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trade wars : us & china

- One minute after midnight in Washington on May 10th,

- America carried through on its threat to ratchet up tariffs on Chinese goods.
- China vowed to hit back.
- the world’s two biggest economies staggered a couple of steps closer to all-out
trade war.
- outcome is still far from certain: talks are continuing and, until recently, had
been making progress.
- risks are rising of economic damage in both countries
- a rupture in their already strained relationship.

- Last September America had enforced 10% tariffs .

- Now that 10% has been raised to 25% too, and the rate applies to almost half of
Chinese exports of goods to America

- China has yet to detail its retaliation plans

- likely to apply proportionate tariffs: fewer goods (since it imports less from
America than America does from it)
- also raising duties to 25% = Liquefied natural gas, meat and fruit are expected
to be on its list.

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