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2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — CMATTOON.COM VISUAL BINARY FILE ANALYSIS WITH PYTHON May 15,2015 | Curtis Mattoon Update: Added a colorize function: Here's a quick Python script to visualize binary data. In the grayscale example, each pixel is the color of the bit value (0x00 - OxFF), The same method is used for colorization, except the bit value is used to provide hueand value values for HSV colorspace (saturation is fixed at 0.99) The colsparameter is the width of the image to be generated (in pixels). By default, the script generates a couple of different sizes. The height is calculated based on the width. Patterns tend to be clearer when the column width is a multiple of 8 (16, 32, 64, 128...), though that could depend on the format and type of data in the file. As an example, here are some images from a 256-byte file generated with the following Python program: Mosti:/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGVisual%20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%420Pyhon%i20%E2%B0%S%.20ematioon.c... 1198 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — Usage ./ Creates sone images of files and shows an HTML page of ‘en all (md5 hashes too) Todo + Display different images side-by-side (or as gif) ~ File info ~ CLE args import os, sys, math inport datetine Anport colorsys from glob inport glob from ndS import mds from PTL inport Tnage, TnageDraw MosIIJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGVisual :20Binary"%20Flo%20Analysis%20w/thY420Python'42O%E2%BO%GI%20Emattoons.... S138 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — COLORTZE = True def getBytes(filename, maxsize) wenpeturns raw data fron filenane. bytes = "" with open(Filenane, ‘rb') as fa: while True: byte = fé.read(1024) Af byte: bytes + byte Af len(oytes) < maxsize break return bytes def showImage(inage) : Provide a filepath™ ing (nage open image) ing-show() def colorize(val) val = (val / 255.0) rgb = colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(val, 9.99, val) return (int(egh[e]*255), int(rgh[1]*255), int(rgbl2]*255)) def gentnage(bytes, size, mx-None) bytes = [ord(byte) for byte in bytes] bytes = bytes if mx is None else bytes[:m] if COLORIZE is True: img = [colorize(b) for 6 in bytes] else: img = [(b,b,b) for b in bytes] Lines = int(len(bytes) / size[e])+1 size = (size[@], lines) ‘im = Image-new('RGB", size) in. putdata(ing) return Sm def processFile(filenane, width, outdin, outfil maxsize = 180000 size = (width, 1) pixels = (size[o] * size[1]) MosIIJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGVisual%:20Binary"%20Flo%20Analysi%20w/th%20Python'K20%E2%O%GI%20Emattoons.... 138 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — bytes = getBytes(filenane, maxsize) ing = genlmage(bytes, size, maxsize) fhash = md5 (bytes) .hexdigest() if outfile is None: outfile %5-Xs.png" % (fhash, str(size[2})) outfile = os.path.join(outdir, outfile) ing. save("Xs" % (outfile)) return (outfile, fhash) Lf name try: pattern = os.path.abspath(sys.arev[1]) except IndexError: print("Usage: %s width" % (sys.argv[0])) quit) = int(sys-argv[2]) master = {) html = ["ehtml>", “chead>" % pattern, “styles”, “html, body (background: #080; color:#193544; font -fanily:nonospace) .md5, .nane(text-al filenane(border: px solid;width: 19eX;margin: 2en autospadding: 1en;box-sizing -img-container{text-align:center;margin:0.2en;color:#193544}.img-container ing {a jen; padding-top: 1em;border-top:1px dotted #193544;}", 120%; borden-collapse:collapse;color:#388C38}", table.stat td{border:ipx solic #193544;padding:®.4en;}', table.stat td:first-child(background:#091318}' , smeta(nargin-toy ‘table. stat(widt "", “cdiv id: es'>" for width in [8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256]: images = [] for filename in glob(*%s/*" % pattern) out. 'spath.basename(filenane) +"_%s.png"¥(str(width)) ofname = os.path.basenane( filename) Af ofmame not in master-keys(): master[ofnane] = {} MosIIJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGVisual%:20Binary"%20Flo%20Analysis%20w/thY20Python'420%E2%O%GI%20Emattoons... 788 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — ing, md = processFile(filename, width, "/tmp/") if ing: master[ofnane] [str(width) ] “file' :flename) mages. append(ime) def sk(k) try: return int(k) except: return k for grp in master.keys() html -append("
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Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 FF FE-00 00 62.65 67 69 6E 04.c3 821 37 £4 53.96 C9 DB D6 07 (0000 1.00 05 1004 405A (00 00 00 14 66 74 79 70 (00 00 00 20 66 74 79 70 (00 00 00 18 66 74 79 70 52 49 46.46, 37 TABC AF 27 1¢ 0001 42.41 51 57 20.56 65 72 26 20 41 AF AC 49 4 44 45 58 an ae ac a1 ae ac 4a 42 an arac 72.69 66 66 (00.01 00 00 $3 74 61 6E 64 61 72 64 20 41 43.45 20 44 42 405A (3.AB CO AB 00 CF 11 E01 B1 1AEI 52 45 56 46 55 4D 3A.2C 4aar 53 D0 CF 11 E01 BI 1AET (03 00 00 09 41 50 50.52 £80 00 00 20 03 12.04 46-4F 52 4D 00 ari 23.21.41 4052 52.49 46 46, 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 00 CF 11 E01 81 1AE 41724301 1noz 1003 1a08 1408 1009 60EA D428 30.26 82 75 8 66 CF 11 53.4348 6C 3c t098 2aynizote aU au aur avi AW BAG BAG BOR BIN BMP 822 caB caB cal cAL cAL cap cap cas cat cso ak coa coR oR oR cre cul cHM cass cs cus mx cv cop com com com com cre cl cl MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 64.66 73.26 2673.66 64 D420 52.49 46.46 {84.01 09 00 00 00 E1 08 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 4058 41 4F 4C 2046 65 65 64 anarac 5854 42.4¢ 49 32.32.3351 4240 425468 4953.63 28 40 53.43.46 73 72.63 64 6F 63 69 64 53 75 70 65 72 43 61 6C 85 A2 BO B3 83 80 AS BS 58 43 50000, 525453 53, SF 43 4193.45 5F 30 43.42.46 49 40 45 SF 43 4153.45 5F 52 49 46.46 52.49 46.46, 45 AC 49 54.45 20 43 6F 4D 53 SF 56-4F 49 43 45 58 66 6C 74 73.69 6D 2E 4954.53.46 4954.53.46 CAFE BABE 43.47 40 28 43.40 5831 52.49 46.46 5351 4C 4F 43 4F 4€ 56 4661 6D 65 3.20, 405A 8 9 3 46.41 58.43 4F 56.45 52 53 49 45 54 52 4F AE 49 FF 46 4F aE 54 1188 2aynizote cL cL cor cer Px cru caw csH or om cur cur Dat DaT DaT par DaT bar Dat Dar Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat DaT DaT Dat Dat D3 D3 D3 ba ba bs 33 ps4 DBA 3B DaF Dax pet Dex MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — 4143 53.44 405A oc pe 43 50 54 37 46 49.4¢ 45 43 50 54 46 49 40 45 5B $7 69 6E 64 6F 7773 43 52 55 53 48 20 76 49.49 1.00 00 00 48 45, 63 75 73 68 00 00 00 02 43 61 74.61 6C 6F 67 20 56 45 52 53.49 4F 4E 20 50 48 03 04 (00 00.02 00 52.49 46.46, ‘49.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73.60 6821 73 6C 68 28 4156.47 36 SF 49 6E 74 03 45 52.46 53 $3.41 56.25 43 6C 69 65 6E 74 2055 49 EGF 20 53 65 74 50 dE 43 49 55 45 44 4F 5045 5354 1452 54 53 20.43 4F 4D 52415441 54.44.4231 4E 41 56 54 5241 46.45 55 46 4F AF 72.62.69 74 5740 4D 50 4352.45.47 72.65 67 66 00 CF 11 E0.A1 BI 1AE os (00 06 15 61 00 00 00 02 00 00 04 D2 00 00 10 00 44.42.46 48 53 51 4C 69 74 65 20 66 6F 72 6D 61 74 20 33 00 FD FF FFE 03 04 0001 42.44 6c 3333 6C 4F 50 4C 44 61 74.61 62 CF AD 12 FE 3C 21 64 6F 63 74.79 70 81 68 DE3A a8 2aynizote dex oo Du pvc we be pws boc boc boc boc boc Dock pock bor pay paw baw psa sn psp pss sw oro DUN ove Dvr wa pws 0 £0 ecr eK emt eML eML ENL es eps ETH at evix exe FOr MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 64 65 78 0A 30 30 39.00 4240 405A 8 4044.40 $0 93.A7 504147 45.44 55 44.40 53.21 00 CF 11 E01 B1 1AEI 0p 44 4F 43 CF 11 £0 A181 181 00 DB AS 20 00 ECAS C100 50 48 03 04 50 48 03 04 14 00 06 00 00 CF 11 EDAt BT TAET 405A on 01 FF 02.04 03 02 52.49 46.46 4056 23 20 4D 69 63 72 6F 73 0264.73.73 64.73.77 65 69 6C 65 07 64-74 32 64 64 74 64 58 50 68 6F 6E 65 5D 4D 53 SF 56.4F 49 43 45 44 56.44 ar 78 41.43.31 30 45 56 46 09 00 OA FF 00 4C 56 46 09 0D OA FF 00 5B 47 65 6E 65 7261 6C oc Fe 5820 52 65 74.75 72 6E 20 50 46 72 6F 6D 40.40 40 20 00 00-40 40 40 40 5.0003 Cs 25.21 5053 20 41 64 6F 143501 00 30:00 00 00 4c 66 4¢ 65 45 6C 66 46 69 6C 65.00 405A 2550.44.46 13608 2aynizote FLAC Fu fur Fur Fv Fw FON FR Ho cus ao ao or Pe RP ox Hap HOMP HOR HOR hip HP HP HP Hox Ico 10x 10x 10x 10 IMG IMG IMG IND IND INFO INFO INFO 1s WR JAR JAR JAR MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 166 4c 61 43 00 00 00 22 oon 4D 5 90 00 03 00 00 00 76 32 30 3033 26 31 30 46.4¢ 56 3C 4D 61 68 65 72.46 69 4058 2 0A 00 00 Fee FEEF 3F SF 03 00, 4C AE 02 00 47 49 46 38 99 50 40 43 43 47 58 32 1F 88 08 91 33.48.46 4044.40 $093 A7 4953.63.28 233° 52.41 44.49.41 4E 48.69 5021 0000 FF FF FF FF 3F SF 03 00, 4C AE 02 00 28 54 68 69 73 20 65 69 00.00.01 00 41 AF AC 44 42 an aeac 50 00 00 00 20 00 00 09 4456.44 50 49 43 54.00 08 £8 3C 902A 53.4340 49 41 4F 4c 49 44 58 a1 ar ac £3 10 00 01 00 00 00 00 54 68 69 73 20 69 73 20 74626578 43.44 30 3031 2652.45.43 50 48 03 04 SF 27 AB 69 4h 41 52.43 53.00 1408 2aynizote JAR JAE Jee Js Js INT spa JPE JPE JPEG JPtG JPEG PG 26 26 Mp3 MDE Mol ip MIDI Mie Mie kv is Mis MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 50 48 03 04 14 00 08 00 FF D8 FF EO FF D8 FF EO 4h 4703 08 44.47 0408 4€42 2400 (00 00 00 0c 6 $0 20 20 FF DB FF EO FF D8 FF Eo FF DB FF EO FF DB FF E2 FF DB FF E3 FF D8 FF E0 FF DB FF ET FF D8 FF EB 46 42.2400 4B 47 42 SF 61 72.63 68 49-44 33 03 00 00 00 50 48 03 04 8.00 7900 7B 0D OA 6F 20 7B 0D OA 6F 20 206C 68 21 30.61 72.63 68 3608 49 54 AF 4.49 54 4C 53 4C 00 00 00 01 14 02 00 2A 2A 2A 20 20.49 GE 73 57 6F 72 64 50 72 6F 20 66 68 (00 00 00 20 66 74 79 70 40 34 41 3C 3F 78 6D 6C 20 76 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 3D 40 41 72 30.00 4041 92.43 40 41 52 31 00 (00001 00 00 53 74 61 6E 64 61 72 64 20 4A 65 74 20.44.42 01 0F 00 00 45.50 40 54.68 64 40 54.68 64 3C AD 61 68 65 72.45 69 56 65 72 73 69 6F GE 20 1A4S DF A3 93 42 82 88 40 49 4C 45 53 40 56 3231 34 15908 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — . 4143 53.44 Mis 4D $632.43 Mis 4b4c 5357 MMF 4D 40 40 44 00 00 MNY 00.01 0000.40 53.49 5341 4D 20.44 61 74 61 62.61 7365 MOF FF FE23 00 6¢ 00 69 00 Mov 6D 6F 6F 76 Mov 66726565 Mov 6D 646174 Mov 77696465 Mov 706: 6F 74 Mov 73686970 Mp ocep MPs 49.4433 MPG 000001 BA MPG 00.0001 88 MSC DOCF1TEDAT BT TAET MSC 3€ 3F 78 6D 6C 20 76 65 72 73 69 GF GE 3D 22 31 2E 30 22 3F 3E OD OA 3C AD AD 43 SF 43 6F 6E 73 6F 6 Msi 00 CF 11 E01 81 1AE Msi 2320 MSV 4D 53 SF 56.4F 49.43.45 MIW OCF 11EDA1B1 1AE1 Rt OE 4E 65 72 6F 49.53 NsF 1.00 00 04 00 00 NsF 4645 53 4D 1A01 NIF 14.00 00 NIF 46 49 54.45 30 NIF 3031 4F 52.44 46 41 AE NVRAM 4D 52.564 op) 4co1 08) 80 Ox ADA opp 50.4803 04 oot 50 48 03 04 OGA _4F 67 67 3.0002 00 00 066 _4F 67 67 $3 0002 00 00 OGv 467 67 $3 0002 00 00 OGx —_4F 67 67 $3 0002 00 00 ola 405A ONE ——_-£4525C 7B 8C08.A7 4D ort D0 CF 11 E01 BI 1AEt opt FD FF FFF 20 ORG ——_41.4F AC 56.40 313030 om 50 48 03 04 P10 {64.00 00 00 MosIIJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGVisual%:20Binary"%20Flo%20Analysis%20w/th%20Python'420%E2%O%GI%.20Ematioon.... 18038 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — . 4143 53.44 PAK 1008 PAK 5041 43.48 Pat 47 50.41 54 PAX 504158 PCH 56 43 $0.43 48 30 Pcx ——-0a020101 Pcx 0030101 Pcx 005 0101 PDB AC ED 000573 72.00 12 PDB 4D 2057 2050 6F 63 6B PDB AD 69.63 72 6F 73 GF 66 74 20.43 2F 43 28 28 20 PDB 736D5F PDB 73 7A6S7A Por 25.50.44 46 PF 11.00 00 00 $3 43 43.41 Pec at ae ac Pec 414 4C 56 40 31 30 30 PGD 5047 $064 4D 41 49.48 PcM 503508 Pir 405A PRR 9901 PNG 8950.46.47 0D 0A 1A0A PPs 00 CF 11 EDAI BI 1AE1 Per 00 CF 11 E01 BI 1AE Per 006 16 FO PPT 0F 00 £6 03, PPT 0 4610 FO PPT FD FF PPr FD FF FF FF 1 00 00 00 Per FD FF FF FF 43 00 00.00 PPIX 50.4803 04 PPTX 5048 03 04 14 00 06 00 F OF 00 00 00 Pez 4D 53.43.46 Pre 424° 4F 48 40 aF 42 49 Pre 7442 4D 50.48 6E $7 72 Psp 38.42 5053 Psp 7642.48 00 PUB D0 CF 11 EDI 81 1AEt Pwi 78 5C 7077 69 PwL 80404643 PWL —«£3.82.85 96 eB 4586000006 00 ace 5249.46.46, QoF AC 9E aD BF 0000 MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. a8 2aynizote abt emu pH aso ars ax oxo oxo BRE M RAR REG REG RGB RM RMI RMVB REM RTD RIF avr sam sam sav scr SOR sH3 sHD sHD sHD sHD sHW si si SKF sKR sKR ste ste SiN SNM SNP sou MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 51.45 4¢ 20 514649 103 00 00 00 51 $7 20 56 65 72 28 20 4058 405A 00 00 49 49 58 50 52 (00 00 4D 40 58 50 52 2E 52 4D 46 00 00 00 12 2672.61 FD 00 72.74 73 7038.26 2F 5261 72.21 1807 00 FF FE 52.45 47 45.44 49 54 01 DAGT 07 0003, 26 52.40 46 52.49 46 46, 26 52.40 46 £D AB EE DB 43.23.28 44 Ad 43 40 AS 7B 5C 72.74.6631 D0 CF 11 EDI B1 1AEI 58 56.45 5250 5876 65 7250 24,46 AC 32.40 28 23 29 405A 53 AD 41 52 54.44 52 57 48.48.47 4231 668.49 00 00 48.49 00 00 67.49 00 00 666.49 00 00 53.48 46 57 53.49 54.21 00 53 74 75 66 66 49 74 20 07 53.48 46 95.00 9501 4143 76 3A 56 45 52 53.49 4F 4 40 69 63 72 GF 73 GF 66 74 20 56 6973 75.61 6C (0 12 84 30 00 00 00 00 40 53.43.46 00 CF 11 EOAt BT TAET 1908 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — . 4143 53.44 sal (00.00.01 00 seo 00 CF 11 E01 81 1AET sud 52.4547 45.44.49 54 SUO FD FF FFF G4 Swe 435753 swe 465753 sxc 50 48 03 04 sxo 50 48 03 04 sx 50 48 03 04 sxw 5048 0304 sys 405A sys FFE FE sys FF 4B 45 59 42 20 20 20 sys 8 sys 9 sys 8 sys fF syw 4140594 TAR 1573 7461 72 TARSZ2 425068 TaRZ ——1F9D 90 TARZ —1FA0 132 42.5468 Taz. 425868 118 84 6E 68.48 1 49.2049 1 49.49.28 00 1 40 40 00 24 1 40 40.00 28, TF 492049 TF 49.49 28.00 TF 40 40.00 2A TF 40 40.00 28 18 40 53 46 54 02 00 01 00 ra o1 10 uce 55.4345 58 UFA 55 46 41 C5 D2C1 vex DSA VeD 45.45 545259 56.43.44 ver 42.45 47 49 4 3A 56 43 Vow 58.40 535643 VHD 63 6F GE 65 63 74.6978 VMDK —43.4F 57.44 YMDK 23 20 44 69 73 68 20.44 MosIIJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGIVisual%:20Binary"%20Flo%20Analysis%20w/th%20Python'420%E2%BO%GI%20Emattoon.... 198 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — . 4143 53.44 VMDK 4844.40 vob 000001 BA vso 00 CF 11 E0.A1 81 1AE1 VXD 4D SA WAaB —-9¢ CB CBBD 13750211 Was 81328418505 0011 wav 52.49.4646, we2 —_00.0002.00 WB3 _3£ 00003 00 FE FF 09 00 06 wiz 00 CF 11 ED At BI 1AEt WK1 0000.02 00 06 04 06 00 WK3 0000 18.0000 100400 Wk4 0000 1A0002 100400 WKS 00.00 14.0002 10.04 00 Wks 0ES74853, WKS __FF.00.02 00 04 04 05 54 WMA 30268275 8E 66 CF 11 WMF 07. CDC69A Way 302662 75 8& 66 CF 11 wwz 5048 03 04 we FF 575043 wes FF575043 Wes FFS75043 weD —FFS75043, WPF BI CD AB wee FFST75043, WPL 40.69.63 72 GF 73 GF 66 74 20 57 69 GE 64 GF 77 73 20 4D 65 64 69.61 20 50 6C 61 79 65 72 2020 20 20 wep FFS75043, WPS OCF 11 E01 BT TAET we 318 wR 32.86 wri 8E 00.00 00 Aa ws 1p 70 ws2 $753 32 30 3030 XOR 3c XA 00 CF 11 EDAI BI 1AE xis 00 CF 11 E01 B1 1AE1 xs (09 08 10 00 00 06 05 00 xis xs xs xis xis xis MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGVisual :20Binary"%20Flo%20Analysis%20w/th%20Python'420%E2%BO%BI%20Emattoon.... 208 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — : 4143 53.44 XIsx 5048 03 04 XISK 5048 03 04 14 00.06 00 XML 3C 3 78 6D 6C 20 76 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 3D 22 31 2E 30 22 3° 38 xP 50 48 03 04 XPS 50 48 03 04 xer 50 48 03 04 xer 585043 4F 4D 0A 5479 zap 44D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 FF FF signatures.csv host hosted with @ by GitHub view raw #1/usr/bin/python Inport requests, esv from bs4 inport Beautifulsoup def getPageUrl (page) return “http://w. 11¤tpage=XsBorde! def getPage(pe) Returns HTML or False” requests. get(getPageUrl(pg)) if rok return p.content return False def parsePage(pg): MostiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGVisual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analsis%:20with%420Pyhon%20%E2%B0%S%.20ematioon... 21/98 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — data = [] html = getPage(pe) if html is not False: bs = Geautifulsoup(html) innerTable") ous = table.find_all( "te" for row in rows tds = row.find_all("td") if len(tds) == 4: Loext sigsdese = [td.getText() for td in tds] Lf ext <= ‘exten: continue yield [ext, sig, dese] with open(’signatures.csv’, ‘wo") as fd csvfile = csv.writer(fd) for i in range(1,18) prant(" [+] Page Xo" % 4) for item in parsePage(i): print(" Rs" Cd (iten))) csvfile.writerow(iten) hosted with @ by GitHub view raw I/usr/bin/env python A small Visual Binary Analysis routine. @author Curtis Mattoon Creates sone images of files and shows an HTML page of ‘en all (md5 hashes too) Todo + Display different images side-by-side (or as gif) ~ File info ~ CLE args import os, sys, math Anport datetine Inport colorsys from glob inport glob from mdS inport md5 from PIL import Image, TmageDraw MosIIJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGVisual%:20Binary"%20Flo%20Analysis%20w/thY20Python'42O%E2%BO%G9%20Emattoon.... 22188 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — COLORIZE = True def def aef der def MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. getBytes (Filename, maxsize) Returns raw data fron filenane. bytes =" with open(Filenane, ‘rb') as fd: while True: byte = fé.read(1024) Af byte: bytes += byte if len(bytes) < maxsize continue break return bytes showInage(inage) : Provide a filepat! ing rage open image) ing-show() colorize(val) val = (val / 255.0) reb return (int(mgh[e]*255), int(ngb[1]*255), int(rgbl2]*255)) ‘olorsys.hsv_to_rgb(val, @.99, val) gentnage(bytes, size, mx=None): bytes = [ord(byte) for byte in bytes] bytes = bytes if mx is None else bytes[ mx] if COLORIZE is True: img = (colorize(b) for b in bytes] else: img = [(b,b,b) for b in bytes] Lines = int(Len(bytes) / size[e])+1 size « (size[e], lines) im ='R68", size) An. putdata(ing) return Sm processFile(filename, width, outdir, out fil naxsize = 180000 size = (width, 1) 2908 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — pixels = (size[o] * size[1]) bytes = getBytes(filenane, maxsize) ing fhash = md5 (bytes) .hexdigest() genInage(bytes, size, maxsize) if outfille is None: outfile = "Xs-Xs.png" % (hash, str(size[2])) outfile = os.path.join(outdin, outfile) ing. save("Xs" % (outfile)) return (outfile, fhash) Af _ name ain, try: pattern = os.path.abspath(sys.arev[1]) except IndexError: print("Usage: %s width" % (sys.arev[@])) quit) try: width = int(sys.argv[2]) aster = () htm = ["", “ chead>", “html, body (background: #000; color: #193544; font-Fanily:nonospace) .ndS, .nane(text-a] -filenane{border: 1px solid;width: 180%jmargin: 2en autospadding: 1en;box-sizing: -Amg-container{text-align:center;margin:8..2en; colo -meta{margin-top:1en;padding-top:1en;border-top:1px dotted #193544;}", table. stat (width:100%;border-collapse: collapse; color:#388¢88}", table.stat td{border:ipx solic #193544;padding:®.4em;}", ‘table.stat td: First-child{background:#291318}", 1193544). img-container ing {1 “", “cbody>
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Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 FEF FF FE-00 00 62.65 67 69 6E 04c3 82 A1 37 £4 53 96 C9 DB D607 (00.00 1.00 05 1004 405A (00 00 00 14 66 74 79 70 (00 00 00 20 66 74 79 70 00 00 00 18 66 74 79 70 52 49 46.46, 37 TABC AF 27 1¢ 0001 4241 51 57 20.56 65 72 2 20 41 AF AC 49 4E 44.45 58 anaeac 41 46 4c 44 42 a1 4rac 72.69 66 66 (00.01 00 00 $3 74 61 GE 64 61 72 64 20 41 43.45 20 44 42 4058 (3.AB CO AB D0 CF 11 EDI B1 1AE 52 45 56 46 55 4D 38.2 4aar 53 D0 CF14 EDAt BI 1AE (03 00 00 00 41 50 50 52 £80 00 00 20 03 12.04 46-4F 52 4D 00 ari 23.2141 4D 52 52.49 46.46, 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 00.CF 11 E0A1 BI 1AEI 41724301 1acz 1003 1a08 1808 1A09 60EA D428 30 26 82 75 BE 66 CF 11 53.43 48.6C 2788 2aynizote ASK aU aU Aur Av AW BAG BAG BOR BIN amp 822 caB cap cAL cAL cAL cap cap cas car cso ak coa coR oR cor cra cul cHM class cus cus mx cnv cop com com com com cre cl MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 3c 64.65 73.26 2673.66 64 D420 52.49 46.46 {84.01 09 00 00 00 £1 08 4D 5A 90 00 03 00 00 00 405A 41 4F 4C 2046 65 65 64 anarac 5854 42.4C 49 32.32.3351 4240 42.5468 4953.63 28 40 53.43.46 13 12.63 64 6F 63 69 64 53 75 70 65 72 43 61 6C 85 A2 BO B3 83 80 AS BS 58 43 50.00, 525453 53, 5F 43 4193.45 5F 30 43.42.46 49 4C 45 SF 43 41 53.45 5F 52 49 46.46, 52 49 46.46, 45 AC 49 54.45 20 43 6F 4D 53 SF S6.4F 49 43 45 58 66 6C 7473.69 6D 2E 4954 53.46 4954.53.46 CAFE BABE 43.4F 4D 28 43.40 9831 52.49 46.46 5351 4C 4F 43 4F 4€ 56 46.61 6D 65 3.20, 405A 8 9 8 46.41 58 43 4F 56.45 52 53 49 45 54 52 4F AE 49 2808 zarsz0%8 cl cel cr cer cer Px cru caw csH or om cur cur Dat Dat Dat bar Dat bar Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat Dat DaT Dat Dat Dat D3 bs D3 ba ba bs 33 Daa DBA D3B DaF Dax pet MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — 4143 53.44 FF 46 4F 4E 54 405A oc pe 43 50 54 37 46 49.4¢ 45 43 50 54 46 49 4C 45 5B 57 69 6E 64 6F 7773 43 52 55 53 48 20 76 49.49 1.00 00 00 48 45, 63 75 73 68 00 00 00 02 43 61 74.61 6C 6F 67 20 56 45 52 53.49 4F 4E 20 50 48 03 04 (00 00.02 00 52.49.46 45, ‘49.00 00 00 00 00 00 00 73.60 68 21 73 6C 68 26 4156.47 36 5F 49 6E 74 03 45 52.46 53 $3.41 56.25 43 6C 69 65 6E 74 2055 49 6 6E 6F 20 53 65 74 50 4E 43 49 55 45 44 4F 5045 53 54 1452 54 53 20.43 4F 4D 5241 5A.41 54.44 4231 46.41 56 54 5241 46.45 55 46 4F AF 72.62.69 74 5740 4D 50 4352.45.47 72.65 67 66 00 CF 11 E0.A1 B1 1AE os (00 06 15 61 00 00 00 02 00 00 04 D2 00 00 10 00 44.42.46 48 53 51 4C 69 74 65 20 66 6F 72 6D 61 74 20 33 00 FD FF FFE 03 os 0001 42.44 6c 3333 6C 4F 50 4C 44 61 74.61 62 CF AD 12 FE 3C 21 64 6F 63 74.79 70 2908 2aynizote Dex dex oy bu DMG pve we pws boc boc boc boc boc Dock bock bor pay Daw baw psa sn psp pss sw pro DUN Dvr Dvr wa ws £0 £0 ecr eK eML eML eML ENL eps eps EH at evix exe MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 8168 DE3A 64 65 78 0A 30 30 3900 4240 405A 8 4044.40 $093.A7 504147 45.44 55 44.40 53.21 00 CF 11 EDAI 81 1AE1 0p 44.4F 43 CF 11 £0 A181 181 00 DBAS 20 00 ECAS C1 00 50.48 03 04 50 48 03 04 14 00.06.00 D0 CF 11 EDAt BT TAET 405A or 01 FF 02.04 03 02 52.49 46.46 4056 23.20 4D 69 63 72 6F 73 0264 73 73 64.73.77 65 69 6C 65 07 64 74 32 64 64 74 64 58 50 68 6F 6E 65 5D 40 53 SF 56-4F 49 43 45 4456.44 4678 41.43.31 30 45 56 46 09 0D 0A FF 00 4C 56 46 09 0D OA FF 00 5B 47 65 6E 65 72.61 6C DC FE 5820 52 65 74 75 72 6E 20 50 46 72 6F 6D 40.40 40 20 00 00-40 40 40 40 50003 cs 25.21 5053 20 41 64 6F 143501 00 30:00 00 00 4¢ 66 4¢ 65 45 6C 66 46 69 6C 65.00 405A 098 2aynizote Visual Binary Fils Analysis with Pytnon — : 4143 53.44 FOF 2550.44.46 FLAC 664C 61 4300.00.00 22 Fu oon fur 4D 5 90 00 03 00 00 00 Fur 76 32 30 30 33 26 31 30 Fv 464¢ 56 Fw 3C AD 61 68 65 72.46 69 FON 4DSA FR 2 0A.00 00 cHO | FEEF Hs FEEF ao 3F SF 03 00, ao 4C AE 02 00 or 47 49 46 38 os 99 GRP 50 40 43 43 x2 475832 oz 1F 8B 08 HAP 9133.48.46, HOMP 4D 44 4D 5093 a7 HOR 4953.63.28, HOR 2335241 44.49.41 4 hip 48.69 5021 HP (0000 FF FF FF FF HP 3F SF 03 00 HP 4C AE 02 00 HaX 2854.68 69 73 20 66 69 co 00.00.01 00 10x 41 AF AC 44 42 10x at arac 10x 50.00 00 00 20 00 00 09 IFO 4456.44 IMG 50 49 43 54 00 08 IMG £8 3C 902A IMG 53.4340 49 IND 41 4F 4c 4944 58 ND an ar ac INFO £3 1000.01 00.00 00 00 INFO 54 68 69 73 20 6973 20 INFO 78626578 1s 43.44 30 3031 WR 2652.45.43 JAR 50 48 03 04 JAR SF 27 AB 69 MosIIJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERINGVisual%:20Binary"%20Flo%20Analysis%20w/th%20Python'42O%E2%BO%GI%20Ematioon.... 3188 2aynizote JAR JAR JAE Jae Js Js INT spa JPE JPE JPEG JPEG JPEG JPG 26 26 uP K6B Koz kwb LB ise Leo una us ur unc Los wwe WH Man MANI MAR MAR MAR Mp3 MDE Mol ip MIDI Mie Mir kv Mis MosIiJ/CRACKINGIREVERSE%.20ENGINEERING/Visual%<20Binary"20Flo%s20Analysis%:20with%.20Python%:20%E2%B0%99%.20ematioon. Visual Binary Fila Analysis wih Python — 4143 53.44 44.41 52.43 53.00 50 48 03 04 14 00 08.00 FF D8 FF EO FF 08 FF EO 4h 47 03 08 44.47 04 08 4€42 2400 (00 00 00 0¢ 6 $0 20 20 FF D8 FF EO FF D8 FF EO FF D8 FF EO FF DB FF E2 FF DB FF E3 FF DB FF E0 FF DB FF ET FF DB FF EB 46 42.2400 48.47 42 SF 6172.63 68 49 44 38 03 00 00 00 50 48 03 04 8.00 7900 7B 0D OA 6F 20 7B 0D OA 6F 20 206C 68 21 3061 72.63 68 3608 49 54 4F 449 54.4C 53 4C 00 00 00 01 14 02 00 2A 2A 2A 20 20.49 6E 73 57 6F 72 64 50 72 6F 20 6 68 (00 00 00 20 66 74 79 70 4 34 41 3C 3F 78 6D 6C 20 76 65 72 73 69 6F 6E 3D 40 41 72 30.00 4041 92.43 40 41 5231 00 (00.01 00 00 $3 74 61 GE 64 61 72 64 20 48.65 7420.44 42 01 0F 00.00 45.50 40 54.68 64 40 54.65.64 3C AD 61 68 65 72.45 69 56 65 72 73 69 GF GE 20 1A4S DF A3 93 42 82 88 40 49 4C 45 53 28 2aynizote Mis Mis Mus MMe MNY MoF Mov Mov Mov Mov Mov Mov Me MP3. 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