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Micro-Organisms Q/A Worksheet

What Is a Micro-organism?




How Can We See Microorganisms?




What is Bacteria?




Describe the structure of Bacteria? Draw the diagram as well.

Micro-Organisms Q/A Worksheet 1





What is the role of flagella?




What are autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition in Bacteria?




What is a chromosome ?

Micro-Organisms Q/A Worksheet 2





What are pathogens? Explain with examples.





Describe the relationship between cells and organisms?





What is the basic structure of a virus? Explain with the help of a labelled diagram.

Micro-Organisms Q/A Worksheet 3





Tabulate the living and the non- living characteristics of a virus.

Living characteristics Non-living characteristics

Draw labelled diagrams to show how a virus reproduces.

Micro-Organisms Q/A Worksheet 4

What are bacteria and how do they reproduce? Draw a labelled diagram.






What is the difference between replication and reproduction?




Micro-Organisms Q/A Worksheet 5


Are viruses living things? Explain your answer.




Why can viruses be considered

i) living things?



ii) non-living things?



What is the difference between epidemic and pandemic?



Micro-Organisms Q/A Worksheet 6



Micro-Organisms Q/A Worksheet 7

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