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INGLES (Inglish)

- A prety giri (e priti geri)
- A sweet drink (e suit drink)
- A big man
- A tall sister
- A new hause
- A White hat
- A beutifull flower
- A red tie
- A fat paiter
- A fighter soldier
- A blue shirt
- A acid orange


Build twelve sentences with the qualificatives adjetives

1. I like to see the starry night.

2. The blue shirt is dirty.
3. The blue ribbon is that of the winner
4. Tamara is an efficient student.
5. Rocío is a pretty girl.
6. I will wear the new shoes.
7. I need you to lend me your orange book.
8. He is a good boy.
9. My neighbor is very friendly.
10. Noelia finished the competition exhausted.
11. The drink is very sweet
12. I have fixed my aunt's old dress.

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