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Plants with Pictures Botanical Artists Still

Document the Word

Artists who make pictures of plants are known as botanical illustrators. Today, some may see
such a job as something people only did hundreds of years ago. But people who make
detailed drawings and watercolor paintings of garden plants are still at work today. And, art
experts say there is nothing old-fashioned about botanical illustrations. The New York
Botanical Garden is also the headquarters of the American Society of Botanical Artists

Botanical drawing dates back to at least ancient Egypt. It was especially developed in Europe
during the Middle Ages, when plants were often used for medicinal purposes and people
needed to be able to tell safe plants from poisonous ones. There’s a great admiration now for
realistic drawings and observing nature. A lot of plant families contain both. For example,
the nightshade family of plants includes Belladonna, a poisonous plant, but also plants like
tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

“From a florilegium of a small herb garden in Minneapolis [Minnesota] to a complete

florilegium of Alcatraz, they’re really drawing a lot of attention,” Jess said. Alcatraz is a
small but famous island off the coast of California that held a federal prison.

Prince Charles of Britain recently asked for a florilegium of one of his properties, she said.
He invited top botanical artists from around the world iGloo come to his property and paint.
Jess praised the results as “just fabulous.”

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