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Officiating Minister: Pastor Renz Gulimlim

Elements: White Candles

Opening Song:

Lord I offer my Life

Opening prayer:
Oh Lord, Our Father in heaven, we thank you for your mercy and goodness upon us. Especially
in these trying times, we thank you for your provision and giving us the strength to carry on with
our lives and still be a blessing to others. Today, we are gathered here to celebrate life and
dedicate to you Child’s name, together with his/her parents, family members and loved ones, as
an act of our submission to your authority over us all. May you guide us today as we conduct this
program. All this we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Scripture Reading:
Luke 2:21-22
And at the end of eight days, when he was circumcised he was called Jesus, the name given by
the angel before he was conceived in the womb. And when the time came for their purification
according to the Law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.
At that time, it was in the culture of the Israelites that the children are presented/dedicated to the
Lord. and though we may not be Israelites, yet the principle of presenting a child to the Lord is
an act of submission and humility, and this is a good thing to grasp. Just like other public
ceremony, to dedicate a child in front of a number of people is a way of declaring that as a
parent, you are acknowledging God’s authority over your child, that you may be his/her parents,
but the Lord has the supreme authority over your children.
In the given passage, The child was given the name Jesus, which came from the angel before he
was even conceived in the womb, signifying a divine plan was already laid out even before the
child was born. This is a good reminder that as parents, we are accountable to our children since
we are stewards of these precious lives that the Lord has placed under our protection and
authority. and so ultimately we don’t own our children, rather, we ought to guide and lead them
to their God-given purpose.
And as the passage went on, we are told that the parents of Jesus dedicated him to the Lord. This
is an act of reverence and submission, for not only that it was part of their tradition but they’re
fully aware that they have only been blessed to be the vessel of the Messiah and an earthly parent
while he was growing up. Again as parents, what we are celebrating today is an act of reverence
and submission to the Lord that gave us an opportunity to be a guiding light for Child’s name.
Together with all the witnesses of this Child’s dedication, we urge you brothers and sisters to
understand that our part in the life of Child’s name doesn’t end here in this event, but will
continue for as long as he/she lives, that we should all be a source of love, hope and value, and
above all to lead him/her in knowing Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.

Minister to the crowd:

We are gathered here today to witness the dedication of Child’s name, to our Heavenly Father
which had shown us love and mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Minister to the parents:

To you dear parents, I pray that as you dedicate your child to the Lord, may God shower you his
tender mercies, blessing and protection, and may He grant you the wisdom to lead your child in
all righteousness and for him/her to reach his/her full potential.

Minister to sponsors:
To our dear sponsors, you are to be the second parents to this child. That being said, you have a
responsibility to be a good example to Child’s name, in your faith and way of life. Child’s father
and Child’s mother shall expect you and your family to be a good example and support for their
child. I give to you these candles as a symbol of light and guidance in the life of Child’s name.
Will you accept the responsibility to be a supporting group in the life of Child’s name, treating
him/her with abundant grace and love?

“Yes, we will”

Minister to parents:
To you dear parents, do you in the presence of these witnesses solemnly promise to strive, by
precept and example, and using the many agencies of the church to train your child in love
toward God, His family, and others in the Spirit of Jesus Christ our Lord?

“Yes, we do”

Having heard these vows in sacred assurances, as minister of our Lord Jesus Christ. I joyously
and fervently pray to God, that your child is commended to the keeping of the Almighty, our
Heavenly Father. Your child will not remember this day; therefore, tell him/her early about the
commitment and the prayers made this day on his/her behalf and lead him/her to have an
intimate relationship with our Lord.

Minister to Child:
To you Child’s name, My earnest prayer, is that when you lose your innocence and your eyes of
understanding are opened, you will have the desire to seek and see Jesus the Giver of Life. As
God’s minister, Let us now dedicate Child’s name to the Lord.

Dedicatory Prayer: Rev. Renz Gulimlim

Lord, today we dedicate to you, Child’s name, in the name of the Father and of the Son, and the
Holy Spirit. Amen.

Charge to Parents:
Now here is Child’s name back to you, raise him/her up in the fear and knowledge of our Lord.

Closing song:
Give thanks

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