedly affects academic performance in young people since unsupervised networks become
a great distraction, which makes the young person take their attention and their priorities to social
networks, thus causing a deficit and a drop in their grades. The use of social networks has left us
with some collateral damage, and I hope that by mentioning them we will correct this.
Furthermore, the users, in this case the young people, have "learned" to write with great
misspellings, with writing errors, abbreviations, which only deform our language, and hide behind
the fact that everyone makes the same mistakes and continues with the trend. For this and more,
the excessive use of social networks causes negative impacts on young people.

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