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Officiating Minister: Pastor Renz Gulimlim

Place: San Mateo, Rizal

Time & Date: May 18, 2021, 11am
Elements: White Candles

Opening Song:
How Great Thou Art

Opening prayer:
Oh Lord, Our Father in heaven, we thank you for giving us this day, of another chance to live out
your purpose upon our lives. thank you for all your provision and allowing us to be a blessing to
others as well. We are gathered here today to celebrate and dedicate to you the home and the
entire household of our fellow brethren. We do this as an act of giving honor and submission to
your authority over us all. May you guide us today as we conduct this program. All this we ask
in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Scripture Reading:
Joshua 24:15
“And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether
the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in
whose land you dwell. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

In our passage, as the Israelites move to the “promise land”, the dwelling place that the Lord has
prepared for them, Joshua, their leader at that time, being the successor of Moses, gave them a
clear and remarkable reminder as they set their place in the land. Let me share to you some
lessons that we can get out of this scenario.

First is wherever we go, no matter where we dwell or set our house in, there will always be the
presence of good and evil. That is because obviously we live in an imperfect world. and by that,
we ought to carefully choose our path and decision makings. Joshua said in the given passage,
”choose this day whom you will serve”, and let me tell you that there is no in between, It's either
you serve the living God or not, because whether we like it or not, we are going to serve
something or someone along the way, and I pray that the head of this household would choose to
do what is right, which goes on to our next point, and what I want you to take notice is when
Joshua declared that as for him and his house, they will serve the Lord.

Have you noticed that Joshua actually let the Israelites choose for themselves whom to serve, he
wasn’t imposing at all, he’s like saying, “go ahead you can choose anyone you want to serve, but
me and my family will go this way”. He isn’t bothered of what other people may choose to
follow, he lives by his well grounded principle, and that is, that his entire household will serve
the Lord no matter what others may say. Which leads us to the last point, and I want us to dwell
upon how stern Joshua is when it comes to serving Yahweh. He speaks on behalf of his entire
household without hesitation. he is actively leading his family into serving the one true God.

And so as we close, may I remind the head of this household to decide for yourself, regardless of
our society’s trend, no matter what other people may say. I pray that the Lord would grant you
the grace to have the desire and choose to obey God, and that you would take your entire
household with you in growing deeper in our relationship with the Lord. Remember that as we
bless this gorgeous house of yours, don’t forget that the true essence and value of it, is the
household itself, you people that makes this entire family. So make your house a home, and let
the Lord be the center of it all. Let Jesus be your solid foundation. and like Joshua, may you
declare with your mouth and in your heart, that no matter whom the world may serve, you and
your family would serve the Lord.

As we end, I would like all of us to light our candles as a symbol of light that shines in the
darkness, that the glory of God may dwell upon this house and ultimately this household would
also be a light in this community, a source of love and value to other people.

House Blessing:

I am now about to go to each part of the house and pray for it...
And now I will also pray for all the family members.

Closing song:
Goodness of God

Closing prayer:
Lord, we are so grateful for your goodness in this household, and so we commit to you this
family and their new home. May your love, peace and joy abound in this house. bless their
coming and going in this place. Protect and keep them safe from evil. Shower them with both
earthly and more importantly, heavenly blessings. Thank you Father, we give you all the glory
and praise, In Jesus' name, Amen.

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