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Homework should be given or not

As a student, homework plays a big role in our day to day lives. We spent most of
our free times for homework which can be seemed a bit unnecessary sometimes. Also
on the other hand, the after effects of doing homework handle a lot of improvements
in exams and everything. But the question is is it actually worth to use our
precious free time for that? We have to see on the both pros and cons of the
homework for the answer.

First of all, we can’t deny there are a bunch of positive effects of homework.
Practice would be an obvious reason of homework being a good thing. The more we
practice, the less chances of mistakes we can make. Homework can help us through
this process. A little bit of redoing the lesson as a practice will make us to
become better in our school lives. The second reason is getting much more time for
us to learn which is also connected with the first reason. When we do our homework,
we will seemingly do some mistakes for sure. That will make us to realize what are
we lack of understanding the lesson and weaknesses that we usually didn’t know
about. Sometimes, school hours are not enough to understand the lesson and we need
more time for researching some of our misunderstandings.To make it simple, homework
can allow us to make mistakes and also at the same time, it makes us to correct our
previous mistakes or misunderstanding. The third reason would be the connection we
get from our surroundings. When we are struggling with our homework, we started to
ask for help to our teachers, friends or family. The help of others that come from
the needs of homework can make more closer to some relationships and have fun

After the good things about homework, theses are some disadvantages.Firstly,
practice is good until that practicing is the only thing we do for the rest of the
day. Obviously, there are more important things to spend times on our lives. Lack
of limits in everything is always bad and good things turn into toxic when we
cannot manage limits for ourselves. But no student want to do homework for a long
times. Most of the time, the reason is from the pressure of teachers and parents.
Our surroundings also should understand our limits.So homework can be a better
thing and step for the succession of student lives. The next disadvantage is
connected with the first disadvantage. It is stress, the word that is belongs to
most of the students.Spending to much time on homework will make us to distance
with everyone else in our life when we don’t realize our limits. That will lead us
to experience the stress and also burning out when we become lack of socialization.

The answer of "Should student do homework?” is a bit tricky. But it is very

obvious that homework should be limited and also knowing the advantages and
disadvantages is important . Homework itself is not a bad thing when we keep it in
a good limit.Either the students or teachers should realize the effects of this. So
it will lead us to our healthy students lives.

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