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1. The tree missed the days the kids used to come by and play.

still wore the tire swing the kids had put up in its branches years
ago although both the tire and the rope had seen better days. The
tree had watched all the kids in the neighborhood grow up and
leave, and it wondered if there would ever be a time when
another child played and laughed again under its branches. That
was the hope that the tree wished every day as the swing gently
swung empty in the wind.

2. The amber droplet hung from the branch, reaching fullness and
ready to drop. It waited. While many of the other droplets were
satisfied to form as big as they could and release, this droplet
had other plans. It wanted to be part of history. It wanted to be
remembered long after all the other droplets had dissolved into
history. So it waited for the perfect specimen to fly by to trap
and capture that it hoped would eventually be discovered
hundreds of years in the future.

3. Her hand was balled into a fist with her keys protruding out
from between her fingers. This was the weapon her father had
shown her how to make when she walked alone to her car after
work. She wished that she had something a little more potent
than keys between her fingers. It would have been nice to have
some mace or pepper spray. He had been meaning to buy some
but had never gotten around to it. As the mother bear took
another step forward with her cubs in tow, she knew her fist
with keys wasn't going to be an adequate defense for this

4. Sitting in the sun, away from everyone who had done him harm
in the past, he quietly listened to those who roamed by. He felt
at peace in the moment, hoping it would last, but knowing the
reprieve would soon come to an end. He closed his eyes, the sun
beating down on face and he smiled. He smiled for the first time
in as long as he could remember.
5. Sometimes that's just the way it has to be. Sure, there were
probably other options, but he didn't let them enter his mind. It
was done and that was that. It was just the way it had to be.

6. The red glint of paint sparkled under the sun. He had dreamed of
owning this car since he was ten, and that dream had become a
reality less than a year ago. It was his baby and he spent hours
caring for it, pampering it, and fondling over it. She knew this
all too well, and that's exactly why she had taken a sludge
hammer to it.

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