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Assignment 2

Due date:23-07-2022
Note: I won't accept the late assignment with any justification.
Create a static website using S3 bucket. Get a free domain name that contains your name.
Transfer that domain to AWS account and host a static website

Use cloudformation in AWS. Create a VPC with Private and public subnets. Deploy an html
website in public instance and its RDS database in private subnet. The domain name of the
website should be same as in Question 1
How to submit
Create a folder, Name of the folder is your name and roll number (YourName-yourRollno).
Create a word document inside the folder your just created. Name of the document is
your name and roll number (YourName-yourRollno.doc). You will submit it through
canvas (upload only .zip file). You need to add pictures of every step you have performed
using the AWS management console. On the top or below of every picture you need to
add the description of what you have accomplished in that picture. Zip the folder (folder
contains .yaml file and .doc file only) and upload it.

Reference material
Get free domain name

Hosting a domain
Material covered in class

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