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Brandon Francisco Figueroa González FG20014

Gustavo Enrique Hernández Alas HA16012

Josseline Lizbeth Hernández Escobar HE20005

Luis Gerardo Hernández Hernández HH19021

Karla Yesenia Romero Villalta RV14017


INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 3
I. OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................................................... 4
II. CONTENT ........................................................................................................................... 5
1. MARKET SEGMENTATION .......................................................................................... 5
2. OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................... 6
3. ESTABLISH THE BUDGET ............................................................................................ 7
4. DESIGN THE MESSAGE ................................................................................................ 8
5. SELECTING THE MEDIUM ......................................................................................... 10
6. SCHEDULING THE ADVERTISING ............................................................................ 13
7. EVALUATE THE CAMPAIGN ..................................................................................... 14
III. CONCLUSION................................................................................................................. 17
IV. RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................. 18
V. ANNEXES......................................................................................................................... 19

This research work contains the benefit of executing an effective advertising campaign,
based on knowing and evaluating all the aspects that are involved in its realization.
Therefore, a Promotion Strategy (advertising) is proposed. position and increase the
sales of Yogurt YES in its mango mix presentation, which adjusts to the needs and
preferences of consumers and improves its brand image. select the appropriate means
that encourage current and potential customers to purchase the product.
The content of this work has been distributed in the seven stages studied, which are
Stage 1: Define the audience. It details who will be the target audience for the
Stage 2: Set Goals. Since it is essential to obtain good results with our campaigns, it is
part of the strategic planning of any effort.
Stage 3: Establish the budget. where the methods to be used that facilitate decision-
making and promote growth are explained
Stage 4: Design the message. Explain which method of creative strategy and creative
execution will be used to determine the information to be conveyed about the product.
Step 5: select the media. The three media to be used are presented, which are related to
the target audience, the type of product, the nature of the message, the objectives of the
campaign, the available budget.
Step 6: scheduling the ads. The specific hours in which the advertisements will be
shown are proposed, helping to make the dissemination actions efficient, periodic and
attractive, improving communication with the public.
Stage 7: Evaluate the campaign. Pre and post test methods are detailed to improve
market acceptance of the product.
To conclude, the conclusions and recommendations of the investigation are presented.


➢ Determine what elements are influencing "Yogurt Yes: Mango Blend" to have
low sales, and subsequently develop an advertising campaign.

➢ Develop and apply the seven steps learned in class within a real case.
➢ Identify the elements that are failing and influencing to generate low sales.
➢ Develop an advertising campaign to increase sales of "Yogurt Yes: Mango



Market segmentation: is the process of dividing a target market into smaller, more
defined categories. It segments customers and audiences into groups that share similar
characteristics such as demographics, interests, needs, or location.
The following are the two types of segmentation that will be applied to "Yogurt Yes:
Mango Mix".

➢ Behavioral segmentation: divides consumers according to behavior patterns as

they interact with a company. As the name suggests, this category of
segmentation studies the behavioral traits of consumers — their knowledge of,
attitude towards, use of, likes/dislikes of, or response to a product, service,
promotion, or brand.

Behavioral criteria Segments
Purchase occasion Usual Occasion, Special Occasion

Benefits Nutrition and well-being for the organism, it contains active

probiotics, a complement to your diet.
Perception Stage Conscious, informed, interested, with the intention of leading a
healthier life.
Loyalty status High, medium.

Frequency of use Occasional user, average user, intensive user.

➢ Psychographic segmentation: is defined as a market segmentation technique

where groups are formed according to psychological traits that influence
consumption habits drawn from people’s lifestyle and preferences. It is mainly
conducted on the basis of “how” people think and “what” do they aspire their
life to be.

Psychological criteria Segments
Lifestyle People who like to run, go to the gym, listen to music.

Personality They are interested in leading a healthier lifestyle. They tend to

have a more active lifestyle, preserving their physique and health.


➢ Know the needs and expectations of the consumers of the Yes yogurt line in its
mango mix presentation, so that it develops its true potential through an
advertising strategy.

➢ Investigate the current opinion that customers have of yogurt yes in El
➢ Formulate a marketing plan to identify the conditions for the commercialization
of yogurt yes.
➢ Identify which sales promotion effectively promotes the purchase of the


Budget: a budget is a financial plan for a defined period, often one year. A budget is the
sum of finances allocated for a particular purpose and the summary of intended
expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them. It may include a budget
surplus, providing money for use at a future time, or a deficit in which expenses exceed
The budget we will use for the advertising campaigns is based on the total sales of
"Yogurt YES". We will take 14% of sales revenue for this budget, as shown below.
Total sales Percentage for the budget Money for the budget

$10,000.000.00 11% $1.065,590.00

The distribution of the budget will be made according to three media. The three media
are: television, radio and social networks. The three media that have been selected come
from the consumer survey. The distribution of the budget in percentage and monetary
values is shown below.


Canal 4 49,71% $ 529.687,50

Canal 12 41,76% $ 444.937,50
Television 91,46% $ 974.625,00
YSKL COOL 89.3 4,29% $ 45.765,00
YXY 4,01% $ 42.714,00
Radio 8,30% $ 88.479,00
Facebook 0,07% $ 791,00
Instagram 0,07% $ 706,25
Youtube 0,09% $ 988,75
Social media 0,23% $ 2.486,00
Total 1.065.590,00

Once the budget has been distributed, the number of times per month that advertising
will be broadcast in the established media is calculated. The following table shows the
number of times advertising will be broadcast in each of the media. It also shows the
channels, radio frequencies and social networks through which advertising will be

Description Number of times

Canal 4 150
Canal 12 150
Radio corporación 900
YXY 600
Social media
Facebook 20
Instagram 25 7
Youtube 25
Finally, we have the budget calculation, which has been prepared taking into account
the market prices of each medium. It has also been taken into account that the
advertising campaigns will be carried out over a period of 5 months, from August to

Description Unit Price Monthly price Months Net amount Total
Television $ 974.625,00
Canal 4 $ 625,00 $ 93.750,00 5 $ 468.750,00 $ 529.687,50
Canal 12 $ 525,00 $ 78.750,00 5 $ 393.750,00 $ 444.937,50
Radio $ 88.479,00
YSKL COOL 89.3 $ 9,00 $ 8.100,00 5 $ 40.500,00 $ 45.765,00
Radio corporación YXY
$ 12,60 $ 7.560,00 5 $ 37.800,00 $ 42.714,00
Social media $ 2.486,00
Facebook $ 7,00 $ 140,00 5 $ 700,00 $ 791,00
Instagram $ 5,00 $ 125,00 5 $ 625,00 $ 706,25
Youtube $ 7,00 $ 175,00 5 $ 875,00 $ 988,75
Total $ 943.000,00 $ 1.065.590,00


The message of the advertisements is very important when launching an advertising

campaign so it is necessary to choose the correct means, the correct way to reach our
target market and choose the times where the launch of the advertising would be most
appropriate, taking previously established what we want to be transmitted to consumers.
Due to this, the message in this campaign for the Mango Mix de Yogurt Yes product
will focus on making customers aware of the existence of this product in the different
well-known supermarkets of the country while highlighting the unique flavor of this
product and how accessible this product is, trying to create creative marketing strategies
so that people will be attracted to try it.
Our message is focused on these variables because, compared to its competition, a low
level of sales of this product has been noticed in the market, and it is very little known
despite being a product that has time to be available and to be a well-known yogurt
company in the Salvadoran market.

Different means of communication will be used to make our message reach our target
audience, such as newspaper, radio and television. Thus we will have better chances of
reaching not only our target audience, we can also attract new customers if advertising
is done efficiently through each of the aforementioned media. In addition to this, it is
necessary to study well the schedules where our consumers can see the advertisements
in the different media, in order to use the budget efficiently.

The type of advertisement we will use is the Pioneering type since we have discovered
that our clients have forgotten about the existence or availability in the market.
Therefore, our advertisement campaign will focus on reminder our consumers about the
product, its ingredients, price and availability through the different media that our target
market utilizes more.
The following are the scripts for the radio and television commercials:

⮚ Radio Commercial Script

A narrator man will read the script provided for the commercial, there will not be
anyone else involved in this commercial and will not use any special setting.
Radio ad script

Man speaking: “Do you enjoy the sweet taste of mangoes? And the acidity of the
strawberries? Then you will love the Mango Mix yogurt flavor that combines your two
favorite fruits in one delicious drink! Give yourself the opportunity to try something
new, we know its flavor will catch you! available at your local grocery store”

⮚ Advertising in the newspaper

We want to reach our consumers through one of the most basic ways to advertise,
using creative and attractive images so that you can capture the attention of our
customers. There will only be images with the necessary information of the product.

⮚ TV Commercial Script

In this commercial we want to highlight the unique combination of flavor and

ingredients of the product. A woman will be needed as she will be the narrator for this

commercial and also the person that will appear on the video in different locations such
as a supermarket, in the park doing an activity and drinking our product.

TV script:
A- Looking for something delicious to drink?
B-Yes, I want something sweet with a touch of acid
C- I want a nutritious drink
D-and I refresh myself
A- Well, I have the solution for you, Yogurt yes in its Mango mix presentation, it is an
adventure of flavors, the perfect combination based on natural and 100% healthy
products that you undoubtedly have to try and the best of all you can find it in any
supermarket .
Go and find your Yogurt yes Mango Mix flavor


The safest method to be able to make an advertisement and that it has a high probability
of success is through a market study, during the election process all the means of
communication for an advertisement are known and available, in some cases a more
formal advertisement is required and in others a more daring one. In both cases it is
necessary to analyze how frequent the clients are in those media, since, nowadays some
media are more used than others and for our product we need the general public.
To be more precise with our product relaunch, we must choose a combination of media
which by means of survey, opinions and suggestions, we have decided to combine a
couple of media that show us how customers are willing to listen to our ad, we could
not make an advertisement without first presenting a process of opinions, we decided to
develop a survey to know which are the most used media by people today and where
they see ads without having to skip it.
The development of advertising is based on a campaign where we get the best version
of a product that by its unique form could not be fully incorporated among the options
and preferences of customers despite being a recognized brand, in many cases you
must rebuild the strategy when it does not work, that is why we bring the Yogurt Mango
Mix of the company YES for a relaunch based on opinions and recommendations of
people chosen at random.

The results of the survey give us the means where our product will be most seen and
heard, the following media are the most voted:

In our results we see which are the media that can cause the effect of customer interest,
presenting an advertisement based on the media options we do a survey and investigate
which media are coupled to our advertising budget.
The estimated budget is 11% of our capital, with this percentage it is planned to make
an advertisement that can be put on television and newspapers. According to our survey,
many potential customers use these communication networks, but will they really be
able to see our ad? Nowadays investing a very large budget in advertising is not a
bargain, since all brands are all social networks, so we are analyzing the possible times
in which we can dedicate our agenda to be seen and heard by people, our product goes
for all ages.
➢ Television

In this medium you can view and listen to the announcement, but the schedule must be
very wise. The television stations offer a schedule in which we can spend our
announcement and give us the space to be presented, you can choose a schedule where
everyone is in tune as it is a food product you can think of passing at the time of a meal,
breakfast, lunch and dinner, or in the afternoons; for this we must analyze well with the
results and see which people see us at that time.

Counting on new technologies and times an advertisement is made where the fruits
come out naturally and the liquid in its purest essence being mixed by a person, who is
not necessarily a person in shape but a person who likes to be healthy regardless of
whether he exercises or not.

The advantage of television is that 70% of the population sees it and many like yogurt,
that is why advertising can be very successful
The disadvantage of television is that it must be an advertisement that can be observed
in great detail and that is an additional cost because the longer the commercial gets
bored quickly the viewer and changes it.
➢ Newspaper

Throughout history the newspaper has always been one of the most popular and
permanent means of communication of all time.

Advertising in local newspapers offers many benefits that make the investment
Proactive hearing

Newspaper readers often actively seek newspaper advertising for promotions and
coupons. Placing your ad in a newspaper does not guarantee that readers will notice it,
but an active reader looking for promotions is likely to notice your ad, take the time to
read it, and possibly be interested in the sale or offer.

In addition to placing ads near similar content, local newspapers can target a specific
audience in other ways. For example, newspapers often have special sections, releases,
and inserts that target audiences dependent on events such as a holiday or season, in
specific geographic areas such as a street, a neighborhood, or specific groups of people,
such as an ethnic group or students. university students.

Local newspapers work hard to create positive relationships with community members
to build a loyal customer base. As the reputation of the newspaper grows, community
members begin to believe that a local newspaper will not do business with companies
that are not trustworthy. By promoting your business with a trusted local newspaper that
has a loyal customer base, you can build a positive reputation in the community simply
through this association.

➢ Radio

Part of the market strategy is the effect of impressing, doing something that is not so
expected by the simple fact of not wanting to see it or hear it there, this is the case of the
advertising that the radio transmits. This medium is currently little listened to by
teenagers or people with strict schedules, these people do not usually listen to radio long
enough to listen or abide by an advertisement at a time of hard work or throughout the
day, that many people understand it and do not bet on the radio, in our case we
implement an advertisement that can be heard on the radio because our product is a food
it can be consumed by anyone who can afford it, regardless of whether they are an adult
or not.

This means of communication is very strict with its listeners and with their requests,
Why? Your time lapses should be short and accurate for the listener, an ad without
explaining your product in the shortest possible time, will not be complied with.
Another disadvantage against which we go with our product is the moment in which we
decide to put our ad, there are spaces of the day or night where people turn on their
radio and enjoy music or messages of life that only transmits them the radio, these
spaces are very demanded by the competitions who know of the most opportune times
to launch an advertisement, in these cases our method is based on putting a short
advertisement that leaves the customer with a concern, because the doubt makes the
human being closer to what causes him concern and this we will take advantage it by
publishing the new yogurt and letting the rest, make the announcer try it and say that
anyone can be in a good moment with such a flavor.


The place will be decided according to the target customers where the ad is most visible
clearly to them. According to the data obtained in the survey, the media in which users
need to see more advertising are: television, radio and social networks. To schedule
advertising we will use the method called: Continuous (steady) schedule.
➢ Continuous (steady) schedule. When seasonal factors are unimportant,
advertising is run at a continuous or steady schedule throughout the year.

We use this method because there are a large number of consumers who have not seen
the advertising in the last year, so we decided to use the continuous method, because
with this method we can remind customers on a daily basis of the product and thus be
well positioned in their minds.

Below is a daily schedule. This schedule contains the media in which advertising will be
done, and the time at which it will be done daily.


Activity/Hour 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 0:00
Cha nnel 4-TCS
Cha nnel 12
Social network
Fa cebook
Ins tagra m

Below is a calendar showing how advertising will be done on a monthly basis. This
calendar will serve as the basis for each month, in this case from August to December.
In other words, the distribution of days and dates will be the same for each month.


Activity/Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Cha nnel 4-TCS; 12 m.d-1 p.m
Cha nnel 4-TCS; 6 p.m-9 p.m
Cha nnel 12; 8 a .m-12 p.m
YSKL COOL 89.3; 6 a .m-9 p.m
Social network
Fa cebook
Ins tagra m


➢ Advertising pretest

Pretests Tests conducted before an advertisement is placed in any medium to determine

whether it communicates the intended message or to select among alternative versions
of the advertisement.

The technique used was test by the jury.

The jury's tests involve showing the ad copy to a panel of consumers and have them rate
how they liked it, how much it attracted them, and how attractive they found it.

When applied, it served to analyze the interests that consumers have about the product
and thus be able to obtain information before actually announcing the campaign in the

The method was carried out with the knowledge that customers currently have of the
brand and to carry out a previous test it was necessary to know what their reactions were
with respect to a new flavor of Yogurt:

We surveyed a small part of the population to find out their opinion on mango mix
yogurt and thus got responses.

Given our results, we see how people are interested in a new flavor if it is presented in a
striking way, this is the case that guides us to be able to make a new advertisement for a
At the center of advertising, we will focus on demonstrating the quality of the product,
where we hope that it has great potential, and that it is a main purchase option for
customers, that is why it must be a trending product, and that the objective of our
advertising is successful in the selected media.
➢ Posttesting the Advertising


Tests performed after an ad has been shown to the target audience to determine if it has
achieved its intended purpose.
Attitude testing Involves asking respondents questions to measure changes in their
attitudes after an advertising campaign. For example, they could be asked if they now
have a more favorable attitude towards the advertised product.

We will use the attitude survey to understand and evaluate the attitude of consumers
towards the product.
* First we will define the potential customers to be surveyed based on the appropriate
segmentation criteria of the Yes brand

* What is the objective of the survey so that the interviewee is clear about it.
* We will use a simple and simple language

* Once we have conducted the survey, the information that emerges from the responses
of the interviewees will be collected.
With this method we will have the opportunity to thoroughly review the product within
the market so that the attractiveness, strengths, weaknesses and gaps of the product can
be well understood to improve commercial performance.
In addition, attitude surveys will provide information on brand perception and then help
to assess how well the product is known in the market and thus more effective
marketing strategies will be created to target potential consumers.

To understand the attitude of consumers towards the presentation of yogurt yes: mango
mixture, questions like these will be aske.


✓ Knowing how and when to use an advertising campaign is important when you
want to increase sales and improve the reputation of a product, as well as it is
also important to segment the target market to make it easier to create an
effective marketing strategy, as this will allow us to better know our consumers.

✓ Knowing what type of advertising to use depends on the type of product for
which the advertising campaign will be carried out and the message we want to
convey to our audience, so it is also important to previously establish the type of
information you want to convey to customers.

✓ We concluded that 89.3% of the respondents answered that they buy "Yogurt
Yes" in the supermarket, so we visited two supermarkets and observed the
following: "Yogurt Yes: Mango Mix" has low visibility for consumers, first the
traditional Yogurt flavors are placed and then the "Mango Mix" flavor. This
could be one of the factors why sales of Yogurt Yes: Mango Mix are low, since
the customer has more visual contact with the traditional yogurt flavors and this
influences their purchase decision.

✓ In the case of "Yogurt Yes: Mango Mix", only presentations priced between
$0.25 and $1.00 should be produced, as 92% of respondents believe they are
willing to pay between $0.25 and $1.00, so if "Yogurt Yes" produces
presentations priced higher, they will not sell as easily.

✓ The media through which the advertising campaign should be disseminated are
television, radio and social networks, this is based on the data obtained in the
survey, and on the analysis that they are the most used media at present. With
the use of these media, "Yogurt Yes: Mango Mix" will have better recognition in
the market.

✓ Another factor that we believe affects the level of sales of "Yogurt Yes: Mango
Mix" is that 57.5% of respondents stated that they have not seen any advertising
during the last year, so it is important to choose the right channels through which
advertising will be transmitted. It is also important for Yogurt Yes to advertise
constantly to remind customers of the types of flavors it has on the market.


• It is recommended that the advertising campaigns carried out by "Yogurt Yes"

take into account the types of segments to which it is directed, since
segmentation allows us to know the specific characteristics of our consumers,
this will improve the scope of the advertising campaigns, which will result in
better sales.

• It is recommended that "Yogurt Yes" should make the advertisements at the time
when customers can see them most frequently, and that they should not be too
long so as not to bore the consumer. Therefore, it is recommended to choose the
right media and the most eye-catching advertisement possible. It is also
recommended to test before and after the ads, to evaluate how the customer
assumes the ad and avoid placing ads that do not work.

• After analyzing the results obtained in the survey, it is recommended that

"Yogurt Yes" set the price of its "Mango Mix" presentation between 0.25 ctvs
and $1.00, since this is what most consumers are willing to pay. Selling the
"Mango Mix" presentations at a higher price will result in higher costs, as the
product will not be consumed by most customers.

• Another recommendation regarding "Yogurt Yes, Mango Mix" is that it be

distributed in more supermarkets in the country, since it is somewhat difficult to
find this presentation in the convenience supermarket and, therefore, people
substitute the mango mix yogurt for another flavor or another brand, causing a
decrease in sales. It is also recommended that the "Mango Mix" presentation be
placed in the main part of the yogurt section to make it more visible to

• It is necessary to carry out continuous market studies to determine the variations

of consumer preference in order to provide the customer with the product with
the characteristics they want.

• The preparation of a budget is often done without knowing the cost of

advertising and this generates monotonous campaigns in the long term, being a
problem that can reduce the advertising space or implementation of your




Male ________ Female________
Under 18 years old From 18 to 30 years old 30 years and older
Preferred activity
Running Reading Going to the gym Listening to
Family income
Less than $300 From $301 to $400 401 to $500
500 or more Do not provide this information


1. Which of the following brands is your favorite brand of yogurt?

➢ Yes
➢ Salud
➢ Gaymonts
➢ Yoplait

2. How often do you buy yogurt yes, in its "mango mix" flavor at home?
➢ Every day
➢ Once a week
➢ Once a month
➢ No consumption

3. In what presentation would you like "Yogurt Yes: mango mix"?

➢ Bottle
➢ Glass
➢ Bag

4. What do you consider when buying "Yogurt Yes: Mango mix"?
➢ Nutrition
➢ Flavor
➢ Size
➢ Packaging

5. Which of the following motivates you to buy "Yogurt Yes: mango mix"?
➢ Preserve physical and health
➢ Complemento de sus alimentos
➢ Custom
➢ Because is cheap

6. What price would you be willing to pay for a "Yes: mango mixed yogurt"?
➢ $0.25
➢ $0.26 a $1.00
➢ $1.00 a $2.00

7. What do you think of the prices of "Yes yogurt: mango mix"?

➢ High prices
➢ Normal prices
➢ Low prices

8. How do you consider the prices of "yogurt yes" with respect to those of the
➢ Higher than those of the competition.
➢ Equal to those of the competition.
➢ Lower than the competition.

9. What did you think of the quality/price ratio of "Yogurt Yes: mango mix"?
➢ Very good
➢ Good
➢ Very bad

10. Where do you buy Yes yogurt products? *

➢ Supermarket
➢ Market
➢ Stores
➢ Other

11. At which supermarket do you prefer to shop?

➢ Super Selectos
➢ Wal-Mart
➢ Despensa Familiar
➢ Despensa de Don Juan
➢ Otro
12. Regarding the previous question, why do you shop there? Select 1 or more
➢ Accessibility
➢ Price
➢ Convenience
➢ Quality
➢ Security

13. When you find a new flavor of "yes yogurt" in the store what do you do?

➢ I try it and check it out.

➢ I wait for someone to try it and recommend it to me.
➢ I wait to see it advertised on TV and then I buy it.
➢ I don't buy yogurt

14. When you buy yogurt, do you buy it for yourself or for others?
➢ For me
➢ For my children
➢ For my family

15. How do you find out about new flavors or presentations of "Yogurt Yes"
➢ Television
➢ Radio
➢ Social media
➢ Newspapers
➢ Others

16. Do you follow any social network or website of the "yogurt yes" brand?
➢ Yes, both in social networks and on websites.
➢ I only know some social network of the "Yes" brand.
➢ I don't know any social network or website of "yogurt yes".

17. Which promotion appeals to you most when buying "yogurt yes: mango mix"?
➢ 3x2
➢ Participate in a sweepstakes
➢ Win brand products
➢ Discount on the price of yogurt

18. How often do you see advertising for yogurt yes: mango mix?
➢ Daily
➢ Weekly
➢ Every 15 days
➢ Monthly
➢ I have not seen any during the last year.

19. On which social network do you prefer to see advertising for "Yogurt Yes: Mango
Mix" products?

➢ YouTube
➢ Facebook
➢ Twitter
➢ Instagram
➢ I do not use social networks

✓ Actividad Preferida

Actividad Preferida Frecuencia Porccentaje

Escuchar musica 61 70,1%
Correr 8 9,2%
Leer 8 9,2%
Ir al gym 10 11,5%
Total 87 100%

✓ ¿Qué precio estaría dispuesto a pagar por un yogurt Yes: Mango mix?

Precio Frecuencia Porccentaje

0,25 56 64,4%
$0.26 a $1.00 24 27,6%
$1.00 a $2.00 7 8,0%
Total 87 100%

✓ ¿Cómo considera los precios del yogurt Yes: mango mix ?

Precio Frecuencia Porcentaje

Precios altos 81 93,1%
Precios normales 2 2,3%
Precios bajos 4 4,6%
Total 87 100%

✓ ¿En qué lugar compra los productos de yogurt Yes?

Lugar Frecuencia Porcentaje

Supermercado 73 83,9%
Mercado 0 0,0%
Tiendas 10 11,5%
Otro 4 4,6%
Total 87 100%

✓ ¿Cómo se enteran de los nuevos sabores o presentaciones de "Yogur

Medio Frecuencia Porcentaje

Television 17 19,5%
Radio 1 1,1%
Redes Sociales 39 44,8%
Periodicos 1 1,1%
Otros 29 33,3%
Total 87 100%

✓ ¿Con qué frecuencia ve publicidad de yogurt yes: mango mix?

Frecuencia Nº veces Porcentaje

Diario 4 4,6%
Semanal 11 12,6%
Cada 15 días 10 11,5%
Mensual 12 13,8%
No he visto ninguno durante el último año 50 57,5%
Total 87 100%

✓ ¿En qué red social prefieres ver la publicidad de los productos "Yogur Yes:
Mango Mix"?

Red Social Frecuencia Porcentaje

You Tube 9 10,3%
Facebook 62 71,3%
Twitter 1 1,1%
Instagram 14 16,1%
No utilizo redes sociales 1 1,1%
Total 87 100%


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