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The honorable Abah Ulil Albab and Umi Laili as caretaker of Azzahro Dua Kendal Boarding School

And, My beloved friends

Good Afternoon Everyone.

In this almost dark age, there have been so many deviations from the societal norms.

One of the things that makes me quite sad is the presence of LGHDTV I'm Sorry LGBTQ people who have
started to boldly come to the surface and it's a shame that it turns out that a lot of people support them.

The future is a mystery and I hope that you are protected from those people. And for that, let me give my
opinion about LGBTQ people.

As we know, basically their ideology is not based on correct logic. Whereas, an ideology or ideas
must be based on correct logic. If we examine further, the ideology of LGBTQ people is full of logical
fallacies and clings to self-serving points while hiding behind the walls of freedom of expression.

And the basis of their ideology is that ‘a gender is not determined based on physical form but
based on what we feel inside’. Of course this ideology is very strange. Just imagine if we are breeders and
we want to buy a cow, do we have to ask every cow there? like “Hey, you! do you feel a male or female? I
want to marry my male cow with a female cow. He's straight btw” then The Cow replies “Sorry I'm a
Bisexual Cow!” and the breeder asked every cow that was there.

And, what if I, who was clearly 100% man, turned out that inside of me, I felt that I was a
Transgender Horse or maybe Micky Mouse? will my gender be a Transgender Horse or Micky Mouse? Of
course not!. I'm still Male and I have to act like a Man because I'm a Man. As well as other animals act
like their own species and gender.

I feel really bad for future archaeologists. When 3000 years in the future they find a human fossil
in this era and they feel confused about the gender of the fossil they find. Is it a man? woman?
transgender? bisexual? or whatever is that. Because all that remains of the human fossils are only bones
that have 2 different classification from the shape of their hip bones. Men and Women. Only two, no
more and less.

Now we have made up our minds that the ideology of LGBTQ people is wrong, then the question
in our mind is how to deal with them? if we can lead them back to the right path, then guide them. If not
then just let them be. Their brains have been eaten by maggots so that they can’t think properly.

So just protect your family, friends and people around you so they don't fall into it. Learn more
about Religion and Logical Thinking so you can fight them.

Azzahro Dua's students are a generation of leaders. The Golden Children. And I hope that you
can lead and protect people around you so that they don't fall into it.

That’s All I can Say. Hope you well and...

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