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Thee Asian Journaal of Technoloogy Managem

ment Vol. 6 Noo. 1 (2013): 155-36

ng the Strructure off Republicc Indonessian Defen
nse System
Ann Analysiss of Systemms Thinkking
Ade Muuhammad1*, Muhammadd Tasrif2 , Srii Hartati3
Graduate fromm Defense Stuudies Magisterr Program- Scchool of Archiitecture, Plannning and Policcy
Devellopment, Bandung Institutee of Technologgy. Expert Staaff of Vice Chhief Comissionn I DPR RI, Jaakarta,
School of Architeecture, Planninng and Policyy Development, Bandung Innstitute of Techhnology, Banndung,
School Buusiness and Maanagement, Bandung Instituute of Technology, Bandunng, Indonesia

Abstrract. The phen nomenon of Shrinking

S Defeense Capabilitties is only the tip of the iceeberg of Indoonesian
Defennse System’s problem.
p The rroot of the prroblem that liees beneath and d outside is keeep untouchedd. This
journaal is the partt of the effortts to reveal the
t phenomennon’s structurre that bindin ng as a system m. The
presennt structure iss a cause of thhat phenomenon and the baasis of the currrent organizaation responsible for
Repubblic Indonesiaa Defense secctor. With thee Systems thinnking analysiss, the researcch has revealled the
structture that becoome the probllem cause and d give a holisstic solution trough
t redesiggning new strructure
basedd on two theorries namely thhe Strategic-O Operational MManagement with w Vision Disssemination of Prof.
Dr. Jü
Jürgen Strohheecker and thee Defense Systtem Generic Dr. D Ir. Muham mmad Tasrif, M.Eng and Ir. I Ade
Muhaammad, M.Han. The logical consequencees would alsoo changing of formation f of Indonesian Defense

words : Designn, Redesigningg, Defense Sysstem, System, Defense, Hollistic

1. IIntroduction
n thee counter terrrorism role. The hierarcchy of
funnctions can be describeed asfollowss; role
This journal staarted from with w the baasic connsist of funnctions, fun nction consiist of
underrstanding off the functionn. The functtion cappabilities and
a capabiility consisst of
definnes as the capability thhat has to be strructures.
posseessed by som mething to perform specific
role. In defense,, function haas several baasic Affter understaanding role and
a functionn, also
capabbilities such as weapon, transportatiion, theeir relationsh
hip, the capaability of Reppublic
telecoommunicatioon, logistic and mediccal. Inddonesian Deefense is thee next to finnd. In
Meannwhile this function
f coulld be possessed 2009 Defensse Audit by TNI-Dephan
by a “player” succh as ministrry of defensee or revvealed that the Indonessian Defensee just
deparrtment of foreign
f affaairs or uniffied possessed only 35% of its unrealized
combbatant comm mand. The rooles of defense cappability. This
T is intteresting too be
that ccould be perrform are vaarious, from the invvestigating and
a this journ nal about to rreveal
defennse diplomaccy, the humaanitarian rolee to thee structures that
t cause thiis phenomennon.

*Corresponding author. Email:


h 10.12695/ajtm.20013.6.1.2
Print ISSN:
I 1978-6956; Online ISSN: 2089-791X.
Copyrigght@2013. Publiished by Unit Ressearch and Know
School of Business and Management-Insstitut Teknologi Bandung.

The Assian Journal off Technology Management
Ma Voll 6. No.1 (2013)):15-36

2. B
d Deefense Systemm, which waas chosen beecause
of their compplete featurees, to reveaal the
Whatt is the struucture that has
h created this
t prooblem structtures and itts implicatioons to
phenoomenon? Whhat is the iddeal structuree to thee organizatiion. This benchmarkin
b ng in
achieeve the intendded capabilitties? addition to theo
ories has prooduced somee ideas
onn how to reedesign the structure of o RI
In thhis journal the currennt RI Defense Deefense Systemm.
Systeem is bennchmarked with the US

Figure 1. Logical Fram


The research would

w like to use twot Viision Dissemmination by Prof. Dr. Jürgen
analyytical namely
y the System
ms thinking and
a Strrohhecker.
w, shows thee Defense System
Figgure 2 below
The theories to refer to aree; the Defense Geeneric whichh consist off the ideal loop,
Systeem Generic thhat was deveeloped by Drr.Ir. unndermining loop,
l internaal constraintt, and
Muhaammad Tassrif, M.Eng and Ir. Ade A envvironmental related prooblems. The ideal
Muhaammad, M..Han basedd on previo ous looop creates an intendded conseqquence
experrimental sysstems thinkinng models and
a nammely operattion to mitiggate threats wwhich
reseaarch findinggs of Ade Muhammaad’s cann worsen a condition anda to creatte gap
Thesiis research (Muhamm mad;2010), the thaat need to be remediedd by the desired
onal Manaagement with w operation.

Figure 2. Defence System

m Generic
(sourcce: Muhammadd,2010)

The gap will then creaate unintendded arrrow and text)to

t moddify the desired
conseequences requiring
r r
resources a
and ressources. But this attemptt fails becauuse the
availaable resouurces couldd affect an roooted problem
ms cannot bee controlled bby the
operaation. The authorized officer or the defense capabilities, i.e reesources avaailable
comm mander-in-ch
harge in an operattion com me from reesources whhich derive from
launcches an op perational strategy
s (greeen ressources alllocation created by the

Muhammad,Tasrrif and Hartati, Redesigning the Structure of Republic
R Indoneesian Defense System;
S An Anaalysis of
Systems Th
envirronment. The T other problem
p is the maanagement domain ussually givess the
internnal constrainnt which lies too deep insside operational maanagement domain
d a pollicy to
that cannot
c be reeached. Thesse two rootss of be implementeed and the operational
o w
probllem should be settled using a graand onne commencce the operration undeer the
strateegy in a hollistic way, hence,
h a stroong policy guidelines. In the operaational
visionn is necesssary. The vision is also a maanagement domain
d theree are actions to be
comm municated inn the operatioon with specific maanifested intoo actual opeeration to miitigate
goalss to attain. gapp. This will create a sinngle loop leaarning
(bllack arrows)). This singlee loop learnning is
Figurre 3 below shows that there are twot guuided by speecific goals whose aim is to
manaagement dommains, the sttrategic dom
main miinimize gap.
and the
t operatioonal domain. The strateegic

F 3. The Stategic-Operati
S ional Managem ment with Vision
n Disseminationn
(source: Prof.
P Jurgen Strrohhecker)

Theree is also a neeed to control the gap andd to Strructure is represented by the actual
evaluuate in thhe strategicc managem ment orgganizational body, bo oth in strrategic
domaain. It meaans creatingg double looop maanagement domain or opeeration
learniing (blue arrrows). Anotther need iss to maanagement domain.
find the right orientation
o o strategy by
impleementing th he vision. The vision is Thhe US Strateegic Operatioonal Management
formuulated as a grand sttrategy in the waas initiated b Presidentt Obama’s vvision
strateegic managgement doomain to be (asssisted by National
N Secuurity Counccil) on
comm municated annd translatedd into Goalss in “B
Better Unco onventional Warfare”. The
the ooperational management
m domain. Otther Peentagon theen formulaated the “Low
theorries are the Arcchitecture of Inttensity Warffare Strategyy” to be exeecuted
Demoocratic’s Constitution
C min;
(Hendarm in a Unifiedd Commannd. The Unified U
2007)) and the phenomena of Subjecttive Coommand (in this context is the US. Central
Civiliian Control (Huntington;
( ;1957). Coommand) theen launched the Operatiion of
Coounter Insurg gency (especcially in Iraaq and
3. A
Analysis Affghanistan) tot mitigate the Gap of o US
Caasualties and
d Ineffective Operations. The
3.1. Benchmarrking of US Defen
nse Gaap also monitored,
m controlled and
Structure evaluated by Pentagon as the strrategic
autthority. Thiss cycle is shhown in Figgure 4
Benchmarking off the US Defense structuure: bellow.
Each point in the
t structuree US Defense

The Assian Journal off Technology Management
Ma Voll 6. No.1 (2013)):15-36

Fiigure 4. US-Strrategic-Operatioonal Managemeent

Next benchmarkiing is between US Defense to cooperate with

w US in thet global war
w on
Systeem and the Defense
D System Genericc to terrrorism agennda and thee national public
reveaal the root of the probblems in thheir skeepticism; wh hich means that US pubblic is
defennse system. US
U has the problems
p in the skeeptical to US
U Governmeent’s war aggenda,
envirronment, namely politics a
and esppecially in Irraq.
macrooeconomics.. In politics,, there are two
main problems, i.e internatioonal reluctannce Thhis is shown in
i the figure 5 below;

Figure 5. US Defense
D System
m with Problem

Internnational reluuctance is also shown in

i the next chart from BBC pollinng confirminng the

Muhammad,Tasrrif and Hartati, Redesigning the Structure of Republic
R Indoneesian Defense System;
S An Anaalysis of
Systems Th

Chart 1.
1 BBC Global Pooling

The national skeepticism emeerged after US Thhe details off US Casuaalties of Endduring
public realized the facts thhat there were w Freeedom Operration from data 2009 are a as
soldieer permanenntly injured in i Iraq due the folllows:
Improovised Exp plosive Devvice ambushhed Tootal death: 9559
camppaign. This number
n is higher
h than the Kiilled in action
n: 689
numbber in Afghaanistan. Thee details of US Noon Hostile: 270
Casuaalties in Iraqqi Freedom Operation
O frrom Woounded in Action-Return
A n to Duty: 2,0018
data 22009 are as follows:
f Woounded in Action-
A Not Return to Duty:
Totall death: 4,3777 2,8811 (less thann Iraq case)
Killedd in action: 3,478
3 Meeanwhile with reggard to the
Non-Hostile: 899 maacroeconomiics, it is cleaar that in thee 2008
Wounnded in Actio on-Return too Duty: 17,7223 USS economy collapsed due to morrtgage
Wounnded in Acttion- Not Return
R to Du uty: criisis. This haas influenced d the US military
13,9110 exppenditure.

Chhart 2. IED attaack

The eexisting apprropriate systeem constrainnt is theeatre. The Improvised

Explosive D
that the system is not suitable for the newwest has been the major causee of 65% of o US
challeenges especcially in thee Middle EastE cassualties in Irraq and Afghhanistan. Most
M of

The Assian Journal off Technology Management
Ma Voll 6. No.1 (2013)):15-36

the eexplosions of
o IED occuurred when US Onn the fields, the operationn commandeers-in-
militaary was paatrolling witth its standdard charge have trried to solvee this probleem by
issues Hummers vehicle.
v Thee chart 2 depiicts adding proteection in their Hum mmers
the ddata of IED attacks
a to US
S troops in Iraq
I vehhicles, seem
ms inadequatee due to morre and
and AAfghanistan. moore lethal IEDD ambush.

Figure 6. US Defence
D System
m with Solutionn

This has caused the panic annd fear bothh in

the fiields and in US domestiic, people were
w Thhis also co orrelates witth the Penntagon
afraidd that their families
f coulld be injured
d or effforts to synnchronize ap ppropriate system
killedd. The follo owing figuree 6, shows the connstraints, esp
pecially to th
he purchase a new
solutiions forUS defense
d systeem problems.. sysstem of trransportation n that is more
mmune to current and fuuture threats,, such
Visioon become thhe basis in the t formulattion as IED ambush h or new thrreats devicess such
of thee new nationnal strategic aims
a which will
w Exxplosive F
Formed P
Penetrator. The
be uused in the developmennt of the new n AMMRAAP I annd II are already underwaay and
nationnal foreign policy
p and thhe new natioonal now the ex xamination of the sm maller
securrity policy. These
T nationnal policies will
w AMMRAAP (M-ATV) ( has just been
becom me the basis in decidinng the natioonal conncluded and d all of thesse handled by b the
integrrated deveelopment consist c of 3 Peentagon. Theese contractss are the strrategic
integrrated holisticc issues, nammely diplomaatic sollution for the midterm m and longg-term
progrram, politicaal strategy, and econom mic sollutions. Before
B innterpreting the
reformm. The diploomatic progrram will deccide im
mplications of the sttructure too the
globaal agenda which
w will generate more
m orgganization, there
t are tw
wo indicators that
internnational coopperation initiiatives. In orrder havve to be conssidered.
to doo soUS miliitary will have to com mply
with the internaational hum manitarian laaw. Thhe first indicaator is the coonstitution model.
This will mitigate internationnal reluctancceto USS constitutioonal model hash a resembblance
coopeerate furtherr with US. Poolitical strateegy to the “sttandard” ArchitectureA e of
is mmarked withh the launnching of the Deemocratic’s Constiitution
perceeption manag gement, thatt influences the (H
Hendarmin;20 007) and thiss implicates to the
perceeption of US S public opiinion about US seccond indicaator which is of naational
Natioonal Policy regarding
r to the global war
w seccurity perceeption that includes off joint
on teerrorism in Iraq
I and Affghanistan. TheT effforts of milittary, immigraation, intelliggence,
next issue is thhe economicc reform with w customs, the Department
D o Foreign Affairs,
of A
severral economicc stimuli, US U would hoope thee Departmennt of Hom me affairs (w within
that their industtry have a higher grow wth. whhich there is the functionn of local seecurity
This is very good for their macroeconom
m mic and order perrformed by the police) etc.
condiition. pleease refer to figure 7 and figure 8 below.

Muhammad,Tasrrif and Hartati, Redesigning the Structure of Republic
R Indoneesian Defense System;
S An Anaalysis of
Systems Th

Figurre 7. Democratiic Architecture Constitution Sccheme

ndarmin Ranadiireksa, 2007)

Figure 8. US National Securrity Perception

The interpretatioon of a complete US.

U Clausewitz; 1874 and thee website of
o US
Defennse Organnization is based frrom Deefense Defeense, whichh then coulld be
previous system m thinkinng structurres, draawn as below
Huntiington; 19957, Ranaddireksa; 20

The Assian Journal off Technology Management
Ma Voll 6. No.1 (2013)):16-36

Figure 9. US Defense Orrganization

(sourcce: Muhammadd;2010)

The picture feaatures separrated functio ons phhenomenon. This

T research h is based onn Law
betweeen military domain andd civil domaain. of UU 34/20 004, Presideential Reguulation
The civil domaiin functions as stock and a no.7/2008, Defense Minister Regulation no
consttant nature, the Pentaggon (US Do oD) 3/22009, Statee Defense Strategy 2007,
dividdes into civil department to develop and
a Intterviews Prrimary Dataa's and RI DoD
militaary chief of o staff thee branches to Strrategic Produ
ucts. In addiition to secoondary
prepaare their basiic unit. Theyy would obey
y to datta's from boooks and in nternet. From m the
the nnational lawws. The military
m dom
main finndings on Indonesian
I Defense Syystem,
functtions as flo ow and tem mporary natuure, Syystems Thinnking Interrpretation of o RI
dividded into a unified combattant and a coourt Deefense System using thee model of Visual
martiial. They obeey to the com mmand and the Diissemination by Jürgen Strohhecker there
law of war including Internatioonal aree facts showing that a Sttrategy formuulated
Humaanitarian Law w. at the Depaartment of Defense to t be
forrmulated too TNI Heaadquarters inn the
3.2. Benchmarrking of RI Defen nse Opperational Managemennt domain. See
Structure Figgure 10.
This is also to answer
a the 1st question on
what is the sttructure thaat creates this

Figure 10. Ri-Sttrategic- Operattion Managemeent

Muhammad,Tasrrif and Hartati, Redesigning the Structure of Republic
R Indoneesian Defense System;
S An Anaalysis of
Systems Th

In thhe Operation nal Managemment, there is

i a Deefense Systeem with four f branchees of
singlee balanced loop starting with Pllan, connstraints, thhe politics with subjective
t Strategy Æ
Actuaate, Control, Evaluate the civvilian controol phenomeenon and fooreign
Operaation Capaability Æ 35% Defense politics withh embargo problem. The
Capaacity Æ Theen back to Plan, Actuaate, envvironment that
t also inccludes Indonnesian
Contrrol, Evaluatee the Strateggy. Figure 11 Maacro econoomics cond dition. Thenn the
illustrrates the Republic of o Indonesiia’s intternal constrrain as a ressult of integgration
system m constraintt.

Figure 11. RI Defense

D System
m with Problem

Subjeective civiliaan control is a phenomennon and the bureau ucracy is ex

xpected to coomply
that civilian that takes control by positively withh the bureauccratic reform
m. This
underrtaking coooptation or subduing the wiill create ann intended balanced
b feedback
Militaary to back up
u civilian shhallow politiical looop. Howevver, the bureeaucracy sollely is
aim or politicaal power, although
a it is not enough, because
b theree is a reinfoorcing
forbiddden by law.. Exxecutive Pollitical Contrrol dominating or
conntrolling bureaucracy.
b This willl be
Figurre 12 below w shows thaat the actionn is opposite of th he spirit of the Bureauucratic
takenn by implem menting bureaaucratic refoorm Reeform, namely to the miitigate Problem of
expeccted to reeduce probblems of the Buureaucracy.
accouuntability and transparenncy bureaucraacy

Figure 12. RII Subjective Civvilian Control

The next constrraint is Indoonesia’s maacro strrong econom

my. Even thhough Indonnesia’s
econoomy. Strongg defense would
w result in maacro econom
my proven to survive the global

The Assian Journal off Technology Management
Ma Voll 6. No.1 (2013)):16-36

econoomic crisis in 2007-8, Indonesiia’s Laaw following g Santa Cruzz incidents inn East
GDP//capita is sttill small, i.p. only US S $ Tim mor as the piinnacle of Inndonesian prooblem
3,9000, compared to other ASE EAN Countries, wiith Human Rights
R violatiion. This em
such as Thailandd, Malaysia and Singappore quuickly crippleed the capabbility of TN NI and
with US$ 8,700 0, US $ 15,700 and US$ U conntributed to o the limiitation of TNI’s
52,0000 respectively. This macroeconom
m mics Opperation. Ev ven though US alreadyy has
probllem of Indonesia can allso be seen by alrready ended d the 6 year embarggo on
compparing of export
e valuue. Indonesiia’s Inddonesia, thee problem is there is i no
exporrt in 2008 was
w only US S$ 141 billiion, guuarantees that embargo willw not reoccur in
whilee Malayssia’s, Thaailand’s a
and thee future.
Singaapore’s wass respectivelly, US$ 19 95.7
billioon, US$ 1774.9 billion,, US $ 235.8 Thhe next funddamental problem is innternal
billioon. Indonessian export emphasizes on connstraint namely
n inttegrated system
the rawr natural resources especially un- connstrain. It means that the RI Deefense
renew wable naturaal resourcess, while oth
hers sysstem does not
n possess standard weeapon,
rely heavily on value added or industtrial traansportation, telecommunication, loggistics
exporrts and servicces. and medical systems. This T could create
sevvere logistic and mainteenance problem in
Such macroeconoomics condiition leads to o a operations. From
F the systems
s thiinking
probllem of limitted defense funding. Thhere analysis, the implicationss to the deefense
are tw
wo alternativves to solvee that probleem. orgganization could be determine with
The first
f alternative is to raisee the percentaage corrrelation theories of demoocratic
of m
military expenditure, in the Indonessian connstitution and
a its immplication too the
case raising it onnly by 0.8 % of GDP. The T nattional secuurity percepption of RII. RI
seconnd one is to t raise GD DP, which willw connstitution is different frrom the universal
increaase the milittary expenditture despite the arcchitecture of
o constitutiion. One oof the
smalll percentage.. Another poolitical probllem disstinctions wiithin RI’s Constitution
C is the
is eembargo. Embargo
E phhenomenon to Seecurity secttor where POLRI holds
Indonnesian militaary import happened
h 19999 ressponsibility for national security andd TNI
imposed by EU and US undder the Leahhy’s is rresponsible for
f the nation nal defense.

Figure 13. RI’s Architecture Constituution Scheme off RI now

(source: Henndarmin Ranaddireksa;2007)

Muhammad,Tasrrif and Hartati, Redesigning the Structure of Republic
R Indoneesian Defense System;
S An Anaalysis of
Systems Th

Figure 14. RI National Securrity Perception

The organization n of TNI is i the milittary Thhe feature of TNI is combiness the
domaain; while thee Departmennt of Defensee is commmand of combat an nd administtrative
the ccivilian dom
main. The DoDD gives the funnctions undeer the Pangllima of TNII. The
fundiing and policcies to TNI but there is no admministrative function holds such as a the
mechhanism of control
c by DoD in thheir Chhief of Stafff of all brannch also helld the
impleementation. This is becaause the TNII is Coommand funnction of hiis Combat Units. U
underr the direcct control of Indonessian Thhe pyramidall structure iss suitable foor that
Presiddential. feaature.

Figure 15. RI’s Defense Organization

(sourcce: Muhammadd,2010)

3.3. RI Model Solution

S havve been added
a to th
he Strategyy and
Naational Goalss.
The SSystems Thin nking Interppretation of new
RI D Defense Sysstem using the model of Thhe Vision iss based on the principlles of
Visuaal Disseminaation by Jürggen Strohheccker Teerrain from Sun Tzu’’s Art of War.
couldd be seen in Figure
F 3.11 showing that in Inddonesian maajor terrain is maritime,, then
the Strategic Management,
M , A Strateegic thee suitable Viision of Indoonesian defeense is
Visioon has been added and 2 consequennces natturally the Maritime
M Deffense Visionn. This

The Assian Journal off Technology Management
Ma Voll 6. No.1 (2013)):16-36

Visioon is the product off the Natioonal is merely a recommendded vision tto be
Securrity Council and has beeen declared by connsidered.
the President
P of RI.
R The visioon in this theesis

Figuure 16. RI New Strategic-Operaational Manageement

The Maritime
M Defense Visionn consists of: Naational Seccurity Gapp and Deefense
• Small Efffective Efficiient Defensee Caapability Gaap Æ backk to the Exxecute
• Maritimee Superiority Defense Strrategic Plan creates Balanced Loop. This
• Integratedd Defense inddicates that the
t Executioon of the Strrategic
Plaan in the Unified
U Com
mmand will create
The M Maritime Deefense Visionn is formulatting Syystem Reform m and Operration to miitigate
as thhe Grand Strategy
S throough Planniing, Naational Seccurity Gapp and Deefense
Contrrolling annd Evaluatting in the Caapability Gapp which from m Gap will drive
Depaartment of Defense.
D Thhe executor or thee Execute Strategic
S Plaan at the Unified
actuaator of the Strategic Plan
P is in the Coommand Heaad Quarters to make a better
Operaation managgement dom main. The cyycle Syystem Reform m and Opeeration. Thiss will
startss with Execcute Strategiic Plan Æ the esppecially sollve field tactical
t problems
Systeem Reform and Operration Æ the wiithin a short term.

Fiigure 17. RI.Neew Defense System with Solutiion

The National Seecurity Gapp and Defense Deefense in Sttrategic Mannagement doomain
Capaability Gap will contribbute to Conttrol theen after Evaaluating, then
n create new
w Plan
and Evaluation at the Department
D of is created to be
b executed by the Opeeration

Muhammad,Tasrrif and Hartati, Redesigning the Structure of Republic
R Indoneesian Defense System;
S An Anaalysis of
Systems Th

Manaagement dom main. This will solve the Thhreats that endangered the Naational
strateegic problem
m in medium aand long term
ms. Seecurity Stabillity. This is the
t main feedback
The ccycles of thee B2 starting with The Pllan, looop or B1.
Contrrol, and Evaluate
E Strrategy Æ the
Execuute Strategy Plan Æ the System Refoorm Thhen the cyccle of B3 start from m The
and O Operation Æ the Nationaal Security Gap
G Naational Securrity Stabilityy Æ the Naational
and D Defense Cappability Gap Æ back to the Inttegrated Deevelopment Æ the Poolitical
The Plan, Contrrol, and Evaaluate Strateegy Reeform Prograam Æ the Objective
O Ciivilian
createes 2nd Balanccing Loop. Coontrol Æ thee Subjectivee Civilian Control
Æ the Operatiion Æ the Threats
T Æ baack to
The advantage of o having doouble balancced Thhe National Security Staability. This is the
loop to have sho ort, medium and long teerm ballanced feedbback loop 3. This meanns that
consiideration to remedy
r the situation.
s In the Thhe National Security Stability
S wiill be
mom mentary soluttion the Uniified Commaand connducive for Natioonal Integgrated
HQ could exercise tacttical solutio ons Deevelopment to create a Political ReformR
regarrding obstaccles, while in the overall Proogram. Thiis includes introductioon of
solutiion the Department
D of Defennse, objjective civiliian control th
hat could miitigate
togethher with the Joint Chief of Staff and the thee subjective civilian
c conttrol which disturbs
civil Secretary General,
G wiill formulatee a thee Operation to mitigatee the threats that
strateegic solution.. endangered nattional securitty stability.

Thenn the B1 cycle startiing from The T Thhe next figgure 17 shoows the System
Natioonal Securityy Stability Æ the Strateegy Thhinking In
nterpretation of Ciivilian
Æ thhe Desired Operation
O Æ the Operattion Suubjective Conntrol of Samuuel P. Huntinngton.
Æ thhe Threats Æ back too the Natioonal Thhe solution to changee subjectivee into
Securrity Stabilitty. This meeans that The
T objjective contrrol is to mak
ke a negativve link
Natioonal Securiity Stabilityy requires a froom Accounttability and Transparenncy of
Strateegy to creaate the Desiired Operatiion. Buureaucracy to the Exxecutive Poolitical
This Operation in actual will mitig gate Coontrol.

ure 18. RI. Subjective Civilian Control vs Objjective Civiliann Control Huntinngton
(sourcce: Muhammadd,2010)

It means the Bureaucracy now have the Orrder that violates the t Internaational
abilitty under thhe reform too rejected the Huumanitarian Laws. Their Field
comm mand of Execcutive Politiccal Control that
t Coommandant is i accompaniied by a lawwyer to
not ssuitable withh the law annd in the saame dettermine if thhe target of operation iss legal
time the Politicss side, have some kind of or not legal to be attacked by
b military forces.
rules to limit its involveement in the In administratiion, the Minnister of Deefense
Bureaaucracy. Foor illustratioon, the Brittish cannnot make ana interventioon in the carreer of
Royaal Armed Forces could reject
r the Baattle civvil servants at his Deppartment beecause

The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol 6. No.1 (2013):16-36

there career is regulate by existing law. The International Cooperation Æ the Foreign
Minister only provides them with a Political Direct Investment Æ the Industrial Growth
Policy based on the budget he has from the Æ the Macro Economy Æ the Environment
Parliament, but cannot the internal Æ the Operation Æ the Threats Æ back to
arrangements at his Department. The The National Security Stability. This creates
structural function should be the Minister as another balanced feedback loop. National
a Variable and the Department as a integrated development creates the
Constant. diplomatic campaign, will be participate in
international agenda and then make better
The Objective Civilian Control could international cooperation. Because the
receive help and assistance from Bureaucracy is better it will become easier
International Cooperation to strengthen the to invite Foreign Direct Investment. This
democracy and the Objective Civilian will trigger the industrial growth which is
Control also triggers other fields of very good for the macroeconomy as the
International Cooperation this will create a environment of the Operation to mitigate the
balance loop 3a (B3a). The Vision will threats that endanger to national security
strengthen National Security Stability and stability.
start the main feedback loop 4 or B4. This is
intended to mitigate the environmental The Vision will strengthen national security
obstacles with regard Politics, International stability and start the outer balanced
Embargo and Macroeconomy. The B4 cycle feedback loop 5 or B5. This is intended to
start from The National Security Stability Æ mitigate environment obstacles of the
the National Integrated Development Æ the environment, especially for the
Diplomatic Campaign Æ the International macroeconomy. The B5 cycle start from The
Agenda Æ the International Cooperation – National Security Stability Æ the National
the Compliance to IHL Æ the Defense Integrated Development Æ the Economic
Cooperation Æ the Operation Æ the Threats Development Æ the Foreign Direct
Æ back to The National Security Stability. Investment Æ the Industrial Growth Æ the
This is the balanced feedback loop 4. Macro Economy Æ the Environment Æ the
Operation Æ the Threats Æ back to The
This explains that the provision of a National Security Stability. This creates
conducive environment for national security Balanced feedback loop 5. National
stability will need specific arrangement for integrated development will creates the
national integrated development to create a Economic Development, which will lead to
diplomatic campaign, and then this will better International Cooperation (B4a)
followed with international agendas and Foreign Direct Investment have must be
from there to make better international invited to finance industrial growth which is
cooperation, which will lead to compliance constructive for macroeconomy as the
to IHL by Indonesia defense. This point will environment of operation to mitigate threats
make better and closer defense cooperation endangering national security stability.
to mitigate the embargo problem as an
obstacle for the operation to mitigate threats Then there is positive mutualism of
endangering national security stability. educational development and industrial
Objective civilian control also contributes to growth and vice versa, creating another
international cooperation to be more reinforced feedback loops R2. It means that
appealing to invite Foreign Direct industrial growth could be sustained by
Investments to come. This is because good educational development in terms of human
bureaucracy will create better certainty of resources and research, then educational
law and in the end make investment easier. development could be sustained by funding
and projects for industrial research and
The B4a cycle start from National Security development. With this holistic solution, it is
Stability Æ the National Integrated hopefully that internal, external, short,
Development Æ the Diplomatic Campaign medium term and long term problems can be
Æ the International Agenda Æ The solved systematically. But this restructuring

Muhammad,Tasrrif and Hartati, Redesigning the Structure of Republic
R Indoneesian Defense System;
S An Anaalysis of
Systems Th

proceess needs to be understoood that at the Dissem

mination and d Defense System
same time reorgaanization woould be needded Generiic)
to maatch the basic structure of solution. If b) The architecture off constitutionn
not, the new solution structture cannot be c) The im
mplication off national seecurity
used due as theere is no compatible
c a
and conceppt
suitabble organizattion to implyy the changess.
Thhe 1st aspecct is alreaddy known in the
To iinterpret Deefense Orgaanization inn a preevious systeem thinking analysis. Thhe 2nd
holisttic point off view, therre are 3 baasic asppect is show
wn below, nammely that in order
elemeents to be acquired; to operate the new defense system, first RI
aa) The systeem thinking model
m structture has to change her
h architectu
ure of constiitution
(based on
o Strategicc – Operattion first into universal architecturee of
Managemment, w
with Vission demmocratic connstitution.

Figurre 7. Democratiic Architecture Constitution Sccheme

ndarmin Ranadiireksa, 2007)

The 3rd aspect is the implicattion of natioonal expplains that national

n secuurity is the suum of
securrity conceptt resulted from
f the new
n sevveral aspectss, from militaary, intelligennce to
configuration of constitutionn that compllies thee Home Afffairs Dept. This is beecome
to Scheme Architecture
A e Democraatic Unniversal undeerstanding.
Constitution. Seee Figure below. Whhich

Figure 19. RI Neew National Security Perceptioon

The Assian Journal off Technology Management
Ma Voll 6. No.1 (2013)):16-36

Interppretation on basic integrrated RI’s new
n Clausewitz; 18874 and US S Defense website
defennse organizaational charrt is based on and is shown inn the next figgure 20 below
Huntiington; 19957, Ranaddireksa; 20 007,

Figure 20. RI New Defense Organization

(sourcce: Muhammad, 2010)

This is the new organizationnal chart of RI consulting with the Paarliament annd the
defennse system thhat suitable with
w the systtem National Seecurity Council).
thinkking structurre of RI neew Strategicc – 2. The Departtment of Defeense
Operaational Maanagement and RI new n The DoD is i Headed by the Minisster of
defennse system. This new defense
d systtem Defense, a political po osition. The main
organnizations features
fe thee wide sppan function off the Departm ment of Defeense is
manaagement (Purpura;11989) a
and to administter strategic managemennt and
organnization stylee and clear civilian-milit
c tary to obtain-bbe responsiible for deefense
domaain (Ranadirreksa;2007), which is very v funding froom the Parliiament. The DoD
comm mon in th he militaryy position in will providde the Unifieed Commannd and
demoocratic countrries. Military Juudicial with their needs and
strategic policy,
p in addition
a to plan,
The organization ns anatomyy of RI new n control and a evaluaation of their
Defennse System; performancce.
1. Prresident as thhe Highest Commander
C 2a. The Seccretary Generral
Thhe President will be assissted by 3 boddies This iss the top poosition of ciivilian
off defense, thhe Departmeent of Defen nse, civil seervants in the DoD. The job is
thhe Command d and Military Judicial and
a to man nage the Dirrectorate Generals
thhe National Security Council. The T of DooD. Mainlyy the Seccretary
Prresident is thhe Highest Commanderr in Generaal will prepaare military needs
thhe sense of o the Heead of Sttate using available
a funnding, in adddition
(HHendarmin 2004) not as Head of to forrmulate thee mid-long term
Government. The Presiddent have the solutio
on to defense problem.
rigght to use the Command in case of sttate 2b. The Joinnt Chief of Staff
inn emergenccy upon the Presiddent This iss the top po osition of military
Declaration of Emerrgency (affter public servants at DoD.
D The jobb is to
managge the Chief of Stafffs at

Muhammad,Tasrif and Hartati, Redesigning the Structure of Republic Indonesian Defense System; An Analysis of
Systems Thinking

Military Branches. Mainly Joint nearest threats position to

Chief of Staff will prepare the intercept. Another function of the
military basic units of each branch. Space Command is to control
3. The Commands. military telecommunications and
These are the military user in Operation surveillances satellites.
Management, directly under the Highest • The Special Operation Command
Chief. The Commands are divided into This Command is responsible for
two groups: Special Forces outside the
3a. The Unified Command jurisdiction of the Unified
When all branches join forces, they Command. The Special
form a Unified Command and will Operation Command is also the
be responsible for specific area. This home for Peacekeeping
is the core of military function. The Operation of the Republic of
Commandant of Unified Command Indonesia and the heavy user of
could be from any of the branches as the Special Forces from all
long as he / she has quality and military branches.
capability to be a Commandant of 4. The Military Judicial
Unified Command. The Unified It is directly operated under the Highest
Combatant could be an ad hoc or Commander independent from the
permanent Command, depend on the interest of the Unified Command
needs of the State. The academic Commander or Specialized Command
theory on this originate from Von Commander and the Joint Chief of Staff.
Clausewits Theory Order of Battle. It is responsible for criminal acts in the
3b. The Specialized Commands operation and violation of the National
These are the Commands of specific Military Law.
functions that must exist 5. The National Security Council
permanently in the defense system. This is a hybrid institution that has the
• The Transport Command function to assist the Highest
This Command is responsible for Commander in making decisions. The
sea-air-land transportation of Council consist of the Joint Chief of
military personnel, weapon and Staff, the Head of Intelligence, the
system anywhere and anytime. Minister of Foreign affairs, the Secretary
• The Space Command of States and other appointed expert staff.
This Command is responsible for
aerospace surveillance to support B) Benchmarking the New Defense System
air superiority. This Command Organization with Present Defense System
can scramble the fighter to the Organization

Table 1. Benchmarking the Present and New Defense System

Components Present Def.Syst New Def.Syst Notes

President As the Head of As the Head of State

Minister of -Policy and Budget Administrative and Present reality: a civilian Inst., but all
DoD Strategic P-CE strategic posts are occupied by military
-DoD civil institution personnel
-DoD hybrid institution

Secretary -Appointed by the Pres -Independent Career Present : the Secretary General is a military
General of personnel
DoD -Top of Civil-Mil -Top of Civil
Bureaucrats Bureaucrats New: Career regulate by law

The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol 6. No.1 (2013):16-36

Continue (Table 1. Benchmarking the Present and New Defense System)
Components Present Def.Syst New Def.Syst Notes
Directorate -Mostly by Military -Civilian personnel New: besides job of administration, also
General of DoD Personnel formulate the strategic trends, doctrines
-Administrative core and , systems development and defense
- 5 years of Orientation strategic thinkers R&D
at most
- medium-long term

Joint Chief of -Military Personnel -Military personnel New:focus on the coordination Chief of
Staff Staffs of military branch into integrated
-Held by Panglima TNI -Top of military Bureaucrats administration

-Top of all military -Focus on Mil.Buraucracy

Unified -Komando Mandala (ad -Ad Hoc and Permanent Present: the Permanent Operation only
Command hoc) depend held by each branch separately. Kodam
by Army CoS, Koarmada by Navy CoS,
-no Unified Command -Integration of all branches Koopsau by AF CoS

-the Commander could be

from any of branch

Chiefs of Staff -Military Personnel -Military Personnel New:focus on the preparationof the
basic units of their branches
-Command & - Administrative

Military -Separated under -Integrated Command, from Present: Except the fleet of Navy in the
Transport Kolinlamil of each all branch transport system Unified Command
-the Commander could be
from any of branches

Special - not Integrated -Integrated Special Forces, Presents: Special Forces are separated
Operation from all branch Special Forces in each branch and respond to the
Command command of their own CoS
-the Commander could be
from any of branches

-Peace Keeping center of ops

Military -Under the HQ of TNI -Independent Operation, just Present : possibility of vested interest
Judicial answer to the President from TNI and the use of top down
-in case of Human mechanism abolished the case/s
Rights violation the - the Commandant from any
trial will be held in the branch and expert on Law
Connect-city Courts
-Member of Military Judge
Advocate Generals could be
appointed from Civilian who
has been given special
military ranks

Nat. Security - not Present -Hybrid Institution Present: Law no 34/2004 instruction but
Council not yet realized
-Assist and Advice President
on National Security

Muhammad,Tasrif and Hartati, Redesigning the Structure of Republic Indonesian Defense System; An Analysis of
Systems Thinking

C) SWOT analysis of the new organization • Unprepared mentality of TNI high

of RI Defense System: ranking officers and politician.
Strength • The National Police position in
• Suitable with the system thinking national security.
structures of RI new Strategic – Opportunity
Operation Management and RI • Democratic Era.
new Defense system. • International Agenda on
• Providing the overall solution to Democratization, willingness to
Strategic-Operation problems. help.
• The full career possibility to the • Strengthen on Civil Society.
Staff path career and Combat Threats
path career • The Old paradigm of military
• An empirically robust system. domination.
Weaknesses • Unwillingness of the politicians (in
• Lack of understanding and the scenario might be collaborating
knowledge from the Parliament with the high ranking military
members as the law maker. officer).
• Requiring holistically approaches, • Democracy fail and back to the
including political reforms and authoritarian system.
when appropriate constitutional D) The Implications of the Benchmarking
amendment. Analysis

Table 2. Implication of the Benchmarking Analysis

Issues Present Def. Syst. New Def. Syst. Notes

Generals -the Panglima (****) Administration Present: Command is the
position highest rank Adm- lower than Administration
Command -Joint Chief of Staff
-the Chief of Staff
(****) Adm- -Chief of Staff (****) New: Full General could
Command be attained in the
Command career
-the Command
Unified Command (****)
(***)Command Specialized Command
-the Kodam
(**)Command Military Judicial (****)

Integration Not integrated in the Fully integrated system in New: an Integrated System
systems the Command designed by DoD

Military TNI -the Command and

Domain Military Judicial

-half part of the DoD

under Joint Chief of Staff

The Asian Journal of Technology Management Vol 6. No.1 (2013):16-36

Continue (Table 2. Implication of the Benchmarking Analysis)

Issues Present Def. Syst. New Def. Syst. Notes

Mission -See end notes -To win Sea – Air – Land

-to Safeguarding the


- Defend

Operation TNI The Command and

area Military Judicial

PACE TNI -P-CE: Department of Planning, Actuating,

Defense Controlling, Evaluating

-A: the Command and

Military Judicial

Strategic Department of Department of Defense Present: DoD is not in

area Defense control of the
implementation of the
Defense Strategy

Vision (long and complex) Maritime Defense Vision New: Emphasis on

strategic competitive

4. Conclusion and Recommendation 4.2. Holistically solution fr RI Defense

4.1. Problem of RI Defense System In the new RI model there wills be a control
In RI current model there is a problem in of the problem, starting with the State
controlling gap and resources, hence the Vision, which could create much wider,
Dephan – TNI creates a strategy to interrelated and holistic problem solving to
overcome that and to gaining control of the the root of defense sector problem. In order
situation. Nevertheless, the “unseen” to do so, the Constitution has to be reforme
reinforcing loop of the problem which is referring to Democratic Constitution
beyond the control of Dephan – TNI still Scheme (Ranadireksa;2007). The
exist to create an “out of control” situation implication of the wider national security
and matches in the archetype no 2 of out of could be the best atmosphere for the new
control (Wolstenholme;2003). The current system to work better than the previously
constitution also contributes to the narrow understanding of national security by
fundamental flaws of the defense system due the Police.
to the implication of separated functions
national security by the Police and national Acknowledgement
defense by the military. Highest appreciation and gratitude to :
Dr. Ir. Muhammad Tasrif, M.Eng, as Mentor
that assist and guide this research.

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