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#include <Servo.

// Define movement directions
#define FRONT (8)
#define LEFT (4)
#define BACK (2)
#define RIGHT (6)
#define STAY (0)
// Define servo movement capability
#define ANGLE_LEFT_MAX (180) // Most left
#define ANGLE_LEFT_VISION (130)
#define ANGLE_MIDDLE ( 90) // Front
#define ANGLE_RIGHT_VISION ( 50)
#define ANGLE_RIGHT_MAX ( 0) // Most right
#define ANGLE_STEP ( 10) // Scanning step. If too low, too many steps, too slow
#define ANGLE_WINDOW_RIGHT ( 75) // If center of free window less than this, turn right
#define ANGLE_WINDOW_LEFT (105) // If center of free window more than this, turn left
#define SERVO_SPEED ( 2) // msº/. Specs’ SG90 -> 100msº/60 -> 600msº/360
// So define it as 2msº/ (conservative)
// Define parameters of the algorythm: delays in milliseconds
#define DELAY_FACTOR_F ( 8) // To calibrate according the prototipe response
#define DELAY_FACTOR_B ( 1) // To calibrate according the prototipe response
#define DELAY_BACK_RND (200/DELAY_FACTOR_B) // Turn left X ms after going backward
#define DELAY_FRONT ( 40/DELAY_FACTOR_F) // Advance during X ms minimum
#define DELAY_TURN (600/DELAY_FACTOR_F) // Rotate at least during X ms
#define DELAY_STOP (100) // Stop at least during X ms
#define DELAY_BACK_NEAR (200/DELAY_FACTOR_B) // Goes back X ms if too obstacle too near
#define DELAY_BACK_BACK (500/DELAY_FACTOR_B) // Goes backward at least during X ms
#define DELAY_BACK_TURN (100/DELAY_FACTOR_B) // Goes back X ms before rotating
#define WINDOW_MINIMUM ( 40) // Sexagesimal degrees. Minimum hole window to go forward
#define DIST_MINIMUM ( 20) // Centimeters: Distance minimum to prevent a collision
#define DIST_WARNING ( 40) // Centimeters: If obstacle near than this, scan front
// For debugging purposes via serial connection: Set to 0 on real tests
#define DEBUG (0)
#define _SERIAL if (DEBUG) Serial
// Pins 3 and 6 "reserved" for future use to set the speed of each pair of wheels
int pinLB = 2; // Attached pin of the back left motor/wheel
int pinLF = 4; // Attached pin the front left motor/wheel
int pinRB = 5; // Attached pin of the back right motor/wheel
int pinRF = 7; // Attached pin of the front right motor/wheel
int inputPin = 13; // Attached pin for the ultrasonic signal receiver (RX)
int outputPin = 12; // Attached pin for the ultrasonic signal transmitter (TX)
int servoPin = 9; // Attached pin for the servo moving the ultrasound sensor
int Fspace = 0; // Free forward space50 int Rspace = 0; // Free fight space
int Lspace = 0; // Free left space
int directionn = STAY; // Front=8 : Left=4 : Back=2 : Right=6 : Stop=0
// Lookout: direction is a reserved word in Arduino language!
Servo myservo; // Create myservo object
int angle = ANGLE_MIDDLE; // Angle to move the servo to
int prevAngle = ANGLE_MIDDLE; // Previous value of angle (last loop)
int incAngle = 1; // Moves +/-incAngle sexagesimals degrees when advancing
int distances[(ANGLE_LEFT_MAX-ANGLE_RIGHT_MAX)/ANGLE_STEP*2+2] = {0}; // Vector of dist
void setup() {
// Set DC motor pinout
pinMode (pinLB , OUTPUT); // backward action left motor/wheels
pinMode (pinLF , OUTPUT); // forward action left motor/wheels
pinMode (pinRB , OUTPUT); // backward action right motor/wheels
pinMode (pinRF , OUTPUT); // forward action right motor/wheels
// Set UltraSound pinout
pinMode (inputPin , INPUT ); // Define ultrasound input pin
pinMode (outputPin, OUTPUT); // Define ultrasonic output pin
myservo.attach(servoPin); // Define servo motor output section 5 pin (must be PWM)
} // end of setup()
void advance(int a) { // Go forward
digitalWrite(pinRB, LOW) ; // make DC motor (left) counterclockwise: Forward
digitalWrite(pinRF, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinLB, LOW ); // make DC motor (right) clockwise: Forward
digitalWrite(pinLF, HIGH);
} // end of advance()
void turnR(int d) { // Turn right (wheel)
digitalWrite(pinRB, LOW ); // make DC motor (left) counterclockwise: Forward
digitalWrite(pinRF, HIGH);
digitalWrite(pinLB, HIGH); // make DC motor (right) counterclockwise: Backward
digitalWrite(pinLF, LOW );
} // end of turnR()
void turnL(int e) { // Turn left (wheel)
digitalWrite(pinRB, HIGH); // make DC motor (left) counterclockwise: Backward
digitalWrite(pinRF, LOW );
digitalWrite(pinLB, LOW ); // make DC motor (right) clockwise: Forward
digitalWrite(pinLF, HIGH);
} // end of turnL()
void stopp(int f) { // Stop (lookout: stop is a reserved word in Arduino!)
digitalWrite(pinRB, HIGH); // make DC motor (left) break: Stop
digitalWrite(pinRF, HIGH); 103 digitalWrite(pinLB, HIGH); // make DC motor (right) break: Stop
digitalWrite(pinLF, HIGH);
} // end of stopp()
void back(int g) { // Go backward
digitalWrite(pinRB, HIGH); // make DC motor (left) counterclockwise: Backward
digitalWrite(pinRF, LOW );
digitalWrite(pinLB, HIGH); // make DC motor (right) counterclockwise: Backward
digitalWrite(pinLF, LOW );
} // end of back()
void rotateServoTo(int alpha) {
SERIAL.print("Rotating servo from ");
SERIAL.print(prevAngle, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" to ");
SERIAL.print(alpha, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" : Delay=");
SERIAL.println(abs(alpha-prevAngle)*2, DEC);
if (prevAngle==alpha) return; // Don’t waste energy if already at desired position
myservo.write(alpha); // Sets the new angle position
delay(abs(alpha-prevAngle)*2); // Waits untill servo reaches the new position
prevAngle = alpha; // Stores this new angle position for future use
} // end of rotateServoTo()
void detection() { // Detects obstacles by measuring the distance
Fspace = ask_pin(angle); // Read from front (angle)
SERIAL.print("Front distance = ");
SERIAL.println(Fspace, DEC);
if (Fspace<DIST_MINIMUM) { // If the distance is less than 10 cm in front of
SERIAL.println("ALERT!, going back!");
stopp(DELAY_STOP); // Clear the output data
back(DELAY_BACK_NEAR); // Goes backward for DELAY_BACK_NEAR ms
if (Fspace<DIST_WARNING) { // If the front distance is less than DIST_WARNING cm
SERIAL.println("Warning... look out!");
stopp(DELAY_STOP); // Clear the output data
int i=0;
int _run = 0;
int _ini_run = 0;
int _run_max = 0;
int _ini_run_max = 0;
if (prevAngle < ANGLE_MIDDLE) { // scan all front from the right to the left side
for (int alpha=ANGLE_RIGHT_MAX;
alpha+=ANGLE_STEP, i++) {
distances[i] = ask_pin(alpha);// stores each distance measured during the scan
SERIAL.print(" alpha=");
SERIAL.print(alpha, DEC); 156 _SERIAL.print(" : dist[]=");
SERIAL.println(distances[i], DEC);
// Checks if a full window has been detected, if so stores data of the greatest
if (distances[i] > DIST_WARNING && alpha<=ANGLE_LEFT_MAX-ANGLE_STEP) {
run += ANGLE_STEP;
} else {
if (_run > _run_max) {
run_max = _run;
ini_run_max = _ini_run;
run = 0;
ini_run = alpha;
} else { // scan all front from the left to the right side
for (int alpha=ANGLE_LEFT_MAX;
alpha-=ANGLE_STEP, i++) {
distances[i] = ask_pin(alpha);// stores each distance measured during the scan
SERIAL.print(" alpha=");
SERIAL.print(alpha, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" : dist[]=");
SERIAL.println(distances[i], DEC);
// Checks if a full window has been detected, if so stores data of the greatest
if (distances[i] > DIST_WARNING && alpha>=ANGLE_RIGHT_MAX+ANGLE_STEP) {
run -= ANGLE_STEP;
} else {
if (_run < _run_max) { // _run_max is negative
run_max = _run;
ini_run_max = _ini_run;
run = 0;
ini_run = alpha;
SERIAL.print(" _ini_run=");
SERIAL.print(_ini_run, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" : _run=");
SERIAL.print(_run, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" : _ini_run_max=");
SERIAL.print(_ini_run_max, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" : _run_max=");
SERIAL.println(_run_max, DEC);
} // end for (scanning filling distances vector and checking max free window)
ini_run_max = _ini_run_max + _run_max; // Change to match the positive criteria
run_max = -_run_max;
SERIAL.print(" END->CHANGE: _ini_run=");
SERIAL.print(_ini_run, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" : _run=");
SERIAL.print(_run, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" : _ini_run_max=");
SERIAL.print(_ini_run_max, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" : _run_max=");209 _SERIAL.println(_run_max, DEC);
} // end if [radar scanning 0..180 looking for obstacles and free windows]
SERIAL.print(_run_max, DEC);
SERIAL.print(" : _ini_run_max=");
SERIAL.print(_ini_run_max, DEC);
if (_run_max >= WINDOW_MINIMUM) {
// TODO: IDEA: supersed directionn with angle, perhaps works better
angle = _ini_run_max + _run_max/2;
SERIAL.print(" : alpha=");
SERIAL.println(angle, DEC);
if (angle < ANGLE_WINDOW_RIGHT) {
directionn = RIGHT; // Turn right
SERIAL.print(" --> RIGHT");
} else if (angle > ANGLE_WINDOW_LEFT) {
directionn = LEFT ; // Turn left
SERIAL.print(" --> LEFT");
} else {
directionn = FRONT; // Go straight
SERIAL.print(" --> FRONT");
angle = ANGLE_MIDDLE; // Put the ultrasound sensor in the center
SERIAL.print(" : angle=");
SERIAL.println(angle, DEC);
else { // if (_run_max >= WINDOW_MINIMUM)
directionn = BACK; // Go backwards
SERIAL.println(" --> BACK");
} else { // if (Fspace<DIST_WARNING)
directionn = FRONT; // Move forward
SERIAL.println("No problem, continue --> FRONT");
} // end of detection()
int ask_pin(int alpha) { // Measure the distance from the given angle
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW ); // Let ultrasonic transmitter low voltage 3 μs
digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH); // Let ultrasonic transmitter high voltage 15 μs
digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW ); // Maintain low voltage ultrasonic transmitter
float Fdistance = pulseIn(inputPin, HIGH); // Read worse time difference
Fdistance = Fdistance/58; // Time to turn to the distance (unit: cm)
SERIAL.print("Fdistance:"); // Output distance (unit: cm)
SERIAL.println(Fdistance); // Display the distance
return (int) Fdistance; // Read into the distance space
} // end of ask_pin()
void loop() {
detection(); // Scan to get the better angle and direction where to move
if (directionn == BACK ){// If directionn (direction) = 2 (go backwards)
back(DELAY_BACK_BACK); // Go backwards262 turnL(DELAY_BACK_RND); // Move slightly to left, to get prevent
stuck in dead alley
SERIAL.print("Back"); // Display direction (backwards)
if (directionn == RIGHT){// If directionn (direction) = 6 (turn right)
turnR(DELAY_TURN); // Turn right
SERIAL.print("Right");// Display direction (turn left)
if (directionn == LEFT ){// If directionn (direction) = 4 (turn left)
turnL(DELAY_TURN); // Turn left
SERIAL.print("Left"); // Display direction (turn right)
if (directionn == FRONT){// If directionn (direction) = 8 (go forward)
advance(DELAY_FRONT); // Normal, forward
SERIAL.print("Front");// Display direction (forward)
angle += incAngle;
if (angle >= ANGLE_LEFT_VISION ) incAngle = -ANGLE_STEP;
else if (angle <= ANGLE_RIGHT_VISION) incAngle = +ANGLE_STEP;
} // end of loop()

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