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Blast Corps is a 1997 action video game for the Nintendo 64 (pictured).

In the game, the player

uses vehicles to destroy buildings in the path of a runaway nuclear missile carrier. In the game's
57 levels, the player solves puzzles by moving objects and bridging gaps with the vehicles. Blast
Corps was developed at Rare by a small team of recent graduates over the course of a year. They
were inspired, in part, by the puzzle elements of Donkey Kong '94. Nintendo published and
released Blast Corps to critical acclaim in March 1997 in Japan and North America. Its European
and Australian release followed on December 22. The game received several editor's choice awards
and Metacritic's second-highest Nintendo 64 rating of 1997. It sold about a million copies, below the
team's expectations. Reviewers praised the game's originality, variety, and graphics, but some
critiqued its controls and repetition. Reviewers of the 2015 Rare Replay retrospective compilation
noted Blast Corps as a standout title. (Full article...)
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