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Hbvvhi knyour way from the Amber Temple, you found Strahd’s black carriage waiting for you.

With a crazy
storm hammering down around you, it was vaguely unsettling that as you made your way down out of the
mountains and through the land of Barovia that the carriage seemed untouched by the maelstrom
surrounding you.

Upon arriving at Castle Ravenloft, named after Strahd’s mother Queen Ravenovia van Roeyen, you
werchib cc greeted by Strahd's right hand man an honorary brother for the evening Rahadin. Rahadin
stripped you of your weapons, those he

your way from the Amber Temple, you found Strahd’s black carriage waiting for you. With a crazy storm
hammering down around you, it was vaguely unsettling that as you made your way down out of the
mountains and through the land of Barovia that the carriage seemed untouched by the maelstrom
surrounding you.

Upon arriving at Castle Ravenloft, named after Strahd’s mother Queen Ravenovia van Roeyen, you wer
greeted by Strahd's right hand man an honorary brother for the evening Rahadin. Rahadin stripped you of
your weapons, those he

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